Bondbug 32 Posted June 12, 2007 (edited) OK. New keyboard. Now I can explain what I was trying to do. NOT asking for help with the keyboard I knacked(sorry Myles and others), but trying to find what could be said given the imposed limitations, in the best English I could manage!! Obviously not understood. For Scrabble and word game addicts.... Given that only the following letters are available: z y u I o p s h a j k l m x n c How many words, minimum three letters, can you make? What is the longest word you can make? What is the best sentence you can create using each consonant only once? Edited June 12, 2007 by Bondbug
gial 2 Posted June 13, 2007 A few words thaty come to mind quickly: axiom(s) shoal coal clash manx psycho you jam(s) jack(s) lack(s) slack pan(s) man cam(s) can(s) sham shamu (proper name allowed?) shop posh plum(s) slam slim slum uzi (another name) many spam spank clank(s) juicy palm(s) spa span spin spun spoil coil(s) moil(s) josh clap(s) slap ham(s) zuni (native american tribe name?) his has shim clop(s) slop jail(s) hail(s) pail(s) sky lick(s) slick chain(s) shock lisp plus pack(s) Need to think on the sentence part though. Perhaps "I shock you man" No doubles on the vowels either. Edit: oops - 2 o's. Still meets the requirement though Missed a couple I see, in reviewing my post: cash mash lash ash salmon
Bondbug 32 Author Posted June 13, 2007 (edited) Impressive. I make that 63 excluding plurals, though these should count. Zinc, pink, mink, link, sink.....keep going..... Edited June 13, 2007 by Bondbug
gial 2 Posted June 13, 2007 clam(s) claim(s) climax chamois ail(s) sail kiln(s) lax pax ink(s) zion (another name) chink(s) plank(s) lanky shank hanky shy icy animus spay clay(s) jay(s) ply nick(s) nix shack clink clank clunk junk may yam(s) pay(s) coma(s) map(s) lam any push klan clan monk(s) slunk lunk(s) cask cop(s) lynx scan spy mocha(s) pin(s) pun(s) shack pox lox capon(s) con jinx klaxon cozy Looks like chamois at 7 letters is my best so far. I had trouble falling asleep . . . my mind wouldn't let go of this. Thanks BondBug! (hehe) Edit: shack is a duplicate, so is clank
Bondbug 32 Author Posted June 13, 2007 (edited) quite good having 's' and 'z' in there - you can have American and English spellings (cozy, cosy). The 'z' that I was brought up with and that the Americans use has been most often replaced by 's' now in GB sphinx The list is getting too long! I haven't managed to check mine out against yours yet. My longest so far is 'physical' But, as you say, sentences are difficult. That's why I could not communicate clearly. Couldn't even say 'what's yours' or 'pints all round' Edited June 13, 2007 by Bondbug
fRACTAL 2 Posted June 13, 2007 Zinc ,link, sink, mink, pink, chink, mac, yak, hack, pack, knack, jack, lack, slack, pick, lick, nick, tic, plank, lanky, lank, shank, hanky, panky , physical, sphinx I'll add more ~Doom
gial 2 Posted June 13, 2007 z y u I o p s h a j k l m x n c How did I miss physical. I thought of a bunch more on the way to work today, but have lost them. punish polish phylum phyla (? plural of the previous) alm(s) play(s) splay coin(s) scion phlox (a plant) hasp clasp pansy opus cloy ( I know cloying is a word) jock soap(y) soup(y) soak pony piano(s) cup(s) cupola(s) upon caulk(s) sulk(y) milk(s)(y) silk(y) lush plush ipso (as in ipso facto; probably latin) plan(s) siphon hoax coax calm(s) chasm zonal mako (a shark) "salmon is juicy" "Juicy plums!" Edit: a few more. I think I am done. Bondbug, you win for the longest word chomp amply aspic caliph(s) chap(s) chum loin musk(y) oil(y) snack snap sun sunk also chimp chump husk(y) shun slinky slip sup kin nap nip skip snip cushion loam luck(y) punk(s) pylon shaky ship skin spunk pluck(y) Edit: sorry, misspelled caulk. It still works, though "salmon is juicy has 2 s. My list checks in at just about 200, not counting variants.
