Popular Post Flix 5,220 Posted November 4, 2014 Popular Post Posted November 4, 2014 (edited) Read more detailed info on the SacredWiki page for The Necromancer. Character: Necromancer Orientation: Dark Magic / Summoning Aspects: Poison & Bone, Curses, Dark Summons Lore: The Necromancer, as his name implies, is an unseemly form of sorcerer whose spells deal with the raising of the dead and the summoning and control of various creatures for his purposes. Long hours of study in dank mausolea have made his skin pale and corpse-like, and his figure is skeletal. Most people shun him for his peculiar looks and ways, but none doubt the power of the Necromancer, for it is the stuff of nightmares. Necromancers have the ability to reanimate corpses of most entities and to control the recently dead. The dead release spiritual energies that haunt the mortal realms. The Necromancer can focus these energies, giving them manifestation in the corporal world. Practitioners of necromancy can curse the very fate of a victim by manipulating the energies flowing through all living things. =============================================================== Aspect: Poison and Bone Poison Dagger - The apothecary skills of the Necromancer lay in the studies of venoms, toxins and other poisonous substances. Rarely does he shy from their use. In a common application of this skill, the Necromancer paints his weapon with a thin coat of virulent poison. The greater his ability, the more potent the poison. Bone Spear - Also known as the Talon of Trang'Oul, this spell enables the Necromancer to call upon the remnants of the spirits of all the creatures who have ever died in the area. It accumulates their fossilized remains and summons forth from the ground long shaft of dense, fossilized bone, piercing any opponents in its path. Corpse Explosion - Every corpse created as a result of a violent death carries with it the anguish of its final moments. With this spell the Necromancer is able to call upon those energies and focus them into a single violent force. This force then expels itself from the carcass with such power that it causes a dramatic explosion. Poison Nova - This spell befouls the atmosphere surrounding the caster. With an arcane chant, the Necromancer corrupts the very air we breathe and causes it to erupt in all directions. It is from years of investigation and preparation that the Necromancer can choose a poisonous gas that is toxic to the minions of evil, yet harmless to himself and his companions. Bone Armor (Buff) - This spell summons a barrier created from the bones of fallen warriors. The armor revolves around the Necromancer, protecting him against damage from close combat attacks. ==================================================================== Aspect: Curses Lower Resist - The curse increases an enemy's susceptibility to the harsh effects of the elements and elemental magicks. Skin burns like paper, chills cut to the bone, and lightning is drawn to the victim as if they were an iron bar in a rainstorm. Lowers all of the enemy's armor resistances and inflicts light poison damage over time. Dim Vision - Damning an enemy to the darkness of their own evil, this curse surrounds the afflicted in a cloud of perfect darkness and silence, blinding them. Confuse - Necromancers can tap into the spirit realm, channelling bitter and mischievous spirits into the minds of nearby enemies. The victims are bombarded with the gibbering of the dead, which, indistinguishable from their own thoughts, urge them to strike at friend and foe alike. The discordant wailing of these spirits builds to a crescendo, eventually driving the victim mad. Decrepify - This curse gives the victim a glimpse of his own mortality, briefly aging the victim. Imagining itself with an infirm body of advanced age, the afflicted believes it is no longer capable of youthful exertions. They become slowed, weakened, and take amplified damage. Iron Maiden (Buff) - This spell curses all attackers, condemning them to receive whatever pains they inflict upon others. The greater the skill of the Necromancer, the greater the magnitude of torment the victim receives for his wrongdoings. ================================================================ Aspect: Dark Summons Bone Spirit - This powerful spell briefly summons the spirits of vengeful revenants. These skeletal specters immediately seek out their targets, ripping free a portion of the target's soul and carrying it away to the plane of the dead. The Necromancers have not yet determined how to control these wraiths. For now, it is enough that they are able to shield themselves and their companions from their wrath! Revive - The ultimate goal of a Priest of Rathma is the