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The Diablo 2 Fallen Items Thread


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@Flix @dimitrius154

the shields are dazzling... i cant believe you set that goal, to make sure no one borrows another. spent my whole morning with my coffee now pulling one open after another.

This one here is my favorite, wheres it from ? The details on the shield are eye popping :eek:


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35 minutes ago, gogoblender said:

This one here is my favorite, wheres it from ? The details on the shield are eye popping :eek:

It's the Empire's heraldry from Warhammer.  :D

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There's a Chinese(I believe) model resource www.cadnav.com, that had provided a large umount of templates to work on. An, of course, Warhammer Fantasy(the pre-AoS one) is one of my favorite settings.  

Edited by dimitrius154
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New Item Models in v15 - Part 2

All screenshots are from the upcoming "Visual Guide to Unique Weapons" for v15.

1h Clubs

NSnK7Ka.jpg  PC7Axzk.jpg  daiLTdq.jpg  qFK4Kww.jpg  htpmvQd.jpg


1h Axes

EWBz8Gh.jpg  revJQbe.jpg  0seeW36.jpg  it4fP0M.jpg 

tMTirpD.jpg  Dy1JxIE.jpg  OFJl9b3.jpg   j7Hf7Jl.jpg


1h Hammers

fY4Q47S.jpg  lRTSLCt.jpg  8Zh55bE.jpg  DcPZIiB.jpg  s35c1RK.jpg

pnakd37.jpg  M9obt8g.jpg  doGRnk2.jpg  JV9N5Xq.jpg  bv3byME.jpg

o9FwlPU.jpg  u6r2VPb.jpg


2h Axes

nc2c9Qq.jpg  HZRVB1f.jpg  vJd2cgx.jpg  MwvCkI5.jpg  lo4eGT9.jpg


2h Hammers

1ywwelF.jpg  zt9aWlv.jpg  t9qnfrG.jpg 

uNtnX2E.jpg  9m7Kkb4.jpg  YslkIOR.jpg


Some New Designs Present as Random Rares

t3U5Ti9.jpg  Gbd2PQK.jpg  x8CjFMi.jpg  YkzSm8i.jpg 

KFvcbnO.jpg  8gxTJeK.jpg  kPFDvTh.jpg

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Great combo! the helmet gives great elevation to the storied concept of 2 H hammer , This must look sharp while in battle 





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10 hours ago, gogoblender said:

Great combo! the helmet gives great elevation to the storied concept of 2 H hammer , This must look sharp while in battle 





That's my favorite one of the bunch.  If ever a weapon deserved to be called "The Forbidden Punisher"...

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New Item Models in v15 - Part 3

All screenshots are from the upcoming "Visual Guide to Unique Weapons" for v15.


0FKhbKc.jpg  IaAmwXC.jpg  FvO6Gc8.jpg 

tBl6b36.jpg  8v1znig.jpg  DVZN4tk.jpg

In previous releases, 3 of the above used models imported from Titan Quest.  Those TQ models will now appear as random rares instead.

New random rare wand model



2h Magic Staves

sbflfcm.jpg  hPt1ovp.jpg  ioOO4y0.jpg  jXWSQvx.jpg

N7DCMnf.jpg  SXIP93e.jpg  nrAEPJ0.jpg  kQ9ZR4r.jpg



Unique lightsabers no longer have randomized models, each one is now unique.  They will all display elemental VFX on the hilt rather than the blade changing color.

rDuc9NB.jpg  Wz3uNPx.jpg  pswG5d5.jpg  GrRLXh6.jpg

B3gLkmd.jpg   <-- I love this one.

Random Rare Lightsabers still use the old design and may still spawn in all colors and damage types. 

l6mmud0.jpg  219eQTx.jpg


2h Saberstaves

lX7PexU.jpg  o5eq7EH.jpg  Z4zeBun.jpg

As with the 1h lightsabers, the random rare saberstaves use the old hilt design and may spawn in any color with elemental damage VFX.

mWwwgV5.jpg  w4pboje.jpg


The blades are also now animated, to an extent. Lightsabers and Saberstaves will deactivate when mounted outside of combat, and the blades will extend when combat begins.  So your poor mount isn't sliced in half by the blades.

GFNvPte.jpg  btvXGgG.jpg   j1tjaGb.jpg  Sy4CBIL.jpg

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Just the word wands is exciting.  Always been one of my favorite drops in Sacred and Diablo... one of the best and most ferocious ways to get a squishy magic user to power up.  I feel like these were a lot of fun to work with?

This ones my favorite.. it reminds me of Van Gogh's starry night!





but im also kinda drawn to this one... takes me back to that wizard dueling scene in harry potter where Voldemort goes head to head against Dumble Dore and one of the spells Voldemort casts has a flat line negative light just chopping the other spell in half with distortion... nice effect here 






  • zomgod! 1
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New Item Models in v15 - Part 4

All screenshots are from the upcoming "Visual Guide to Unique Weapons" for v15.


l3UQNvS.jpg   gaTYCZu.jpg   2LK7UbJ.jpg

9HiDroe.jpg   fQ2esZF.jpg   OkYvaZ5.jpg



qhb1Re6.jpg   dtWMlZ4.jpg   h4xcTrs.jpg

RkLbJYx.jpg   bBGmHeY.jpg   Gfk4t0V.jpg


Throwing Axes

VpiE7tF.jpg   SLDruLF.jpg   PPKutQS.jpg

As you can see throwing weapons now use a 1h-like grip to accommodate the new throwing axe and dagger models.  This may make the grip on stars and potions look a little odd at times.  Hopefully someday I can split them apart so they have separate animations.

