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An easy character for a returning Sacred 2 player?

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HI guys,

its been a while, like a few years moist probably.

what would be the easies spec to play again form scratch? I want to chill and have an easy time.

What patch do I need - gog gold editon?

And I remember sth about m,odyfying a .txt file to get better drops - can u pls remind me the trick?


  • Like! 1
2 hours ago, Jacek said:

what would be the easies spec to play again form scratch? I want to chill and have an easy time.

Well it starts with the question of what your goals are.
It's certainly easiest to just play bronze difficulty. You could play basically everything there and it would turn out ok.
If you want the easiest character to go all the way through to niobium it would probably get a bit more complicated...
It also matters wether you want to play campaign or not. Campaign is generally a lot more "difficult" as it forces you to go through all kinds of different challenges, while in the multiplayer free game mode you can choose what challenges you wish to take on and which of them you wish to avoid.
It may also depend on how grind-willing you are. In version from the cm-patch onward it is technically possible to gain unlimited amounts of skill and attribute points by farming certain quests. It may take a lot of time, but of course would also make the game significantly easier.


2 hours ago, Jacek said:

What patch do I need - gog gold editon?

I'm not sure which version gog gold edition comes with. It is possible that these modern releases already have the community-patch pre installed. Otherwise I would at least suggest the community patch for modern system compatibility and a lot of crash fixes. In case you don't want any community changes the "purist fix pack" is an alternative that does about the same with less gameplay relevant changes. If you want to find out what version your game comes with, it should be visible in the game client once you started it. I guess the modern gog gold edition should be startable without needing patches beforehand.
As you want it easy I would not suggest further large mods as the Enhanced Edition, the Addendum. and the Diablo 2 Fallen mod all make significant balance changes that would make the enemies more difficult to deal with, at least at certain stages of the game. The base game should give the most even game difficulty distribution here. But of course it's your choice.

2 hours ago, Jacek said:

And I remember sth about m,odyfying a .txt file to get better drops - can u pls remind me the trick?

I don't think it necessary to change the drop rates at all and it's quite easy to screw up a lot when doing so.
I have a brother who messed around with drops enough that it got him legendary health potions. :)
I don't know the details about the drop systems.
We certainly have modders here that know more about this to help you achieve your "better" drops. Maybe one of them can answer this question more thoroughly.

I hope I helped in telling you what we might need to know to figure out the easiest path for you.
As a summary:
-Game Version?/Any specific mod you want to play?
-Pure campaign?
-Exploit grind, yes or no?
-Character goals, how far you want to go with it?

-And the last one I hadn't askedbefor e: If you're willing to dupe jewellery etc it would of course make the game easier as well as you could always socket the greatest stuff...

And for the decision what version/mod to play there might be some helpful info over there:

Edit, as always I'm super slow at writing so this was written before hooyaah's post. He already adresses the loot and some of the version questions.

  • Thanks! 1
10 hours ago, Jacek said:

HI guys,

its been a while, like a few years moist probably.

what would be the easies spec to play again form scratch? I want to chill and have an easy time.

What patch do I need - gog gold editon?

And I remember sth about m,odyfying a .txt file to get better drops - can u pls remind me the trick?


Welcome back mon ami Jacek!

Yeah a few years ! :lol: But our doors are always open, a lights always lit, a friendly face is always here to say hello :hugs: 

And now...for your delightful question... I like how the other have answered... perhaps I'll be more direct..

Melee or Ranged?

I was pure ranged when I first started playing Sacred...but then developed a love for ranged...there just seemed to more to se happening over long distances...I then went to Daemon...energy bolts...BOOYAH...


Hows that for Blood and guts!

