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Diablo 2 Fallen Classes: The Amazon


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  • 3 months later...
  • 11 months later...

Mini-Set Redesigns

Unlike full armor sets, mini-sets are typically 3-5 pieces that aren't focused on any particular aspect. Unfortunately, many are assembled of random mismatched pieces, which I think is a missed opportunity to showcase the standard sets. All random armor, from junk to rare, actually belongs to a visually coherent "set" of armor (such as leather, iron, cloth, etc.). Now the pieces of the mini-sets match each other better. I also changed some unique armor piece designs so they're not shared by set pieces. I know some players choose their armor not just on function but also appearance, so hopefully this will help make the mini-sets more appealing.

These changes don't apply retroactively. Only new copies of the items that drop will be changed. So if you already have copies or get them from the downloads section they will still be the old designs.

wLNccb0m.jpg yVAA2Y4m.jpg j00I6rWm.jpg GTM2dEfm.jpg Bv65OSdm.jpg

1st pic: Call of the Forest - torso now matches the head and shoulders
2nd pic: Meho'Sun - complete overhaul, now uses matching gold-iron pieces
3rd pic: Tendrils of Time - complete overhaul, now uses reptile skin and copper circlet w/ green jewel
4th pic: Glyphs of Torment - headband instead of cap
5th pic: Eternal Flame - now uses matching red leather pieces

  • 1 month later...

Flix, these are amazing, the modding with ranged weps, always one of my faves, is terrific!

Do you have a Facebook account? It just came to me that we have a Facebook Channel for SacredWiki that has great reach which we used to use for newest upgrades to the wiki




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  • 2 weeks later...

Flix, these are amazing, the modding with ranged weps, always one of my faves, is terrific!

Do you have a Facebook account? It just came to me that we have a Facebook Channel for SacredWiki that has great reach which we used to use for newest upgrades to the wiki





Shut my Facebook down about 5 years ago, so no. :/

  • 3 months later...

A caster Amazon is a class I've tested extensively with this mod. She's extremely powerful. I'll post my build sometime soon to compare with yours.


Tested a Storm aspect Amazon with Magic aspect as support last night. That one seems more powerful than the Magic aspect as main and Storm aspect as support.

Power Strike (Chain, Chain, Chain) modded for group damage.

Lightning Fury also for group damage, and if they get too close.

Lightning Bolt (Shock, Supercharge, Siphon) modded for bosses.

Charged Strike for replenishing regen time (first in combo, and always aim at strongest mob).

Slow Missiles modded to immoblize groups (Burden, Extension, Expansion).


Interested to hear what your experience is like with this class.


A caster Amazon is a class I've tested extensively with this mod. She's extremely powerful. I'll post my build sometime soon to compare with yours.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really can't believe how big this mod is. It's amazing. You guys have somehow managed to transform almost the entire game into Diablo II Fallen while still keeping what makes Sacred 2 Sacred 2. That deserves respect!

I'm thrilled as well everytime I see how massive and in depth the mod is. Not only one of the world's largest mods (Flix is it ? :bounce:), but the delicious, lusty documentation that team has put together with pix, detailed stats, multi page threads here on the forum and thorough Wiki pages.

Magnum Opus Flix et al



  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

There's something going on with the Valkyrie: she likes to get naked.


I can't recreate the conditions when this happens, but it definitely happened. When naked, the Valkyrie attacks with her fists and also does life leech damage.


See the [somewhat NSFW] image link for what this looks like

Edited by jordan0422

There's something going on with the Valkyrie: she likes to get naked.


I can't recreate the conditions when this happens, but it definitely happened. When naked, the Valkyrie attacks with her fists and also does life leech damage.


See the [somewhat NSFW] image link for what this looks like


Hmm. It's not just that she's naked. She's completely missing the right base skin textures as well, judging by the red eyes. What's your character level? Have you changed between low/high/elite textures?


Made any other modifications to any files? Installed any other mods? I see you're using Tiny Items. Did you install that mod "as is" or did you alter iteminfo.txt yourself to resize all the items?


