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Problems activating Ice & Blood

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I'm trying to activate Ice and Blood, but I'm having problems reading the code right. There are no letter/number confusion, but it appears there are capital and small letters. Is this true, or are there just capital letters possible?


also, when I try the manual activation, according to the instructions I have to generate a request file, but I can't see where I need to do it.


can anyone help me?

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The code should be all uppercase I believe. As to manual activation...I think you need to go to the securom page and generate an activation file there and then browse to it in the window that pops up when running the game.


Theres some info on the bottom half of the page for Ice and Blood from securom here.

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Ok, so I've done all the things of the link you provided.at first, it didn't work. but this time, I was able to generate an activation request code, so I have a license file now. but windows doesn't recognize the file, and asks with which program it has to open the file with. I don't know which program that is, do you know?

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You need to open the license file with the window that pops up when you go to run the game. I haven't done it in a while, but if theres a manual activation button somewhere, click it and you should get to somewhere you can browse to your license file and it should do the rest.

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You need to open the license file with the window that pops up when you go to run the game. I haven't done it in a while, but if theres a manual activation button somewhere, click it and you should get to somewhere you can browse to your license file and it should do the rest.

when I search without the program, I can find the file under dowloads, but when I go to that map with the program, its empty.


any idea how to fix that?


Now my computer/the program is just being retarded. I copied the license file to documents, and this time it worked. I got the message "activation succesfull. press next to continue" I pressed next and the window shut. nothing happened on itself, somaybe I had to start the game. I pressed the desktop link and... the stupid activation program opened up again, as if I hadn't done anything.


very strange. any help? or do I need to contact securom for this?

Edited by Rathmiron
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I don't know...Try activating it again maybe? Restart the computer and try again? Its kindd of hard to troubleshoot this without seeing whats going on since as I said, its been a while since I had to do it. Contacting securom may be a good idea.

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they advised making a new account with administrator rights.

it worked! I can finally play the game with the CM patch

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they advised making a new account with administrator rights.

it worked! I can finally play the game with the CM patch


Kudos DB on your topic help here, Glad to hear you've gotten it going on your system. Welcome to CMPatch world!





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Ok, so I've done all the things of the link you provided.at first, it didn't work. but this time, I was able to generate an activation request code, so I have a license file now. but windows doesn't recognize the file, and asks with which program it has to open the file with. I don't know which program that is, do you know?


The manual activation process goes as follows:


1.) download the manual activation utility

2.) Run it (As Administrator) and enter your product key when prompted.

3.) This generates a file which needs to be saved somewhere you can find it.

4.) You need to then log into a web site (there should be a button or a link for it on the app)

5.) Upload the file to the site when prompted. It will generate a response file.

6.) Download said response file.

7.) Run the manual activation app again. Feed it the response file when/where prompted.

8.) If all went well, it will activate Ice and Blood.


HTH... Good luck..

Edited by wolfie2kX
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Ok, so I've done all the things of the link you provided.at first, it didn't work. but this time, I was able to generate an activation request code, so I have a license file now. but windows doesn't recognize the file, and asks with which program it has to open the file with. I don't know which program that is, do you know?


The manual activation process goes as follows:


1.) download the manual activation utility

2.) Run it (As Administrator) and enter your product key when prompted.

3.) This generates a file which needs to be saved somewhere you can find it.

4.) You need to then log into a web site (there should be a button or a link for it on the app)

5.) Upload the file to the site when prompted. It will generate a response file.

6.) Download said response file.

7.) Run the manual activation app again. Feed it the response file when/where prompted.

8.) If all went well, it will activate Ice and Blood.


HTH... Good luck..


You didn't read far enough down the thread wolfie, he fixed his problem already and is activated and running :)

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