Popular Post Flix 5,220 Posted November 21, 2014 Popular Post Posted November 21, 2014 (edited) Read more detailed info on the SacredWiki page for the Amazon.Character: AmazonOrientation: Ranged Combat / MagicAspects: Huntress Talents, Storm Combat, Amazon MagicLore: This powerful woman warrior belongs to nomadic bands who roam the islands in the Jade Sea. The wandering of these groups often brings them into conflict with other peoples, so the Amazon is accustomed to fighting to defend her own. The Amazon people are a relatively isolated culture. Adapting over the centuries to their tropical milieu, they have built magnificent cities in the forest canopy. While her skill with the bow rivals that of any other, the Amazon is also adept in the use of all other throwing weapons, as well as in hand to hand combat. The Amazon is much sought after as a mercenary, in which type of service she will be loyal as long as her own ends are also served.===============================================================Aspect: Huntress TalentsStrafe: Once a warrior has attained this facility, she can fire a volley of arrows with amazing speed and precision, striking the same or multiple targets one after another.Strafe quickly fires multiple arrows, one after another, usually at the same target, but sometimes it will switch to other targets if the first target dies. When used with a melee weapon becomes Impale: Amazon warriors are well known for the ferocity of their attacks. An experienced warrior is able to focus her fury and deliver a single powerful blow.I could not get the multi-hit behavior to work on both ranged and melee weapons (there are simply no melee animations for it), therefore when used with melee weapons, this CA will deliver a single-target hard hit attack. Multiple Shot: Legend has it that the fabled Amazon archer, Palashia, bragged in her youth that she could best the combined skills of all her greatest rivals at a tournament. To the amazement of onlookers, her single arrow then split into many, cleaving the arrows of her rivals, and moving on to strike every target directly in their centers.Players can expect Darting Assault behavior here, although the spread of arrows is much tighter, and it will never be a 360-degree attack. The same goes for this CA when used with melee weapons, so the exploit where magic staff Dryads kill everything on-screen with this CA is nerfed. When used with a melee weapon becomes Fend: Once an Amazon warrior has attained mastery over the spear, she can engage and destroy multiple enemies in close quarter battle. Many of those enemies will be lucky to be alive after the vicious onslaughts of these attacks have ended. Elemental Arrow: Long ago, Amazons found their arboreal city of Dyr-Lain under siege by the pirates of the Jade Sea. Supplies ran short, and the Amazon archers found themselves without ammunition. The priests prayed to Athulua, who infused the minds of the Amazons with the power to harness their natural elemental energies. The archers melded their fiery determination and icy will into shards of physical force that they then unleashed from their bows by the thousands, routing the corsairs back to sea.This CA functions as a combination of the original D2 Fire Arrow/Ice Arrow branches. In a game with damage converters, it made no sense to make identical weapon attacks that only differed in the elemental damage they inflicted. Here, both fire and ice damage are added on top of the base weapon damage. Through modifications, you can develop it along the Fire Arrow-Burning Arrow-Immolation Arrow path or the Ice Arrow-Cold Arrow-Freezing Arrow path. Or combine the effects as you wish. Avoid: Once an Amazon has sharpened her defensive focus to this level, she will eventually be able to dodge blows and other attacks at blinding speed. This ability can help keep the Amazon from harm as she moves out of the way of an exploding siege engine or avoids the wrath of an enraged Sorceress!Rather than make this some of temp/permanent buff I decided to allow you to literally avoid enemies if you wish. There's little deviation from Forest Flight here, aside from a much lower cooldown and increased range. Penetrate (Buff): After long hours of training, an Amazon warrior's bow arm can develop tremendous amounts of strength. With this strength, and some additional training, the Amazon is able to maximize the power of her bow, enabling her to penetrate multiple targets with a single arrow.This will tremendously boost the chance to pierce for any ranged attacks that are capable of piercing (magic staff projectiles and all ranged weapons except blowguns). It also favor ranged weapons in terms of boosting ranged attack rating and speed, although modifications will provide similar boosts to melee