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How to edit global.res with s2rw


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Hi guys

Almost a year ago I managed to find the infamous s2rw tool to edit the global.res file. I managed to use it at that time but now, after replacing my old pc with a new one and reinstalling sacred 2, all I get is the "no sacred 2 found" message at launch. How am I supposed to make it work?

ps. I apologize in advance if talk about the matter is not allowed. I haven't found anything suggesting it is but all the relevant threads are no longer here so...

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Thank you very much flix, now it works. Just wanted to say that putting it into the locale folder didn't help but I managed to decrypt the global.res from by running it from the system folder and copy pasting the file there.

Also, sorry to bother you again but could you please provide me an english global.res patched with the Community patch (or the decrypted globalEn_texts.txt). I want to improve the italian localization and having the original for comparison would be a great help

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Thank you very much flix, now it works. Just wanted to say that putting it into the locale folder didn't help but I managed to decrypt the global.res from by running it from the system folder and copy pasting the file there.

Also, sorry to bother you again but could you please provide me an english global.res patched with the Community patch (or the decrypted globalEn_texts.txt). I want to improve the italian localization and having the original for comparison would be a great help


CM Patch 1.50 English Texts

Thanks again!

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Thank you very much flix, now it works. Just wanted to say that putting it into the locale folder didn't help but I managed to decrypt the global.res from by running it from the system folder and copy pasting the file there.

Also, sorry to bother you again but could you please provide me an english global.res patched with the Community patch (or the decrypted globalEn_texts.txt). I want to improve the italian localization and having the original for comparison would be a great help


CM Patch 1.50 English Texts

Thanks again!

And welcome to DarkMatters Caledor!~





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@Flix In this file I've corrected all the names of the items for the italian version of CM 1.50.

I've uploaded it cause I though you might be intrested in integrating it in the original CM. In any case, feel free to use it as you see fit. Maybe one day I'll work on dialogue strings as well.

Nice work Caledor!





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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,


I would like to change stats on amazing cool looking SW Scourge of Lordaeron set. Or better say, I wanna make copy of this set with different names and new stats and bonuses. And maybe add/change weapon.


My S2rw.v1.7.exe (downloaded from Flixs´ link) for editing global.res is giving me this error: S2rw registry check - No Sacred 2 found.

I have two copies of S2rw...

one in D:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Sacred 2 Gold\locale\en_UK folder

and one in D:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Sacred 2 Gold\system folder


In regedit I have these informations:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ascaron entertainment\sacred 2

currentversion =

InstallPath = D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Sacred 2 Gold

language = en_UK

movietrack = 6

speech = en_UK


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2

currentversion =

EULA = 0x00000001 (1)

InstallPath = D:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Sacred 2 Gold

Language = en_UK

LastUpdateCheck = 0x000b422e (737838)

MovieTrack = 6

ShortcutProgramMenu = Installed

Speech = en_UK


I tried to change InstallPath to ...common\Sacred 2 Gold\system

but got same error..

Pretty despaired now...

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My S2rw.v1.7.exe (downloaded from Flixs´ link) for editing global.res is giving me this error: S2rw registry check - No Sacred 2 found.


Are you trying to decode or encode?

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Well both.. I also downloaded your CM Patch 1.50 English Texts.

I believe things will be more difficult than I thought before.

There are many guides and tips but they are all scattered around the forum.

Is it possible to make some beginner guide (better video than text) from scratch?


Let´s say, I have Sacred 2 Gold installed and just patched with CM patch 1.50, nothing else.

And I would like to make copy of Smoke Without Fire set (1h sword, shield, amulet) with different item stats, different set stats. So after modding there will be original Smoke Without Fire set + new same looking set called for example Dancing Fire with different stats and set bonus (choose whatever you want). What shall I do step by step as a beginner?


I will really appreciate any video step by step comprehensive guide. Long and dark winter evenings are before us and I believe with good guide I will be able to mod any existing set to fit my gaming taste or fit better my char build. Thank you very much.

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I will really appreciate any video step by step comprehensive guide. Long and dark winter evenings are before us and I believe with good guide I will be able to mod any existing set to fit my gaming taste or fit better my char build. Thank you very much.


