Huntiro 3 Share Posted July 20, 2020 Just finished a playthrough in Gold with Dragon Mage and collected a few debug log errors. Did Ascaron check the debug.log/debug_srv.log before they released it? 1. 22:00:25.306 - cTypeMgr::getFxTypeFromChar() fxType [fx_golem_handfog_l] not found! 01:14:11.902 - cTypeMgr::getFxTypeFromChar() fxType [fx_job01] not found! 22:00:26.787 - cGrannyMgr: WARNING! fxType [529] not found! 2. 01:52:29.696 - could not load pixmap for savegame thumb: savegamethumbs/1024449700.tga -Artamark 01:31:27.409 - could not load pixmap for savegame thumb: savegamethumbs/1032921522.tga -Scorpion Temple 3. 21:50:32.137 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast attack marker for spell Throw_generic. 18:22:34.315 - cObject3D::addAnimation - 'models/npc/human/male/v_hu-m_attacka_thr2.gr2' streamed in 0.067000s 23:38:07.199 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast attack marker for spell dm_co_zerstoerer. 18:14:48.964 - cObject3D::addAnimation - 'models/heroes/dragonmage/h_dmage-body_sm09_1h.gr2' streamed in 0.062000s 02:47:06.538 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast attack marker for spell enemy_ghost_schock_1. 18:28:32.066 - cObject3D::addAnimation - 'models/npc/monsters/skelett-mage/v_skelett-mage_magica_st.gr2' streamed in 0.034000s 02:47:39.649 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast attack marker for spell enemy_root. 03:21:03.276 - cObject3D::addAnimation - 'models/npc/monsters/skelett-mage/v_skelett-mage_magica_st.gr2' streamed in 0.034000s 04:35:12.783 - cObject3D::addAnimation - 'models/npc/dryades/blooddryads/h_blooddryade_magica_bh.gr2' streamed in 0.034000s 04:35:11.418 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast attack marker for spell enemy_pain_bloodrush. 4. 23:35:23.606 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=66) modelname='models/npc/monsters/drache-drachenform/v_drache@v1.gr2' missing bone 00:26:43.100 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=34) modelname='models/npc/monsters/riesenspinne/v_riesenspinne@te.gr2' missing bone 02:37:15.446 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=43) modelname='models/npc/wildanimals/beetle/c_beetle.gr2' missing bone 04:46:27.404 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=35) modelname='models/addon/crystalregion/crystal/crystals/standard-dest/t_crystal-standard-state5-big1-dest.gr2' missing bone 04:50:17.649 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=43) modelname='models/objects/traps/z_armor-standard.gr2' missing bone 04:51:52.870 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=34) modelname='models/npc/wildanimals/wolf/v_wolf@flayed.gr2' missing bone 01:17:31.214 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=34) modelname='models/npc/monsters/orc-officer/v_ork-offizier-v1@leader.gr2' missing bone 01:14:09.278 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=10) modelname='models/objects/traps/j_trap-gas-v1.gr2' missing bone 01:14:20.413 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=21) modelname='models/npc/monsters/riesenskorpion/v_riesenskorpion-v1@std.gr2' missing bone 01:35:29.980 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=10) modelname='models/npc/monsters/riesenskorpion/v_riesenskorpion-v1@te.gr2' missing bone 01:34:00.744 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=21) modelname='models/npc/monsters/kingscorpion/v_kingscorpion-v1.gr2' missing bone 02:15:36.944 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=43) modelname='models/npc/monsters/flugdaemon/v_flugdaemon-v1.gr2' missing bone 02:28:50.030 - cObject3D::addAttachmentBone(boneid=21) modelname='models/npc/monsters/jagdspinne/v_jagdspinne@std.gr2' missing bone 5. 21:50:52.724 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/objects/blacksmith/h_blacksmith-bellow.gr2)! 21:41:48.535 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/dungeon/dulybuild/passages/l_ogtc1dungeon.gr2)! 23:47:26.379 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_SITWRITE] [_ZW] not found (granny=models/objects/jobitems/t_job-writer-sitwrite-book.gr2)! 17:31:53.235 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_SITIDLE] [_BH] not found (granny=models/objects/jobitems/t_job-writer-sitwrite-book.gr2)! 17:31:53.269 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_SITUP] [_BH] not found (granny=models/objects/jobitems/t_job-writer-sitwrite-book.gr2)! 00:25:59.468 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/objects/cemetery/krypt/l_kryurne-c1.gr2)! 00:35:03.080 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/objects/cemetery/krypt/l_kryurne-d1.gr2)! 01:58:13.459 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/questitems/t_ballthrower.gr2)! 02:45:09.400 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/dungeon/big_machine/objects/pipes/mg_bimrohr-e1.gr2)! 16:30:30.974 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/questitems/t_scifi-switch.gr2)! 00:55:05.886 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/objects/animated/j_fish-mak-dead.gr2)! 01:01:28.322 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/objects/cemetery/graveyard/n_n-sarcophag-1a.gr2)! 01:01:28.415 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/objects/cemetery/graveyard/n_n-sarcophag-2a.gr2)! 01:01:28.816 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/objects/cemetery/graveyard/n_n-sarcophag-4a.gr2)! 01:53:03.308 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/objects/cemetery/graveyard/n_n-sarcophag-3b.gr2)! 03:22:53.941 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/objects/statues/lizards/mg_lizstatue-a1.gr2)! 03:28:30.349 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/objects/storage/lizards/l_lizkaefig-b3.gr2)! 04:56:42.977 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_DEATH] [_BH] not found (granny=models/npc/ridingcreatures/schlachtross/v_schlachtross-r2-v1-tail.gr2)! 00:21:37.693 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/npc/monsters/chestcreature/h_chestcreature.gr2)! 01:48:11.469 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/npc/monsters/watercreature/equip/v_watercreature-v1-arm04.gr2)! 01:48:11.469 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/npc/monsters/watercreature/equip/v_watercreature-v1-arm01.gr2)! 01:48:11.470 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/npc/monsters/watercreature/equip/v_watercreature-v1-arm03.gr2)! 