weapons. ===============================================================Aspect: Storm CombatPower Strike: Zerae is the goddess of vengeance and storms. If an Amazon warrior has proven herself worthy, the goddess will empower her with the ability to wield the electrical power of the mighty hurricanes of the Jade Sea.Can be modded for possible chain lightning, but will never reach the same level as the Sorceress's (Chain) Lightning. Charged Strike: An Amazon devoted to the path of Zerae will be able to harness the forces of vengeance and storms. During Rites of Vengeance, Zerae will confer to the Amazon attacks that unleash a wild burst of electrical energy that relentlessly clings to and shocks enemies.The effect is something like Jolting Touch but castable from a distance, and it does not root but instead slows enemies while leeching energy. Lightning Bolt: If an Amazon warrior has proven herself worthy, the goddess Zerae can empower her with the ability to call down a bolt of lightning as if she had snatched it from the heavens themselves to strike down her enemies.This is one of only a few combat arts in D2F capable of Leech Life %, available as a gold mod. Lightning Fury: The High Priestess of Zerae will teach select Amazons the secret of focusing the power of the goddess, until the power contained within the Amazon is so great that its electrical energy explodes from her very hands, releasing streaks of lightning that strike down hapless foes nearby. Dodge (Buff): To anyone familiar with their natural agility, it should came as no surprise that the training regimen of an Amazon warrior includes exercises specifically designed to avoid potentially devastating blows in combat. She can even predict incoming missile attacks and elude them before they reach her. Most Amazon people can do this, but only a warrior trained in this skill can do this even whilst caught unaware.This CA functions as a combination of the original passive skills Dodge/Avoid/Evade, boosting defense, evade chance, and a chance to block ranged attacks. ===============================================================Aspect: Amazon MagicPlague Spears: Amazon healers have long since ascertained the potent toxicity of their native flora. Any Amazon warrior devoted to this study is able to recognize particularly lethal strains of plant life, even while travelling in foreign lands. This knowledge allows her to call upon and create weapons from particularly virulent thorns.The spears inflict additional plague poison damage which should transmit to nearby opponents like Viperish Disease, though I find that opponents hit by this CA usually die before a massive plague can break out. Poison Javelin: Practiced and cunning warriors are able to incorporate poisonous vegetation into their darts. These missiles strike a target and explode into noxious and putrescent clouds.These javelins have very good chances for poisoning and splash damage. Their design was originally violet and ntended for Magic Arrow (as arrows that don't require an actual bow and arrow). But when that concept was abandoned I kept the design and repurposed it for poison damage. Slow Missiles: Through strict martial discipline and focus, an Amazon warrior can attune herself to her environment and the dangers around her, allowing her to react with superhuman agility. One aspect of this ability is her knack for avoiding missile fire. When an Amazon uses this ability, incoming projectiles appear to move slower than normal, enabling her to avoid them.Many of the familiar Maelstrom components are part of this spell, such as slowing missiles (of course), slowing enemy speed, and weakening enemies. Inner Sight (Buff): The lush canopy of trees covering the Amazon homeland allows little sunlight to reach the ground. To better adapt to their environment, the Amazons have developed a technique whereby they can attune themselves to the life forces in the surrounding area and transfer these energies into a source of luminescence. This enables the Amazon and her companions to see her enemies in shadow and darkness.I very much wanted this to be a temporary buff. However, the crucial light radius component only works on the Cleansing Brilliance spell class, which itself only works as a permanent buff. So even triple buff Amazons will have to make choices about which ones to use. Reducing enemy defense and evade chance are the other main components of this spell. It will also be able to boost the Amazon's Intelligence and Willpower, among other things. Valkyrie (Buff): When a warrior has proven her devotion to Athulua through her brave deeds and exceptional skill in battle, the Goddess shows her favor by granting a spiritual emissary to aid the Amazon. These emissaries of Athulua are called Valkyrie, and they are the spirits