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DarkMatters Celebrates
19 Years of Wyntertyde in Ancaria

From the Sacred 2 Christmas Island Soundtrack
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The daughter of my wife's brother is marrying. She asked if our 8 year old would play the entry song on the organ: Amazing Grace


In germany there are two translations of the english original. One is close to the original and one by lena Valaitis is a more joyful text, away from the original.


The husband is from a lutherian germam/american family. So the question is: will there be problems playing the joyful german version.


Here is the german text with a english translation and a link to Lena Balsitis peforming the song.



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I prefer the happy version. The sad version belongs in funerals and is often played there, like at my father's.

Edited by Ysne58
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I'm for the happy version as well. I heard it many time while growing up, it connects to really happy moments in my life, I think it's celebratory.




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Will any of the husband's guests be non-German speakers? Perhaps in the program put the words in both German and English with the note "Melody: Amazing Grace". This lets anyone unfamiliar with the German version know what is intended.

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Probably there will be a written program.

Just to be sure that weddings here have exercises and tests included.


When I married our friends removed a wheel from our wooden horse tracked wedding wagon while we were at church. We had to repair the wagon before we could leave the church place. Exercises are often chosen by the family business of the couple. My father in law was a car mechanic and my family were wood workers. So the exercise was chosen to represent both families.


The church door was blocked by a big trunk. We had to saw it away using a century old two people saw. The saw thing is very common, it shows the people that you can work together.


We married pre-digital so some quick photos from the internet to show

Most often people are in clubs, like soccer, firefighters,...

The club does a honour guard and places the trunk



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Still 4 weeks till the marriage.

Saturday at a marketplace in a small town not far away when trying to buy some flowers for the graveyard:

I thought I saw all , but playing 'Stand up for the champions' from Right said Fred when marching into the church was something new.

Well the couple seems to be funny. They were the prince and princess of a carneval club last season I was told.


Hope our niece doesn#t change everything when hearing what others did.


What is planed at the cremony: Ja (Yes) from Silbermond





I’m lost in the midst of you,
make me a fighter without a visor
Everything’s turned, my senses are reeling ¹
I’m so hopelessly intoxicated by you

You warm me up with the way you are
and you don’t leave a centimeter untouched
You flood all my levels with hope
for a genuinely real life before death

And yes, I breathe you
yes, I burn for you
yes, I live for you
every day

and yes, you mirror me
and yes, I swear by you, and every fiber in me ²
says yes

It still isn’t always so easy to believe
how you look past most of my faults
You ground each of my thoughts,
lend your wings when doubt prevails

And yes, I breathe you
yes, I burn for you
yes, I live for you
every day

and yes, you mirror me
and yes, I swear by you, and every fiber in me
says yes

Yes to every day with you,
yes to every fault you have
Ashes and gold, I’ll shoulder it all with you ³
‘cause I am and remain lost
in your midst
in your midst
‘til the curtain falls

And yes, I breathe you
yes, I burn for you
yes, I live for you
every day

and yes, I love you
and yes, I swear by you, and every fiber in me
says yes

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