Throwing Daggers + Potions

oMgWoxq.jpg   aHBE8oP.jpg   tUVOrjH.jpg   OFQVfKY.jpg

Throwing Stars

 RFcZR3G.jpg   B6iBAJ1.jpg   xW42S2X.jpg 


Energy Pistols

7ZKaiaI.jpg  8O6kHk3.jpg  JLBJ65h.jpg  ztxqK2q.jpg  TrD83Wt.jpg

This was a chance not just to revamp models but also to overhaul the base materials used on the unique energy weapons.  Ascaron made 5 "tech" materials, each one emphasizing one of the 5 damage types, but in vanilla they only seemed to use the same magic/fire materials over and over again.

Some of the vanilla normal/magic/rare weapons also got a pass to make sure they had the T-Energy effect active.

Energy Staves

wXNBqr6.jpg  C0gkKCh.jpg  BqT2dDq.jpg  q9WMnd3.jpg

AyPx8Th.jpg   1FTGgUQ.jpg

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super hoover rug buster... on roids... referencing ghost busters?  Love it 

And in MP..if two streams cross...



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1 hour ago, gogoblender said:

super hoover rug buster... on roids... referencing ghost busters?  Love it 

And in MP..if two streams cross...




  • Haha 1
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2 hours ago, gogoblender said:

referencing ghost busters?

One of Fallout 3 mods, introducing extra weapons, had a captivating plasma cannon model, which has served as a template for this particular item.

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@FlixI would appreciate reports of any instances of weird weapon handling, in either idle, or combat stance. Judging by the screenshots, some item models need to be fixed.

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44 minutes ago, dimitrius154 said:

@FlixI would appreciate reports of any instances of weird weapon handling, in either idle, or combat stance. Judging by the screenshots, some item models need to be fixed.

Which ones look bad?  Don't mind the throwing weapons, I'm having to make do with all throwing weapons using a single set of animations so that's not how they look in your mod.  Same for saberstaves, they're still just using 2h sword animations.

As a final disclaimer I'm not always using your full set of hero models and animations.  The inquisitor for example is still his old vertex-animated self, only because I still need a model with a shield bone on his left arm.

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4 hours ago, Flix said:

Which ones look bad? 

The "Dark Side" and "Windu's Mace" lightsaber grip bone seems off.

4 hours ago, Flix said:

only because I still need a model with a shield bone on his left arm

Hmm, the shield_l_arm is present, should work.

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12 hours ago, dimitrius154 said:

@FlixI would appreciate reports of any instances of weird weapon handling, in either idle, or combat stance. Judging by the screenshots, some item models need to be fixed.

I suppose if we're looking at the finer details, then the normal-class Sabercat shield is upside-down.  It clearly has feathers hanging on the shield's front, but they're all defying gravity and pointing upwards.  I looked at just flipping the design on the texture but it's not symmetrical.

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New Item Models in v15 - Part 5

All screenshots are from the upcoming "Visual Guide to Unique Weapons" for v15.

This wraps up all the new weapon models. Many thanks to Dmitriy for the reinvigoration of the designs.


gI1sp59.jpg   YS42Isx.jpg   nxnyJ3L.jpg   z8Xop0W.jpg

tPCj0IR.jpg   7KdROZR.jpg   y3pWoFt.jpg


wH8KyiY.jpg  VR9vxYP.jpg  baOIEzm.jpg  rAoWFC1.jpg  bbzySVl.jpg

B@stard Swords

n3zPxxB.jpg   eWs2ICk.jpg   8sDuoIQ.jpg   zh5AM5W.jpg

bQIJl9E.jpg   tFKCu53.jpg   gZ5izNB.jpg   wiL7GIO.jpg


PEi3yzl.jpg   F0WwUpa.jpg   hGgi8wZ.jpg   4hIB4aJ.jpg


AgDLkeZ.jpg   tep17xf.jpg   kBiEciM.jpg   h67dCmk.jpg

Dagger + Fistweapon

S3dEEJH.jpg   nAXBPaW.jpg   tDayKpX.jpg   JEixqrl.jpg

pRl3AqS.jpg   f8zjyDs.jpg   SaWhXia.jpg     l2ynXi3.jpg

2H Swords

QcLngqo.jpg  jL6IUfm.jpg  SyUfSDw.jpg  OYYU2vY.jpg  5QvMHcs.jpg

Some random rare models

d4sjHP3.jpg   g0O6LUs.jpg   BUdoWlI.jpg   wBLLJSk.jpg

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On 6/12/2022 at 2:28 PM, gogoblender said:

This one here is my favorite, wheres it from ? The details on the shield are eye popping :eek:


AFAIK this one also exists in EE? Or at least something similar looking, I know I've had smth like this dropped at least once in EE, but I can't find it in the wiki page for legendary shields.

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On 6/20/2022 at 2:50 PM, Lindor said:

AFAIK this one also exists in EE? Or at least something similar looking, I know I've had smth like this dropped at least once in EE, but I can't find it in the wiki page for legendary shields.

The déjà vu is to be expected. In fact most of all of these models were ported over into EE some time ago.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Is new paladin's (npc) set usable by players? 

BTW where can I find info on reskinned sets? 

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10 hours ago, nerasw said:

Is new paladin's (npc) set usable by players? 

BTW where can I find info on reskinned sets? 

It's not because the Paladin NPC's body is just one big model.

Each character class has their own thread where I detail all the changes to their CA's and gear. For example the Paladin thread:


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2 hours ago, Flix said:

It's not because the Paladin NPC's body is just one big model.

Each character class has their own thread where I detail all the changes to their CA's and gear. For example the Paladin thread:



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