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19 Years of Wyntertyde in Ancaria

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Happy Birthday Knuckles!

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Happy Birthday Knuckles, hope it's a great day for ya :drinks:

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Holy Molee, woulda missed this, happy birthday good friend, Knuckles goin out for some sushi and crab?





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Yes... Happy Birfday Knuckles! Just do us all a favor - NO pink spandex! :D

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NO pink spandex! :D



Doulble promise us that Knuckles!!





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Happy bday! Hope there was cake! :D


And now I can't get that image of pink spandex out of my mind...

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Thanks guys :)


One more year til I'm officially an 'Old Man'

And since you said only pink spandex...well..umm...here you go...




Had a worse one but even I was scared a little and pretty sure it violated at least 6-7 of our rules :)

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u know...lol I was liking the new super man movie till now

gee tanks







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Happy Birthday Knuckles! :)

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I finally did get some time off though I had to delay it by 3 days. Worked out as I ended up getting the next week completely off. 9 days in a row has to be some type of record for me :)


Of course I spent all my off time working on the house. Other than July 4th and my B-day I spent at least 12 hours a day working on it. All new exterior trim and window trim/sills.


Btw I really really really detest window sills. What a PITA to replace (and I had to do it 26 times )

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well here it is...July 11th. Late as usual.


Back to playing Diablo 2 US West NonLadder once again. Taking a breather before the official release of Grim Dawn.


Happy B-Day Knuck. Hope you had a great day with friends & family.


I remain, :whistle:

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happy belated B-day Knuckles.

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heh, Robb you're just so awesome.

mind if I wish you again?

heh, the window sills...saw a massive post of yours about all the enthusiast hobby in you has undertaken... always impressive knuckles





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A second Happy B-Day:)


Hmm..what do you want lol


Home repair/renovation is proving to be quite a challenge...but I've always liked a good challenge so it's all good. Always love learning and the the sense of accomplishment you get when finishing a project

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Btw I really really really detest window sills. What a PITA to replace (and I had to do it 26 times )

Yeesh! I don't even want to imagine but good on you for pushing through it and all the rest. Love renovatin g but don't know enough or have enough tools.
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Btw I really really really detest window sills. What a PITA to replace (and I had to do it 26 times )

Yeesh! I don't even want to imagine but good on you for pushing through it and all the rest. Love renovatin g but don't know enough or have enough tools.

Actually same here...this is definitely not my area of expertise. I'm learning the hard way. I wasted a lot of lumber on the first window, more than I'll ever admit to :P


I bought several home repair books so had a good idea what to expect but putting that 'book knowledge' to practical use isn't as easy as it seems. Nothing ever goes exactly how the books show, especially with an old house. And my collection of tools slowly increases every time I do something like this. Best thing I have bought is a double miter saw. Saves sooooo much time.




One thing I would say is.....never let not knowing ever stop you. Saying I don't know how and stopping there to me is admitting defeat (and I hate admitting defeat lol) I am sooo stubborn sometimes (daughter is now laughing over my shoulder as I write this) She is saying that that is the under statement of the century.


I was totally clueless when I started but with some research and sweat I now know how to do them. And that sense of satisfaction was worth all the troubles and problems I had doing it :D

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