of the greatest heroes from the Amazon people. The power to summon a Valkyrie is the greatest honor that an Amazon warrior can receive.In the absence of a golden shining aura, I gave the Valkyrie blindingly golden armor and wings. She's a heavy hitter who fights with melee attacks using a small selection of random pole arms. ===============================================================Dev Notes:Well here you will find I begin some big deviations from the original D2 classes. Hardcore Amazon fans try to keep an open mind. There were two major limitations to recreating the Amazon perfectly: You can't have Combat Arts that require a certain weapon in Sacred 2, and hybrid combat arts that are both spells and weapon attacks are extremely limited in function and form.About Huntress Talents: Because weapon-based Combat Arts in Sacred intelligently adapt based on the type of equipped weapon, it made no sense to try to make a hard-hit ranged attack and a hard-hit melee attack, because without weapon restrictions, they would be the same thing. Therefore I set up the names and descriptions to apply to both ranged and melee at once. This is also why the Javelin and Spear skills were mostly turned into spells and split amongst all 3 aspects.About Storm Combat: Most of the Lightning and Poison-based Amazon skills would be hybrid combat arts in Sacred 2, inflicting weapon damage/modifiers/effects as well as additional spell effects, such as converting damage to lightning, shooting charged bolts upon weapon hits, causing poison area of effect damage over time, etc. Unfortunately Sacred 2 hybrid combat arts are very fickle when modding them. New graphical effects did not show up when applied to Archangel's Wrath or Spectral Hand, for example, and most spell effects did not even work at all. Therefore I made the Lightning spells proper spells, boosted by Ancient Magic and not connected to the equipped weapon in any way. The same goes for the poison spells of Amazon Magic aspect. Edited November 2, 2016 by Flix 4
Popular Post Flix 5,220 Posted March 16, 2015 Author Popular Post Posted March 16, 2015 (edited) New character designs: The AmazonNew portraits by Silver Fox. In fact he deserves all the credit for turning the Dryad into the Amazon.Amazon has lighter skin tones, blue eyes, and different face than the Dryad. Default hair is black but can be turned to blonde or white or anything in between. Fallback equipment is the minimalist leather that the Dryad wore minus the leaves.The Amazon also has a completely new selection of hairstyles:Ignore the weird skin tones on that last one, that was just when the new skin color was a work in progress.The Amazon also has some new circlets, as seen above. Here all the variants:The four on the bottom row replace the helmets from the Generic standard armor. The gold one with the red jewel is a recreation of the D2 unique helmet Griffon's Eye:The Amazon also now has headbands, which replace the hats from the Magic standard armor. Those hats disabled hair but did not cover the back of the head. So every Dryad who wore it became a dark-haired gal with a sort of afro-braids. Now they are headbands instead:Finally there is the new full set of armor. It is a recreation of M'avina's Battle Hymn, with some adjustments (no bow since there is more armor pieces).There is also an alternate shoulder armor piece that was made to more closely the original Amazon armor. We used the model for the Helgrotha statue. It can be found as a random rare.New Amazon Armor Re-texturesThese were made by Wardust for his mod, to great effect. The Dryad had very bright and loud colors. They were further adjusted by Silver Fox to get the skin tones right, and by me to make sure the metal shaders weren't being applied to the skin (as was the case in the original mod).Crystal armor:Leaves and Twigs set (focused on Amazon Magic aspect) on far rightIvy armor:Detheya's set (focused on Huntress Talents aspect) on far rightLeafs Armor:Daerwain's set (focused on Storm Combat aspect) on far rightCloth Armor:Magic Armor:Caps replaced with headbands by Silver Fox, as mentioned in a previous postSpecial Armor:Mutation set on far rightThe following sets were not changed: Generic (only the masks were changed to circlets as mentioned above) Iron Leather Edited February 27, 2016 by Flix 2 1