perfect reanimation and control of a dead creature, maintaining the purity and properties of its body while releasing its soul to allow the Necromancer full control. When a Necromancer at long last gains this ability, he can truly claim mastery of the Great Cycle of Being. Raise Skeleton (Buff) - Early on, Necromancers learn to control the skeletal remains of deceased creatures. Invoking this skill causes a nightmarish jumble of animated bones to rise from the ground. Animated partially through their own will and partially through the summoned spirits of ancient warriors, Necromancers often maintain a small host of these reanimated soldiers to do their bidding. Skeletal Mage (Buff) - Dead warriors are not the only heroes that a Necromancer may summon to inhabit his creations. Many a Necromancer regales in raising the corpses of long dead wizards and bending them to his will. The priests of Rathma feel that this is the proof of the dominance of their particular branch of the mystic arts. Can be upgraded----> Clay Golem (Buff) - While it is fairly simple for a Necromancer to animate dead tissue, it is another matter entirely to instill the spark of life into inanimate objects. It is believed that all life was forged when fire, earth, iron and flesh were combined. The Clay Golem is the simplest form of this complex art, creating a servant directly from the earth to serve the Necromancer. Clay Golem - the basic summon Iron Golem - has massive physical armor and damage, plus a high chance to reflect close combat Fire Golem - has substantial additional fire damage and fire immunity, with a high chance for burning =================================================================== Dev Notes: The Necromancer is another favorite of mine and was fantastically fun to create. He gets all the good dark and evil spells. Bone Spear in particular was a great stroke of luck. It was originally going to be Bone Wall (based off of the Dragon Mage's Magic Wall), but thanks to Luthal I learned that the Magic Wall spell fx could be applied to certain offensive spell classes (in this case it's actually Radiant Pillar). So instead of a rock wall, a single spear erupts from the ground. I retextured it to bone, and voila, Bone Spear is born! Bone Spirit is another adapation of a Dragon Mage CA, in this case the Destroyers. Bone Spirit went through a ton of iterations, from a magical projectile similar to the D2 original, to a Skeletal Fortification-like summon that fired the aforementioned projectiles, to the final incarnation here which summons floating skulls that seek out enemies and explode. The Necromancer's summons make a fine army. The Skeletal Mages have an array of elemental spells, and can be upgraded with a gold modification that upgrades their models and spell arsenal considerably. As in D2, a summoner is a viable build. Likewise, a solo Necro specializing in spells or even just melee attacks is also a possibility. I'm generally pleased with the Curses. They're varied in function and fx and they all turned out very similar to the original D2 spells. Outtake: Golems galore I sincerely loved the Golems from D2, and tried to find a way to cram them all in. Due to limitations with the the upgrade mechanics, I was only able to include Clay, Iron, and Fire Golems. The Blood Golem had to be cut. Here is a prototype Blood Golem, which gave me the creeps btw. Edited April 23, 2017 by Flix 5
Popular Post Flix 5,220 Posted March 20, 2015 Author Popular Post Posted March 20, 2015 (edited) Character Designs:The NecromancerI tweaked the portraits and default look only slightly. The Necromancer now has black robes instead of the old fur ones, and grey-blue eyes instead of glowing red. I think this makes him look a bit more sinister and undead.There were no textures for the Inquisitor in the Serious Textures Mod. However, the character badly needed some, having very loud, bright and garish armor. It was very easy to have a character that looked like a clown, when they were supposed to be dark and evil. So I made new textures myself. These are the new armors for the Necromancer (links go to pictures of the originals on the Wiki for comparison):BloodPoison Armor:Ilgard's set (focused on Poison & Bone aspect) on the far rightArmageddon Armor:Deylen's set (focused on Curses aspect) on the far rightScourge Armor:Sakari's set (focused on Dark Summons aspect) on the far rightNew character designs Scourge helm and shoulder variants added in the last CM Patch (made by Dimitriy for the Item Mod): The helm on the far right was added as recreation of the D2 unique Trang-Oul's Guise: Generic Armor:Magic Armor:Special Armor:Mutation set on the far rightThe following armors were not changed: Cloth Leather Iron Disgraced Gods Judicator Another creation is a skull mask that Silver Fox made. It will drop as a recreation of the D2 unique Wormskull: Edited February 27, 2016 by Flix 2
