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Time To Play! Diablo 3 Servers

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Happy to see everyone here on the boards, here we go again!






p.s. hmmm, we need a Diablo smiley :P


1 55 am in teh morning, I'm in, add me t your friends list!






We're in HC, me, Schot and Ryan Rocker!






HC was a blast (literally ;) ) with Schot and gogo. Off servers now for a break, might be on later if time allows. Also thanks for the Let's Play thread startup^^ :)


HC is AMAZING. I spent so much time strategizing on being careful just to take out one beast. Love the adrenaline rush and the concentration I'm having to put back into gaming.


Yeah, I'm adcited

And...im' back, it's 11 13 pm here, heading back into servers with Schot, I've got a level 9 HC and Schot's a 14





Oh, knuckles, nooooooooooooooo! I feel your pain bro! I conked last night at level 15 too! oooo.gif My first toon died at around level 9, then I went through with Schot with him kind of power leveling me to level 11...it was about 4 45 am when I next looked at the clock... O.gif... I accepted a new encounter...BOSS! hORRIBLE boss...fire...everywhere...in my hair... fire in my hair... *gasp* *choke* ...


drama... D I E D


argh.. level 15/16 can't remember, in tears... time now 10 17... must... go ... baaaaaaaaaaack...




fifteen minutes, we're gonna make another power level run, who's in with me and Shot..


F O R F R O D O !







In 20 minutes we're gonna make a power run to level 10... anyone wanna come, meet us in the HC servers!






We're funneling all the money to schot's toon, focusing on creating a smith in his account we can share. Because of the + experience gear I saved from last time through, this time it was zippy through these early levels which were nightmare early.

Already at level 8!






EU servers are down :(


Barristan, can you get into NA servers?

We're three right now, we have room for another





Posted (edited)

Aye, I can, but no level 10 SC there... so no HC yet lol


edit: lag is even more horrendous for me there, no go, srry

Edited by Barristan

We just got out of our server, nothing was giving experience, we're not taking chances, we'll go in now to see if things are okay.

I thought we can use our toons in either EU or NA?






Nope, doesnt seem like we can :(


I had no toons when logged to The Americas


You can change servers but your toons are bound to the region they were made on. Also If I remember correctly, the stashes are region bound also


The client is barely 42% downloaded, but it says it is playable so I am going to give it a go. I will be on for about an hour, off for an hour and then on again for one more hour.


Just had some great times in soft core tearing up the Butcher with Zodiac and gogo :) They are still in there if anyone wants to just on the boss slaying train :butcher:


So how exactly does MP work in D3? Is it by invitation only?


I see what people say about the lag. Normally it is really good, about half what I had on Closed Net. Then without warning it just jumps through the roof.


If they're on your friends list you can jump right into their game from main screen. Otherwise I'm not sure how you would go about inviting others


So how exactly does MP work in D3? Is it by invitation only?


I see what people say about the lag. Normally it is really good, about half what I had on Closed Net. Then without warning it just jumps through the roof.



Lujate, me and and Zodiac and Kriv are in servers now, add me friends list gogoblender@hotmail.com






HC was a blast (literally ;) ) with Schot and gogo. Off servers now for a break, might be on later if time allows. Also thanks for the Let's Play thread startup^^ :)


An amazing time! Me and Ryan and Zodiac took out Butcher, finally! "bounce: That guy sucked my entire HC weekend killing my toon over at level 15... but this time, in SC, we were able to repeat it a few times, and finally figgered out a strategy with schot over shoulders too, and with some stun, we were able to keep butcher in his place.








So how exactly does MP work in D3? Is it by invitation only?


I see what people say about the lag. Normally it is really good, about half what I had on Closed Net. Then without warning it just jumps through the roof.



Lujate, me and and Zodiac and Kriv are in servers now, add me friends list gogoblender@hotmail.com







At it again. Trying to get the hang of it.


heading into sc servers now with the barb :)


So how exactly does MP work in D3? Is it by invitation only?


I see what people say about the lag. Normally it is really good, about half what I had on Closed Net. Then without warning it just jumps through the roof.



Lujate, me and and Zodiac and Kriv are in servers now, add me friends list gogoblender@hotmail.com








Lujate, please feel free to add me to your friends list on D3. I am mostly playing softcore at the moment.

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