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A Brief History of DarkMatters

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Great topic!


I didn't know very much about the history of Darkmatters, and now I know a lot more!


I followed your posts on the SIF about 3-4 months before the release of Sacred 2, which led me here. And now I'm proud to be part of this awesome community. :P





bah I wish I was here from the very start :mafia: I really enjoyed reading on the first forum... and seeing your avatar.. its so cuteee :viking:




Fun to see the development, I do remember seeing the first skin though. Must've joined the board not too much time before the transfer to the new loook though.

And as some may recall my love for the groove: Groove Matters kicked ass, a groove skin still has my vote :drinks:

  • Like! 1

Heh, you still haven't mentioned for what D.a.r.k. is an acronym. :drinks: Or have you forgotten yourself? :(


- Ike


We are beyond definition Ike. ^^


lol @ Groove skin Timo. I think we were a minority in that respect though after everyone had been medicated the place really got rockin. :) Would be fun to bring that back just for kicks, hehe. Who knows eh. Mwahaha! That reminds me... It's been a while since I've ninja'd someones avatar. :drinks: As for the growth it has been a pretty cool developement to be a part of eh. Here's to progress!


Wow Erling. I just realized you've already been here for like a year and a half. Time flies though and before you know it you'll have been here 5 years. Or more! :bow:


And it's been a true pleasure Max. :) I had no idea that you would make such an impression on DarkMatters when you first began. Your surprise release of that Guide Manager is exactly the kind of creative ingenuity that inspires. That makes FDM history in fact.


For me the defining characteristics of FDM is creativity and on so many many different ways. Creation and peaceful coexistence makes for a happy DarkMatters. Thanx to all of you for that!




What a long strange trip it's been -Grateful Dead


From such humble beginnings did a great community become. I wasn't here for the beginning but I still have seen so much evolution since I became a member. Still the best community that I've had the pleasure being part of. As far as what D.a.r.k stands for....I'm convinced it means..


D - Dead

A - Again

R - Restarting,

K - Knuckles



Heh, you still haven't mentioned for what D.a.r.k. is an acronym. :)


There is no . after the K. The . after the K has been sleeping with the fishes for almost a year now. :)


Awwww, Erling :o You've been a fantastic part of this community for years now. You've added more than many, and your energy and humor has always been appreciated. We're not going to be going anywhere for a long time, and those first skimpy years will mean less and less as you get more years under the belt :)


Regarding the origin of the [D.a.r.k] meaning, it's a cool story. Max, I love hearing about how you were following posts here for months before joining. And I was hoping that this little bit of history about the site would give some "roots" to the community and a sense of heritage. There's actually lots more history, and it's pleasant to write about. As soon as I have some time, I'll add some more with a "Less Brief History of DarkMatters" ^^






Nice story!

It's strange to see Gogo in the pics with only 106 posts! :D

  • Haha 1




But... Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease put that groove skin in the rss :D Me wants ;)

Ghehe gotta love the groove :)


Oh dear god no! Far too happy-clappy-leftie-pinko-tree-hugging for me!



AH! gogo said I got humor and he is admin so now everyone have to admit I am funny or be banned, right? :P and if groove comes back.. please make the bubbles spin :)


Groove is dead and is not coming back. :P Thats because everyone seems to let lose in the groove skin for some reason and mods have a nightmare of work load to do. :)


yeah "the feeling" is sneaking up on you just talking about it :P:):dance:



  • 2 months later...
yeah "the feeling" is sneaking up on you just talking about it :):dance::dance:






Dang, that is one sweet pic BHJ


Does it come in Porches?






I still want that Groove skin back... :)


Wow...that groove skin is very bright...looks pretty cool tho...makes me wish I was around for it all

  • 1 month later...

Have no fear, it will one day make it's return!





Posted (edited)

So This Is How My Home Away From Home From Home But Still In My Home (Wow, Confusing) Was Founded!


Now I Know My Ancestry!


P.S 400th Post! In Only Like 19 Days =D.



Edited by Jrmoore2
  • 1 year later...

You know, we had forgotten about how much fun the skins were. Takes a day like today, with Halloween close in hand to jog our spirit and see/remember that freshness counts, and new colors, sites adds energy. Schot's gonna be back soon, with some amazing ideas that we hope are gonna drop a few jaws. Until then... we'd love to hear from a few more about how they found the site, and while we're listening... we can add some more to the history of DarkMatters for interested ears.





  • 11 months later...
Posted (edited)

it wasn't just a skin issue...


this is what a thread would look like... instead of being a forum thread it was like little a tree of comments where you could instantly jump to any post, and you could choose which reply in a thread to reply to be it the main OP or not... is there anyway to make darkmatters look like this? was there ever? man... I don't know how no one knows what I am talking about, just 2years ago I swear this site was an epic repository of guides and build discussion






















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Edited by namad

this is what a thread would look like... instead of being a forum thread it was like little a tree of comments where you could instantly jump to any post, and you could choose which reply in a thread to reply to be it the main OP or not... is there anyway to make darkmatters look like this? was there ever? man... I don't know how no one knows what I am talking about, just 2years ago I swear this site was an epic repository of guides and build discussion


Hey, there is a way to get this view back. What you need to do is click on the dropdown box on your username at the top right of the page and go to the "My Settings" page. Then click on the forum section and under "Topic Display mode" select outline and save. All threads should then be displayed as you describe.


As to guides and builds, they should all still be both here and on the wiki. If you are uncertain about anything in particular just post int he relevant section in General Discussion.

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