EDIT: Hang on, did she come in contact with T-Energy? Every creature has a "tenergy_creature_id" line which defines what kind of thing they mutate into. For summons I've been sure to keep the id the same as the main creature entry, so T-Energy can't mutate them.


However creatures I made very early on may have slipped by my notice since I wasn't as keenly aware of this parameter. The Valkyrie is one such creature. She is scripted to mutate into a Dark Stalker (Harbinger of Death). I'll fix this for Beta 7.


Try leading her into a pool of T-Energy and see if she changes. That will confirm the cause of the bug.

  • Like! 1

Try leading her into a pool of T-Energy and see if she changes. That will confirm the cause of the bug.


Yep, that was the cause. She took some t-energy damage, then changed into her birthday suit.

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  • 6 months later...

Beautiful model. That glow on her is incredible...is it just the color or an effect?






It's combination of two effects. The metal shader is applied to her armor which makes it highly reflective when light hits it. This makes her almost blindingly brilliant in bright places.


The armor also has an emissive glow added in the specular map. This is why she still radiates light even in dark places like the swamp.

  • Like! 1

wonderful effect! It makes the wings look molten... I love it




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  • 2 weeks later...

Made a few more adjustments to the Valkyrie's skin. I originally wanted it to look a little golden but it ended up kind of mottled green/grey in many lighting situations. So now it's a more uniform pinkish hue.




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I did manage to fine-tune her AI somewhat so she can use special moves while maintaining her melee behavior.

How'd you end up doing this? I know you've written before about the different AI types doing either one or the other, so is this a different AI type you've used or have you managed to edit an existing one somehow / create a new one?



I did manage to fine-tune her AI somewhat so she can use special moves while maintaining her melee behavior.

How'd you end up doing this? I know you've written before about the different AI types doing either one or the other, so is this a different AI type you've used or have you managed to edit an existing one somehow / create a new one?


Thanks to this thread I now know exactly what behaviors are assigned to the different spell classes. With that knowledge, I can go straight to the source and edit the entries in behaviour.txt to make them act however I wish. The only catch was a few quest-related companions also use these behaviors so I had to make sure they were assigned the appropriate behavior as well.


For example, any minion with the spellclass "cSpellSkKohorte" (which is most of them) uses the behavior "Hireling_brave" in behaviour.txt. I can't change that, but I CAN change the parameters of "Hireling_brave". What I did was simply add a state that allows them to use a special move, but otherwise they will still act like brave melee attackers.


Grizzly, Dire Wolves, Valkyrie, Raise Skeleton, and the Golems all use this behavior now. Although the wolves and skeletons don't have any special moves assigned.

  • Like! 1
  • 7 months later...
Posted (edited)

This must be THE most amazing mod I´ve ever seen to Sacred 2. That said there is a minor things that bugs me, namely the annoying sounds from active buffs. Now I´ve managed to find and deactivate the Shadowed Veil buff sound for Sacred 2 in the soundprofile.txt, and now I wonder how to turn off the sound for the Amazon Inner Sight buff. I´ve looked in the txt, but as most names are in german, I´ve no idea what that buff is called. Any1 have a clue? Is it actually the same as Cleansing Brilliance buff, and in that case, what´s it called in the soundprofile.txt?


OK, problem solved. The Inner Sight is based on Grand Invigoration. Once I´ve set that sound to zero, the Inner Sight also became quiet. Look for:

newProfile = {
    profilename  = "FX Highelf Regenerationskraft",
    fx         = 174,
    mindistancefactor = 80,
    maxdistancefactor = 100,
    event1 = { event = "FX_CAST", resource = 2353 };
    event2 = { event = "FX_STAGE0", resource = 2354 };

Set the numbers 2353 & 2354 to 0 (zero) and that´s about it, no more annoying sound from Inner Sight buff.

Edited by ric7202
  • 1 year later...

Upcoming Amazon changes in D2F v12

The Amazon received a lot of love as this mod was developed, and as such she has remained one of the most well-tested, balanced, and stable characters in the mod.  She may be my favorite D2F character to play.  I can't find any flaws with her, so it just remains to rewrite her personal quests and add some more rewards, as I'm doing with all the characters in the upcoming release.