Flix 5,220 Posted February 27, 2016 Author Posted February 27, 2016 Mini-Set RedesignsUnlike full armor sets, mini-sets are typically 3-5 pieces that aren't focused on any particular aspect. Unfortunately, many are assembled of random mismatched pieces, which I think is a missed opportunity to showcase the standard sets. All random armor, from junk to rare, actually belongs to a visually coherent "set" of armor (such as leather, iron, cloth, etc.). Now the pieces of the mini-sets match each other better. I also changed some unique armor piece designs so they're not shared by set pieces. I know some players choose their armor not just on function but also appearance, so hopefully this will help make the mini-sets more appealing.These changes don't apply retroactively. Only new copies of the items that drop will be changed. So if you already have copies or get them from the downloads section they will still be the old designs.Amazon 1st pic: Call of the Forest - torso now matches the head and shoulders2nd pic: Meho'Sun - complete overhaul, now uses matching gold-iron pieces3rd pic: Tendrils of Time - complete overhaul, now uses reptile skin and copper circlet w/ green jewel4th pic: Glyphs of Torment - headband instead of cap5th pic: Eternal Flame - now uses matching red leather pieces
Popular Post Flix 5,220 Posted April 22, 2016 Author Popular Post Posted April 22, 2016 Here are some upcoming changes to the Amazon in Beta 7. Strafe: Gold mod "Double Shot" is changed to "Volley," which adds 2 more projectiles to each firing of Strafe. I didn't think this was possible because the firing animation and sound fx cap out at 2 hits, but more hits are possible as you can see from my tests: For ranged weapons, it's an improvement over the old "chance for double hits" mod, but for melee weapons it doesn't have an effect. So it's a trade-off. Elemental Arrow: Has new custom icon instead of the old Magic Arrow icon: Also, the damage now scales better with CA level, and I lowered base regeneration time. I thought this CA was under-performing compared to the other Huntress Talents. Finally, the Amazon can now take Hafted Weapons as a secondary skill. Magic Staves is moved to primary skill status. 2
gogoblender 3,463 Posted April 22, 2016 Posted April 22, 2016 Flix, these are amazing, the modding with ranged weps, always one of my faves, is terrific! Do you have a Facebook account? It just came to me that we have a Facebook Channel for SacredWiki that has great reach which we used to use for newest upgrades to the wiki gogo 1
Flix 5,220 Posted May 5, 2016 Author Posted May 5, 2016 Flix, these are amazing, the modding with ranged weps, always one of my faves, is terrific! Do you have a Facebook account? It just came to me that we have a Facebook Channel for SacredWiki that has great reach which we used to use for newest upgrades to the wiki gogo Shut my Facebook down about 5 years ago, so no. :/
Popular Post jordan0422 39 Posted August 23, 2016 Popular Post Posted August 23, 2016 I'm theory-crafting an Amazon Magic build before trying it out. Any critique/comment/suggestion welcomed. ATTRIBUTES: Stamina (100) - Running a 3 buff build, so decrease in regen time will be helpful Vitality (301) - More life is always good SKILLS: 2 - Amazon Magic Focus (200) 3 - Storm Combat Focus (75) 5 - Concentration (75) 8 - Armor Lore (75) 12 - Combat Discipline (75) 18 - Constitution (75) 25 - Toughness (75) 35 - Amazon Magic Lore (75) 50 - Spell Resistance Lore (75) 65 - Ancient Magic (75) ASPECT MODS: Amazon Magic Plague Spears: Thorns-Stings-Scourge. Will be for boss killing. Poison Javelin: Missile-Ravage-Barrage. Will be for groups. Slow Missiles: Crumble-Extension-Demoralize. Debuff and to slow down groups. Inner Sight: Insight-Resolve-Defiant. Main damage booster, spell resistance, and secondary detrimental effects resistance. Valkyrie: Aegis-Bane-Aegis. Tank and mob/boss distraction. Last mod choice is between Prowess and Aegis. Not sure which one will be more effective. Storm Combat Dodge: Uproot-Galvanize-Payback. The two defense mods are not taken because the base combat art already provide a good amount (chance to evade and defense % boost). Payback instead of Physique because Defiant (from Inner Sight), high Willpower, as well as possibly Spell Resistance Lore already cover this. Huntress Talents: Avoid: For sticky situations With high Willpower and Defiant mod from Inner Sight, I'm not sure if Spell Resistance Lore will be needed. Although there probably will be instances where my buffs are dispelled and Spell Resistance Lore will come into play. Maybe Shield Lore is more appropriate, not sure. Pretty simple build. 1 Debuff, 1 boss attack, 1 group attack, and 3 buffs. Slow Missiles goes before every attack to slow down/debuff enemies. Avoid (Huntress Talents) for sticky situations. Not quite sure how durable this build is. It got Constitution, Armor Lore, Toughness, and Spell Resistance Lore to help out in that department, but I can't help but have a feeling it's still squishy. 2
Flix 5,220 Posted August 25, 2016 Author Posted August 25, 2016 A caster Amazon is a class I've tested extensively with this mod. She's extremely powerful. I'll post my build sometime soon to compare with yours.
