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Diablo 2 Fallen Creatures Thread


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2 hours ago, Flix said:

I laughed out loud when I saw the monkey scamper across the bridge and climb up on top of the pole. I had no idea they had the A.I. for that, much less the animations.

Another perk in the upcoming release is a bugfix which adds the missing animal wildlife sounds. So wolves howl, crows caw, and monkeys... cackle? Hoot?  They make monkey sounds now.

check out how *plush* the fur looks on the blue monkey, the detail on the strands coming off the skin is exceptional, lots of pile


nice work on this Ben

re your sonic bug fix, sounds always been one of the sharp assets in this game, background animal hoots adds great to building atmosphere

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  • 3 weeks later...

Creature Updates for v15 - Undead

Griswold is no longer an undead Gladiator. His new design is a reskin of the "Hercules" model I originally imported for Larzuk.  I could never find a use for Larzuk so he became Griswold the Living, and gives the Anvil of Fury quest in Za'Zaruik.  This reskin is the zombie D2 version.  Don't think too hard about the paradox of having both living and undead Griswold present.  Zombie Gris can still be found in the dungeons underneath Fortress Reikenstein.  He moves slow but packs a hard hit.

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Skeleton King Leoric, Lord de Seis, Achmel the Cursed

These three had their models shuffled around. Leoric has a brand new design.  Lord de Seis received a retextured version of Leoric's old design, and Achmel the Cursed in turn received Lord de Seis's old design.  Achmel's old design was just a recolored Sinister Prince, so it has been dispensed with.

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The special moves generally similar but you may notice some surprises.  You'll notice Leoric has his big spine-crushing mace.

Achmel has been promoted to boss and has an "Eternal Mummies" buff that behaves similar to Nether Allegiance. So long as Achmel is alive, the mummy priests will not die but only fall unconscious briefly.  They themselves can summon lesser mummies.


"Unholy Bolt"

Speaking of normal mummies, I have recreated an attack that D2 mummies used : Unholy Bolt!  If you are hit by it, it will cause magic damage and reduce your armor and attributes briefly.


Pharoah El-Leigh

Brurag El-Leigh is a vanilla opponent, formerly a generic elite mummy at the end of a long and interesting chain quest.

In v15 he will get a boss promotion and a new design that Pesmontis sent me a long time ago.

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Bone Ash & Bonesaw Breaker

Thanks to Dmitriy these two are now armored and have new skins and weapons.

Their buffs complement each other.  Bone Ash's buff will protect allies from fire, making Bonesaw Breaker much harder to kill.  Bonesaw Breaker's buff increases the fire damage you take, making Bone Ash much more deadly.  You may want to decide which to eliminate first based on this.

After you defeat them at the end of the "Chamber of Bone" quest, instead of just ending, the quest now points you to a locked chest they were guarding. It will drop some items and lots of gold once the pair are defeated.

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Creeping Feature

Now reskinned to look different from generic Ghouls, Creeping Feature now also has a pack of minions, as most superuniques will in v15.

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The Evocator

This one was always kind of a disappointing vanilla boss at the end of an otherwise inventive chain quest.  Formerly a generic ghost mage, the Evocator now sports a unique design and can actually do what he says he can do: summon ghosts.

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The Banshee

Although the Banshee's original design was unique, it was arguably more drab and less impressive than the generic ghost skin.

Now the Banshee has a completely different, creepy design.

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The original Banshee skin will be used for an "Elite Ghost" spawn, since there were no elite versions previously.  It can be found anywhere other ghosts spawn.


The Dream Vampire

Another Dmitriy-imported creature, though used for a different purpose. In vanilla this was a Stone Warrior, then it became a Vampire-type opponent. Now it truly resembles the psychic-vampire energy creature the quest evokes.


Normal/Elite Vampires sport new weapons.  Fist weapons for the normal (formerly barehanded) and a double-bladed 2h weapon for elites (formerly 1h sword).


The Blood Lord

The superunique vampire now has a unique model instead being a reskinned normal vampire.  He has similar powers though some of the FX will be different.  You can find him the Last Watch cemetery as usual.


The Countess

The Countess now has armor thanks to Dmitriy, though I changed it from pink to silver.  She attacks with dual claw attacks now.  Her old design is present as the "Bloodmaidens."  Two Bloodmaidens will accompany the Countess at the start of the quest, and she can summon more during the fight.