Choose your blood type :devil: 

After I'd developed that taste for death long distance style ...the moment that (after wailing for weeks with how slow sacred 2 was compared to Sacred Underworld's arcade action! :mafia: ) we discovered that the dryads travel time for anything coming out of her pipe was  instant 

I was hooked :drool:

and the sound it made when leech operated.. WOOSH!!
you know sacred 2's sound for the leech was so much more louder and immersive...i just couldnt get enough of it...and after they released another version with less bugs, they had to kill all that crazy sound from the leech.. i never got over it.. oh and btw. we did an interview with my favorite dev from that team here at DarkMatters...enjoy if, when you have the time ... Lars Hammer!!



and.. enjoy your sacred gaming ! 

welcome back!!!



2 hours ago, gogoblender said:

I was pure ranged when I first started playing Sacred...but then developed a love for ranged

again one of those things only you can say gogo :)

2 hours ago, gogoblender said:

we discovered that the dryads travel time for anything coming out of her pipe was  instant 

if you like that, don't play dimitrius' addendum :)
(he gave the pipe normal projectiles)


  • Appreciation 1
8 hours ago, SLD said:

again one of those things only you can say gogo :)

if you like that, don't play dimitrius' addendum :)
(he gave the pipe normal projectiles)


I was about to give up on the game  SLD... so many awful things happened in a row...the loss of Whoosh, the sluggishness of the game which @r00ster said had something to do with copy protection... u think?

Luckily that magic of instant Paf! was seen  :ninjastar:...everything changed... travel time for blow pipe still has me breathless... perfect sound of execution and then the lines shooting up for life draining ...what a mechanic, what execution... :resp:

Jacek, hoping you do that Dryad.. I found her very easy to play at most, all levels up to Niobium, and this was in HardCore online... one death, you're dead... I'm not sure if you have enuff time to put a trader network in place, but if you can, you can socket to perfection.

I think I had an old build somewhere, let me see if I can find it to upload...I think I did my Ice Elf...ahhh, she was lovely too... check out the sweet music she comes with :heart: 





9 hours ago, SLD said:

again one of those things only you can say gogo :)




SLD Thanks!

I just see that now... thanks for the ruler-whack

.... now I'm going to let it stay there to infuriate others... f o r e v a h




  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, SLD said:

Hello Again,

since I am an old noob  I need room for error / manouver and low APM of course lol ;)

I really enjoy s/b archetype where I actually use the shield to deal dmg / perform attacks and not only stat stick.

DW melee specs are also okk since I dont like kiting that much. Unless its a short kite ;)

casters are fine; but no piano builds and stuff like cast x to prepare the ground for y so that z can deal damg.

I remember I did change a few digits bacjk in the day in the txt file and ti was all just fine...aside from more drops, valuable drops at my feet - this is the way I play it, I do not have all the time in my life nowadays to grind.

Thank you for such thoroiugh responses! Maybe you can add anything now with some clarifications on my end!

EDIT: after such a long time I would like to beat the campaigne again and I dont want to spend all the time at the easiest difficulty so that my daughter will not take the piff at me lol ;)



Edited by Jacek
On 8/30/2024 at 5:15 PM, Hooyaah said:

The CM Patch is already included in the GOG version of Sacred 2 Gold.

Do you have that version or where does this information come from?
I just googled my ass off and couldn't find any mention of that however lots of evidence that it did not contain the cm-patch for a very long time and until quite recently(couple years...). That's why I'm asking what makes you so sure about this?

What started the confusion was the PFP thread stating both
-that the GoG version is compatible with pfp
-and your own experience with accidentally installing the cm-patch before the pfp leading to problems

Therefore the two should not be compatible if GoG already comes with cm-patch... 
Something is obviously wrong and I'm trying to cover all the bases now.
I don't know how GoG versions work, so I consider it possible that a recent(past three years) change to the GoG version included the cm-patch.

Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, SLD said:

I have been writing on this answer now for about 2 hours so I wont post 2 full build guides now as well... I want to take a look at the rest of the forum now :)
If you want the build guides I will of course write them up for you. But I'll wait for your next response first.
Please tell me if you can already veto either build beforehand as in such a case I would only have to write one guide :)

Pure awesomness!

