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Sacred 2 "The usurer" quest bug?

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So I go to the destination the quest giver told but nothing is there. He told me to go to the debtors' houses to collect gold but when I get there, there is no quest items, no npc or anything to intereract with. The quest ring symbol keeps showing and I don't know what to do to complete the quest.
I've searched google, visited the Sacred wiki but cannot get helped, and the strange thing is, this quest is not listed or mentioned in the wiki.
I'm playing a dark path Dragon mage and have CM 150 installed.

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I had the same problem, though it's been ages since I tried that quest. I think it's just bugged.

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So I go to the destination the quest giver told but nothing is there. He told me to go to the debtors' houses to collect gold but when I get there, there is no quest items, no npc or anything to intereract with. The quest ring symbol keeps showing and I don't know what to do to complete the quest.

I've searched google, visited the Sacred wiki but cannot get helped, and the strange thing is, this quest is not listed or mentioned in the wiki.

I'm playing a dark path Dragon mage and have CM 150 installed.

Great having you here on the boards, Frank, its been so long since I've done that quest, I'm hoping someone here who's played more recently will have some info for you that can help

and a hearty welcome to DarkMatters for you!



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Thank you very much for replying! I think it's a bug, too, and it made me insane!

Btw, I'm new to this forum and I don't know why my topic is labeled as "Sacred Underworld". Maybe I did something wrong when writing a new post?

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I'll try out the quest today or tomorrow and see if I can spot the problem.

Btw, I'm new to this forum and I don't know why my topic is labeled as "Sacred Underworld". Maybe I did something wrong when writing a new post?

Fixed. :)

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Should be fixed in the next version of the Community Patch. Credit goes to Marcus, this was just a yet-unreleased fix that he made.


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