01:48:11.470 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_STD] not found (granny=models/npc/monsters/watercreature/equip/v_watercreature-v1-arm02.gr2)! 01:25:43.318 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_BH] not found (granny=models/npc/monsters/kobold-rider/v_kobold-wolfsreiter.gr2)! 01:25:43.318 - No timestamps found for itemtype=5152, animtype=_IDLE, animclass=_BH (hash=1764692186) 04:08:13.265 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_BH] not found (granny=models/npc/sandpeople/rider/v_sandpeople-rider.gr2)! 00:45:27.422 - No timestamps found for itemtype=6978, animtype=_IDLE, animclass=_BH (hash=1533315431) 02:27:09.791 - cObject3D: ERROR - animation [_IDLE] [_BH] not found (granny=models/npc/monsters/goblin-rider/v_goblin-wildschweinreiter.gr2)! 02:27:09.791 - No timestamps found for itemtype=5151, animtype=_IDLE, animclass=_BH (hash=1290563078) 01:56:30.370 - No timestamps found for itemtype=6520, animtype=_IDLE, animclass=_BH (hash=1160057973) 6. 04:45:38.760 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_electricity_shock with itemtype 11941 - falling back to _IDLE animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 04:45:38.760 - Due to the idle animation chosen as fallback for the non-existant spellanimation there will now also follow a "missing cast marker" error! 04:45:38.760 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast attack marker for spell enemy_electricity_shock. 04:46:03.994 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_gen_lightning with itemtype 11940 - falling back to _IDLE animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 04:46:03.994 - Due to the idle animation chosen as fallback for the non-existant spellanimation there will now also follow a "missing cast marker" error! 04:46:03.994 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast attack marker for spell enemy_gen_lightning. 04:49:58.019 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_trap_heal with itemtype 12655 - falling back to _IDLE animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 04:49:58.019 - Due to the idle animation chosen as fallback for the non-existant spellanimation there will now also follow a "missing cast marker" error! 04:49:58.019 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast attack marker for spell enemy_trap_heal. 02:19:31.230 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell boss_flyer_aufladen with itemtype 9998 - falling back to _IDLE animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 02:19:31.230 - Due to the idle animation chosen as fallback for the non-existant spellanimation there will now also follow a "missing cast marker" error! 02:19:31.230 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast attack marker for spell boss_flyer_aufladen. 21:54:38.457 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_whit_harterschlag with itemtype 3320 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 21:41:53.590 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_poison_fountain with itemtype 5714 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 22:02:11.024 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell dm_form_brsrk_blutrausch with itemtype 12484 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 04:04:57.091 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_cone_poisoncloud with itemtype 12196 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 04:04:57.394 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_cone_poisoncloud with itemtype 12195 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 03:21:18.613 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_cone_poisoncloud with itemtype 6473 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 04:06:32.092 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_aura_energyleech with itemtype 12934 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 00:20:22.555 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_teleportCC with itemtype 5714 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 02:37:08.317 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell boss_UG_sprint with itemtype 9600 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 02:37:17.159 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell boss_UG_sprint with itemtype 9599 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 02:39:17.317 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell boss_UG_sprint with itemtype 6977 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 02:40:01.836 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell boss_UG_sprint with itemtype 9607 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 04:08:25.556 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell boss_UG_sprint with itemtype 4585 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 05:11:48.302 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_whit_verlangsamen with itemtype 1701 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 05:16:02.452 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_area_meteor with itemtype 8696 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 23:00:37.886 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell boss_fog_hurricane with itemtype 8824 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 23:00:46.937 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell boss_fog_spruehnebel with itemtype 8824 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 16:25:42.832 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell in_po_vergeltung with itemtype 6666 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 20:29:48.133 - [DATA ERROR] Missing cast animation for spell enemy_gen_chainlightning with itemtype 11754 - falling back to _ATTACKA animation - please check if this creature/trap can use this spell at all! 7. 23:35:19.736 - preload-timestamps missing for animation 'models/spells/morph/v_drache-v1-statue_IDLE_BH.gr2' 23:35:20.956 - preload-timestamps missing for animation 'models/spells/morph/v_drache-v1-statue_IDLEB_BH.gr2' 23:35:51.017 - preload-timestamps missing for animation 'models/spells/morph/v_drache-v1-statue-red_IDLE_BH.gr2' 23:35:51.019 - preload-timestamps missing for animation 'models/spells/morph/v_drache-v1-statue-red_IDLEB_BH.gr2' 17:16:53.357 - preload-timestamps missing for animation 'models/spells/energienetz/c_fx-tw-energienetz_IDLE_BH.gr2' Link to comment
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