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The Related Word Game - 2017!

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4 hours ago, chattius said:

Ghost of Christmas Future -> Rare Exports

Deep frozen in a hill live the real Santa Claus's. Murderous deadly beasts. A mining compamy releases them and they start to kill. The local people fight them and afterwinning they sell them as ' Rare Exports'



lol... what the... the concept is eluding me... and even after watching the video i couldnt understnand what it as about, BUT ... i LOVE the idea


rare exports -> Gold





gold -> spaghetti all assasina

Murderous assassin spaghetti. I use selfmade noodles with eggs and curcuma in the dough (they are more golden). And the iron cast pan I bought at army times decades ago.

The name is probably because the inventor was using a lot of chilli




  • zomgod! 1

spaghetti all assasina => Texas Red Chili :evil:



  • Appreciation 1

Rum Baba => French Toast :drool:



french toast -> Strammer Max

I use slice of farmer's bread, roasted boar bacon, a bit Handkäse and 3 fried eggs from quail

All selfmade, we have quails and more than enough boars which have to be skilled after inhured at car accidents. Farmer bread is from village baking house. Fot the Handkäse I buy raw milk from a nearby farmer.

In truck stops it is often like this and mainly as a brunch



Strammer Max -> club sandwich


 club sandwich -> bacon

mmmm, i love those sandwiches!!




Bacon -> rashers



  • Appreciation 1
2 hours ago, Delta! said:

Bacon -> rashers



rasher -> dainty bacon

lol i know it sounds silly...but i love bacon when its dainty, crisp and perfectly cooked, straight pieces...I started cooking them in the oven.. game changer!.. and theres all types of flavors




Dainty Bacon -> fine dining.

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8 hours ago, Delta! said:

Dainty Bacon -> fine dining.

 fine dining. - actually

Theuns do you go out to fine dining? I'm wondering how you keep your imagination going full like it is at your resto... for me fine dining's a thing when the family's around... boy did my brother ever escalate on this trip




Actually -> blind

Nearby Marburg has schools and hospitals specialized on blind people. They have also a totally dark restaurant. Without seeing the brain focusses a bit more on taste. Two edged sword, I often like the way food looks on the plate.

Picture from the inside, yes it is this black.


  • Appreciation 1
30 minutes ago, chattius said:

Actually -> blind

Nearby Marburg has schools and hospitals specialized on blind people. They have also a totally dark restaurant. Without seeing the brain focusses a bit more on taste. Two edged sword, I often like the way food looks on the plate.

Picture from the inside, yes it is this black.



ahhhh, dark rest0! Chattius there used to be a place like that here in Montreal ..I think it was called Noir... VERY brave anyone that can eat entire meal in darkness.. i can feel the claustrophobia already

blind -> brave



ps you said schools and hospitalis specialized..is there a reason why this particular area specialized like that? Did something happen or a movement from a famous person?


brave => great, great, grandpa

My great, great grandfather George fought heroically in the not-very "Civil War." I should share some of those stories sometime. I have a digital copy of his diary and many different published articles passed down by my aunt Peggy.


12 hours ago, gogoblender said:

ps you said schools and hospitalis specialized..is there a reason why this particular area specialized like that? Did something happen or a movement from a famous person?

Behring was in Marburg. Many people visited the universoty there because of this. The chief eye surgeon at Marburg did a request to the emporer in 1915 to get money to help soldiers who were blinded at world war one. Cure and training to come back to life. Request was given, part because Behring supported it. Behring did a tetanus antitoxin which save thousands of lives when soldier got wouned in dirty trenches. Still the only school in whole germany who helps blind to get a highschool degree. 


great, great, grandpa -> lucky


When 14 great grandpa started working for August Euler. At world war I Euler build planes. My ancestor could fly and requested when being 17 to become a fighter pilot. Euler said no, test flying machines before sending them to the units would be more important. Given that the average survival time of pilots was measured in hours... it was luck that he should do the less(!) risky test-flying.

He founded a glider club after the war and we get our pilot training for free there.

Richthofen flew a triplane, my grand²dad's testflew a plane with 4-wings. He said even very agile it was too slow to catch a faster plane.



Lucky => Strike (L.S./M.F.T.)

"Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco"


  • Haha 1
1 hour ago, Hooyaah said:

Lucky => Strike (L.S./M.F.T.)

"Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco"


I never thought of it ... Steve do you smoke? is it okay to ask that?  I smoked for soooooooooooo many years   the wiki was built with ashtrays piled high with ciggy buts from the old days! 

We quit, I dunno, like ten years ago? 

strike -> baseball





baseball => diamond

No, Rommel. I don't smoke, although I did for a very short time when I was young. Later, I worked for The American Tobacco Company, makers of Lucky Strike. Nowadays, I would caution anyone to never take up the habit of smoking. :agreed:


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1 hour ago, Hooyaah said:

baseball => diamond

Nowadays, I would caution anyone to never take up the habit of smoking. :agreed:


A whole-hearted Ayup!

Diamond -> in the rough

aint we all





in the rough => off the grid

My daughter is a paleontologist and loves going camping, hiking, and digging for fossils. It's quite the experience to be hours away from any other people other than the small group with whom you traveled. :agreed:


off the grid -> BMW GS

Bought it when being in army at a naval airport a bit away from civilisation. Ad was there is no faster bike, What is faster on the autobahn is far slower crossroad, what is faster crossroad is far slower on the autobahn. Ideal for me because I had and have a mixture of road profiles. The beast still lives and drives. Less now because I met my wife because of it, daughter of a BMW bike store. We used it for a trip to and through the Camarque for our 25 year anniversary.

With the kids leaving house now, we plan on two new GS in two or three years.

BMW R1300 GS Adventure or something like this, getting older, less sport more travel.


The old beast:






  • Appreciation 1




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SUV => Humvee


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Humvee ->  tuff!



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