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Couple other misc. changes:

  • Lichs: Fixed passive A.I. They used to stand stock still and not attack. Now they roam around like other undead.
  • Moldered Skeleton Archers will now use and prefer their bows instead of 2h swords.
  • Moldered Zombies renamed to "Drowned Carcass" and now have an elite variant.
  • Mutated Skeletons now explode into bones instead of gore on death.
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Creature Updates in v15 - Elves

Dark Elves get some retextures.  There was a flaw in the main Dark Elf Model that made their arm spikes use skin textures.  This is now fixed.

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Dark Elf Rogues now have gold highlights in their armor instead of red.

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Nimonuil's Elite Guards now have red highlights instead of blue.

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High Elf Inquisitors have some extra armor now, to differentiate them more from the human cultists and shamans who use the same base model.

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The Grand Inquisitor Nimonuil himself has a more "grand" design with a spiky mantle and some T-Energy FX.

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Nimonuil's special moves have been revamped. In addition to the Thorns and Bloodrush auras, he now has a Deathray attack and Inexorable Subjugation, which will paralyze you briefly while inflicting pulses of physical damage (duration same as the Stun effect).

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Zakarum Zealots and Fanatics now have AI upscaled textures. In fact all such creatures imported in from Sacred 1 will benefit from this technology.

The elites wield a new 2h hammer.

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Cantors and Heirophants have some additional modeling work done to make them look more priest-like, with robes and capes.

Elites will now cast blizzard. The CA-disruption buff has been moved from normal to elite.

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The Summoner gets a new model and staff so he is no longer a clone of Khormynth.  Since his storyline is corruption by T-Energy, he now looks the part.

His special moves remain the same, summoning Orc spirits and using several Area of Effect magic spells.

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Creature Updates in v15 - Ladies

Sabrecats (including elites and Bloodwitch the Wild) received new designs.

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Dmitriy has reworked the models so they have clawed hands and feet.  They are also able to use a new animated lash-type weapon and have their own unique shields.

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Bloodwitch the Wild has the same CA's, though her animations are improved and she has a pack of minions now.

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I took the liberty of reworking the textures as well as adding fur to all of the models.  I also gave them new eye textures.

These new face textures do mean that I've retired SX255's sabrecat textures that have served well these many years.  I have tried to preserve some of that feline spirit with my retex.



Succubus variety is increased from 1 design to 6.

The normal Succubus will still spawn in the Dragon Caves as before. She uses the design from Sacred 1.  But she also has a more heavily armored elite variant now as well, designed by Dmitriy.

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Like the Sabercats, the Succubi now use a special new animated flail-type weapon with several different elemental varieties.

There are also two new rare variants:

The Stygian Harlot will only appear nearby the superunique Succubi.  Witchmoon, Red Vex, and Black Jade all spawn with packs of Stygian Harlots.

The normal rank is a skin designed by Ysendra.  The elite is a reskin of Dmitriy's model.

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The Vile Temptress is even more rare, and will only spawn in the sector around the the swamp fortress of S'Suil, where the Infector of Souls dwells.

Again we have the normal rank skin created by Ysendra, and the elite is another Dmitriy reskin.

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All Succubi have an Archangel's Wrath-style weapon elemental projectile attack, while elites additionally have a debuffing spell that will increase vulnerability to that element.  The regular Succubus debuffs physical.  Stygian Harlots are fire-based, while Vile Temptresses are poison.

Witchmoon, apart from having some minions, is largely the same, though she does have some extra flames on her model.  She also has a new flamethrower move in place of the old Archangel's Wrath-style attack.

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Red Vex has very nearly the same move set as Witchmoon now, though she wields twin fire swords, and her model has been changed from a normal Infernal Siren into a reskin of Witchmoon.  Accordingly she is much more dangerous now, especially with her new entourage.

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Black Jade is a new superunique introduced in v15. She will replace the "Succubus" boss from the CM quest "Dark Rituals."  The old Succubus design will be folded back in among the other standard Sacred 2 demon models (where it originally was in vanilla).

Black Jade is a bigger, badder version of the red Infernal Siren. Her powers are similar to the original boss though she summons Stygian Harlots rather than normal demons.


Blood Raven, Coldcrow, and Battlemaid Sarina have new designs and equipment. Their special moves have been spruced up with new animations allowing cool new attacks such multi-hits and spinning whirlwind attacks.

