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Are there any disadvantages/advantages to taking all Aspect Focus/Lore Skills?

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I have restarted my seraphim for the 5th time already. I kept messing up. I dunno, I think to myself "I will just be a Exalted seraphim" But when I reach level 6, I started using up Celestial light runes and other CAs.

I just want to use every skill of the seraphim (Like what I did in Sacred gold) any time I want. But the question is, When I take up all of the Aspect focus skills for the tree aspects, will this be an advantage in the later part of the game?

I wont need the bargaining skill due to the Baance.txt editing (Thank God, I saved 2 Skill slots for this :blowup: )

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armour lore, concentration, combat disciplin, 3*focus+lore, energy lore ....

You need sockets for a decent hit chance and cast speed and won't have two weapons.


I always like Johanna of all trades characters. The are a bit lower in getting experience but are way more long time fun because you can switch playstyles.

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I have restarted my seraphim for the 5th time already. I kept messing up. I dunno, I think to myself "I will just be a Exalted seraphim" But when I reach level 6, I started using up Celestial light runes and other CAs.

I just want to use every skill of the seraphim (Like what I did in Sacred gold) any time I want. But the question is, When I take up all of the Aspect focus skills for the tree aspects, will this be an advantage in the later part of the game?

I wont need the bargaining skill due to the Baance.txt editing (Thank God, I saved 2 Skill slots for this :blowup: )


Well.. The simple answer - taking all 3 focus skills takes up 3 skill slots.


Advantage - if you're dumping points in regularly into those skills, it reduces the cooldown time for the combat arts covered under that aspect. Which is good. Especially if you eat runes to boost the power of those CAs.


Disadvantage - it takes up 3 slots - slots that could be used for another skill that could be beneficial to your character's development.

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I think the general consensus would be that doing all three aspects will spread you a little thin.


That being said, my two main seraphim were a single aspect EWF build and a triple apect DP build. The triple aspect one ran circles around the other. So... YMMV

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Higher regeneration times because of multiple buffs,less damage because she is half warrior

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I think you could make a trip-aspect seraphim. But the thing is you usually spam certain combat arts and so if you take 3 foci/ 3 lore then you can only use 1 combat art at a time. And as you see it takes up 6 skills and you only have 10.

But it can be done. What combat arts do you like to use? Maybe I can help?

Also people always forget that they will probably only play up to level 90 or so. They won't hit level 200. So even if you cover all three aspects with all lore/foci you still have to pick which skills to invest points in.

I think ultimately you need to make brutal choices. That doesn't mean you can't somehow use three aspects, but your not going to be a master at 3 aspects.

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The only character which I played successfully and with fun using all 3 combat are trees with foci and lores was the dragon mage elementalist.


dragon magic focus: for the companion buff and its great boost to intelligence

dragon magic lore: this or constitution for more hitpoints - if choosing this you have a nice von physical dragon strike


elementalist lore and focus -> this makes it an elementalist


mentalism focus: runes of protection for guess what: protection. maelstrom to boost physical damage

mentalism lore: this or ancient magic. The lore gives better physical armour for the runes and adds a magical attack for physical resists


Now add:

concentration for 2 really needed buffs

combat discipline to add damage and use the chance to reduce regeneration time to 30% for spell spamming

armour lore: better resists and less regeneration time

toughness: better resists and damage mitigation sums up at higher levels


Bring all this in a nice order:

start bronze

2: armour lore: early to unlock much needed modifiers in the early game

3: dragon magic lore: play as a dragon berserk early on

5: dragon magic focus: better berserk form

8: concentration: use 2 buffs

12: mentalism focus: runes of protection

change to silver difficulty after modifying runes of protection

18: toughness: to avoid damage peaks

25: elementalist focus

35: elementist lore

50: mentalism lore

you should have berserked through silver campaigne before level 65

65: combat discipline


Play silver campaigne with berserker and ranged with reg per hit charged bow shooting wind blasts

Use gold diff to get 100% chance to halve reg time to play without reg per hit

Use platinum diff to max CA-range: draagen set, shield, nlovae staff, certain sigil set


It is not so boring because:

You play a berserker for a difficulty.

You play hybrid the next difficulty

You transform into a pure caster for a difficulty

You can use niob when experience rate starts to drop to do all the 700+ side quests for experience and to turn your dragon mage into a beast with nearly the double normal ca-range. Double range = 4 times the area = lot of experience at crowded places


The dragon mage elemetalist is a character who makes sense using all 3 foci and lore. The problem is - is it still an elementalist or a powerful archmage ;)

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