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Yes, been away from FDM for a long time... but... S3... whaaaat?


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I can't understand why they wouldn't include loot drops? That just feels like a major oversight.

Edited by PurpleSpace
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I'm not gonna give this game a try. I want to cry.

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A case of "loot is too complicated for players to handle!". Imagine the horror for the co-op experience if players had to stand around for 3 seconds looking at gear! Totally breaks the flow!


Well, except that breaking the flow is generally a good thing, since it makes the normal gameplay (killing monsters) less repetitive.

It is the reason most games try to make you 'waste' time juggling the inventory, go back to cities to sell, repair or whatever.


Might also be because a good loot system is fairly difficult to make. Much cheaper just to throw it out the window...

Just look at the mess Diablo 3s loot was at release. They also had this idea that itemization had to be really simple and easy to understand. Noble goals I guess, but not if it comes at the cost of being able to customize your character through your decisions - which kinda ought to be the most central element of an A-RPG.


But then, Sacred 3 is not an A-RPG at all. It reminds me more of Bastion, Transistor, or Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light. With the difference that those are of a better quality of course.


Some unkind reviews coming in:



Edited by Shadout
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I'm glad I didn't get the game. It's really a big letdown to me after all these years of waiting.. this rubbish is what we get?

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I always felt loot was one of the greatest aspects. Especially when something really nice drops. I know it was always hit and miss. But the pleasure of finding something really special makes sacred unique.

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As an ex Sacred 2 player myself, I feel your pain.

There are two types of reviews for this game, the first type is from people who never played the original and judge game based on its merits, and the second type is all the people who remember the first two games and are crucifying it for what its left out.

I had been looking for info on this game for the last few weeks, the general lack of game play videos was a worry. Then they release game before the review embargo is over, as a means of getting people to buy it blind.

All Sacred 3 has achieved is open my eyes to Unbended and get me to buy Sacred 2 gold again off Steam (I only stopped playing cause I couldn't find my install key for the expansion, and had to walk away from a game I enjoyed). Does the community patch work with steam version?

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There are two types of reviews for this game, the first type is from people who never played the original and judge game based on its merits, and the second type is all the people who remember the first two games and are crucifying it for what its left out.

I also have a feeling that there are two types of reviews for the game, but not the ones you listed. I feel that one type comes from people who expected an RPG and people who bothered to complete the game, and the other is written under the first impressions by people who were more willing to get the review out sooner than to make it entirely comprehensive. As to why - all of reviews except for "old fan's rage" ones mention that the game has good dynamic start. But then the more serious ones mention that it shows all it has to offer in the first couple of hours, and all subsequent levels are just repetition of the same. Even a character class change does not bring much variety to gameplay, because all characters play about the same, so the game becomes stale and boring soon enough.


Does the community patch work with steam version?

From what I remember, it does. Its developers sure did test it on the Steam version.

Edited by Silver_fox
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I watched a video or two of the game, I saw the event with the switch that needs to be hit 6 times, then later I found out that this event is repeated multiple times, and worked out I had seen almost all the game. There are only 3 monster types... (yells expletives), this game has no depth.


The reviews by Jim Sterling & Total Biscuit are all you need to watch to have seen half the game.

This and Sacred Citadel feel like an attempt to kill the series. It was already dead, this is stomping on its grave. I wouldn't be surprised to find out the makers of Unbended tried to get name and this is DS response. Its just as well Unbended has another name as the Sacred name is now tarnished.


I watched Dobri's Youtube video just now.

Edited by colif
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I could not have said that better... More than anything I felt betrayed.. All this time... And for a flash game




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He even said it in bulgarian. well... GG. I will still buy the game, as soon as it hits the 10-15€ price. More? no.

Edited by Dobri
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Yes there is a tear in my eye. I'd love to see everyone again. So fun battling and cooking up theories and strategies. Hopefully I can meet up with many of you in another game. The problem is to hear who is who.

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It is quite simple really... Gamers nowadays became extremely forgiving. Many think that I overstate things in my rant. I guess people like button mashers more and more now. Hell, next thing we know, Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter will put a big red X on its dozens of years of legacy, and turn into an isometric 3D corridor button masher with an occasional "get over here!", and people will still sing their praises about it.

More forgiving? Depends on the group you talk to. Fanboys who, as one youtuber so eloquently put it, worship pieces of plastic, pretty much go beyond mere 'forgiveness', and hit along the levels of 'eat any <expletive> you shovel'. Actual fans, on the other hand? The type who care enough about a game to express their real feelings? The most 'forgiveness' you might see would be a 'try and see for sure' approach, just so, at worst, they don't feel 'judgmental'. Beyond that? Torches, pitchforks, guns, bombs, and anything they could get their hands on including the proverbial kitchen sink. Either that, or we don't buy their <expletive>, which is still the best way to show them exactly how forgiving we truly are.

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Yep. Not buying it, Unbended looks like a better option.

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just had to drop this here.

the amount of flak this game has gotten is Rampant, and tbh I think mostly rightly so. the steam community has exploded once more.


honestly though all good and bad sides of the game aside....

Sacred 1&2 vs Sacred 3

its like they made the next command & conquer without telling anyone this time its gonna be a hidden object game.

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its like they made the next command & conquer without telling anyone this time its gonna be a hidden object game.

I remember the Red Alert 3 – Uprising Commander's Challenge, a.k.a. "how many war crimes can you commit in under 5 minutes on your own troops to win"

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I just recenlty watched a Gameplay video of Sacred 3. seraphim is Bald !! :(((

No buy.

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LMAO. I lost it on this. Anyway... looking at Joe's rinse and repeat, happily mixed up with "suffer falling blocks from sky in a tight corridor" gameplay, spruced up by 2 min long side quests, I am sure as hell that this game went down to the 10$ margin. I still maintain that the voice actor for Aria is cute, but they overdid it with the comments.


Joe's comments were more fun. Like that voodoo totem gibberish or that judging part. Holy, hell, I was laughing my backside off when he did it.


It is painfully clear that poor Keen Games didn't know what they were doing.

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