Popular Post Flix 5,220 Posted May 28, 2015 Author Popular Post Posted May 28, 2015 Mini-set Redesigns Unlike full armor sets, mini-sets are typically 3-5 pieces that aren't focused on any particular aspect. Unfortunately, many are assembled of random mismatched pieces, which I think is a missed opportunity to showcase the standard sets. All random armor, from junk to rare, actually belongs to a visually coherent "set" of armor (such as leather, iron, cloth, etc.). Now the pieces of the mini-sets match each other better. I also changed some unique armor piece designs so they're not shared by set pieces. I know some players choose their armor not just on function but also appearance, so hopefully this will help make the mini-sets more appealing. These changes don't apply retroactively. Only new copies of the items that drop will be changed. So if you already have copies or get them from the downloads section they will still be the old designs.Necromancer 1st pic: Drapes of Catharsis - torso now matches other set pieces 2nd pic: Dreadbringer - complete overhaul, now uses red generic set pieces 3rd pic: Determined Justice - complete overhaul, now uses red chainmail set pieces 4th pic: Bul-Kathos' Verdict - formerly "Kuan's Verdict," leather pieces are now color-matched 5th pic: Insignia of Balefulness - complete overhaul, now uses green magic set pieces 3
Popular Post Flix 5,220 Posted May 16, 2016 Author Popular Post Posted May 16, 2016 I haven't finished adding Necromancer CA's to the Wiki yet, because frankly it's getting a little boring, but I was able to review all the CA's and make some changes for the upcoming Beta 7: Poison Dagger: Corrected "damage converted to poison" tooltip. Poison damage from bronze mod "Virulent" now scales better with CA level. Bone Spear: Reduced base damage and range. This spell was way OP. Corpse Explosion: Lowered regeneration time. Range and damage values scale better with CA level. This spell can now compete with Bone Spear as a good Area-of-Effect spell. Poison Nova: DOT duration no longer increases with CA level. With the way that damage over time works in Sacred 2, it's not useful to increase the duration, since it just spreads the same amount of damage over a longer period of time. Therefore the poison DOT is now inflicted over a constant period of 10 seconds. Bone Armor: Has new graphic fx. Attract: Now inflicts a small amount of flat fire damage. This was added to make Curses Lore more useful. Lower Resist: Now inflicts a small amount of flat poison damage. Poison DOT slightly reduced to compensate. This was added to make Curses Lore more useful. Skeletal Mages should now use a wider variety of spells. Their AI isn't great but they should use at least two spells now instead of spamming the same one over and over. Clay Golem: Fire Golem has new burning skin fx (thanks Pesmontis!) and increased movement speed. 3
Popular Post Dragon Brother 620 Posted May 16, 2016 Popular Post Posted May 16, 2016 Fiery golem is hot stuff!! Pun definitely intended 2
Popular Post Daniat 57 Posted November 21, 2016 Popular Post Posted November 21, 2016 Hello Flix, I have been reading the Necromancer's CA on the wiki, its the first class I wanna try, but there are two things not clear to me -Revive. In the usage comments its says ca level wont increase revived enemy damage, but the gold modification is supposed to do so -Skeletal Mages. Taking Master conjurer mod replaces Fireball with Blazing Tempest? and about the lightning spells, any of the two versions inflict LL%? I got to say again you have made a lot of work on the mod so far, I see many new things apart of the characters and the Diablo-themed interface and items, but I dont know if you are planning to do any changes with respect to the sets, here are two ideas I have Necromancer is now much less a melee character than Inquisitor was, so the set bonuses and modifiers are less useful to the Necromancer, Illegard Judgement Chance to Inflict Serious Open wounds could be replaced by Damage: Poison +% or Damage+%, these are minor changes but a whole rethink from scratch of all the character 3 aspect set items would be the best imo, I can help you with that if needed And the other idea I have is changing the textures of all these aspect set items with the standard sets the game provides, it would take much less time than creating new ones and the visual look change would still be pretty good I give you one example, for the Sorceress Fire Spells aspect, instead of Celdrahil, you could use Burgandy set from here http://sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:High_Elf_Magic_Set 2