I've also swapped the appearances of Coldcrow & Battlemaid Sarina back to their original quests from previous versions of D2F.  Coldcrow is the final boss of "Against the Blood Valkyries" while Sarina guards Lam Essen's Tome in the quest of the same name.

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Mazzagon's Bodyguard has been promoted back to boss status while Mazzagon himself is back to being a simple elite.  There is only one bodyguard to contend with now though, and she will also take Mazzagon's place in the Hellfire Arena.

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Creature Updates in v15

New enemy type: The Doom Caster, a floating mage-type enemy that can disrupt CA regeneration.  I've long-wanted to bring in this enemy type from D2, and Dmitriy provided a good model for it.  In lieu of mana drain I have them inflicting CA disruption and regen penalty debuffs.

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Demonic Skulls have new designs. They now look much different from the Necro's Bone Spirits.

k1QWkvP.jpg   POcYGxh.jpg

Diaanja's Hellhound has a new two-headed "Cerberus" design.

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Elite Maw Fiends got a new design. They can summon a new minion: "Vile Spawn."

Dmitriy has added to the basilisk design that Pesmontis imported in.  Bigger, meaner, spikier.  He also allowed the jaw to open for biting attacks.

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The Vile Spawn will also appear in the Dragon Caves in place of the former "Small Dragon" spawns.  This eastern-style dragon is now just a harmless atmospheric animal that will spawn on the islands.


Ghost Conjurer Equantius ("The Ancestors' Chambers") gets a new design and is promoted to boss status.  He can now do what his title says, and conjure ghosts.

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Balrogs (including Ventar the Unholy and the Infector of Souls) get new designs, abilities, and minions.

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Sorceror Mankaul ("The Ancestor's Chambers") is now boss-class. He has a new design and new Sakkara/Siren minions.

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If you liked the old Balrog designs using the Sakkara model, you find them reworked in this quest. This will be their only appearance.

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The Butcher and The Smith have new models and weapons, when you fight them in their respective quests.

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Death Maulers (including Eyeback the Unleashed) get new designs.  They will spawn throughout the Wastelands and (more rarely) in the Blood Forest.

They are very similar to the normal demon model, but with thicker and more robust with powerful limbs.

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The demon designs imported from Sacred 1 will no longer spawn in the Wastelands.  Instead they will make appearances here and there in various quests.

The old "Succubus" design from Dark Rituals is now used for the elite Demon warriors in the Wastelands (its original pre-CM Patch usage).

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30 minutes ago, Lindor said:

I used to be a modder like you, then I took an arrow to the knee:3lmao:

I as well wanted to post earlier about that screen shot, great capture... remember Havocs beam from Marvel xmen







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Creature Updates in v15

Colenzo the Annihilator

This is just a unique retexture by me.  I decided to keep him as a Goblin rather than changing him to Devilkin.


Snapchip Shatter

Totally new model brought in by Dmitriy. He now has a pack of minions helping him guard the Bridge Spanning Nothing.

Z7HBght.jpg   fCzGmbs.jpg

Icehawk Riftwing

Now a bat like the original monster, rather than a Harpy.

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Dac Farren

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Witchdoctor Endugu

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Sszark the Burning

Now with more burning.



The Bramble Hulk base model has bigger, thicker limbs now, as Stormtree now shows.

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It also lends an imposing frame to old bosses like the Forest Guardian, who btw will now spawn consistently instead of sometimes disappearing on loading.

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Lister the Tormentor - This is a brand new superunique, one of the last from D2 that was not yet present in the mod.  He appears as the boss of the short quest "Strange Rituals" in Tyr Lysia.  This quest is now available to both Light and Shadow paths.  Instead of a group of thieves summoning a fire elemental, the dark priests summon a very powerful demon and fail to control it.

Lister has mage-type A.I. with summoning and long range spells.

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The Zakarum High Council now has armor and upscaled textures. Their powers remain the same, except for Wyand Voidbringer who now uses Cloak of Shadows rather than a life leeching buff.

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Andariel has an improved model with cleaned-up animations and her bat wings replaced with more spidery-looking legs.

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Duriel gets a new design. The old model is now used for the demon (Udchathak) in "The Unholy Crusade."  The old one was as close as I thought anyone could get to the bizarre body shape of Duriel, lord of pain.  But Dmitriy has found and apparently animated from scratch a new demon model that has more of that crustacean look.

vj50l8A.jpg   rn9g5vk.jpg

Diablo is no longer missing animations for Cold Touch and Firestorm. Root spell is now replaced with Bone Prison.  He also got a more robust model tune-up and a retexture.