TBH, both builds sound great......I just saw yt vids of the two and DW starwars archetype does tickle my fancy lol....would ti be possible with normal medieval weapons too? like regular swords, nmaces, staves etc?

None th e less, I would appreciete the star wars knight guide ;)


EDIT: now....I remember playing 10 or so yrs ago and elf fire based and it was soo damn strong.....ok choice? noob trap? how does I tcompare to the starwars SW?

EDIT2: and what about starwars Seraphin with 2 x sabre? looks soo cool.... or as ppl sya, BFG lol!



Edited by Jacek
Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Jacek said:


would ti be possible with normal medieval weapons too? like regular swords, nmaces, staves etc?


Hi there! I'm even less competent in Sacred 2 than in 1, so I'm no expert by any means! But I know that with the CM patch, lightsabers scale with willpower instead of strength. And Shadow warrior of course has the Grim resilience buff, which gives him tons of willpower. So scaling lightsabers would be much easier I think, if you have the patch. I'm sure SLD will come up with some sort of a guide for him! I only fooled around with that build on lower difficulty levels and it was great!

But what I can confirm, is that the BFG Sera really rules! I'm at least as lazy a player as you, (probably much lazier...) who doesn't know much about the numbers and calculations, but she rocked on every difficulty level, even for me! Bosses were a complete joke with her, and other things that appeared on the screen never even made it half way towards her. She is as OP as you can get, I think!


Edited by Sethi22
Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Sethi22 said:

Hi there! I'm even less competent in Sacred 2 than in 1, so I'm no expert by any means! But I know that with the CM patch, lightsabers scale with willpower instead of strength. And Shadow warrior of course has the Grim resilience buff, which gives him tons of willpower. So scaling lightsabers would be much easier I think, if you have the patch. I'm sure SLD will come up with some sort of a guide for him! I only fooled around with that build on lower difficulty levels and it was great!

But what I can confirm, is that the BFG Sera really rules! I'm at least as lazy a player as you, (probably much lazier...) who doesn't know much about the numbers and calculations, but she rocked on every difficulty level, even for me! Bosses were a complete joke with her, and other things that appeared on the screen never even made it half way towards her. She is as OP as you can get, I think!


That sounds.....REALLY GOOD - bfg -  I  need to take a closer look then. if she is as good as u say; low apm, lazy eza sailing - lol - maybe I go with ther!

edit: expert touch on or off?


Edited by Jacek
Posted (edited)

On, I think. But the real wizards will arrive to the forum sooner or later, I'm just your average afternoon noob. They'll give you all sorts of valuable advice, I'm sure.

I made her use 3 buffs, so I took Concentration to 75 to use the third buff, which was Warding energy. I think that's why SLD told you she can be a glass cannon early on, because at the beginning you already have one buff, that's BeeEffGee, and once you take Concentration, you'll probably go with Battle Stance for the second. So it can take a while, before she really becomes tanky with the 3rd buff, Warding energy. But I never had a problem with her at lower levels, it was smooth sailing all the way. (And of course she always has Divine protection for panic situations, but there were none for me. No panic situations emerged! Dead creatures don't cause panic...:)) You only put one point to Ranged weapons (because BFG gives you points for that) and then you can start reading the BFG runes like crazy. And you can't really go wrong with it, you can read them almost constantly. It really is the perfect thing for starters!

(And of course it's the least gear dependent build like SLD said, as your buff is your weapon, so you don't need to upgrade your weapons constantly with shopping...)

Edited by Sethi22
15 hours ago, SLD said:

Oh man I've been on this thread for almost 3 hours again and haven't even started writing a guide yet :(
I'll go catch up with the rest of the forum again.
I don't want to turn this into a fulltime dayjob so that'll be it for today but I'll throw in a short list of things I want to explain when I get to it:


We're serving refreshments shortly in Key Largo Bar.

