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CLASS SELECTION: Dragon Mage or High Elf (new player)

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Hello everyone, I am a new player of this wonderful game and sure you have noticed that I do not speak English and I am using google translator. I joined this forum because a week ago I bought sacred 2 and started playing it but I found many game mechanics that I did not understand because I am new to this. The reason why I open this topic and as you have already seen in the title is which character to choose. I love classes that are based on magic and I was attracted to two in particular. I do not know whether to choose Dragon Mage or High Elf, and I was hoping that someone who knows or has had the opportunity to play both classes told me which one is better and why. I apologize for the inconvenience and in case you do not understand the translation.

Thank you very much and greetings. :) 


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6 hours ago, Thaumork said:

Hello everyone, I am a new player of this wonderful game and sure you have noticed that I do not speak English and I am using google translator. I joined this forum because a week ago I bought sacred 2 and started playing it but I found many game mechanics that I did not understand because I am new to this. The reason why I open this topic and as you have already seen in the title is which character to choose. I love classes that are based on magic and I was attracted to two in particular. I do not know whether to choose Dragon Mage or High Elf, and I was hoping that someone who knows or has had the opportunity to play both classes told me which one is better and why. I apologize for the inconvenience and in case you do not understand the translation.

Thank you very much and greetings. :) 


Welcome to DarkMatters, Thaumork!  I wish I had more information to share with you regarding a comparison of the classes...as it turns out, I almost exclusively played High Level Dryads and dabbled a few in the other classes.  I myself do love magic, but ranged had become my thing, and the Dryad has an instant travel speed BlowPipe... a sheer delight to use, and capable of deploying with a number of other on demand protections like healthpoing boost which suited my play style.  I did play up to Niobium in Hard Core a Dragon Mage, and used an almost pure magic buiild.  A lot of fun to play but a tad fragile for my own style and ultimately not as fast as the Dryad.  I know that teh Dragon Mage has many different styles, many of them with using other beasts, and there have been some great guides here written by some outstanding players, and I'm hoping they will see your post and be able to offer some advice.

Thank you for finding us and this wonderful game.  YOu're now a part of this awesome community (more than a decade! :bounce: ) and hoping you'll get your gamings worth





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Hace 6 horas, gogoblender dijo:

Bienvenido a DarkMatters, Thaumork! Desearía tener más información para compartir con ustedes en cuanto a una comparación de las clases ... resulta que jugué casi exclusivamente a High Level Dryads y me metí en algunas de las otras clases. A mí me encanta la magia, pero a distancia se convirtió en lo mío, y la Dryad tiene una velocidad de viaje instantánea BlowPipe ... un placer enorme de usar, y capaz de implementarse con una serie de otras protecciones bajo demanda como el impulso de salud que se adapta a mi juego estilo. Jugué con Niobio en Hard Core, un mago dragón, y usé una magia casi pura. Desactivar la diversión para jugar, pero un poco rápido para mi propio estilo y, en definitiva, no tan rápido como la Dryad.Sé que el Dragon Mage tiene muchos estilos diferentes, muchos de ellos con el uso de otras bestias,

Gracias por encontrarnos a nosotros ya este maravilloso juego. ¡Ahora eres parte de esta increíble comunidad! :bounce: Y esperas que valga la pena





Gracias Gogo por la bienvenida y por brindarme tu experiencia en el juego. Voy a buscar e investigar en DarkMatters las guías de cada personaje para encontrar el estilo de mi juego. 

Saludos y gracias por aceptarme en esta gran comunidad :bow:

Edited by Thaumork
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4 hours ago, Flix said:

Bienvenido a DarkMatters! Espero que disfrutes el juego.

Recomiendo el Dragon Mage si tiene el Community Patch instalado. Él es mi personaje favorito

El High Elf es más fácil de jugar. Recomiendo High Elf si no tienes el Community Patch.

Thanks Flix for your recommendation. At the moment I am playing without the Community Patch. I still do not know whether to play with this, because I would like to try the vanilla experience first. One last question.. This CP changes the gameplay too much?


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43 minutes ago, chattius said:


Dragon mage más versátil y menos agonizante, elf más poderoso ...

Me gustó comenzar el juego con un mago dragón transformado en un dragón Berzerker. En forma de dragón, los primeros niveles deberían ser fáciles. Pero solo toma el enfoque de dragon mage para modificar las artes de combate. El enfoque a 75 es suficiente para tener un acompañante de alto nivel completamente modificado más adelante en el juego. más inteligencia, más fuerza de voluntad para tu personaje.

