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2020: The Comodo Project


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The hardest fight!!!

The idea was to make a vodoo dryad for just the Addon and the CM-patch for the two old German DVD's... Shouldn't be hard, or?

So what's new in 2020?

Securom is no longer supported by Windows10: 'We don't want system critical access to the OS. People with old games should try to buy them new at Steam or GoG!"


So trying if it is possible to bypass that trying a manual registration. The help files direct to a wrong page, this one was working:


First DVD's as normal, registration with the page above

2.02>240 , 240>243 , Ice and Blood, 2.64, 2.64>265, 265HF...

All needed a command line with administration rights, changing to the directory with the files with cd command and then starting the patch/AddOn from the command line.

Heureka, our daughter and her friend can play an evil WLAN party: dryad (for the bosses) and inquisitor (for the mobs)


The Comodo Project

The name comodo is for the mount of the dryad and that comodo warans can kill with a tiny single bite and then just wait for a few days. So the build of our daughter would try to hunt bosses with the disease CA and running/healing up till the disease did its job.

Her skills (level12) so far

hunting focus 5: unlocks voodoo focus, dust devil, less cooldown / blocking magical attacks

alchemy 5: unlocking bargaining and access to trophies

vodoo focus 9: disease: disease faster triggered and more life leech damage / triggered without fitting shrunken head / deep wound

combat discipline 1: more damage to all trees, 10% less regeneration

bargaining: trying to keep this at level


to be continued whenever Corona and school allow it

  • Respect! 1
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I love that you're still using this to teach and amuse your children Chattius.  Math, imagery, and action...

Keeping Sacred and your children's interest alive!



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Probably this dryad needs a new tree: team play guides. But this would need more combinations of classes by other players.

As it is played it isn't a stand alone character. It is totally optimized on teamplay with an inquisitor. The inquisitor places all enemies on a single spot with maelstream and then the dryad does a disease on this spot. For single player alchemy and bargaining should make room for a three trees approach. The inquisitor in this build wouldn't have blacksmith in singleplay. But it is nice to watch them teamplaying.

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On 12/13/2020 at 4:07 PM, chattius said:

The inquisitor places all enemies on a single spot with maelstream

I guess it could also work with the Seraphim Radiant Pillar and its bronze modification Hypnosis ("Attracts opponents to the center of the pillar" SacredWiki ), isn't it?


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And it isn't limited to Disease. You could probably also bring all enemies in a single spot and have the highelf focus her piercing icicles in a narrow angle by aiming way behing the concentration point. Or a Meteor shower...

Teamplay allows the bring all together and hit with a massive attack from the second player trick.


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