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Yes, been away from FDM for a long time... but... S3... whaaaat?


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What happened to our favorite franchise guys? Why are they destroying it?


I am heartbroken. I just wrote a long petition on the steam forums to fans not to buy this full-priced game. 50€ for a simplified arcade-style excuse for an ARPG? Oh , my goodness...



It is just unfair... I was so looking forward to reconnect to all my friends here on FDM, whom I miss a lot, through S3 and reminisce of the good times we had in Sacred 2 in all those hundreds of hours dumped online. And now this... I'd rather take a slap in the face than a game that does away with everything that made S1 and Sacred 2 great...

Edited by Dobri
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It is just unfair... I was so looking forward to reconnect to all my friends here on FDM, whom I miss a lot, through S3 and reminisce of the good times we had in Sacred 2 in all those hundreds of hours dumped online. And now this... I'd rather take a slap in the face than a game that does away with everything that made S1 and Sacred 2 great...

Welcome back Dobri! :hugs: Yes, the Sacred 3 news has been less than exciting. p issed a few of us off as far as I can tell, and confused many more. ARPG has 3 components to it and it looks like they left out the Role-Playing part, shifting the focus entirely to action. But just as SX255 said, there is hope for us in Unbended! Old Ascaron devs got together and are starting their own kickstarter game :D

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Good to hear again from you Dobri. I'll most likely end up playing Sacred 3, but it certainly won't keep me busy for a long time. Ryan and SX255 are right, Unbended looks a lot more promising. In the meantime I started playing Divinity : Original Sin, there's a topic about it.

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Hey Dobri..good to hear from you.....I think if they had named the game anything other than Sacred 3 they wouldn't be getting the backlash they are experiencing now. Any other name and we would simply be judging it on face value alone. But when you tie it to a franchise known for certain play style like open world, well the comparisons are unavoidable. And if you deviate from that legacy-people are going to be upset.


Either way it doesn't look like a game I will ever be interested in. I would have felt better knowing the Sacred series died with Ascaron than watching what it has now become with Deep Silver. It's like the company just didn't care or understand what the fan base wanted or expected.


I haven't looked at Unbended too much yet but plan on giving it more of my attention soon. Just knowing several of the developers are former Ascaron employees is enough for me to place some trust in their endeavor.

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I am so happy to hear from you all too. Can't say I miss playing Sacred 2 much, but I sure miss all the people I got to know in it. I think now and then have have you lot been doing - I hope all's well :)


As for S3 - I may or may not give it a go when they reduce it seriously. I just can't accept a "Casual" tag on steam for S3. This franchise has never been for casual people... It has been for the likes of us - hardcore gamers who dont mind getting their hands dirty, tweaking, optimizing, and owning it all.

Edited by Dobri
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As for S3 - I may or may not give it a go when they reduce it seriously. I just can't accept a "Casual" tag on steam for S3. This franchise has never been for casual people... It has been for the likes of us - hardcore gamers who dont mind getting their hands dirty, tweaking, optimizing, and owning it all.


I wouldn’t call the series “for hardcore gamers only” ether. Yes, the first two games have challenging adventures, grinding moments and item optimizing necessities. But the games also came with the option to just ignore battling every enemy in sight to go exploring the beautiful details of the world. You don’t need to study tons of graphs to enjoy the RolePlaying part of the game.


Still, I agree, the games are too memorable to get a "Casual" tag

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Great to see you pop in Dobri :)


It's been a long while now since Sacred 2. And unfortunately will be a while longer until we may see something similar. As others have mentioned though, there is hope in unbended.

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What happened to our favorite franchise guys? Why are they destroying it?


I am heartbroken. I just wrote a long petition on the steam forums to fans not to buy this full-priced game. 50€ for a simplified arcade-style excuse for an ARPG? Oh , my goodness...



It is just unfair... I was so looking forward to reconnect to all my friends here on FDM, whom I miss a lot, through S3 and reminisce of the good times we had in Sacred 2 in all those hundreds of hours dumped online. And now this... I'd rather take a slap in the face than a game that does away with everything that made S1 and Sacred 2 great...



wow soooooooo long!

Yeah, the way this game went was a heart breaker, and a little bit of my gaming soul slipped away...or is that just me getting old :P

So far, we're getting what we've been craving from Unbended, and the heart of the x Ascaron/Sacred team seems to be over there. If you read their posts, it's got that great feel and dialogue from devs we've all been yearning for.

Though, as point of note, interesting to see that a game as really loved as ours could get so transformed, I'm seriously not sure it's what the fans want.