Cuando salgas de berzerk, lucha contra un arma, si la encontraste: usa regeneración por golpe para recargar un hechizo ofensivo del árbol de mentalismo. Creo que el mago dragón es más interesante porque puede jugarse como un dragón berzerk, como un híbrido cuerpo a cuerpo que hace hechizos de alto nivel una vez que se recargan con hechizos o como un mago puro una vez que tienes los objetos.

No es necesario comenzar una y otra vez. Él permite cambiar el estilo de juego combinando elementos de otra manera.

Greetings Chattius. I have some doubts about DM. Is it possible to change aspects easily and when I please or should I just focus on one in particular?

On the other hand, Does the fighting arts of the dragon mage prove weak at higher levels?

Finally, I was reading in these forums and I did not understand the problem that DM has with respect to the combos of combat arts. Could you explain me? 

Greetings and thanks.

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When looking at this thread and then the CA's, makes me consider if I should have played an elemental build with  Destroyers ... with those summoned golems that attack and blow up everything!

That could have been hugely satisfying... if the Destroyers' targeting was decent that is 







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19 hours ago, Flix said:

El Dragon Mage tiene muchos errores y problemas de equilibrio sin el Community Patch. El aspecto de Dragon Magic en particular funciona muy mal sin el parche. También tiene un error donde no puede eliminar artes de combate de sus combos. Esto se soluciona en el parche, entre muchos otros problemas.

El parche fue diseñado para preservar la visión del juego del desarrollador. El diseño de la interfaz ha cambiado un poco, pero puede cambiarse a la configuración predeterminada si no le gusta el aspecto.

If so, could you give me the link to download the latest version of the Community Patch?

If I buy the game for steam, is it installed in the same way or is there a problem I should know about before installing it?

Thanks flix and I await your answer

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6 hours ago, gogoblender said:

Cuando miro este hilo y luego los CA, me hace considerar si debería haber jugado una construcción elemental con Destructores ... ¡con esos gólems invocados que atacan y explotan todo!

Eso podría haber sido muy satisfactorio ... si la orientación de los Destructores era decente, eso es 







Wow Gogo is true! With the Community Patch the destroyers do physical and fire damage? 

I am worried about its instantaneous explosion that sometimes does not reach the enemies

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21 hours ago, Flix said:

The interface design is changed somewhat but it can be switched back to the default if you don't like the look of it.

Thanks Flix, I was able to install it and it works perfectly. I have been amazed by the work of the entire community. I would like to change the appearance of the interface to the original, how could I do it?

Edited by Thaumork
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5 hours ago, Thaumork said:

Wow Gogo is true! With the Community Patch the destroyers do physical and fire damage? 

I am worried about its instantaneous explosion that sometimes does not reach the enemies

I know..it's a pretty amazing video huh... never really "felt" that build till now...makes me think




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3 hours ago, Androdion said:

Use this file, choose the one that best suits you. ;)

Thank you very much Androdion, now I'm going to try all :viking:


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3 hours ago, gogoblender said:

I know..it's a pretty amazing video huh... never really "felt" that build till now...makes me think




It is very interesting, for me at least, to see how they create these builds. Are you an experienced player, how do you create a build starting from scratch? or are based on synergies already established between skills, attributes and combat arts?

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Then it is possible to modify the build as it is played or to try different variants of the character it is advisable to start from scratch with a new one? In case you would like to read all aspects of a class, should not you select the expert touch?

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I have been reading some guides inside DarkMatters and in the wiki about the Dragon Mage and I have seen certain constructions, some pure like the pure elementalist and other hybrids that mix Dragon Magic with Elemental Magic or Mentalism (for Chattius).

But I wonder if it is possible to change aspects and obtain the same result as the builds that have already been made. I will explain myself better, I am a player who is easily bored, that is, I do not know to what extent I can play with only one or two aspects without getting tired. I would like to try all the faces of the DM without having to start a new character each time. That's possible?

I have seen mention the Triple Aspect DM that I think is what I try to refer to, however I do not know to what extent it ceases to be efficient and becomes only a mixture of combat arts of various aspects. Can you create a Dragon Mage that can vary its aspect inclination as it progresses in the game, being able to play with all facets and finish the entire campaign?

I apologize if you did not understand my idea sometimes and I do not know what I want. :4rofl:

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I have a serious problem deciding things. Thanks for this and for your answer Androdion.

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