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Coffee and the washroom

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Because of the Tassimo, I received 14 extra packs of Decaf Coffee (Tim Horton's Brand :bounce:)

I was going to give one of my friends a bunch of them because he says he's very sensitive to diuretics.


What exactly in the coffee is the diuretic?


Is it the caffeine or something else?


Will switching to decaf stop the bathroom breaks?





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Every site you could look at says different things about this. Some say it is the caffeine, some say it has nothing to do with caffeine but rather how the beans are washed and prepared. Doctors always make, retract, and alter statements, because science is always evolving. When I was a wee lad, they told us that you can never drink too much water, but now they say too much water can kill you. Once upon a time, doctors used to write prescriptions for cigarettes as stress relief. So, for your friend, I'd say it's gotta be a case of trial and error. Oh, also, there is no decaf coffee yet that is 100% decaf, I learned that just the other day while on a business trip, which I have to talk to you about, I'll PM you, this is kinda important

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Caffeine gives you a kick. Too bad that your bladder and digesting system often gets a kick too, they work faster. No risc of dehydrating, if not in a desert, just working quicker.

Tea has same effect, sometimes caffeine and a cigarette is even a super boost.

Funny is that there is often a placebo effect with coffee, you know the possible effects so there will be the effects...

So Decaf coffee can have a placebo...

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True, but as Gilberticus said - NO coffee is 100% decaf.


Truth be told, the decaffeination process is seriously ugly as some of the processes used to remove the caffeine are rather nasty. You can read about it on this article on Wikipedia...

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Learned some new stuff from this, from all u guys


No coffee's pure decaf

Multiple claims made for the brew, leaving it kind of a mystery... but I love Chattius's answer a lot...that it definitely is a stimulant, hence the reason why everying is just "faster" ... that makes sense to me... so I'll pass out the decafs to my friend (yucky stuff) and see what he says.


Thanks for the answers guys





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