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I did not change Mephisto's model but I did give him another ability from D2, a poison nova attack.


Baal - More than any other model I think I was most floored by the improvement done on Baal's model.  The original was a bit difficult to adapt to the Sakkara's animation set.  This new design looks basically perfect, like it was made for the game all along.

oYTfMHb.jpg   R50IflS.jpg


More still to come!

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@FlixDuriel actually says "I am your doom", but it's somewhat hard to decipher without some sound processing gimmicks.

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D2F v15 Creature Updates

Neutral atmospheric animals are now enabled and present for all regions.

This change, present in EE and PFP for a while, is now part of D2F.

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"Enemy "Stances" - Several vanilla elites have received (new buff spells) based on their specialties (tank, archer, or mage).  Rather than just pump elite stats even more, I've activated a vanilla concept that was never completed: stances in the form of dispellable buffs.

Tank Stance increases Willpower, Defense, Chance to Block Melee, and Resistance to Secondary Effects.

Archer Stance increases ranged attack speed and attack rating, adds a chance to block roots, and reduces the opponent's chance to reflect ranged damage.

Mage Stance increases Intelligence, Spell Intensity, and Cast Speed, and adds a Chance to Block Spells.

hJFvrzv.jpg   crGHydV.jpg   G28D71D.jpg

Facetelleon and Lithos enemies have new hit and death FX.  There was an unused "T-Energy" blood/death effect that suits them well.

I've also reviewed all of the Facetelleon's combat arts and animations. He should be more exciting and dynamic to fight now. His "charge" move now works. His ice buff has a radius that can actually affect the player, and many of his other spells have new FX.

PyFRJE5.jpg  rRn8Yv3.jpg  bnHGo9R.jpg  YnEDwkB.jpg  Hsvmj6K.jpg

Flying Eyes (except the suicide bombers) now leave behind corpses instead of exploding on death.

Gar'Colossus, Kraal, and Mist of Miasma: Added some missing special move animations.

Gar now has buff casting animations, as well as FX for his energy shield. In fact all the opponents that use energy shield (like Izual) now have a buff effect.


The Mist now casts his full array of moves, and Kraal now has a sort of jet engine fire attack that I adapted from his broken "charge" move.  He will turn his exhaust engines on you and light the ground on fire at your feet.

Kraal can also now make use of his "Energy Stations" around the Pyramid to recharge himself - a vanilla feature that has been broken since release.


Hunting Spiders (mutated and elite) can now use their jump attack.  These enemies were actually supposed to use the same "battle jump" that Leaping Plants use, but their animations were incorrectly scripted.


Friendly werewolves in Lizurath now use a different design from the generic werewolves. Some were still using the generic skin.


Lightning Lord: Charged Bolt is replaced with a Lightning Skin buff. All spells now inflict 50% of their former damage values. There were complaints that he was way too deadly before, and also that he didn't look much like the lord of lightning.

Also the player must now talk to the Lightning Lord before combat begins. This should prevent the battle from clashing with the "Quick Help" quest in the nearby village.

.qeQ5gY2.jpg   WN369cA.jpg   QT4fsKm.jpg

Swapped the designs between Tyrael (now in white & gold) and the other "male" angels (now in purple & gold).

When Shadow players fight Tyrael they will be up against some new angelic moves, including a Cleansing Brilliance aura.


Light Players will also have to contend with a revamped Malthael, who now uses a Soulstorm attack that will leech health and energy.



More to come!

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5 hours ago, Flix said:

Added some missing special move animations.

It should be noted, that missing available CA animations mean not only, that the CA in question is not used, but that the walking routine gets activated, effectively breaking combat fluidity.

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4 hours ago, dimitrius154 said:

It should be noted, that missing available CA animations mean not only, that the CA in question is not used, but that the walking routine gets activated, effectively breaking combat fluidity.

This is why I use your language in all the change logs, regarding this. "Occurrences of bosses stopping in their tracks or wandering aimlessly during combat should no longer happen." That describes exactly what any vanilla players would be all too familiar with. Kraal was probably the worst, followed by the Mist. I think between them maybe one CA was used.

