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20 Years of Wyntertyde in Ancaria

From the Sacred 2 Christmas Island Soundtrack
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The Related Word Game - 2017!

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tuff -> Mercedes MB-trac

I am looking for this version. I have one a bit smaller and less powerful- but armored roof. I can use several of my Unimog gadgets with it: crane, bush cutter, snow-plow, .... 


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Mercedes MB-trac => Earth Mover




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Earth Mover -> Earth Ball





earthball -> Versengold

The gods made a party. And while drunk they formed a flat world. The nextmorning having headaches they saw what they did, they crumbed it up, kicked it out the window into space. That is the true beginning of the earth ball. At concert they kick a big globe.like ball into the audience (at around 3 minutes).

Nice medieval folk music, but in german: The Day, on Which the Gods Got Drunk


translation of the lyrics for the interested



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On 12/6/2024 at 3:46 AM, chattius said:

earthball -> Versengold

The gods made a party. And while drunk they formed a flat world. The nextmorning having headaches they saw what they did, they crumbed it up, kicked it out the window into space. That is the true beginning of the earth ball. At concert they kick a big globe.like ball into the audience (at around 3 minutes).

Nice medieval folk music, but in german: The Day, on Which the Gods Got Drunk


translation of the lyrics for the interested



Friend, all you had to say was party, and this being Saturday Morning... I'm in!! 

Versengold images.jpg-> gold rum






gold rum -> mulled wine

Baccardi tc ads were mainly young people atbeach doing parties. This time of the year, my age and with the family drinking mulled wine at a christmas market.

Today it will be Braunfels in front of the castle.



  • zomgod! 1
3 hours ago, chattius said:

gold rum -> mulled wine

Baccardi tc ads were mainly young people atbeach doing parties. This time of the year, my age and with the family drinking mulled wine at a christmas market.

Today it will be Braunfels in front of the castle.



Whaaaaaa… did someone say mulled wine! 

mulled wine -  > spectacular 

I first tried it in German class.. was a teen … always loved its temperature and flotsam .. Deelish .. maybe the family will have it at Christmas party this year 




Spectacular => Nutcracker Ballet :connie_xmas-moose:


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1 minute ago, Hooyaah said:

Spectacular => Nutcracker Ballet :connie_xmas-moose:


Nutcracker Ballet -> classic

I saw this! One of my friends when we were kids had his parents drive us down to Place Des Arts here in Montreal.. a real "grown up" outing for a kid, and made a impression...seeing live performance is always so tension-filled



5 hours ago, gogoblender said:

Nutcracker Ballet -> classic

I saw this! One of my friends when we were kids had his parents drive us down to Place Des Arts here in Montreal.. a real "grown up" outing for a kid, and made a impression...seeing live performance is always so tension-filled



classic => Sacred 2

Yes, I also saw Nutcracker Ballet live in Houston some years ago. Ever since it's been one of my favorites!


Sacred 2 -> coffin nails

Having to change from Windows Vista to Windows7 was the first coffin nail forAscaron. The needed routines in the operating system kernel were made public too late - Causing tons of bugs. The nextwas the mistake to want a Gamebox variant. Both together caused too much problems.

  • zomgod! 1
7 hours ago, chattius said:

Sacred 2 -> coffin nails

Having to change from Windows Vista to Windows7 was the first coffin nail forAscaron. The needed routines in the operating system kernel were made public too late - Causing tons of bugs. The nextwas the mistake to want a Gamebox variant. Both together caused too much problems.

coffin nails -> paradigm shift

 Love the take away Chattius...its too bad that all those instances combined together on our favorite tame... :cry: however..it could also have been a force in creating all the online communities and close connections that Sacred brought forth... I keep wondering if there are other smallish games out there with little communities out there with posting, recipes, a HUGE Wiki and all kinds of lovely mods!




paradigm shift = revolutionary :hooyaah:


revolutionary  -> high evolutionary



high evolutionary -> cockroach

Scientists say that at a global armageddon the low evolutionary cockroches will survive.The globlal master piece of evolution the homo sapiens sapiens sapiens will probably not.


