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Diablo II or Jade Dynasty:)


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The Diablo II Mod is great. Thanks to all who worked hard on it!! I'm curious is Diablo II the only game changing mod or is there more? I'm also a major fan of Jade Dynasty. Would a mod similar to Jade Dynasty even be possible with Sacred II?

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5 hours ago, LadyRy said:

The Diablo II Mod is great. Thanks to all who worked hard on it!! I'm curious is Diablo II the only game changing mod or is there more? I'm also a major fan of Jade Dynasty. Would a mod similar to Jade Dynasty even be possible with Sacred II?

That would be Flix et al... they are the power hours devs and I know he'll be happy to see your feedback... welcome to the forums LadyRy!



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That's great. Thank you for the welcome.

The CM Patch 1.60 is much improved as well. Great work on it too.


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