Flix 5,220 Posted November 21, 2016 Author Posted November 21, 2016 Hello Flix, I have been reading the Necromancer's CA on the wiki, its the first class I wanna try, but there are two things not clear to me -Revive. In the usage comments its says ca level wont increase revived enemy damage, but the gold modification is supposed to do so -Skeletal Mages. Taking Master conjurer mod replaces Fireball with Blazing Tempest? and about the lightning spells, any of the two versions inflict LL%? Thanks a lot! Revive - I corrected the Wiki page. If you take the Furor modifications, then the damage of the Revives will increase with CA level, and this bonus will also be improved by Dark Summons Lore. Skeletal Mages - Yes, Fire Bolt is replaced with Firestorm. There are no LL% attacks for the skeletal mages. Necromancer is now much less a melee character than Inquisitor was, so the set bonuses and modifiers are less useful to the Necromancer, Illegard Judgement Chance to Inflict Serious Open wounds could be replaced by Damage: Poison +% or Damage+%, these are minor changes but a whole rethink from scratch of all the character 3 aspect set items would be the best imo, I can help you with that if needed I think the melee bonuses are still important for the Necromancer so he can still have that option, because he only has one weapon combat art it would be even harder to follow that path if I removed all his melee bonuses. But I'll check and see if anything on his aspect sets doesn't fit the aspects anymore. And the other idea I have is changing the textures of all these aspect set items with the standard sets the game provides, it would take much less time than creating new ones and the visual look change would still be pretty good I give you one example, for the Sorceress Fire Spells aspect, instead of Celdrahil, you could use Burgandy set from here http://sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:High_Elf_Magic_Set I'm not against the idea really, but I'll have to think about it. The thing about that specific suggestion is that I'm already using the burgundy magic set for Virgo's Revenge. 1
Popular Post Flix 5,220 Posted March 30, 2017 Author Popular Post Posted March 30, 2017 Necromancer Changes upcoming in Beta 8 The Necromancer is getting a whole lot of love in the next release, thanks to two master modders, Pesmontis and dimitrius154. Judicator Upgrade The Judicator is an armor set modeled by Dmitriy (and textured by me) that was added to the game in CM Patch 1.50. Now the armor gets a major upgrade to its models and textures by its creator. Skeletal Mage Redesign As part of Beta 8, I am making sure all player-summoned minions look unique. So the Necromancer will no longer summon clones of Skeletal Mages and Undead Legion Mages. Pesmontis worked his magic and brought us these new designs: Basic Skeletal Mage Upgraded Skeletal Mage ("Master Conjurer" gold mod) There is another exciting new update to the Skeletal Mages. I was able to tweak their AI to make them pure spellcasters. They will now cast all of the spells in their arsenals, continually, and will exclusively cast spells. They have spells that make use of all four elements. Since they are not attacking with weapons anymore, I equipped them with magic wands instead of big staves. The wands of the basic Skeletal Mages will have one random caster bonus. The wands of the upgraded Skeletal Mages will have up to four random caster bonuses. This adds a little variety. Golem Update The Golems already look unique, but the breakthrough I had with understanding minion AI let me give them special attacks without compromising their melee behavior. So the upgraded golems have these changes: Iron Golem upgrade: now has a Bleeding Hard Hit special move. Base damage slightly reduced to compensate. Fire Golem upgrade: now has a Burning Hard Hit special move. Base damage slightly reduced to compensate. Significantly boosted its fire immunity. I also reduced the size of the golems slightly because they were a bit too large. 5
Tharkun 40 Posted April 5, 2017 Posted April 5, 2017 Hi Flix! 2 things on the necromancer: Some of his armors don't show the CA regen penalty (mostly chest armor) Attract damage and mods only work when casting at point blank range, is that intentional? 1
Flix 5,220 Posted April 5, 2017 Author Posted April 5, 2017 Some of his armors don't show the CA regen penalty (mostly chest armor) That's because it's made of cloth. It's lightweight so it doesn't have a regeneration penalty. Attract damage and mods only work when casting at point blank range, is that intentional? I can't see any reason why this would happen. I'll run some tests.