.. your love for this game and us is appreciated

There's even Free Poutine in the back if someone gives you the dance-moves



  • Like! 1
6 hours ago, SLD said:

You're unbelievable man! Not only are you infoholic, but workaholic too! And I thought I was the one doing the hard work running around in the screenshot game! Wow!:bow:


  • Like! 1
Posted (edited)
On 8/30/2024 at 5:15 PM, Hooyaah said:

The CM Patch is already included in the GOG version of Sacred 2 Gold.

It is not. You get the regular install version.

On 9/1/2024 at 6:02 AM, SLD said:

I don't know how GoG versions work, so I consider it possible that a recent(past three years) change to the GoG version included the cm-patch.

GOG provides the version of Ice & Blood with the latest official patch. Nothing is pre-installed and you can freely choose what you go with, be it CM Patch, PFP, EE or anything else.


On 9/1/2024 at 11:09 PM, SLD said:

at least that one is easy to answer. Always on. :)

Unless you are playing a triple aspect build, which is entirely possible. Not being able to use CAs instantly from various trees because using one triggers a mini cooldown on all your other trees too can be quite detrimental. But I doubt the OP is going to go a triple-aspect build :D 

On 8/30/2024 at 3:56 PM, Jacek said:

And I remember sth about m,odyfying a .txt file to get better drops - can u pls remind me the trick?

Easily done in balance.txt. Open it and find this:

  ZRareExpectation15 = 2,
  ZRareExpectation14 = 6,
  ZRareExpectation13 = 14,
  ZRareExpectation12 = 16,
  ZRareExpectation11 = 24,
  ZRareExpectation10 = 34,
  ZRareExpectation09 = 46,
  ZRareExpectation08 = 58,
  ZRareExpectation07 = 72,
  ZRareExpectation06 = 88,
  ZRareExpectation05 = 106,
  ZRareExpectation04 = 124,
  ZRareExpectation03 = 144,
  ZRareExpectation02 = 166,
  ZRareExpectation01 = 456,
  ZRareExpectation00 = 1000,


Those are the drop rates for various rarities. 15 is legendary, 14 is rarer sets and uniques, 13 is most sets and uniques. The numbers represent a % chance of the rarity dropping. The list goes sequentially. So it first checks "Did rarity 15 (0.2% chance) roll? If not, proceed to 14. Did rarity 14 (0.6% chance) roll? If not, proceed to 13" and so on. The 1000 for 00 is just a safeguard for when all previous rolls fail, the game gives you a trash (grey) item. You will pretty much stop seeing these as you get Chance to Find Valuables for Survival Bonus, Map Explored % and going up difficulties. However, there is a hardcoded limitation on legendary drops (rarity 15) - only enemies with dangerclass 9 or 10 can drop them. This pretty much includes only bosses.

Anything below 15 however, is fair game from most enemies. Chance to Find Valuables increases these numbers. Don't go too overboard, because if you consistently succeed rolls for rarities 15 or 14, you will stop seeing blue or even yellow items completely and be flooded only with sets and uniques.


And finally, as for a good starting char, can't go wrong with High Elf. Just pick Fire or Ice, support it with Delphic Arcania and you should be able to steamroll pretty much everything. Fire is more offensive and easy to use, Ice is more defensive and requires good positioning and spell placement/targetting to play to its full potential. High Elf also has the only CA in the game, that has absolutely no drawbacks in pumping to 200 runes as soon as possible, it being Grand Invigoration. Plus you get to look at a scantily clad and lean elven lady :drool:Bonus points for picking the Shadow campaign - the snark levels are through the roof :devil:

Edited by idbeholdME
  • Like! 1
3 hours ago, idbeholdME said:

It is not. You get the regular install version.

GOG provides the version of Ice & Blood with the latest official patch. Nothing is pre-installed and you can freely choose what you go with, be it CM Patch, PFP, EE or anything else.



Confirm that, bought Sacred 2 Gold Edition from GOG at the end of June '24 and there's exactly what idbeholdME said.

Community Patch have to be added manually from you if you want to use.

