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The Diablo 2 Fallen Items Thread


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Unveiling the Diablo 2 Fallen Items Thread. In this thread I've collected all the item updates I've made for the mod so they can all be found in once place.

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Item Update: Throwing Stars




Most of the weapon types got some attention and additions in the mod, but so far Throwing Stars have not. Now there are six new models that are part of this weapon class.




These models have been added to the pool of possible random Throwing Stars. I also revised the blueprints so that plain-looking stars are normal, nicer stars are magic, and the really fancy ones are rares.


I also gave Poison Star and Afirdnasy's Shuriken the green textured version of their models since it looks more unique and they are poison-oriented weapons.

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Awesome models!

I have a suggestion, if you're looking for some crazy futuristic looking weapons, Hellgate London has a lot of them and they could go well with sacred 2 aesthetics.

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Hi Flix!

Could you add these orc weapons? These look quite brutal for 2-handed models.




This unique wand (Shaman's Totem) looks a bit big for a wand, could it be changed as a staff?



Edited by Tharkun
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Hello Flix!

A minor thing, these models look a bit low res compared to other weapons, could you scale them down a bit? I think they may look better that way.

I've always wondered, Is it possible to add bowstrings to all bows?

About the shield update posted on 03 July 2015 - 09:23 PM

Are those shields that went to npcs also available for players? If not, could you add them? It is a little bit weird to leave some "npc only" items considering all the npc items that have been unlocked and added for players.

Thanks as always!
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Now that the Assassin (Temple Guardian) doesn't have an energy shield, is it possible to remove all the energy shield related modifiers from his equipment? I'm seeing batteries with modifiers like "Max shield energy", etc. It's a minor annoyance.

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