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Ravaged Impact and Auto Attack

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I don't kow if it's me, or actual. I've noticed that pressing and holding the slot that holds my ranged weapon seems to shoot faster than, pressing and holding the CA slot that holds my Ravaged Impact ability, when holding that button down, it fires RI as soon as its off CD, and whiles its on CD it auto attacks depending on what weapon you have equipped (if last used a melee weapon it will auto attack melee swing if range weapon auto shot).


Now to mee it seems like the auto attack using the RI button is slower, is that by design, or my mind playing tricks on me, it seems like I'm not getting the double attack stack using it that way either.?

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I'm not talkinga bout the double attack that comes with modding RI, its a chance for a double shot with a ranged weapon, I forgot what skill it was connected too.

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I apologise, TyBudd... but I don't really know the question you are asking in the OP.


I'll take a wild stab at explaining... regular attacks can be executed at a faster firing rate than combat arts. But, Combat Arts have bonus hitchances, multiplier damages and modifications that make them much superior despite the longer execution time (and inherent regenerations).


Hope that helps!

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  • 3 years later...

To improve combat art execution time, stack "cast speed" on your gear (yes, "cast speed" improves execution time of ALL combat arts, including weapon-based, while "attack speed" on items doesnt affect combat arts at all). And dont overlevel your combat art - it receives a drastical multiplicative execution speed penalty, if leveled too high (usually, game assumes "normal" combat art level to be 1/4 of your character's level). Of course, if you use melee weapon, then execution time for some combat arts may vary greatly depending on class, weapon/skill used and being mounted. But for ranged weapons, equal attack speed and execution time will result into equal number of attacks/executions per second.

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Thanks for the knowledge dumps in these topics MortalKombat. They may be older threads but the info will always be useful to players.


Keeping in mind what you said about attack/cast speed, I'll have to double check that I got it right on the Wiki pages. Attack Speed item modifier doesn't increase weapon-based combat art execution at all? That doesn't sound right for some reason. What about the attack speed bonus from weapon lore skills and penalties from using weapons too low level? I feel certain they effect weapon-based CA execution speed.

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It's pretty easy to check. Open the inventory and hoover the mousepointer over the damage stats of your weapon. A new panel will open up, showing the regular attackspeed and the CA-attackspeed.


Thorin :)

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Thanks for the knowledge dumps in these topics MortalKombat. They may be older threads but the info will always be useful to players.


Keeping in mind what you said about attack/cast speed, I'll have to double check that I got it right on the Wiki pages. Attack Speed item modifier doesn't increase weapon-based combat art execution at all? That doesn't sound right for some reason. What about the attack speed bonus from weapon lore skills and penalties from using weapons too low level? I feel certain they effect weapon-based CA execution speed.

If you mean "Attack speed" modifier on items, then, YES, it DOES NOT affect combat arts at all.

However, attack speed penalty (apllied by using a weapon of too high level) does affect weapon-based combat arts too.

And as far as I know, attack speed bonus from weapon-specific skills (Ranged Weapons, dual-wielding, etc) DOES affect weapon-based combat arts execution speed (assuming you use an appropriate weapon, of course).

Attack speed/cast speed bonuses from buffs and temporary effects usually follow the same rules as those on items. I havent checked them all,though. But I'm confident in Dryad buffs (Sinister predator).

Edited by MortalKombat
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  • 2 weeks later...

The OP is referring to the console version, since to auto-attack in the console version you need to hold down the button for your equipped weapon/weapon-based combat arts instead of the traditional point-and-click you do on a PC.

To answer the OP, I've personally never noticed this on any of my dryads, it might be just your mind playing tricks on you/a problem with your system.

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The OP is referring to the console version, since to auto-attack in the console version you need to hold down the button for your equipped weapon/weapon-based combat arts instead of the traditional point-and-click you do on a PC.

To answer the OP, I've personally never noticed this on any of my dryads, it might be just your mind playing tricks on you/a problem with your system.

Thanks for the post Tyr, and welcome to DarkMatters!




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  • 3 weeks later...

Happy to clarify, nice to meet you guys.

Edited by Tyr
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