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11 hours ago, Flix said:

"Enemy "Stances" - Several vanilla elites have received (new buff spells) based on their specialties (tank, archer, or mage).  Rather than just pump elite stats even more, I've activated a vanilla concept that was never completed: stances in the form of dispellable buffs.

Tank Stance increases Willpower, Defense, Chance to Block Melee, and Resistance to Secondary Effects.

Archer Stance increases ranged attack speed and attack rating, adds a chance to block roots, and reduces the opponent's chance to reflect ranged damage.

Mage Stance increases Intelligence, Spell Intensity, and Cast Speed, and adds a Chance to Block Spells.

hJFvrzv.jpg   crGHydV.jpg   G28D71D.jpg

Facetelleon and Lithos enemies have new hit and death FX.  There was an unused "T-Energy" blood/death effect that suits them well.

I've also reviewed all of the Facetelleon's combat arts and animations. He should be more exciting and dynamic to fight now. His "charge" move now works. His ice buff has a radius that can actually affect the player, and many of his other spells have new FX.

PyFRJE5.jpg  rRn8Yv3.jpg  bnHGo9R.jpg  YnEDwkB.jpg  Hsvmj6K.jpg

Flying Eyes (except the suicide bombers) now leave behind corpses instead of exploding on death.

Gar'Colossus, Kraal, and Mist of Miasma: Added some missing special move animations.

Gar now has buff casting animations, as well as FX for his energy shield. In fact all the opponents that use energy shield (like Izual) now have a buff effect.


The Mist now casts his full array of moves, and Kraal now has a sort of jet engine fire attack that I adapted from his broken "charge" move.  He will turn his exhaust engines on you and light the ground on fire at your feet.

Kraal can also now make use of his "Energy Stations" around the Pyramid to recharge himself - a vanilla feature that has been broken since release.


Hunting Spiders (mutated and elite) can now use their jump attack.  These enemies were actually supposed to use the same "battle jump" that Leaping Plants use, but their animations were incorrectly scripted.


Friendly werewolves in Lizurath now use a different design from the generic werewolves. Some were still using the generic skin.


Lightning Lord: Charged Bolt is replaced with a Lightning Skin buff. All spells now inflict 50% of their former damage values. There were complaints that he was way too deadly before, and also that he didn't look much like the lord of lightning.

Also the player must now talk to the Lightning Lord before combat begins. This should prevent the battle from clashing with the "Quick Help" quest in the nearby village.

.qeQ5gY2.jpg   WN369cA.jpg   QT4fsKm.jpg

Damn. OMG I need this in EE! The lightning lord and especially the new facetteleon FX look sooo good! I remember discussing him when you discovered the BLOODFX list in the FX list I thread, thinking "oh this will be good":D

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Creature Updates in v15

Devilkin and all variants (including Rakanishu and Bishibosh) have new designs.  This is IMO a brilliant change from Dmitriy here, no more giant bloated kobold heads. This also let me increase their scale a bit.

The types remain the same as before, Orange Devilkin, Red Fallen Ones, Black Dark Ones, Purple Fallen Shamans, and Blue Carvers.

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Rakanishu and Bishibosh in the Hellfire Arena:


Sand Maggot: Introducing a new enemy from D2.  The Sand Maggot will bite with its jaws but also continually lay eggs that spawn young.

VDBCFag.jpg   V83uadk.jpg

I've replaced several spawn instances of Scarabs (now Death Beetles) with this new enemy type (the Sands of A Thousand Antennae, notably).  While these areas may look a little more empty at first, they can quickly become crowded with swarms of Death Beetles as more and more eggs hatch.


"A New Hope": Lots of changes here. First: Silmia is now a human instead of elf as her father is human.

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Next, fixed some ill-fitting equipment on militia members.   There was a shield that rotated constantly and a helmet where the hair clipped right on through.


Finally, after defeating Beastmaster Trohwall, the player must then fight The Ancients in Crag Rock Valley to complete the quest. The Ancients will no longer spawn until this quest phase. The final reward now includes a 2h Lightsaber.

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The Ancients can now use the Barbarian's "Natural Resistance" buff, which increases their hitpoints and WIllpower.  Thanks to Dmitriy, they all have unique weapons now.

ZCLil0L.jpg   PmOssnU.jpg

Various NPC equipment fixes.  I've fixed loads of this stuff in v15, most of it imported in from PFP and EE, and thus already documented in those threads.  I have however found a few new instances in this latest cycle of D2F.  One notable fix is the quiver w/ straps designed for the human "Assassin" enemy.