Flix 5,220 Posted April 8, 2017 Author Posted April 8, 2017 Attract damage and mods only work when casting at point blank range, is that intentional? Ok well I've been tearing my hair out all evening trying to figure out this problem, with no luck. These are the testing results: "et_call_target", (Attract base property) -- works at any range "et_dotdamage_fire", (Pyre mod) -- works at any range "et_chance_fear", (Terror mod) -- seems to work at any range "et_spelldamage_fire", -- works only at melee range (point blank) "et_chance_stun", (Stupefy mod) -- works only at melee range "et_life_leech", (Life Tap mod) -- works only at melee range "et_debuff_EVW", (debuff enemy defense) -- hard to tell. safe to assume it only works at point-blank range. The only solutions I can come up with all suck: 1) Requiring the Necromancer to be in melee range to cast the spell at all. 2) Removing Stupefy and Life Tap modifications and flat fire damage and replacing them with something else. 3) Leave the spell as it is and put a note in the tooltip that certain properties only work at point-blank range. 1
Tharkun 40 Posted April 12, 2017 Posted April 12, 2017 Maybe you could replace ir with another curse? Dim vision seems the better option in my opinion, lower the target attack and defense rating is always useful for any build. (I know there's a dim vision mod for decrepify but this may be the best curse for replacing attract) 1
Flix 5,220 Posted April 13, 2017 Author Posted April 13, 2017 Maybe you could replace ir with another curse? Dim vision seems the better option in my opinion, lower the target attack and defense rating is always useful for any build. (I know there's a dim vision mod for decrepify but this may be the best curse for replacing attract) I'll give it a shot. 1
Flix 5,220 Posted April 19, 2017 Author Posted April 19, 2017 Attract Replaced with Dim Vision Attract proved too buggy and unreliable for me to keep in the mod. Because it was based on Mortifying Pillory (a weapon CA), there seemed to be some hard-coded limitation on the spell that required the caster to be in melee range for it to properly work. Dim Vision - Damning an enemy to the darkness of their own evil, this curse surrounds the afflicted in a cloud of perfect darkness and silence, blinding them. Duration: 10.0s + 0.05 s per level Reduce Enemy Attack Rating: 90 + 10 per level Reduce Enemy Attack Speed: 50% + 10% per level Disarms the Target Causes continuous pulses of light magic damage Modifications: Terror - Good chance to send enemies running away in fear (80% + 0.5% per level). Gloom - Dim Vision duration lasts longer (5.0s + 0.02s per level). Life Tap - Leeches life from the target to restore the Necromancer's hitpoints (8 + 5 per level life leech damage). Stupefy - Adds a chance to stun the target (44.9% + 0.1% per level chance). Obscure - Dim Vision also reduces the target's defense rating by 90 + 20 per level. Hex - Adds magic damage over time (40 + 30 per level). As you can see, Dim Vision preserves many properties of Attract, minus the actual attract property. To my thinking, since the Confuse curse causes all enemies to attack each other, it is essentially a more powerful (though more chaotic) version of Attract. So hopefully the player won't feel he has really lost that much. Decrepify Changes Since Dim Vision borrows some properties of Decrepify, the Decrepify curse has also received some changes. Decrepify no longer slows enemy attack speed, only movement speed. This is the new modification selection: Lame - Enemy movement speed is further slowed by 30% + 2.0% per level. Forgetful - Enemy combat art regeneration times are penalized by 53.4% + 0.8% per level. Weaken - Enemy attributes are lowered even further (19.8% + 0.2% per level). Amplify Damage - Increases enemy sensitivity to physical damage by 10% + 0.3% per level. Expand - The radius of Decrepify will increase as it levels up, hitting more targets at once. Deathchill - Decrepify inflicts ice damage on all affected targets (46 + 18 per level). So silver mod Dim Vision is replaced with Weaken, which lowers enemy attributes. Silver mod Feeble is replaced with Expand, which increases the radius of Decrepify as it levels up. Expand switches spots with gold mod Amplify Damage. 1
