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This is my very first post on the forum, so I apologize if this is in the wrong area.

I came across the Scything Sweep Combat Art and noticed that the video really didn't do the art justice, since the user only attacks one enemy:

I've posted what I would consider an improved video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNmVNI38ASU

The CA in my video has no modifications.

I would like to submit my video (and maybe some others for other CAs) if it would be okay with you folks, but I'm not quite sure how to do so. Once the video is in Sacred Wiki's hands I have no problem deleting the video from my channel.


I still have the raw video file but I'm not quite sure how I should transfer it to the Sacred Wiki, should they want it.


I'm hoping someone here can point me in the right direction :)


Thank you very much.

Posted (edited)

I would like to submit my video (and maybe some others for other CAs) if it would be okay with you folks, but I'm not quite sure how to do so. Once the video is in Sacred Wiki's hands I have no problem deleting the video from my channel.


I still have the raw video file but I'm not quite sure how I should transfer it to the Sacred Wiki, should they want it.


I'm hoping someone here can point me in the right direction :)


Thank you very much.

Hi and welcome to the forums! :D You come at a perfect time, as me and administrator Schot are about to redo the Sacred 1 Combat Art videos! I'll let him know you've posted here in case he's missed it, but from what I've gathered we are going to be uploading directly to the wiki so keep that raw file handy :)

Edited by Ryanrocker

Actually... that IS a much better example of the CA. A tad short, perhaps, but longer than the original. And a much better example of what the CA is all about. Not quite the experience I've had - but then I've been going to town on baddies with a 2H hammer or axe most of the way - so that would account for the differences.


So yeah, that would be a welcome addition to the fold!

Posted (edited)

Hi Colton.


You do point out a good issue with my original videos (especially for the Area of Effect CAs), and I always felt that some of the videos were lacking (Demonic Blow always bugged me).

I've already created new videos for the weapon-based CAs, in the style which I did the Pelting Strikes and Assailing Somersault videos (to show different scenarios and different weapons), but I was waiting for the Wiki to be restored. I've also finished all of the videos which show the modifications to CAs (such as Flaring Nova's Impulse modifier).

I'll be uploading and changing those before August 6th (as that's when Dragon's Crown comes out, so I'll be busy with that).

If you feel that the new video doesn't quite capture the feeling of each CA, then I'd support a replacement. For the time being though, I have spent many hours on the new videos, so I'd like those to have a chance first.


Thanks for the support!


Edit: If you would like to contribute Dragon Mage videos, that would be greatly appreciated. As I am on the PS3 version, I can't actually make videos for the Dragon Mage.

Edited by Mystix123
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Colton, welcome to DarkMatters and it's glorious Wiki!

Thanks for wanting to help out with the video on the CA and the interest. Mystix is the member who did most of the work on the videos, I'm sure after seeing his new updates, more can be found for videographers as well. I think his offer of showing what he's going to update with is fair, and we can look to see what works.


Colton, if you're got a eye or interest for videos, there's actually some parts of the game that could use videos in the wiki, if yer still interested, for example the animations of what elemental glows look like, or even some of the item modifiers animated, this is instructive to playerrs, and shows how we distinguish them, or even videos of the enemies in combat, which we can add to the wiki page.


Sky's the limit, only set by your imagination!





Posted (edited)

Wow, YouTube takes forever to upload sometimes.

Got the SW updated videos up. These are the videos which have been completely overhauled:


I just realized that all of my SW recordings have been against Kobolds. Poor things. :)


Any input for tweaks? Are there any weapons in any of the videos which you feel exemplifies the CA better (thus should be moved earlier in the video)?


I'm planning on moving the last scene from the Scything Sweep video to become the first scene (before changing the videos on the Wiki itself), so now would be a good time to suggest further tweaks (while I'm in the editing phase).

Edited by Mystix123
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Now that's some serious badassery!


The whole point of scything sweep is to nail multiple enemies with 1 action. I'm thinking the bits of video showing him using it on just ONE enemy is kind of, well.. pointless. I think that was what the guy was complaining about in the other thread.


The 3rd sequence where he's got 3 enemies is good, The 5th one is also good.. The others.. eh... maybe not so much.


The Frenzied Rampage is good.


