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19 Years of Wyntertyde in Ancaria

From the Sacred 2 Christmas Island Soundtrack
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[NEW PLAYER] What to download?

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Hello, I wish to buy Sacred 2 Gold on Steam for me and my brother so before we get to playing I'd like to know what mods are must have.

I went over the mods on Nexusmods and it looks like for the most stable and vanilla like experience I'll need:

  1. Community patch
  2. Enhanced edition

There were also [Character editor] and [Wardust's serious textures and spells] which seemed like a slight improvement but not necessary.
Did I get everything or would you recommend something more/less?


don't want the undressed mod

I did play the PS3 version with my brother for a while a few years back but iirc everything was tiny then and we kinda kept delaying it, but now we can play it on PC where it looks good enough.

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28 minutes ago, Flix said:

Hello and welcome. I am biased since I worked on CM Patch and Enhanced Edition but IMO those two are all you need for the best experience.

Character Editor is good for cheating and experimentation.  Wardust's mod has gotten a little out of date and doesn't have good compatibility with Enhanced Edition anymore.  Also in EE I did lots of texture changes of my own (lots of HQ/Elite textures added for formerly low-resolution ones) so that wouldn't play too well with Wardust.

Thank you, this information is all I needed. :D

Btw I saw that Character Editor has many options but I'm looking for a vanilla experience so I was only interested in the "looks" tab of the mod but you're right, I don't really need that.
Btw are the CM patch and EE up to date on Nexusmod or should I get them somewhere else? I'm guessing this place has them all.

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2 hours ago, Flix said:

Yes indeed, I keep the Nexus up to date with all the latest versions.

Thank you for replying and thank you for keeping the game alive.:lujate:

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4 hours ago, ZeZeko said:

Thank you for replying and thank you for keeping the game alive.:lujate:

Happy to see you here ZeZeko, Flix's and others Devs' mods have been a DNA injection for this game that have kept players hunger for Ancaria for more than 10 years now!  

Welcome to the forums!



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"Did I get everything or would you recommend something more/less?"


Ruins!      Ruins!      You can never have enough ruins!               :connie_xmas-moose:

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Paul, what you find and use depends on the build you have and your character. Just loot everything you can and don't forget to explore the Orc Cave. Just remember that you must be prepared for an angry mob of Orc Champion warriors. They are nothing to scoff or drop in on without being ready for a shellacking.

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Yeah, I know the cave but haven't been there lately. Maybe I'll see how my Inquisitor.. does in that tight spot.                     Shoot, I'm starting to shiver already - claustrophobia.

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