Even if it's a patch for the pack sold by GOG (and Steam also if I remember right) you have to consider the CM patch like a mod in this case...

  • Thanks! 1
Posted (edited)
On 9/3/2024 at 10:59 AM, Sethi22 said:
On 9/3/2024 at 4:17 AM, SLD said:

You're unbelievable man! Not only are you infoholic, but workaholic too! And I thought I was the one doing the hard work running around in the screenshot game! Wow!:bow:


This is now the second time in this thread that someone misuses the quote function and puts words into my mouth that were never there.
In neither case the defamation seems intentional so I wonder, is there a bug or something thats causing this?



On 9/3/2024 at 6:42 PM, idbeholdME said:
On 8/30/2024 at 5:15 PM, Hooyaah said:

The CM Patch is already included in the GOG version of Sacred 2 Gold.

It is not. You get the regular install version.

On 9/1/2024 at 6:02 AM, SLD said:

I don't know how GoG versions work, so I consider it possible that a recent(past three years) change to the GoG version included the cm-patch.

GOG provides the version of Ice & Blood with the latest official patch. Nothing is pre-installed and you can freely choose what you go with, be it CM Patch, PFP, EE or anything else.


On 9/3/2024 at 9:54 PM, DruidoMatto said:

Confirm that, bought Sacred 2 Gold Edition from GOG at the end of June '24 and there's exactly what idbeholdME said.

Community Patch have to be added manually from you if you want to use.

Even if it's a patch for the pack sold by GOG (and Steam also if I remember right) you have to consider the CM patch like a mod in this case...

So that means we now need information from Jacek to find out what patch version he choses to use.
My prior assumption of cm patch 160hf has lost its basis.


On 9/3/2024 at 6:42 PM, idbeholdME said:


On 9/1/2024 at 11:09 PM, SLD said:

at least that one is easy to answer. Always on. :)

Unless you are playing a triple aspect build, which is entirely possible. Not being able to use CAs instantly from various trees because using one triggers a mini cooldown on all your other trees too can be quite detrimental. But I doubt the OP is going to go a triple-aspect build :D 

I intentionally left out a statement about the reasoning to not confuse further, but now I have to amend my explanation to:

"Always on, unless you are playing a build that frequently uses active skills from different aspects in quick succession and outside a combo. In that case however you are playing a bad build therefore turning on expert's touch and choosing a different build would still have been the better choice." "Always on" was just the shortened version for that.

On 9/3/2024 at 6:42 PM, idbeholdME said:

you get Chance to Find Valuables for Survival Bonus, Map Explored % and going up difficulties.

Map exploration shows its mf bonus ingame(exploration/4). Is there a source for the other two having any effect on mf?

On 9/3/2024 at 6:42 PM, idbeholdME said:

And finally, as for a good starting char, can't go wrong with High Elf. Just pick Fire or Ice, support it with Delphic Arcania and you should be able to steamroll pretty much everything. Fire is more offensive and easy to use, Ice is more defensive and requires good positioning and spell placement/targetting to play to its full potential. High Elf also has the only CA in the game, that has absolutely no drawbacks in pumping to 200 runes as soon as possible, it being Grand Invigoration. Plus you get to look at a scantily clad and lean elven lady :drool:Bonus points for picking the Shadow campaign - the snark levels are through the roof :devil:

Even after a while to calm down, this still just makes me feel angry and frustrated. Why am I writing guides here at all? It doesn't feel worth it.


I will wait for another word from @Jacek before I continue with the guides. I want to first know what version will be played and wether he still wants me to continue writing the guides based on the outline I posted a few days back:

On 9/1/2024 at 11:09 PM, SLD said:

list of things I want to explain when I get to it:

Edited by SLD
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, SLD said:

This is now the second time in this thread that someone misuses the quote function and puts words into my mouth that were never there.
In neither case the defamation seems intentional so I wonder, is there a bug or something thats causing this?