I would also suggest keeping the video recording to Ancarian Daylight hours. Doing videos in the relative dark hides detail. Daylight videos look much cooler.


The last segment of the last video - it seems to have been cut slightly short. He starts saying "Die with digni...." I dunno.. At least let him complete what he's trying to say...


Just my 2 cents worth..

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Mystix, well done! I overall think the videos are a marked improvement over the originals, and they are definitely sacredwiki worthy and show clarity.

This is great work, I don't know where you find the time, I will always remember the more than 150 videos you uplodated in that effort to place the videos on the page, and now your revamp is an even better distllation of your work.


Thank you!





Posted (edited)

Thanks for the input Wolfie.

Unfortunately, there are quite a few limiting factors in the original recordings (resulting in the original Scything Sweep video), generally due to my recording equipment back then (notice the different in audio quality). The original recordings that I had of Scything Sweep that involved multiple mobs were distracting, or were generally poor quality. In order to work around some of the other limitations (such as only having one character with an unmodded Scything Sweep), I had to manually level up new characters without choosing skills (can't edit characters/equipment on the PS3 version to speed the process up).

Unfortunately, this also explains why, sometimes, I have to choose a better quality clip recording during Ancarian night. In order to set up quality recordings, I have to grab the opportunity when it presents itself (according to obstacles in the environment which affect the camera, number of mobs, mobs placement, potential camera placements, etc). For example, the 41 seconds of Frenzied Rampage clips are from over 30 minutes of raw video and multiple attempts at recording the same CA. Not to mention that I can't actually save any loot/experience that I earn from doing this (as I need to be able to redistribute skills points and CA mod points freely, depending on what I'm recording).


I'm definitely going to switch around some of clips in each of the videos (I agree, the DW and 2H Sword versions of Sweeping Scythe have flare to them), but likely little will be removed. The purpose of some of the clips are to show the different animations (according to each weapon type), not to show how the CA is best used. I think I've managed to balance these goals fairly well for Scything Sweep, with all clips except one hitting multiple enemies. There were many where I was able to hit 3+ mobs, but the animation itself couldn't be seen well (which is why I started to only record against Kobolds).


As for the "Die with dignity" quote: I'll go back to the original video and see if I can extend that. There's probably a reason why I didn't do it in the first place (given the scenario, it's likely that I only paused long enough to provide a starting point for another CA), but I'll dig around and see what's there. If not, I'll likely take that clip out (as I noticed that I put the DW animation in twice...at the beginning and the end).


Thanks for the continued support Gogo.

As for the videos with the CA Mods, as I'm going to toy with the idea of using split-screen videos (original CA on the left, modified CA on the right). That will have a great deal of limitations also, so I won't have those done until later in August.
I'm also considering upgrading my recording equipment again, so I may re-record everything once more (in 1080p this time, as Sacred 2 is one of the few PS3 games which runs on native 1080p). I need to run a Cost/Benefit Analysis on this still, so I'll post further details if I do go this route.

Edited by Mystix123
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Great videos, Mystix--especially Frenzied Rampage v2. I like how you included the different weapon types :)


I have to say, it's really great that there are still people contributing and supporting the wiki. I've been following guides from you folks for years now. and I'd just like to say thank you :)

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I'll second Ryan's comment - having a split screen with multiple instances of the same CA with different mods would be very cool indeed.


As for 1080p... That would also be sweet - but keep in mind that when we post vids on the wiki, they will be limited to the default size of the embedded video. Not sure how much, if any benefit that will be. The one at about 15 seconds into the Scything Sweep is perfect as far as showing the CA and how it works - and it's not HD. Yes, HD is the in thing, but is it necessary? I dunno...


@ Coltonh65


Well.. We've all had a 7 month vacation of sorts... So that is likely the cause of the renewed interest in the wiki. People found new stuff here and there had no place to post it... So now that it's back up and running, well, there's bound to be a flurry of activity... That and now that we haven't had a chance to look at it for so long, we can see it again and we spot minor mistakes, and maybe see how things can be done to make it look better and be more informative. Fresh eyes and all that...


And it's about damn time you stopped lurking and made yourself known! We don't bite - much... :D Welcome aboard - again...

