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[Dev] Diablo 2 Fallen mod for Sacred 2

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4 minutes ago, Eru said:

I had a look at the logic.dll in addendum. The change to the crosscheck in the addendum basically does nothing.

The crosscheck function takes two integers a,b and looks like this in the base game:


If (a+b>0) : return a/(a+b)*1000

else : return 500


The condition is the "correct" one in order to not divide by zero.

In the addendum one has:


If (a≠b) : return a/(a+b)*1000

else : return 500


But both functions clearly yield the same result for integers. I think the confusion comes from a misinterpretation of the JE assembly command, which actually just checks the zero flag and does not need to follow after a CMP or test command.

Why the combat reflexes skill curve value is mistakenly replaced by the level difference in the formula given above is a mystery to me.

Thanks for sharing your insight and results of your findings Eru

Welcome to DarkMatters




ps gonna leave the cow of powah for SLD :D

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6 hours ago, Eru said:

If one would be able to produce negative attack/spell intensity/damage

Does this mean that the spell intensity vs resistance check uses the same formula as attack vs defense? I think that would make a lot of sense. And it would be easy to prove by doing the same tests I used here.

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2 hours ago, Eru said:

ALC is the skill curve value of the spells aspect lore skill (resp. tactics lore)

AMC is the skill curve value of the ancient magic skill

Interesting. I would have never suspected those things went into the spell resist formula.

@Maneus: it seems, Eru is even better than the nose :connie_xmas-moose:

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I have a little bug I want to share (well, I don't WANT to share any bugs, but I feel like I should).

New character with v16 test: Paladin, Philos, silver (normal), hardcore mode, expert's touch, rest default.

I get way too many skillpoints on level up. In fact, going to level 2 gives me enough skillpoints to pick every primary skill (and it allows me to do that too, as in EVERY primary skill) and boost 9 of them up to lvl 2.


Is this something temporary, just for testing purposes? Sorry if I didn't notice that.


I use: sacred2gold (gog) fresh install (version affixed with w10_fix, whatever that is), them CM patch, then v16 TEST. I do not install the fonts or anything.

Edited by BorgonVile
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7 hours ago, BorgonVile said:

I get way too many skillpoints on level up. In fact, going to level 2 gives me enough skillpoints to pick every primary skill (and it allows me to do that too, as in EVERY primary skill) and boost 9 of them up to lvl 2.

Seems to just be some glitch in the code. You're not the only one who's reported that to me.

Probably best to stick with v15 then, until if/when Dmitriy is ever available again to review the game code.

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4 hours ago, Flix said:

Probably best to stick with v15 then, until if/when Dmitriy is ever available again to review the game code.

Does it have to be Dimitriy?
I've seen Eru show some magical superpowers at revealing the inner workings of the game, maybe he could help you?

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Hey Guys. I trust this day finds you well. Didn't play in ages so not sure if it has been mentioned. The mod does not contain the font files however it can be downloaded from nexus mods without the mod. Well off to go make myself Uber OP Bow Paladin :JC_hurrah:

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8 hours ago, klariska said:

Hey Guys. I trust this day finds you well. Didn't play in ages so not sure if it has been mentioned. The mod does not contain the font files however it can be downloaded from nexus mods without the mod. Well off to go make myself Uber OP Bow Paladin :JC_hurrah:

Klarisk! hope you're keeping well, and thank you for the lovely FYI re the mod font files

... a Bow Paladin :bounce: . whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... got the build handy? is it a ranged SW ?





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43 minutes ago, Madji said:

Hello!!! First of all, I want to thank the creator of the mod for this masterpiece! I love your mod! I don't want to play the original version of Sacred 2 anymore, I play only with your mod.) I have already created many heroes. I organized a tournament to see who will complete the game with fewer resurrections)) I wanted to ask if you have ever encountered this issue - I saw gloves on sale from merchants that can convert physical damage to elemental damage. It says there that about 30 percent of the damage is converted (do not confuse it with the stones that are put into weapons), but in fact, the damage is converted almost completely. At the same time, I did not notice that the damage to monsters that have no resistance increased. Does anyone know anything about this? Sorry if I wrote it unclearly, since I wrote it using Google Translate

I will attach screenshots a little later

Edited by Madji
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Hi!) I'm trying again! Unfortunately I could only send one screenshot and it was visible for a while but now it's really corrupted and I couldn't send another screenshot.

сакред2 1.jpg

Edited by Madji
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20 hours ago, Maneus said:

Hello, Madji.

The link to the image is broken. Maybe you can try again?

Hi, I sent the screenshot in the previous message using the message editing. In the screenshot you can see these gloves, which convert cold damage to fire damage for the spell. They say that the damage is converted at a rate of about 30 percent (if it works, I'll send another screenshot), but in fact it converts completely. At the same time, I did a test in which I attacked a fire elemental with a fireball with fire damage. Of course, he received very little damage. When I put on gloves for cold damage, the fireball began to show cold damage, but there was no increase in damage.

сакред2 2.jpg

Edited by Madji
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look, on one screenshot the attack spell "fireball" with the modifier "fussilade" attacks a fire elemental. the damage to it was only one ball, but you can see the damage value - 54. sorry, it's hard to see, take a closer look, the damage is above the elemental. it's just hard to catch such moments)

сакред2 3.jpg

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in the second screenshot you can see that the fireball damage changed when I put on the gloves, to cold damage. and then the enemy was hit by several balls, but the damage remained exactly the same for each ball 30, 54, 54. in any case, this is not critical, I just wanted to know if anyone else encountered this. and so the mod is gorgeous! respect to you and gratitude for this!

сакред2 4.jpg

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