  • Class quest "Missing Women" now drops Shaman's Mask as reward.  This quest starts outside of Dyr-Laigh and involves a vengeful revenant who targets Amazons.
  • Class quest "The Nature of the Angels" now drops Lycander's Aim as reward.  This is the phase of the chain quest that takes place on Seraphim Island.  Lycander was an angel in D2 lore so the Amazon is rewarded with a class-specific bow named after her out of respect.



More about the Amazon's personal quest:  Dryads are completely replaced with Amazons in D2F, not just the player character, but also the NPC's and the whole island of Dyr Lain.  I made sure all the dialogue and journals reflect this.  The Askari people have separate castes: the Amazons (warriors), the Oracles (priests and shamans), and the men.  The Archon is the queen.

The original Dryad chain quest was a somewhat disjointed set of adventures very loosely tied together with the theme of the Dryad learning about how all the different regions treat Mother Nature.  This theme has been modified if not replaced outright with one of the Amazon leaving her island for the first time and living the kind of mercenary life she always heard about her sister Amazons living.  People of the outside world know Amazons as fierce warriors and unparalleled hunters, so she's usually approached by various races to live up to that reputation.  Gone is the preachy, fussy, "tree-hugging" Dryad of before, however as the patron deity of the Amazons is Helgrotha, who watched over and protected forest creatures, the Amazon still has a complex relationship with wildlife and hunting.

Each phase of the quest gives insight in the lore of each race of Ancaria in a way that no other character's quest does.  I really like the early phase that features her freeing some human slaves, only to repeatedly run into them again and again, each time seeing how the group progresses from slaves to poor outcasts to a self-sufficient group.  I also fleshed out the Nur-Trak orc clan's background and the lore of the angels.

The final phase of the quest involves either a jilted love interest (Light path) or former protege (Shadow Path) who decides to oppose the Amazon.  These relationships and the quests overall are much more fleshed out and given some dramatic weight.  The Shadow path final battle in particular should be much more challenging, as your protege Delia claims to have become your equal.

  • Respect! 1
  • 5 months later...

In my last update I said the Amazon was one of my favorite characters to play... in retrospect I think that was because I made her too good, especially a caster Amazon.  Many CA's have properties that scale too quickly, and I was handing out Regen per hit and LL% like candy.  I'm going to temper her a little bit without losing her charm or appeal.  I also finally fixed a combat art that had a broken property.

v13 Changes:

  • Strafe/Impale: "Magic Arrow" mod damage conversion now starts at 25%. Chance to bypass armor from "Breach" mod scales more slowly.
  • Elemental Arrow: "Fire Arrow/Cold Arrow/Exploding Arrow" mods now all scale more slowly. Fire DOT scaling from "Immolation Arrow" is doubled.
  • Avoid: Rooting area of effect slightly increased.
  • Penetrate: Base chance to pierce decreased to 30% and scales more slowly.
  • Charged Strike: Regen per hit base effect decreased. "Weaken" modification decreased and scales more slowly.
  • Lightning Bolt: Regen per hit effect scales more slowly. Leech Life % from "Siphon" mod scales more slowly.
  • Plague Spears: Removed references to "plague poison" as this was non-functioning. "Pestilence" mod now gives increased Chance for Poison and "Scourge" mod now causes Area Damage.
  • Poison Javelin: Increased regeneration time. Chance for poisoning and chance for area damage scale more slowly (including "Poison Cloud" mod). 
  • Slow Missiles: Cooldown increased from 1s to 5s. Missile slowing effect decreased by 25% (including "Thicken" mod). Attribute debuff, speed debuff, and physical armor debuff (from "Crumble" mod) all scale more slowly.
  • Inner Sight: Duration and hits per second now match to prevent a stacking exploit. Range scales more slowly. Now grants 10 Intelligence points per level instead of 20. "Resolve" mod now grants 10 Willpower points per level instead of 30. Chance opponents cannot evade from "Submission" mod scales more slowly.
  • Like! 1

no, no, not the life leech per hit.. nooooooooooooooo

lol i understand balance...that mod is so lovely though ^^





  • Haha 1

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