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[Dev] Diablo 2 Fallen mod for Sacred 2


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Posted (edited)

Did anyone actually install the fonts that came with the download? Without knowing that I can't know whether they work or if people just aren't bothering with installing them and thinking something is bugged. The "fix" is just reverting the font changes back to the default - which is not really a fix at all.

Edited by Flix

I'm having problems with texts too. I used 7zip to extract the files, put them in the GME; the same as I've done with all your mods. Should I have done something different?


Did you install the fonts? I feel like a broken record here. I'm still not sure if the fault is in my instructions (I.e., people don't understand what I mean when I say "the fonts needed for the interface are located in the pak/fonts directory of the mod") or if the problem is that the fonts don't function in certain setups.


It is extremely unlikely that the fonts needed to view the text in D2F are already installed on your system. The fonts are:


exocet heavy.ttf

exocet light.ttf


To ensure that people can see the text I've provided the fonts for install on your system, so you don't have to track them down. They are located in the pak/fonts directory of the mod. Double click them and then click "Install." The font is now installed on your system, making the text of D2F appear in-game (hopefully).


If I could get a straight answer on whether anyone with text problems has actually done this, maybe we can go on troubleshooting from there.


The "fix" (I'm using exaggerated air quotes here) described above is less than ideal since the size of the text has been tailored to the new fonts. Changing them back to the vanilla ones will result in tiny text.


Oops, my apologies, I just took the whole shebang (local, pak, scripts, and system), and threw them in the GME, under the illusion that it would install everything. I hadn't gone in to the scripts files and manually installed anything. But once I had done this, it fixed everything. My bad. I never looked at the instructions, just put it in the GME as I had with everything else.

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Seems I missed that step as well. It works perfectly now <3

Thank you Flix!

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Posted (edited)

Thanks a lot Flix! Great mod!

Some bugs, though, are bugging me:

1. My favorite paladin has but 4 melee attacks - zeal is too slow, vengeance is too plain, charge is too uncontrollable and SMITE is very nice but buggy - my character freezes and I need PC res. :(

2. Fanaticism bugs my party players, making their attack speed insane. It happens only if I have turned it on before them joining the party. After it happens, even if I turn it off, the insane speed remains - only to party members.

3. Half my sets are with textures problems or invisible - Sophia's thing, Paladin's virtue, etc.

I trust in your help! :)

Edited by skanatov
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I have some issues with the mod too. Not big but annoying. The Battle orders buff of the Barbarian is bugging out when I play in a party. It makes it so that my party members "see" that their health is rapidly decreasing to a point where all of their health is gone in a second even though I see on my end that they don't take any damage.

Also another strange bug in multiplayer only. After a point in the game, all of my stats start to increase constantly. Attack, defense, damage go up every second. I've seen them go up to 30K! even though they feel normal and I don't one shot creatures.

Also as Skanatov said, many textures of sets and uniques are missing or are replaced by red crosses where there was supposed to be a texture.

Otherwise thanks to your mod I am playing Sacred 2 again. Good job! :)

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Thanks a lot Flix! Great mod!

Some bugs, though, are bugging me:

1. My favorite paladin has but 4 melee attacks - zeal is too slow, vengeance is too plain, charge is too uncontrollable and SMITE is very nice but buggy - my character freezes and I need PC res. :(

2. Fanaticism bugs my party players, making their attack speed insane. It happens only if I have turned it on before them joining the party. After it happens, even if I turn it off, the insane speed remains - only to party members.

3. Half my sets are with textures problems or invisible - Sophia's thing, Paladin's virtue, etc.

I trust in your help! :)


Thanks a lot for posting Skanatov! I hope to improve the mod based on feedback like yours.

1. Well, what other melee attacks from Diablo 2 would you like to have? 4 is a normal amount of melee CA's for Sacred 2 characters. I couldn't get Conversion to work with melee attacks, so there's not really much else I can think of.

I can speed up Zeal, though I would probably reduce damage for balance.

I think Vengeance looks good. It has more interesting visual FX than both the D2 original or any Sacred 2 hard hit CA, like Soul Hammer. I can increase the power though if it's not useful enough.