jordan0422 39 Posted August 25, 2016 Posted August 25, 2016 Tested a Storm aspect Amazon with Magic aspect as support last night. That one seems more powerful than the Magic aspect as main and Storm aspect as support. Power Strike (Chain, Chain, Chain) modded for group damage. Lightning Fury also for group damage, and if they get too close. Lightning Bolt (Shock, Supercharge, Siphon) modded for bosses. Charged Strike for replenishing regen time (first in combo, and always aim at strongest mob). Slow Missiles modded to immoblize groups (Burden, Extension, Expansion). Interested to hear what your experience is like with this class. A caster Amazon is a class I've tested extensively with this mod. She's extremely powerful. I'll post my build sometime soon to compare with yours. 1
Popular Post Excelsior 56 Posted September 5, 2016 Popular Post Posted September 5, 2016 I really can't believe how big this mod is. It's amazing. You guys have somehow managed to transform almost the entire game into Diablo II Fallen while still keeping what makes Sacred 2 Sacred 2. That deserves respect! 2
gogoblender 3,463 Posted September 6, 2016 Posted September 6, 2016 I really can't believe how big this mod is. It's amazing. You guys have somehow managed to transform almost the entire game into Diablo II Fallen while still keeping what makes Sacred 2 Sacred 2. That deserves respect! I'm thrilled as well everytime I see how massive and in depth the mod is. Not only one of the world's largest mods (Flix is it ? ), but the delicious, lusty documentation that team has put together with pix, detailed stats, multi page threads here on the forum and thorough Wiki pages. Magnum Opus Flix et al gogo
jordan0422 39 Posted September 19, 2016 Posted September 19, 2016 (edited) There's something going on with the Valkyrie: she likes to get naked. I can't recreate the conditions when this happens, but it definitely happened. When naked, the Valkyrie attacks with her fists and also does life leech damage. See the [somewhat NSFW] image link for what this looks like Edited September 20, 2016 by jordan0422
Flix 5,220 Posted September 20, 2016 Author Posted September 20, 2016 There's something going on with the Valkyrie: she likes to get naked. I can't recreate the conditions when this happens, but it definitely happened. When naked, the Valkyrie attacks with her fists and also does life leech damage. See the [somewhat NSFW] image link for what this looks like Hmm. It's not just that she's naked. She's completely missing the right base skin textures as well, judging by the red eyes. What's your character level? Have you changed between low/high/elite textures? Made any other modifications to any files? Installed any other mods? I see you're using Tiny Items. Did you install that mod "as is" or did you alter iteminfo.txt yourself to resize all the items? EDIT: Hang on, did she come in contact with T-Energy? Every creature has a "tenergy_creature_id" line which defines what kind of thing they mutate into. For summons I've been sure to keep the id the same as the main creature entry, so T-Energy can't mutate them. However creatures I made very early on may have slipped by my notice since I wasn't as keenly aware of this parameter. The Valkyrie is one such creature. She is scripted to mutate into a Dark Stalker (Harbinger of Death). I'll fix this for Beta 7. Try leading her into a pool of T-Energy and see if she changes. That will confirm the cause of the bug. 1
jordan0422 39 Posted September 20, 2016 Posted September 20, 2016 Try leading her into a pool of T-Energy and see if she changes. That will confirm the cause of the bug. Yep, that was the cause. She took some t-energy damage, then changed into her birthday suit. 1
Popular Post Flix 5,220 Posted April 4, 2017 Author Popular Post Posted April 4, 2017 Amazon Changes Upcoming in Beta 8In the next release of D2F, the Valkyrie gets some updates to her AI and stats. The Valkyrie was one of the very first things I made for D2F and I'm very fond of her design, so I decided not to replace the model. So just enjoy these pics of the Valkyrie kicking butt.I did manage to fine-tune her AI somewhat so she can use special moves while maintaining her melee behavior.In Beta 8, the Valkyrie will gain a Hard Hit special attack (boosted damage and attack rating). Her overall base damage was adjusted slightly lower to compensate.She is very good at dishing it out, but was a bit too weak when it came to taking damage. Therefore I gave a big boost to the Valkyrie's evade chance and physical damage mitigation.I also tweaked her sound profile so the Valkyrie no longer comments using the Dryad's old voice after every kill she makes. 3