Bondbug 32 Author Posted June 14, 2007 You beat me and my missus by miles (I think she went to sleep) TimoD had physical as well, and you have several the same length. You're the only one to offer sentences so far. Looking at your last list the following springs to mind - 'Calm as a zonal chasm in phylums clasp' ? But apart from breaking the rules, it lacks a certain er...sense. Plenty of words...but comprehensible sentences!! You can see the problem I had! See you inthe bar. :rolleyes:
gial 2 Posted June 14, 2007 My final post here. These came to me in my sleep last night: pouch puma(s) skim spumoni launch lunch pica(s) punch(y) slimy paunch(y) skimp(y) Don't think I got any 8 letter words, so you and TimoD win there. Allowing multiple use of consonants: "I lunch on capons in my cozy shack"
Bondbug 32 Author Posted June 15, 2007 Manky (Scottish/army dialect!), hunky Too many letters. The usual newspaper system is a 8 or 9 letter block based on a 8 or 9 letter word, but sometimes just letters with a central letter which must be used in all words. Is it worth continuing on this basis? Or do you lose too much sleep. PS. I'd lose too much sleep if I had to provide a full answer but I could get the better half onto it - more her line..
gial 2 Posted June 15, 2007 By my last post, I meant to the other set of letters. Let's bring on a new set! Two final words for the other - jalopy scapula
Indy13 5 Posted June 16, 2007 Lipolysis 9-letter word. Hurray for organic chemistry class. EDIT: polyphonic 10-letter word beat that! mwahahah
gial 2 Posted June 16, 2007 As I understood the game, only 1 of each letter is allowed in a word. Perhaps I am mistaken. That opens a whole new world of possibilities then. I'll be thinking . . . uncallously - 11 letters
Indy13 5 Posted June 16, 2007 Oh snap, missed the part with each consonant once. Darn. Back to the drawing board, *sigh*
Bondbug 32 Author Posted June 16, 2007 (edited) OK Gia, try this one. Minimum 3 letter words 2 lists: a) with the central T included in all words b) with the central T excluded from all words n I f l t m a s e Don't know about Indy, she sounds too clever. Organic chemistry!! The rules say that is an unfair advantage don't they? Edited June 16, 2007 by Bondbug
gial 2 Posted June 16, 2007 I'm starting now. I should have a batch up later today - possibly around midnight for you, as you're in Europe, not USA like me.
Bondbug 32 Author Posted June 16, 2007 Yep. I will be sitting in bed trying to find a second word. Wow life is tuff.
gial 2 Posted June 16, 2007 I was going to take longer, but when I found a word using all 9 letters, I just had to post my progress so far: ailment ate east eat eats faint fast fasten fat fate feat felt filaments! fist flint last late least lest list listen malt mast mat mate meant meat melt meta mint mist mite nest saint salient salt sate satin sent slant slate smelt smite stain stale steal steam stein stem tail tame tames tan tea teal team ten tin tine ail alm anise fail false fame fan fen file fin final fine flame flan lame lane lean leans lima mail male man mane meal mean means mein men mile mine nail name sail sale sane seal seam seminal slain slam slim smile snail
gial 2 Posted June 17, 2007 Sorry about the double post. Been thinking all day and have a few more words: feast fetal fit flat flit isnt item lament latin lent lint mental metal neat net nit seat silt slit stamen tesla time aim aisle ale elan elf famine flea leaf lei limn line main menial same sea Since I got filaments, I think I will sleep OK tonight - hehe
Bondbug 32 Author Posted June 17, 2007 (edited) Have to come back to you on this one. You are too quick for me. And today is a busy baking day. I have the wood oven lit, wife's making bread, and pizza, and stews and cassoulet. I'm mincing stuff for the pate, and bottling wine. Sleep well. (later) Pizzas were good, but we received a visitor right in the middle of all that, so even further delay Checked my list..I don't think (woundn't swear to it) you have: stain, lit, let, stile, feint, flit, ant, time, tile, mast, finest, leant, tease I didn't get far with the second list. The only one I have to add is: slime What is tesla? - I feel I should know but cannot place it Edited June 17, 2007 by Bondbug
gial 2 Posted June 17, 2007 Tesla wa a scientist )Italian I believe) in the late 1800's. Worked with electricity. Invented the "tesla coil" - those big rabbit ear things with the spark that travels up between them. Some unit of magnetic something or other is a tesla now too, in his honor.
Bondbug 32 Author Posted June 18, 2007 (edited) OK. Try..... T P N C M A L E E And let's make it words of 4 letters or more! Hey. Did I scare Indy away? Hope not. Edited June 18, 2007 by Bondbug
gial 2 Posted June 19, 2007 OK, I waited as long as I could for others to step up. Here's my current lists: amen came camel clam clamp enema lame lamp male malt mane mate meal mean meat meet metal mete palm tame cape clan clap clean elan elect lane late lean leap nape neap neat pact pale pane pate peal peat peel peen pelt pentacle petal planet pleat tape
Bondbug 32 Author Posted June 20, 2007 meant, mace, maple, cement, mental, name, lament, team, tamp, calm, mantle, mantel, placement clean, lace, pace, cane, teal, place, plate, plane, teen, panel, yact, enact, pant, pent, and I see you got the 8 letter word. :cha (18): Give me a shout when you want another