Charge takes some getting used to, that's all I can say. It is hard to control but the damage burst at the beginning is useful - maybe it should be more powerful? As it is, it might be more useful as a traveling/escape skill.

Smite is buggy, I admit I've had trouble with it too. Sometimes it won't fire and the Seraphim just kind of freezes. This is actually a pre-existing problem with Assailing Somersault that carried over to my new CA. It shouldn't require a restart of the computer though, just repositioning of the character. Is it actually freezing or crashing the game for you?


2. I've read similar stories about the Seraphim's Battle Stance doing the same thing. I fear this may be a hard-coded problem. I may need to disable party benefits from buffs.


3. Do you have the Community Patch v. 1.50 installed? I'll check the scripts and make sure I didn't mess up anything.



I have some issues with the mod too. Not big but annoying. The Battle orders buff of the Barbarian is bugging out when I play in a party. It makes it so that my party members "see" that their health is rapidly decreasing to a point where all of their health is gone in a second even though I see on my end that they don't take any damage.

Also another strange bug in multiplayer only. After a point in the game, all of my stats start to increase constantly. Attack, defense, damage go up every second. I've seen them go up to 30K! even though they feel normal and I don't one shot creatures.

Also as Skanatov said, many textures of sets and uniques are missing or are replaced by red crosses where there was supposed to be a texture.

Otherwise thanks to your mod I am playing Sacred 2 again. Good job! :)


Hey LuckyMole, thanks a lot for posting.

1. I've had this bug report before. I'll have to either change the Max. Hitpoints bonus to HP Regen % or else turn off the party benefits of the buff. I think most if not all party buffs may be bugged in a way I can't fix.

2. Maybe this is happening because you have a party member with a buff that benefits you. It's looking like these buffs just don't behave as expected. I've seen reports of party members' stats increasing constantly with Battle Stance. This may be the same thing.

3. See my response above. Make sure the Community Patch 1.50 is fully installed before installing D2F. The only way my mod could have broken these sets' textures is if I packaged the wrong surface.txt, which I did not. So I think it's an installation problem.


Thanks a lot Flix! Great mod!

Some bugs, though, are bugging me:

1. My favorite paladin has but 4 melee attacks - zeal is too slow, vengeance is too plain, charge is too uncontrollable and SMITE is very nice but buggy - my character freezes and I need PC res. :(

2. Fanaticism bugs my party players, making their attack speed insane. It happens only if I have turned it on before them joining the party. After it happens, even if I turn it off, the insane speed remains - only to party members.

3. Half my sets are with textures problems or invisible - Sophia's thing, Paladin's virtue, etc.

I trust in your help! :)

WhiteLG, skanatov, and LuckyMole, I'm here to also welcome you to DarkMatters!
The work on this mod from Flix and Silver has been drawing in fans from all over the globe.
We're happy to have you here with us!

Thanks for the good answers, Flix! And again, much thanks for the great mod work done.

The problem is not with the number of attacks of the paladin - 4 is ok. I will get use to charge and I see benefit of using it. Zeal definitely needs to be redone - faster attack at least. Vengeance should be improved a little - as damage or visual effect. And finally SMITE - not my favorite diablo 2 skill, but my favorite Fallen Mod skill - which regretfully is too buggy. Please fix this beautiful teleport-hit :)

Everything else I could tolerate :)

And keep up with the good work!

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Posted (edited)

Thanks for the good answers, Flix! And again, much thanks for the great mod work done.

The problem is not with the number of attacks of the paladin - 4 is ok. I will get use to charge and I see benefit of using it. Zeal definitely needs to be redone - faster attack at least. Vengeance should be improved a little - as damage or visual effect. And finally SMITE - not my favorite diablo 2 skill, but my favorite Fallen Mod skill - which regretfully is too buggy. Please fix this beautiful teleport-hit :)

Everything else I could tolerate :)

And keep up with the good work!

No paladin ever had a teleport hit. :P Especially semi-sluty ones :)

Thanks for the response Flix! I thought that the texture thing might not be related to the mod, but I was uncertain to what was since I have the golden edition and thought it was patched to final version. After the CM patch, eveything is good.