Haha, no, I called you infoholic in another thread, about horses. Now I extended that to workaholic too. I think most of us trying to help Jacek with his new char would have linked in another guide, as I did. The lazy way. It's only you, who actually thought about writing a completely new one! But I enjoyed the first part, and learned a thing or two as well, so if you have the time and the will, I at least would love to see you continue! (Once it's complete, we can also ask Gogo to use his paranormal powers and lift the whole guide to a separate section, SLD's general Sacred 2 tips or something like that. Where it's easier to find, and where it can be revered for all eternity!) :JC_gimmefive:

Edited by Sethi22
5 hours ago, Sethi22 said:

Haha, no, I called you infoholic in another thread, about horses. Now I extended that to workaholic too.

I understand what you wanted to say, but why did you put it in a quote that claimed that I said it?

5 hours ago, Sethi22 said:

I think most of us trying to help Jacek with his new char would have linked in another guide, as I did. The lazy way. It's only you, who actually thought about writing a completely new one!

Well I don't think there is a good guide to link to. I also looked at every single guide that was linked here and found none of them optimal.

First Hooyaah linked an invisible shadow warrior that for whatever reason doesn't use a proper offense. I also would not have recommended invisibility to a "newb" because it might be possible to brick main quest progression with it. But in general, yes you can make invisible SWs but why would you ever use that garbage totem...

Then Gogo came by and linked a build for Sacred Underworld deamons... well he got around to talking about a blowgun dryad later but had no guide to link for that...

Gogo returned to link an Ice Elf build which in general is nice, but then the guide suggests using multiple active combat arts and a questionable lineup of skill choices. Taking armor lore late just to get things like combat discipline earlier? And why take Spell resist? Its like the worst skill since the removal of pacifism...
So the basic build Idea again is an acceptable choice but I wouldn't recommend following that guide in detail...

And that is the point where you link a bfg-sera guide. Again some of it is correct but starting on armor lore and pushing tech lore all the way back to lvl 25? And supposedly using the Energy shield buff and divine protection combined with toughness yet still picking constitution... why? It actually makes you more vulnerable as %leech will do more damage to your shield... On top of that the guide suggests using flaring nova and even claiming that there might be situations where you "need" it. The guid claims crit is great for damage even though it is only a factor of 1.2. It claims soul hammer would be a good boss killer even though it is worse than both archangels wrath and pelting strikes. It also claims that pelting strikes would fire at multiple enemies which it absolutely does not and never has... Also the idea to mod battle stance with more attack rating to hit niobium bosses... You get ~100% chance opponents cannot evade from your bfg alone and you think attack rating is gonna change something here? 
This guide is sometimes spot on and sometimes so clueless... I can't recommend something like that to another player especially one who doesn't have the experience to take only the good advice and discard the rest...

So far noone has linked a guide that would satisfy me. That is why I would have to write guides for him. They just don't exist yet.

5 hours ago, Sethi22 said:

But I enjoyed the first part, and learned a thing or two as well, so if you have the time and the will, I at least would love to see you continue!

That is nice to hear :)

5 hours ago, Sethi22 said:

(Once it's complete, we can also ask Gogo to use his paranormal powers and lift the whole guide to a separate section, SLD's general Sacred 2 tips or something like that. Where it's easier to find, and where it can be revered for all eternity!)

Please no! Don't rip up another thread. The contents could however be copied and rearranged to make them easier to find and read. For now we wait for Jacek's return to figure out what he needs and then I'll continue with the writing.

  • Like! 1
29 minutes ago, SLD said:

I understand what you wanted to say, but why did you put it in a quote that claimed that I said it?

Well I don't think there is a good guide to link to. I also looked at every single guide that was linked here and found none of them optimal.

First Hooyaah linked an invisible shadow warrior that for whatever reason doesn't use a proper offense. I also would not have recommended invisibility to a "newb" because it might be possible to brick main quest progression with it. But in general, yes you can make invisible SWs but why would you ever use that garbage totem...