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Awesome progress guys! It's so nice to see all those videos popping up in the wiki. :) The width of videos is, as wolfie mentions, limited but maybe something like the video in the traveling merchant guide is a good approach.



If the filesizes are reasonable we could host the videos since youtube would probably break a video like the traveling merchant one.


YouTube would be able to handle the standard 1080p videos, and it would default to a lower quality for the Wiki link, but it could be viewed in higher quality by accessing the YouTube page itself.

Overall, it would improve the quality of each video on the Wiki (it wouldn't be as grainy), in exchange for minimal (milliseconds) additional load time.


Where I'm really debating about the 1080p is for the side-by-side videos. In order to keep the overall video at a normal/reasonable size (and avoid the issue which Schot posted an example of), each sub-video needs to be smaller. As a result (especially with standard definition videos), each video loses a ton of detail. I know with 1080p videos, it's entirely possible to have great quality sub-videos and stay within pretty much any overall video size restriction.

I had to use this same technique with a head-mounted display to create 3D stimuli for an experiment...and the sub-videos needed to be tiny to reduce eye-strain, thus 1080p was the quickest/easier solution. (Oh, ethical boards, always making my life difficult. One day I will move to a country where research ethics isn't required for perception experiments. :))


I'll run some tests tomorrow and see how different quality recordings turn out, and see if different sub-video trimming techniques would work as a feasible alternative.

If I can pull it off with something lower than 1080p, then side-by-side videos will happen for sure.


Wow. Sounds fascinating Mystix. I'm looking forward to what you'll put together. I used to have a lot of fun making videos and it's so cool to read about your experiment. :)


This really adds to the wiki.


OK.. Another question...


I know we can do videos... But what about just sound bytes? I mean OGG media files or MP3's?


Dang, I forgot to welcome you as well!

Welcome to DarkMatters Colton!


Split screenings on the CA Videos would be sharp! I'm excited to see how your tests on this work out.

As a side note Mystix, Schot had, earlier during Wiki creaetion, put in the SacredWiki Shield logo and sacredwiki.org on the face of his videos kinda like a watermark

is something like, for your new videos of course, be hard to do?

Here's what Schot had done before:



I kinda got addicted to watching every single video from Sacred last night!





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Wolfie: That's entirely possible (I can think of ways in Audacity, Adobe Premiere and via ripping the MP3 from a YouTube video), though I'm not 100% sure if I'd be able to separate the battle taunts from the combat sounds on the PS3 version (I'd have to check to see these are two separate categories in the volume options).


Gogo: I can't imagine it being very difficult. If you or Schot have that same watermark still, I can include it in future videos (and eventually insert it into the pre-existing videos).

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I'm gonna ask him

That would be awesome!!






Wolfie: That's entirely possible (I can think of ways in Audacity, Adobe Premiere and via ripping the MP3 from a YouTube video), though I'm not 100% sure if I'd be able to separate the battle taunts from the combat sounds on the PS3 version (I'd have to check to see these are two separate categories in the volume options).


Gogo: I can't imagine it being very difficult. If you or Schot have that same watermark still, I can include it in future videos (and eventually insert it into the pre-existing videos).


I have an even easier solution. The PC version has files that are easily accessed. They're all small OGG media files and it's just a matter of finding the right one in the right folder. I've already located the 3 files for the Easter eggs I've found for the Seraphim, the Dragon Mage and Shadow Warrior I posted on the wiki. It would be nice to provide the actual sound bite...


I also came across a tool that can make (assemble) videos and sound bits to make videos that can be uploaded. It's called Videopad Video Editor and it's free to try... It's fairly basic and straight forward. You can layer stuff - adding that watermark would be a piece of cake with this little app.


I've already played around with it a bit - and used a picture file as a background for the sound bytes. The output seems to be fairly tight as well.


As a side note Mystix, Schot had, earlier during Wiki creaetion, put in the SacredWiki Shield logo and sacredwiki.org on the face of his videos kinda like a watermark

Heh, can he post that in this thread/PM those of us who will need it? Should just be an overlay layer of those images on the video. Pretty excited to start the S1 vids over here :D


I'm on it! Can't find it but I'm on it, haha. I've had a hectic week so this might take a bit of time.

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