One more thing I am curious about - those little charms that drop that require alchemy. Are they with permament effects or are they like normal potion or like D2 charms? Because it reads "right click to use" and they make a sound of a potion, but at the same time in D2 they were just working in your inventory. Not certain if I want to grab alchemy if they are like temporary potions with a unique effect.

And thank you for the welcoming gogoblender! :)

Edited by LuckyMole

Alchemy charms have temporary effects like potions. They have shorter durations but stronger effects. I've been meaning to make a post explaining all about them.

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They have shorter durations but stronger effects.

noone's ever summed them up like that before

I used to love Alchemy after seeing Chattius's use of them and was hoping to one day put together a trophy region map






Silver Fox once said to me that Alchemy is underrated, but not underpowered. Those that take the skill and know where to farm trophies will have a huge benefit.


For this mod trophies are replaced with charms. Some of the effects are the same, some are new. Durations are the same but the power is increased a lot compared to the old trophies. Also some now drop generically (not requiring a certain enemy type) and some can even be sold from merchants (you will need the Alchemy skill to get them though).


So an already good system becomes a potential powerhouse for players who take the skill. I've tried in various ways to make the oft-neglected General Skills more appealing.


Dear Flix,

when are we to expect new version of the Diablo 2 Fallen mod? We are thirsty. :)


Thanks a bunch LuckyMole!


>"Well the problem with charms isn't exactly in their power. Mostly for me it is in the fact that you have to remember to open the inventory and use them. And during combat I just don't look in it. I open it when selling or when something good drops. Same is with potions. Almost don't use them just those for health."

Yeah, equip the charms in your potion slots, especially since you say you don't use potions anyways, you should have some free slots. That way you can just push the hotkeys and use them on the fly. Potions and charms both benefit from alchemy so it makes sense that they would be grouped together (charms are even coded to make the same sfx as potions).


>"Just opened that folder with images of the unique and legendary items. Not even a single 1h Wand that is legendary and the overall number of one hand wands is very low. Please give more?"

I became disenchanted with Legendary items when I realized the chance to actually find one is so incredibly low (without cheating and modifying your game for better drops), that I really just stopped bothering with making them during the Item Mod, since in all likelihood they would never, ever be found. That being said, I pratically doubled the number of unique wands already, and most IMO are better than the vanilla items (actually giving useful bonuses like Intelligence, Casting Speed, etc.).


I would like to have more wands that looked like wands (and not big staffs that are just held in one hand), because wands were a big deal for Necromancers and Sorceresses in D2. You may see some more popping up soon.


>"Seeing how you want to make new sets I am curious if you are willing to remake some of the Sacred 1 sets e.g Torwyn's whatever it was for the vampiress or other like that? Not in stats, but in appearance?"

Just to be frank I don't really have the 3D modeling experience to do that.


>"Now that I am playing I am noticing a trend in all of the vanilla set item bonuses. They are pretty generic. Do you have plans for adding more interesting set completion bonuses? In D2 there was a Necromancer set that transformed your char into a Vampire lord when you put all the pieces. Or Blackstaffs from the battlemage that gave you constant Ghost meadow on the level you had it."

I could rework the set bonuses, yes. Though not in such a drastic manner. You just can't have a full set grant you a permanent buff or transform your character's appearance. The closest thing might be to try the "Invisible" property that Shadow Veil has and make it a full set bonus, but appearance wouldn't change, you would just be invisible to enemies so long as you wore the suit. Which sounds boring.


The items created for this mod, are they ever going to find a new home in the items mod?

  • 3 weeks later...

There's one aspect of this mod that I'm not real keen on; the texture pack has transformed some of the armors. This isn't a complaint, rather a question: is it possible for a feller to remove the parts of the pack that alter armor? I'm not trying to offend anyone, it's a great mod, but some of my favorite-looking sets like Revelation of the Seraphim now look like chain mail. So, would it be possible for me to be able to remove the parts that have altered the armor without throwing the whole mod off kilter?


Ehhhh....normally I'd brush off this question because I stand by the decision to add some armor to the Paladin character. But you can just delete the textures in the "mystique" folder.


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