Flix 5,220 Posted April 19, 2017 Author Posted April 19, 2017 Awesome, is it long ranged? Yes, definitely. Same casting range as Lower Resist and Decrepify. 1
Tharkun 40 Posted April 19, 2017 Posted April 19, 2017 (edited) Excellent! One more question, could you make it Area of Effect or have a Area of Effect mod? I think casting the spell on every single enemy can be a bummer and unlike lower resist this is more of a "debuff" than a dot spell. Thanks and sorry if it sounds too picky, I don't want you to think this as demands, these are just questions. Edited April 19, 2017 by Tharkun
Flix 5,220 Posted April 20, 2017 Author Posted April 20, 2017 Excellent! One more question, could you make it Area of Effect or have a Area of Effect mod? I think casting the spell on every single enemy can be a bummer and unlike lower resist this is more of a "debuff" than a dot spell. Thanks and sorry if it sounds too picky, I don't want you to think this as demands, these are just questions. Oh, I would love to. But there's a problem with that. There's only one long range spell that can curse multiple enemies at once like that, and that's the Dragon Mage's Mind Strike. So you might think, I should just use the Mind Strike spell class for all the Curses and just change up the visuals and sound fx for each curse. The problem is, Mind Strike's visuals and sound fx are hard coded to the spell class. In other words, if I did that, every Curse would look and sound exactly the same. In this case, every Curse would look and sound identical to Decrepify. Same sound fx, same bluish explosion on hit, same lack of a lingering visual effect on the enemies. You could never tell which Curse you just cast. See the problem? I'm forced to adapt other spells to become Curses, and all other such spells in the game are for hitting single targets. I've tried adapting spells like Mortifying Pillory, Dislodged Spirit, Twisted Torment, or Black Curse, but they can't be made to curse multiple enemies at once. Even spells like Viperish Disease or Eternal Fire, only the damage transmits to other enemies, not any debuffs. All the time I am running into stupid limitations like this when trying to mod the game. Things that should be simple end up being impossible. But then, sometimes things that shouldn't work at all end up working really well. So I guess I take what I can. Dim Vision doesn't do quite as much damage as Lower Resist, but it does do constant magic damage. You can also mod it to have extra magic DOT, not to mention Life Leech (!). The debuffs might not seem like much but they really cripple the enemy. Not to mention Curse effects stack in Diablo 2 Fallen, which is something that does not happen in the original Diablo 2. So think of it as a trade off. 1
Popular Post Flix 5,220 Posted July 15, 2017 Author Popular Post Posted July 15, 2017 Necromancer Changes Upcoming in Beta 9 Skeletal Mages now have faster casting speed and lower regeneration times on their spells. They spent too much time standing around before, now they should be casting spells more often. Additionally, upgraded Skeletal Mages ("Master Conjurer" mod) now have better armor, hp regen, and spell resistance. Before, the upgraded mages weren't any different except for having better spells. Now they're a little more resilient too. Because I didn't want to make it a no-brainer choice to always take the Master Conjurer mod, I changed around the spell selection somewhat. Regular Skeletal Mages have heavy damage, single target spells with low cooldown and fast casting speed. Upgraded Mages are more focused on area of effect. Normal Skeletal Mages have Root replaced with Poison Root; Ice Cloud replaced with Frost Bolt. Upgraded Skeletal Mages have Poison Root replaced with Poison Fireball; Ice Cloud replaced with Glacial Spikes. Boosted modifier values on Necromancer Shrunken Heads. Higher values for bonuses to combat arts, aspect regeneration, etc. 3