Popular Post gogoblender 3,463 Posted April 4, 2017 Popular Post Posted April 4, 2017 Beautiful model. That glow on her is incredible...is it just the color or an effect? gogo 2
Flix 5,220 Posted April 4, 2017 Author Posted April 4, 2017 Beautiful model. That glow on her is incredible...is it just the color or an effect? gogo It's combination of two effects. The metal shader is applied to her armor which makes it highly reflective when light hits it. This makes her almost blindingly brilliant in bright places. The armor also has an emissive glow added in the specular map. This is why she still radiates light even in dark places like the swamp. 1
gogoblender 3,463 Posted April 4, 2017 Posted April 4, 2017 wonderful effect! It makes the wings look molten... I love it gogo 1
Flix 5,220 Posted April 13, 2017 Author Posted April 13, 2017 Made a few more adjustments to the Valkyrie's skin. I originally wanted it to look a little golden but it ended up kind of mottled green/grey in many lighting situations. So now it's a more uniform pinkish hue. 1
Dragon Brother 620 Posted April 14, 2017 Posted April 14, 2017 I did manage to fine-tune her AI somewhat so she can use special moves while maintaining her melee behavior. How'd you end up doing this? I know you've written before about the different AI types doing either one or the other, so is this a different AI type you've used or have you managed to edit an existing one somehow / create a new one?
Flix 5,220 Posted April 14, 2017 Author Posted April 14, 2017 I did manage to fine-tune her AI somewhat so she can use special moves while maintaining her melee behavior. How'd you end up doing this? I know you've written before about the different AI types doing either one or the other, so is this a different AI type you've used or have you managed to edit an existing one somehow / create a new one? Thanks to this thread I now know exactly what behaviors are assigned to the different spell classes. With that knowledge, I can go straight to the source and edit the entries in behaviour.txt to make them act however I wish. The only catch was a few quest-related companions also use these behaviors so I had to make sure they were assigned the appropriate behavior as well. For example, any minion with the spellclass "cSpellSkKohorte" (which is most of them) uses the behavior "Hireling_brave" in behaviour.txt. I can't change that, but I CAN change the parameters of "Hireling_brave". What I did was simply add a state that allows them to use a special move, but otherwise they will still act like brave melee attackers. Grizzly, Dire Wolves, Valkyrie, Raise Skeleton, and the Golems all use this behavior now. Although the wolves and skeletons don't have any special moves assigned. 1
ric7202 216 Posted November 17, 2017 Posted November 17, 2017 (edited) This must be THE most amazing mod I´ve ever seen to Sacred 2. That said there is a minor things that bugs me, namely the annoying sounds from active buffs. Now I´ve managed to find and deactivate the Shadowed Veil buff sound for Sacred 2 in the soundprofile.txt, and now I wonder how to turn off the sound for the Amazon Inner Sight buff. I´ve looked in the txt, but as most names are in german, I´ve no idea what that buff is called. Any1 have a clue? Is it actually the same as Cleansing Brilliance buff, and in that case, what´s it called in the soundprofile.txt? OK, problem solved. The Inner Sight is based on Grand Invigoration. Once I´ve set that sound to zero, the Inner Sight also became quiet. Look for: newProfile = { profilename = "FX Highelf Regenerationskraft", fx = 174, mindistancefactor = 80, maxdistancefactor = 100, event1 = { event = "FX_CAST", resource = 2353 }; event2 = { event = "FX_STAGE0", resource = 2354 }; Set the numbers 2353 & 2354 to 0 (zero) and that´s about it, no more annoying sound from Inner Sight buff. Edited November 17, 2017 by ric7202