  • zomgod! 1
Just now, chattius said:

high evolutionary -> cockroach

Scientists say that at a global armageddon the low evolutionary cockroches will survive.The globlal master piece of evolution the homo sapiens sapiens sapiens will probably not.


cockroach -> hungry

ewwww...they are most certainly not being invited over for Christmas




hungry -> field kitchen

Honestly, a pea soupmade in the field kitchen tastes a lot better. Some recipes just need big amounts to taste fantastic. Reading a recipe like take 15pounds peas, 40 Frankfurter sausages,... Makes me hungry just while writing.



  • Respect! 1
5 hours ago, chattius said:

hungry -> field kitchen

Honestly, a pea soupmade in the field kitchen tastes a lot better. Some recipes just need big amounts to taste fantastic. Reading a recipe like take 15pounds peas, 40 Frankfurter sausages,... Makes me hungry just while writing.



the field is actually one of the ingredients friend! cold outdoor weather makes the best pea soups, hot chocolate, and... smoooooooooooooooooooooooores....

field kitchen -> toasted marshmallows




toasted marshmallows -> Stockbrot

Our area isn't the marshmallow type. More Stockbrot: bread dough twisted around a wooden stick and roasted at a campfire.  Our family puts raisins and other fruits at the outside of the dough fore the young kids. Bacon, onions, cheese and bear garlic into the dough for me please.



  • Haha 1

Stockbrot -> Fire


On 12/22/2024 at 5:10 PM, chattius said:

toasted marshmallows -> Stockbrot

Our area isn't the marshmallow type. More Stockbrot: bread dough twisted around a wooden stick and roasted at a campfire.  Our family puts raisins and other fruits at the outside of the dough fore the young kids. Bacon, onions, cheese and bear garlic into the dough for me please.



We made something similar when we where kids and went on our hunting trips. Stokbrood. Also just a simple bread dough that we wrap around cleaned and oiled sticks. Only the kids did that. The adults made a large potbrood/potbread.


23 hours ago, Delta! said:

Stockbrot -> Fire


We made something similar when we where kids and went on our hunting trips. Stokbrood. Also just a simple bread dough that we wrap around cleaned and oiled sticks. Only the kids did that. The adults made a large potbrood/potbread.


My next neighbour is from netherlands .Think lot of africaans words are dutch.


Fire -> quadcopter

My new firefighter command truck has two of them, one big for area control, one small to search in burning buildings. In the half year we had the first big we used it 4 times. Every time to search people from senior home who lost orientation in the forests.


  • zomgod! 1
10 hours ago, chattius said:

My next neighbour is from netherlands .Think lot of africaans words are dutch.


Fire -> quadcopter

My new firefighter command truck has two of them, one big for area control, one small to search in burning buildings. In the half year we had the first big we used it 4 times. Every time to search people from senior home who lost orientation in the forests.


zomogd, that is SO clever and resourceful!!! I can just imagine the level of safety, speed and efficiency this can add to dangerous job like yours. Lovely to hear , and a good tech advancement!

Happy Christmas Chattius dear!




quadcopter -> quads

yah I know were supposed to work out on them... bah



13 hours ago, gogoblender said:

zomogd, that is SO clever and resourceful!!! I can just imagine the level of safety, speed and efficiency this can add to dangerous job like yours. Lovely to hear , and a good tech advancement!

Happy Christmas Chattius dear!



We even have small robot tanks which we can send into a (forest) fire. We have a very rich sponsor luckily. He has a villa in the forest. So it is a win-win. He saves insurance costs if there are firefighters around. Actually the closest building to ours, so I call him a neighbour.


quads -> wolverine

The twins have a Yamaha Wolverine side by side two-seater ATV. New school needs train and the nearest railway station is 7 kilometres through the forest. Got a special driver license because they were to young normally. Multi purpose biest, light snow plow, small transports, ...


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wolverine => Deadpool

In all honesty, I'm not a big fan of the crude language in that film.



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11 hours ago, Hooyaah said:

wolverine => Deadpool

In all honesty, I'm not a big fan of the crude language in that film.



dead pool -> unmemorable

I get you on the crude language...but thats like 95 percent of deadpool genealogy... oh boy is he ever baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad... im not sure I even watched to the end of it,  ill have to pull it up and see?




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