I would just copy the blueprints (scripts/server/blueprint.txt) for the items and give them new unique blueprint ID's. Then use those ID's to generate the hash for the new item names and paste them into the texts.



newBlueprint = {
  id = 4204,
  name = "set_demonshield_smokescreen",
  palettebits = "1111111111111111",
  dmgvariation = 0,
  minconstraints = {20,13,0},
  lvljump = 20,
  usability = 0,
  allotment_pmfpi = {833,167,0,0,0},
  uniquename = "set",
  specialuseonly = 0,
  bonusgroup0 = {666,1400,10,9,0}, -- Chance to Evade %
  bonusgroup1 = {284,1500,10,9,0}, -- Defence Value %
  bonusgroup2 = {830,1550,10,9,0}, -- Chance to Reflect Close Combat
  bonusgroup3 = {673,1450,10,9,0}, -- Ranged Defence Value
  bonusgroup4 = {815,1350,10,9,0}, -- Spell Resistance %
  bonusgroup5 = {751,1000,10,9,0}, -- Gold Slot
  itemtypes = {13582,},
mgr.createBlueprint(4204, newBlueprint);

newBlueprint = {
  id = 4205,
  name = "set_demonsword_magic",
  palettebits = "1111111111111111",
  dmgvariation = 0,
  minconstraints = {20,13,0},
  lvljump = 20,
  usability = 0,
  allotment_pmfpi = {500,500,0,0,0},
  uniquename = "set",
  specialuseonly = 0,
  bonusgroup0 = {665,1400,10,9,0}, -- Opponent's Chance to Evade -%
  bonusgroup1 = {530,1350,10,9,0}, -- Attack Value +%
  bonusgroup2 = {528,1250,10,9,0}, -- All Damage +%
  bonusgroup3 = {816,1350,10,9,0}, -- Spell Intensity +%
  bonusgroup4 = {750,1000,10,9,0}, -- Silver Socket
  bonusgroup5 = {751,1000,10,9,0}, -- Gold Socket
  specialuseonly = 0,
  itemtypes = {13583,},
  wearergroups = {'WEARGROUP_DEFAULT',},
mgr.createBlueprint(4205, newBlueprint);

newBlueprint = {
  id = 4224,
  name = "set_demon_amulet",
  palettebits = "1111111111111111",
  dmgvariation = 0,
  minconstraints = {20,13,0},
  lvljump = 20,
  usability = 0,
  allotment_pmfpi = {1000,0,0,0,0},
  uniquename = "set",
  specialuseonly = 0,
  bonusgroup0 = {889,900,10,9,0}, -- Regen per hit
  bonusgroup1 = {527,900,10,9,0}, -- Life Leech per Hit
  itemtypes = {10535,},
  wearergroups = {'WEARGROUP_DEFAULT',},
mgr.createBlueprint(4224, newBlueprint);


Those are the 3 items. Note the blueprint ID is entered twice for each item. There's also the set bonuses:


newBlueprintSet = { -- Smoke without Fire (Demonset)
  id = 221,
  name = "",
  singleSet = 1,
  groupSet = 0,
  mixedSet = 0,
  artefact = 0,
  blueprintsinset = {4204,4205,4224,},
  bonusgroupsforset0= {650,1400,2,0},  -- All Armor +%
  bonusgroupsforset1= {1110,1400,3,0}, -- Opponents' Armor -%
mgr.createBlueprintset(221, newBlueprintSet);


You can give your new set a new ID.


For the names, use this format with S2RW: BLUEPRINT_XXXX and SET_XXX where the X's are the numbers. Then hit "our own hash" to generate the number for global_texts. Enter the number (preserve numerical order) and hit TAB then type the name of the item/set.

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  • 10 months later...

For some reason, it says that there is no Sacred 2 found when I try to run it. Help?


This would happen for digital (or pirated) versions of the game. It's looking for something in the registry that's not there.


Anyway, it's easily overcome by placing a dummy file (no file extension) in the same folder called "noS2". :)

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For some reason, it says that there is no Sacred 2 found when I try to run it. Help?


This would happen for digital (or pirated) versions of the game. It's looking for something in the registry that's not there.


Anyway, it's easily overcome by placing a dummy file (no file extension) in the same folder called "noS2". :)

Hmm... I bought my game off Steam for $15. Why this is happening is beyond me, but I'll give it a good go!

Thanks :)

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Thanks! Worked great! Still, there's one problem. When I try to decode the global.res file, it says it's not there. Any solution?


EDIT: Nevermind. I somehow missed that I had to put the global.res file in the same folder as the s2rw.exe file. Sorry to bug you when the answer was right in front of me... :(

Edited by DevanT249Sacred2
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  • The topic was pinned

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