Poor Sacred, now relegated to status of a *gasp* flash game?





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and to stay on topic... I found this video of a spanish game show doing S3 gameplay preview:

Thanks for this, I hadn't really seen any video gameplay till now. After looking at it, might be fun to smash through some mobs with the local coop mode for the consoles...BUT it's not on current gen, so it kind of defeats the purpose :/

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and to stay on topic... I found this video of a spanish game show doing S3 gameplay preview:

After looking at it, might be fun to smash through some mobs with th elocal coop mode for the consoles


Thats how I see it too. Focus appears to have been way more on the action/hack-and-slash side of things as opposed to the rpg part.

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Welcome back, Dobri. Good to see you, even if a bit on the heartbroken side of things. :) At this point... there really is little to nothing else left to be said about S3. All we can do is wait and see if the game will be successful or not... though I am reminded of Capcom and the direction they took with the Resident Evil series, along with the crap the company received especially for their sixth entry into the franchise. Or with DmC: Devil May Cry when they handed development over to Ninja Theory, and the controversy THAT one received. Yeah... >>;

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Hey Dobri, welcome back :)


I feel the same way about S3. As a huge fan since 2004, it's is a big let down to see the direction it has headed in.


Unbended on the other hand looks like the game S3 should have been. Hopefully some time in the future we can all hook up and slay some monsters in it.

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Just pre-ordered S3 on Steam, then I went to the steam forums...There certainly not much love for S3 on the steam forums. Have I made a mistake in pre-ordering S3?

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Just pre-ordered S3 on Steam, then I went to the steam forums...There certainly not much love for S3 on the steam forums. Have I made a mistake in pre-ordering S3?

That is for you to decide when you actually get to play the game

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I am so happy to hear from you all too. Can't say I miss playing Sacred 2 much, but I sure miss all the people I got to know in it. I think now and then have have you lot been doing - I hope all's well :)


As for S3 - I may or may not give it a go when they reduce it seriously. I just can't accept a "Casual" tag on steam for S3. This franchise has never been for casual people... It has been for the likes of us - hardcore gamers who dont mind getting their hands dirty, tweaking, optimizing, and owning it all.

HC, exactly. Sacred Franchise made all that delicious micro-managing a delight... and for the fans who just wanted to keep it simpler, quests abounded with a delicious map, one of the largest of it 's kind at the time.

Sacred had always broken ground, not sure if this new incarnation will have that kind of pioneer spirit.

I'm an optimist, hoping there will be something that can raise my bpm





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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm glad they've taken the route that they did with Sacred 3 as I would have felt I was missing out on something had they stuck to the Sacred formula. After the way console gamers were treated by DS (being told bug fixes etc were on their way, only to be shafted and fed more lies), I haven't bought another DS game since and never will.


All Deep Silver needed to do was act with some deceny and honesty by telling us we were unlikely to recieve future patches and I and most other console gamers would have accepted that, but they chose to string us along in the hope of selling a few more units on the 360 before the game hit the bargin baskets. Hell, just look at the state of Risen on the 360 to see how little they care about the crap they shovel onto consoles.

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Gamers are more forgiving these days? Now that is a very interesting statement. I'm not being sarcastic or trying to be a troll here, I find it intriguing because it's the antithesis of what I considered gamers to be. The last time I checked gamer feedback, the consensus seemed to have a flavor similar to " The game 'fill in the blank' in my opinion is the epitome of it's genre. Now, I'm not expecting anyone to ever come out with a game that exceeds it, but dude, seriously, if you can't come out with a game that matches it in the areas of blah, blah blah, and blah blah blah, don't you dare try to bring that crap around here, cuz I ain't biting". If gamers are more forgiving, I wonder what happened to make us as a whole so complacent that we're gobbling up any crap they lay before us like an underfed Pac-Man?

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For me it was enough to look at the Steam user reviews here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/247950/reviews/?browsefilter=toprated&filterLanguage=english


Out of English, Russian and German opinions, almost all are of "negative" "don't buy" kind, and even those that are posted with thumb up turn out to sound negative in the message text (maybe people just forgot to change the icon to negative). The most positive opinions I've seen so far are along the lines of "If you like action packed combat you can spend some fun hours here. If you look for another Sacred 1 or Diablo, this will be the wrong game for you."


Honestly, even the games that are not liked by critics tend to get more positive Steam reviews that Sacred 3 got so far. Maybe that would change with time, as now the forums are filled with rage of old fans who preordered the game. But I don't think that if more that a few people called the game boring and able to occupy you for only a brief period of time it would get a solid fan base no matter how much time passes.

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