Then Gogo came by and linked a build for Sacred Underworld deamons... well he got around to talking about a blowgun dryad later but had no guide to link for that...

Gogo returned to link an Ice Elf build which in general is nice, but then the guide suggests using multiple active combat arts and a questionable lineup of skill choices. Taking armor lore late just to get things like combat discipline earlier? And why take Spell resist? Its like the worst skill since the removal of pacifism...
So the basic build Idea again is an acceptable choice but I wouldn't recommend following that guide in detail...

And that is the point where you link a bfg-sera guide. Again some of it is correct but starting on armor lore and pushing tech lore all the way back to lvl 25? And supposedly using the Energy shield buff and divine protection combined with toughness yet still picking constitution... why? It actually makes you more vulnerable as %leech will do more damage to your shield... On top of that the guide suggests using flaring nova and even claiming that there might be situations where you "need" it. The guid claims crit is great for damage even though it is only a factor of 1.2. It claims soul hammer would be a good boss killer even though it is worse than both archangels wrath and pelting strikes. It also claims that pelting strikes would fire at multiple enemies which it absolutely does not and never has... Also the idea to mod battle stance with more attack rating to hit niobium bosses... You get ~100% chance opponents cannot evade from your bfg alone and you think attack rating is gonna change something here? 
This guide is sometimes spot on and sometimes so clueless... I can't recommend something like that to another player especially one who doesn't have the experience to take only the good advice and discard the rest...

So far noone has linked a guide that would satisfy me. That is why I would have to write guides for him. They just don't exist yet.

That is nice to hear :)

Please no! Don't rip up another thread. The contents could however be copied and rearranged to make them easier to find and read. For now we wait for Jacek's return to figure out what he needs and then I'll continue with the writing.

Morning SLD!

Once you're happy with the way you want your guide to personally look, you can copy paste out the contents and start a new topic in our Sacred 2 Guides section here:


You'll get your guide to look and feel the way you personally think a guide should feel to you and then, if you want, you can copy paste it to the Wiki which has a section entitled Player Contributed Guides ... more like a  POV , non-canon



You're a true-fan and I know you want your guide perfect...think of this topic  as a distillery for your magnum opus soon to come... your official published work in those two proceeding areas

Thanks for the reams of conversation, support and break throughs you have marveled in this new era 20 years later for our favorite game

for this...you get the power-cow





Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, SLD said:

I understand what you wanted to say, but why did you put it in a quote that claimed that I said it?


Wow, now I see it too! I didn't quote you, that's for sure! I's some bug then. Weird!

To be honest I remember reading another (better?) guide for BFG sera, that I used for my own, but I just couldn't find it. So I looked at this one, and found that sections of it were similar to the one I knew, that's why I linked it. With mine I never used any archangel's wrath and flaring nova, I just spammed my low level soul hammer-pelting strikes combo and that was it. And it was more than enough with the maxed out BFG. It was the regular pew-pew-pew build. Just shooting around... 

But about the shield, the constitution and toughness part, that's exactly how I did it too, it seems I fell into some noob trap again! (But I'm always super cautious with my builds and want to get them as tanky as possible, because I play hardcore). I thought about the Griffon and others that could take off my shield and thought that some life would be nice for those rare occasions. But I would like to hear about how it's actually hurting the player to pick it up, (you already talked about this in the damage cap topic in sacred 1, (when I said I had hundreds of thousands of energy shield on her), but I didn't really get it there either. I just didn't want to go completely offtopic there, that's why I let it go.) But since it came up again, I'd love to hear your reasoning about this leech thing! (I guess it's the more life-shield you have, the more they leech, right? In a nutshell...:dntknw:)

But in the end, she triumphed! Even with a bad player like me, who's too lazy to shop and all. I guess she wasn't super efficient, but even I managed to go through Niobium with her and beat the Guardians. I felt super safe and happy with my warding energy and life, and divine protection, and toughness, and all that...:) So it won't ruin your build if you take all those, I think!



Edited by Sethi22

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