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Best set for a Elementalist Dragon Mage (Gust of Wind focused)

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After losing a hardcore Temple Guardian at level 77 (sadly), I've decided to give an Elementalist DM a try. 

I will use Gust of Wind as a main offensive spell (Elemental Magic main aspect) with Familiar and Runes of Protection as buffs.

Since DM has a lot of amazing sets (not refering to appearance but bonuses they provide), I am so confused which set to focus on.

My choices so far are:

-Draagen's Legacy

-Auspicious Power


-Kha-Beleth's Sovereignity

Any help and tips will be more than appreciated! 

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16 minutes ago, chattius said:

My normal choose for a Dragon Mage using combat arts affected by '+combat art range' was the Draagen's Legacy. Main reason was 7 items are enough for +ca-range bonus from the set so you have one piece free for something you need: either damage mitigation or even more ca-range.

My current dragon mage is a character to test out ee3 mod and it is far away from having a full set since I started with an empty chest. Since the test character has all three foci and lores I would opt for him Kha-Beleth's_Sovereignty, be it just because I use all spells and all weapon types. Kha-Beleth's_Sovereignty is nice for a character who isn't really specialized.

Chaoskampf needs 8 items for its final bonus, reducing flexibility a bit.

Auspicious Powers is more a choose for a hybrid character giving x% life leech (but only from a single item)


So my choose would be 7 items from Draagens Legacy and the torso from Auspicious Powers: ca range from 7 items from set and from the torso, x% life leech. magic find and damage over time reduction all from torso.



Yeah that was my point as well. As far as I searched, Draagen set is focused on Elemental Magic, but his appearance kinda make it low for me. I like Kha Beleth set a lot, looks badass for me, especially on special mount. Would you think it is fit for an Elemental Magic build? 

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The +x% Intelligence  which is in the set could be a great boost to the already high intelligence from companion. But I do not know from experience how high the damage boost from Intelligence is; more damage and better spellpower looks nice how ever.

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2 hours ago, chattius said:

The +x% Intelligence  which is in the set could be a great boost to the already high intelligence from companion. But I do not know from experience how high the damage boost from Intelligence is; more damage and better spellpower looks nice how ever.

Thanks. One more thing to ask you, since you're a very experienced DM player, which modifications would you take for Gust of Wind? I swear all of them looks amazingly interesting and I am confused a bit. :D

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2 minutes ago, chattius said:

After surviving early game you reach a point when you can spam GOW. Early game poisoning effect has more effect, late game I prefer spamming GOW when standing in a large Maelstrom. My normal choose is endgame based because I a mlazy: stun/radius/impact.

Stun from runes of protection and GOW means less enemies blown around all over the screen. Being lazy means: Not having to run miles and miles to loot corpses. It saves a lot of time,

Thanks a lot for your time! Really helpful. And yeah, the poisoning seems to have really low damage to me as well. Was confused with the silver mod since both radius and spread speed are what GOW needs to be effective and sadly you can only choose one.

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Personally, I love Kha-Beleth with my "Jedi" Dragon Mage. I choose Elemental Lore as the second skill and the mod for stun and speed. The third mod is up to you, but bear in mind that GoW really is variable on how thick or narrow the wind stream is. If you do a narrow stream all those effects will hit multiple times, so multiple chance for stun. For my weapon, only Maul's Swordstaff matches what I want. There are other lightsabers available, but those two handers really offer a lot.

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On 4/22/2021 at 4:29 AM, DaveO said:

Personally, I love Kha-Beleth with my "Jedi" Dragon Mage. I choose Elemental Lore as the second skill and the mod for stun and speed. The third mod is up to you, but bear in mind that GoW really is variable on how thick or narrow the wind stream is. If you do a narrow stream all those effects will hit multiple times, so multiple chance for stun. For my weapon, only Maul's Swordstaff matches what I want. There are other lightsabers available, but those two handers really offer a lot.

I went for Kha-Beleth as well, I find it the best in terms of aspect-utility. As for the weapon I personally prefer Heridon Jade Saber since it gives +all combat arts, -regen time, +chance of finding special items as well as +damage physical (and GoW is full physical damage). This coupled with a Stalworth Safeguard that provides a lot of resistance.

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