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Diablo hangs his head in shame

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Hehe yeah, sometimes the ai focuses on the minions you have. My latest witchdoctor can have up to a dozen creatures on screen taking all the focus and I sit back and channel away...can't wait til I complete the set which makes the little fetishes last until they die instead of some duration.

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Actually I realised why it was when I hit level 60 earlier and gained access to the Wolf rune. The Boar has a taunt ability apparently. I just wouldn't have thought Diablo would have fallen for it!

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For shame Diablo! Fooooor shame... Haha. Nice one Steerpike. Yah boar Diablo to death huh! Nyuck Nyuck! :D

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Yah boar Diablo to death huh! Nyuck Nyuck! :D

and here I was thinking the jokes would be better by now :dry:

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I finally took on Diablo again for the first time on PC in about a year last night. I had been dreading it, but went for it with a level 54 Demon Hunter. I had Companion with the Boar rune as one of my skills. I'm not sure if it has always been the case, but the Boar seems to be indestructible. Any way, the first two stages went pretty well, but I knew the third stage is the toughest... except Diablo completely ignored me and focused on my boar! I only had to stand behind him using Rapid Fire while he tried and tried to kill my boar! I'm sure that's not quite how the Prime Evil was meant to be taken out. It made me laugh though!

Love the Boar! When ever I feel like taking chances, porky comes into play :bounce:

I never knew he could draw fire like that though





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