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Single Aspect Delphic HE (Ice & Blood HC)

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Nice work on the build Daniat, details like formatting and great explanations always make builds that players want to try out.

Regarding the saved files, you can add them to our uploads section here at DarkMatters whenever you want, for others to get quick access to your work and try out your build




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Great Idea using shadow step as area of efect CA.

I never try it because that CA have low Dmg, what is your dmg on this CA. So you raising your SS dmg using +% magic damage ring or whatever what adds +magic dmg?

In fallen mod that can be very great build because Shadow Step does not have cooldown, and teleport works instantly.

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Great Idea using shadow step as area of efect CA.

I never try it because that CA have low Dmg, what is your dmg on this CA. So you raising your SS dmg using +% magic damage ring or whatever what adds +magic dmg?

In fallen mod that can be very great build because Shadow Step does not have cooldown, and teleport works instantly.

I'm curious about this as well

Can Shadow Step actually be played out to end game levels as damager?





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yes, in order to get the best out of shadow step you need to multiply its base damage by forging all items with damage magic +X%, all yellow rings and amulets can have the same modifier twice, that means double damage at the same level in one single socket, if you use them in gold sockets increase bonus will be also double higher. Here are some screens (files are too big, so im only showing the important stuff, items forged at level 75)




Problem is the time you need to spend in order to get those rings, I spent more than 7 hours in Thylisium and its sewers with my shopper(4 ratio bargaining/level) to find them I guess at level 200 shadow step with magic damage increased by 3,000.0% could easily reach 80 000-80 000, or even much more magic damage, I dont know, my char is still level 79.

I am preparing a video against some ice & blood bosses like queen of spiders, abishai, succubus, I will post together the video and my save files

Edited by Daniat
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I ve just uploaded my save file and a video(it sucks), so now you can try it out and see the damage boost I was refering in my guide

I will post in the future the whereabouts of my char probably at level 100

Edited by Daniat
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