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Lachdanan has a brand new model instead of being a generic Hellknight.  He sends you in search of the Golden Elixir, guarded by Red Vex.


Fixed Blackhammer's hair also being applied to royal archers.  In the previous release I fixed Blackhammer having red hair, but this inadvertently gave all characters with that base model black hair. Now there are two separate entries.


Some quest Orcs and Ogres got Grurag or Ore-Thag designs, where appropriate.

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Barbarians have new weapons.  The Raiders use new throwing axe models, and the Captains (the grey beards) are now able to use the big 2h axes as Ascaron intended.

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Most non-quest D2 NPC's will now have small dialogues and/or vendor functions.  This was just a fun way to make use of all the various D2 NPC's who I placed in the game world but didn't have any quests to associate with them.  Now you can chat with Gheed, Fara, Warriv, Drognan, and many others and then buy items from their shop.  Some of the quest-givers from previous releases, such as Akara and Charsi, will also transition into a vendor after you complete their quests.

HiuIHtm.jpg  LoxQYzG.jpg  ruBaVOP.jpg  VfGhDdv.jpg

There is now a Lizardman horse trader in Neithu'thaz, who sells Unicorns and Flaming Horses.  He was already present in the scripts, just didn't have a spawn point set.


"Easter Has Come": Speaking to the Easter Bunny is now required to start the quest to prevent accidental failure.


 "The Dragon Cult": Ophtanar's guards no longer keep respawning after the appropriate quest completion. Light path version removed them via script, now Shadow path will as well.
 "The Dragon Cult": Waton now transforms into a Dragon Berserk boss at the final stage. This battle now takes place on Shadow path as well as Light path. Waton will also appear in the Hellfire Arena now.

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 "The Imposter": Failitia now starts out as a normal Paladin before her transformation reveal. Her final form design and abilities are overhauled. Her "Seraphim" model is an improved design on Sophia's vanilla model.  Sophia herself in D2F remains a more D2-like angel.

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Mother Hydra has more heads now. She's also a bit thicker.  In fact Father Dagon seems to have been hitting the protein shakes as well.  Other enemies such as Pitspawn Fouldog and the Tainted are also beefier, as well as having horns more like their D2 namesakes.

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Finally fixed all instances of Wastelands background NPCs appearing as a big black box with "Empty" written in red letters.  This was due to some improper spawns added with the sector editor.



Also here's a big chunk of other creature-related changes with no pics, cause I'm kind of tired of taking pictures of everything.  :3lmao:

  • Fixed a vanilla script bug that may have been preventing enemy focus & lore skills from functioning.
  • Fixed non-hostile Goblin Boar Riders in the cave east of Ruka.
  • Fixed non-hostile ghosts spawning from graves.
  • Several wild animals (mostly wolves) are no longer incorrectly immune to fear.
  • Asmarael's healing spells are nerfed to a reasonable level, to avoid her insta-healing her entire hitpoint pool.
  • Ice Hydra: Somewhat weakened its stats and increased its vulnerability to fire.
  • Inquisition Officers, Blood Dryads, and Envoys of Death: All dual-wield attacks should now cause 2 hits.
  • Enemy "Blind" spell does not penalize player attack speed as much.
  • Enabled various combat yells and grunts for NPCs during combat.
  • Enabled several NPC's to engage in ambient dialogue and gossip. This includes ambient wildlife sounds.
  • Fixed various elf, orc, and human models that had flipped polygons.
  • Leaping Plants' jump attack once again causes area damage.  In a previous release I attempted to stop Leaping Plants from making a jet engine sound when leaping. This worked, but also broke their damage. Now both the sounds and the damage are correct.
  • Swampbelly Toads are no longer missing icons in the Last Opponent window. Dmitriy made the missing wildlife portraits.
  • Some quest Orcs and Ogres got Grurag or Ore-Thag designs, where appropriate. At some point shamans got those big Ogre hammers.
  • Dragon "frost" and "magic" fireballs now have separate FX.


10 hours ago, Lindor said:

Damn. OMG I need this in EE! The lightning lord and especially the new facetteleon FX look sooo good! I remember discussing him when you discovered the BLOODFX list in the FX list I thread, thinking "oh this will be good":D

They'll arrive soon enough in EE.  I have to do the next PFP release first which shouldn't take more than a week or two to prepare, hopefully.

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