Flix 5,220 Posted July 15, 2019 Author Posted July 15, 2019 Upcoming Amazon changes in D2F v12 The Amazon received a lot of love as this mod was developed, and as such she has remained one of the most well-tested, balanced, and stable characters in the mod. She may be my favorite D2F character to play. I can't find any flaws with her, so it just remains to rewrite her personal quests and add some more rewards, as I'm doing with all the characters in the upcoming release. Class quest "Missing Women" now drops Shaman's Mask as reward. This quest starts outside of Dyr-Laigh and involves a vengeful revenant who targets Amazons. Class quest "The Nature of the Angels" now drops Lycander's Aim as reward. This is the phase of the chain quest that takes place on Seraphim Island. Lycander was an angel in D2 lore so the Amazon is rewarded with a class-specific bow named after her out of respect. More about the Amazon's personal quest: Dryads are completely replaced with Amazons in D2F, not just the player character, but also the NPC's and the whole island of Dyr Lain. I made sure all the dialogue and journals reflect this. The Askari people have separate castes: the Amazons (warriors), the Oracles (priests and shamans), and the men. The Archon is the queen. The original Dryad chain quest was a somewhat disjointed set of adventures very loosely tied together with the theme of the Dryad learning about how all the different regions treat Mother Nature. This theme has been modified if not replaced outright with one of the Amazon leaving her island for the first time and living the kind of mercenary life she always heard about her sister Amazons living. People of the outside world know Amazons as fierce warriors and unparalleled hunters, so she's usually approached by various races to live up to that reputation. Gone is the preachy, fussy, "tree-hugging" Dryad of before, however as the patron deity of the Amazons is Helgrotha, who watched over and protected forest creatures, the Amazon still has a complex relationship with wildlife and hunting. Each phase of the quest gives insight in the lore of each race of Ancaria in a way that no other character's quest does. I really like the early phase that features her freeing some human slaves, only to repeatedly run into them again and again, each time seeing how the group progresses from slaves to poor outcasts to a self-sufficient group. I also fleshed out the Nur-Trak orc clan's background and the lore of the angels. The final phase of the quest involves either a jilted love interest (Light path) or former protege (Shadow Path) who decides to oppose the Amazon. These relationships and the quests overall are much more fleshed out and given some dramatic weight. The Shadow path final battle in particular should be much more challenging, as your protege Delia claims to have become your equal. 1
Flix 5,220 Posted December 28, 2019 Author Posted December 28, 2019 In my last update I said the Amazon was one of my favorite characters to play... in retrospect I think that was because I made her too good, especially a caster Amazon. Many CA's have properties that scale too quickly, and I was handing out Regen per hit and LL% like candy. I'm going to temper her a little bit without losing her charm or appeal. I also finally fixed a combat art that had a broken property. v13 Changes: Strafe/Impale: "Magic Arrow" mod damage conversion now starts at 25%. Chance to bypass armor from "Breach" mod scales more slowly. Elemental Arrow: "Fire Arrow/Cold Arrow/Exploding Arrow" mods now all scale more slowly. Fire DOT scaling from "Immolation Arrow" is doubled. Avoid: Rooting area of effect slightly increased. Penetrate: Base chance to pierce decreased to 30% and scales more slowly. Charged Strike: Regen per hit base effect decreased. "Weaken" modification decreased and scales more slowly. Lightning Bolt: Regen per hit effect scales more slowly. Leech Life % from "Siphon" mod scales more slowly. Plague Spears: Removed references to "plague poison" as this was non-functioning. "Pestilence" mod now gives increased Chance for Poison and "Scourge" mod now causes Area Damage. Poison Javelin: Increased regeneration time. Chance for poisoning and chance for area damage scale more slowly (including "Poison Cloud" mod). Slow Missiles: Cooldown increased from 1s to 5s. Missile slowing effect decreased by 25% (including "Thicken" mod). Attribute debuff, speed debuff, and physical armor debuff (from "Crumble" mod) all scale more slowly. Inner Sight: Duration and hits per second now match to prevent a stacking exploit. Range scales more slowly. Now grants 10 Intelligence points per level instead of 20. "Resolve" mod now grants 10 Willpower points per level instead of 30. Chance opponents cannot evade from "Submission" mod scales more slowly. 1
gogoblender 3,463 Posted December 28, 2019 Posted December 28, 2019 no, no, not the life leech per hit.. nooooooooooooooo lol i understand balance...that mod is so lovely though ^^ gogo 1
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