Popular Post Flix 5,220 Posted January 4, 2018 Author Popular Post Posted January 4, 2018 Necromancer Changes Upcoming in v10 Poison Dagger has faster animations when mounted and using 2h weapons. Previously the animation was too long and implied two consecutive hits, while only one landed. Now it's just a single "hard hit" animation, as it's supposed to be. Bone Spear - silver mod "Velocity" is replaced with "Sorcery" which increases the base magic damage. Note in the picture you can also now see the Physical DOT effect from the "Gash" mod. This effect was invisible until CM Patch 1.60. Skeletal Mages have new ethereal unsummoning VFX. Minor cosmetic change. No more exploding bones when banishing them (skeletal warriors still retain that effect though). 2
Popular Post clariska 2 Posted August 21, 2018 Popular Post Posted August 21, 2018 Hi Flix have to say you really out done yourself with this mod.Most fun I ever had in Sacred.Been playing around with classes till I came down on this gem of a class. Quick question the Necro has dual wield and magic staves.Does the one handed staves in dual wielding setup work like swords etc.(Shooting out of different staves)I am already a bit far in the game so kinda lazy to test it on a new toon lol. 1 1
clariska 2 Posted August 23, 2018 Posted August 23, 2018 Hi Just want to add that the golem/skeleton summoning doesn't attack in thylysium not sure about the other towns will see when I get further.
Flix 5,220 Posted July 10, 2019 Author Posted July 10, 2019 Necromancer Upcoming Changes in v12 I've been spending some quality time with the Necromancer for the next release, not just logging briefly in to test, but actually leveling a Necromancer from scratch up to level 100, playing through every quest and fighting every enemy. That way I really learn how he performs overall. Poison & Bone aspect: all four damaging spells in this aspect have increased base damage and better damage scaling. This is the Necromancer's only real damage-dealing aspect. It got a much needed boost. Corpse Explosion in particular should be devastating once you get the regen time down. Lower Resist: improved damage. This curse and Dim Vision had token damage but given that they're single target I gave them a boost. Dim Vision: improved damage Decrepify: Bronze mod "Forgetful" replaced with "Expose" which reduces the opponent's evade chance. The reason is because penalizing combat art regeneration times has no effect on enemy NPC's. Raise Skeleton: now summons only one skeleton by default. Bronze mod "Balm" is changed to "Skeletal Mastery" which summons an additional skeleton. Skeletal Mage: Improved stats and damage on base mages so that the gold mod choice isn't such a no-brainer. The choice is now heavy damage single target spells vs. area of effect spells. Clay Golem: several sounds (footsteps, attacks, idle sounds) are reworked to be less intrusive. He was using the Gar'Colossus's sound profile which resulted in deafening stomps every time he moved. Also, the basic Clay Golem gets a retexture to look more brown and earthy. More about the Class Quests: The Necromancer's class-specific quests are rewritten to make sense with the Necromancer as the protagonist. It is still the same story at its core - the character dealing with his surprise daughter, Shirka Alana, and the treachery inherent in working with the Inquisition, but the details are different. Character dialogues and motivations are fleshed out and generally make more sense. D2 Lore is worked in whenever possible, and the distinction between Necromancers (the priests of Rathma) and Inquisitors (nominally priests of the Light, who have been corrupted) is made more clear. Finally, there are more rewards sprinkled over the course of the chain quest as it plays out: Class quest "All or Nothing" drops Blackhand Key as reward. Class quest "Shirka With the Dragons" drops Boneflame as reward. 1
gogoblender 3,463 Posted July 11, 2019 Posted July 11, 2019 I have great respect and appreciation for all the work here Flix. Years and years after the release of this game, you're a model of fan ardor and dedication in building what must be one of the greatest mod to a game made. The sheer effort and commitment is just astonishing. Thank you for everything you and your team has put together for thecommunity gogo 1
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