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The Related Word Game - 2017!

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Six Million Dollar Man => Steve (I think he was from Austin).


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12 minutes ago, Hooyaah said:

Six Million Dollar Man => Steve (I think he was from Austin).


killin the jk's today sir... the only way to weeeeeeeeeeeeekend!

Steve -> Texas

Land O' Lands


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Land O' Lands => Land of Dixie:Laie_34:

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3 minutes ago, Hooyaah said:

Land O' Lands => Land of Dixie:Laie_34:

 Land of Dixie -> sassafras

dunno...but i just love saying that word





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sassafras => Aerosmith (that word's mentioned in the first 50 seconds of this song (below).




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2 hours ago, Hooyaah said:

sassafras => Aerosmith (that word's mentioned in the first 50 seconds of this song (below).




Aerosmith  -> good words

good words just travel



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good words => Peace and Long Life :lindor:

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Peace and Long Life -> U+1F596

There is a unicode symbol for the Vulcan greeting



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U+1F596 => Vulcan "Salute"


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On 7/29/2024 at 8:58 AM, Hooyaah said:

U+1F596 => Vulcan "Salute"


Vulcan salute ~ > SPOCK

He’s got his own smiley here as well for Spock!


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Spock => Mister? (Hardly, with his vast scientific knowledge he would necessarily be a Doctor, specifically a Ph.D.) :laie_14:


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3 hours ago, Hooyaah said:

Spock => Mister? (Hardly, with his vast scientific knowledge he would necessarily be a Doctor, specifically a Ph.D.) :laie_14:


Mister -> Promotion

true Steve... all these years and no promotion...what gives! we need to start movement to get him promoted!



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promotion => Commodore

That's the minimum Spock should have received, though he did make the rank of Captain in later movies. Yet, he was still content to serve as First Officer.

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4 hours ago, chattius said:

commodore -> Amiga

I only made it to corvette captain. But I had a used Commodore Amiga 3000UX after navy fire chief to train UNIX before going to university.



amiga -> amigo




ps  My grandpa (dads side) was in the mercantile marine during ww2 I think .. he brought back money and he made my dad build with him\the families houses on main street Trincomalee.. I think all families in those did that, clustering around each other ?  Last time I was in trincomalee with my mom visiting it was a great visit, and my aunt still lives there in one of the houses...spitting image of my dad.. if you look carefully at the walls... no window panes or window... *gasp* just open air and some kind of shutters..  :eek: 

tropical life






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amigo => friend :JC_gimmefive:

Entiendo bien el español. (I understand Spanish well.)


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1 hour ago, Hooyaah said:

amigo => friend :JC_gimmefive:

Entiendo bien el español. (I understand Spanish well.)


friend  -> Paella

my friend in Qatar makes INSANE paella for his guests... he says the trick is get the crust to form perfect and then move it ...or something like that



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paella => payola:dntknw:

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6 minutes ago, Hooyaah said:

paella => payola:dntknw:

ahhh...i LOVED that song by the payolas!!!

payola -> eyes of a Stanger




ps vocals are still great... never realized how close it is to David Bowie? or is it maybe the era?

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Payolas => Eighties music

Rommel, their music screams, "eighties!":cow:

Now, I'm going to dance like an Egyptian out of here...



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1 hour ago, Hooyaah said:

Payolas => Eighties music

Rommel, their music screams, "eighties!":cow:

Now, I'm going to dance like an Egyptian out of here...



ahhh, dont forget to wear you *bangles*  :dance2:

eighties music -> synthesizer



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synthesizer => Lady Gaga

Rommel, did you hear that they attempted to create a lifelike functioning android of Lady Gaga; they failed.



They couldn't synthesize her. :lol: (I literally just made that up.) :crazy:


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52 minutes ago, Hooyaah said:

synthesizer => Lady Gaga

Rommel, did you hear that they attempted to create a lifelike functioning android of Lady Gaga; they failed.



  Hide contents

They couldn't synthesize her. :lol: (I literally just made that up.) :crazy:


bada boom! ewwww ooooh :ike:


lady gaga -> talent

just saw her in that movie which was a remake of the barbara streisand classic... do I dare say classic? will say when you compare the two movies side by side, the ole one looks SOOOO dated... 




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talent => Chance :hooyaah:

Rommel, you must watch this! This is from over a decade ago, but this Lady Gaga cover is sensational.:agreed:






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19 hours ago, Hooyaah said:

talent => Chance :hooyaah:

Rommel, you must watch this! This is from over a decade ago, but this Lady Gaga cover is sensational.:agreed:






Sentiment range, empathy. This kid has it all. and I’m always amazed by the level of grown up emptions that these kids have to connect to to be able to make the song meaningful to us as an audience ..

aces to their coaches as well who were able to Bring them up to their high levels are performance… I played a lot of piano when I was a kid was lucky enough to have parents that set up lessons for me for years and I always love a good keyboard show 

chance ->destiny



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