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DarkMatters Celebrates
20 Years of Wyntertyde in Ancaria

From the Sacred 2 Christmas Island Soundtrack
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Old Memories

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I was digging around my hdd and found a nice pic of my brother and I on seraphim Island.




Awh! Good times that was. :)


That's a very nice shot. :)


heh, this pic thread dragged up some nostalgia from me. Always loved the deaths of the dragons, going up against these guys with a gang was always fun.






heh, this pic thread dragged up some nostalgia from me. Always loved the deaths of the dragons, going up against these guys with a gang was always fun.

Or by yourself, though as I played HC, I generally waited till I was sufficiently leveled/geared to be able to deal with the dragon relatively easily, but that's just my risk-averse nature ;).


heh, u still did well llama, you had a bevy of toons, and were able to field them with gusto when we were all on.





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