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An easy character for a returning Sacred 2 player?

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Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, SLD said:

Map exploration shows its mf bonus ingame(exploration/4). Is there a source for the other two having any effect on mf?

Loading tip says SB has an effect on it. Not visible in game.

As for difficulty levels, it's mostly observation. I always notice a marked increase in rare drops. Or it could be that higher level enemies have an intrinsic bonus to drop rates. So say a level 1 enemy has a 0.5% chance to drop a yellow item, which can go up to say 1.5% on a level 150 enemy. Used example numbers, but you get the gist. One of the two is definitely happening. Generally, the further your character is along the enemy level/difficulty curve, the better the drops seem to get.

Edited by idbeholdME
  • Thanks! 1

Finally I get it! Thanks for clearing that up! (I always do every boss of course, that's how I operate. I can't let them live! So leaving the Griffon alive was not an option. (I'm sure it can be done without all the extra layers of defense I had, but it was one of my main worries, as he had caused me trouble before on Nio, when I came unprepared... :))

However, I realized, what may have caused the bug with the quotes. You made the forum mind overflow with how much you wrote in the past months! So now whenever it sees something new, it automatically says "quote from SLD..." You hit the cap, man! :D

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57 minutes ago, SLD said:

However, I realized, what may have caused the bug with the quotes. You made the forum mind overflow with how much you wrote in the past months! So now whenever it sees something new, it automatically says "quote from SLD..." You hit the cap, man! :D

So the forum has a "damage cap" as well and I'm causing so much "damage"... :)

Before Gogo flips out, this misquote was intentional, I just couldnt resist it :)

  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

So, while I'm still waiting for Jacek to tell us his exact choice of Game Version,
today has so far been a slow day in forum activity and I haven't had to spend hours on other threads already,
I have decided to go for the next round of general guide stuff, this time focusing on what can be done with(to? :)) a new character.

On 9/1/2024 at 11:09 PM, SLD said:

--Game start:
---starting runes
---starting gold
---starting gear
---starting socketing
---starting bonus skill points

As we already have a nice table of contents here, let us begin with something that isn't on there :)

Character creation:

None of the things you chose here can be changed later.
You get to chose:

-A Character Class

-A Character Name

-Slightly varying by character class there are some options to change the appearance of your character and the chest imp. Has no effect on gameplay.
-Hardcore or not? I don't think this flag does anything other than that the character turns into some kind of unplayable corpse when you die ingame. Though I have not thoroughly tested this. Maybe you do get some kind of reward for playing the risky game mode. So far I don't know of any benefits to this.

-Difficulty, Bronze or Silver? This one is also a nobrainer. It does not force you to play Silver if you chose Silver, neither on SP chars nor on MP chars. All that it does is unlock access to the Silver campaign if you chose Silver. I am not aware of any downside to choosing Silver here.

-Expert's touch? Always on. Normally active Combat arts of different aspects only send their own aspect's combat art on regen when used. With Expert's touch all aspects' combat arts are placed on regen when any combat art is used, yet in return all regen times are lowered. As most effective builds repeatedly use the same combat art Expert's Touch will be the better choice. In case of multiple combat arts that are always used in a fixed order, you would use a combo for that and as the combo just inherits the highest regen among it's components Expert's Touch again comes out on top. Only quickly manually switching between combat arts from different aspects would be "better" without, but that build choice will basically never be "good". If you manage to come up with a build that represents an exception to this rule, you sure no longer need a guide to tell you what to do :)

-Campaign, Light or Shadow? Two different main quest lines, some side quests are only available to characters of a specific side, ork region enemy allegiances are slightly different and who knows what else. Important to note is, this choice affects all game modes not just campaign games. So a light campaign specific side quest can never be done by a shadow campaign character, not even in multiplayer free play mode. This can be important to access certain quest rewards. Seraphim are always stuck with Light campaign, inquisitprs are always forced to play shadow campaign. I do not know much about campaigns, so the question wether one is easier than the other or can be finished with less time investment, has to be answered by someone else. In the german client the campaign choice also effects your monster kill counter, light characters count "collateral damage" while shadow characters count "victims". As far as I know the english client always counts "kills". This is purely cosmetic and should have no effect on anything other than your characters concience :)
The campaign choice also directly effects the available gods to chose.

-Gods are the most powerless beings in ancaria. Your character has to choose one of the six gods to laugh at. Arranged in two rows, Seraphims can only choose from the top row, Inquisitors can only choose from the bottom row, shadow campaign characters can't choose the first god, light campaign characters can't choose the last. The god of your choice bestows upon you a divine gift, a special combat art that you will use every time you accidentally hit its hotkey, default is "G". The divine gifts come with a godly regeneration time of 15-30 minutes depending on which one you chose. This regeneration time can only be lowered by wasting a skill slot for "divine devotion". Even with that skill the regeneration will never be lower than 15% of the starting value, meaning it will always take at least 2 minutes to regenerate. None of these divine gift combat arts last long enough to reach a reasonable uptime. It was obviously designed to be a special oh-:eek: button, but if you need an oh-:eek: button that is stronger than your health potion you will have already died. It is also not usable as an oh-:eek: button because the divine gift has a cast time. So it's actually at best a oh-future-:eek: button that you can use before combat to help you for a short period of time.
I won't go into detail about every single divine gift. The only reasonable one that can be used for defense at the start of a boss fight is Forens' inspiration. It gives a high chance to reflect basically everything. All characters that aren't inquisitors can choose it.
Inquisitors have to choose between a short term summon that turns on him, a crowd control skill that makes a crowd uncontrollable and Testa's odd "Will-o-wisp"s that are supposed to do something beneficial. I would go with Testa on Inquisitors and Forens in all other cases.
I also would suggest never to waste a skill slot on Divine devotion. The divine gift should only be used in special cases where you, for whatever reason, need to deal with something that you aren't strong enough to deal with safely, so lowering regen from 15 to 2 minutes shouldn't make a difference. You can't use it in the same fight twice anyway and if you plan using it in multiple fights in succession you can basically just wait those 15 minutes. That is still a better choice than wasting a skill slot or even skill points on that.

Now that we do have a character we can talk about things a new character can do.

There are two ways a new character can get runes.
1. Kill enemies. That one shouldn't come as a big surprise.
2. The rune chest. Every charcter has near their singleplayer campaign starting location a chest with a special beam of light shining down on it. It's a starting chest that contains one piece of equipment and a rune. I think in the base game it is only one rune, certain popular mods may increase it to up to three and it is never a random rune always a specific rune. In multiplayer campaign games you start at the MP island so this chest, if it exists at all in MP would be quite a distance away. Multiplayer characters can however repetably start Singleplayer campaigns and farm the starter chest for runes. Singleplayer characters should at least be able to open it once per difficulty (haven't tried it though so I might be wrong).

No matter how you acquired your first runes, if your build needs other runes than the ones you got you need to enlist the help of combomaster. And that guy wants gold.

How does a new character get Gold? You'll notice a pattern here, as again killing enemies is an option. But there are alternative ways that aren't as dangerous. NO matter wether a character is SP or MP it can enter a MP free play game. And there you can open chests repeatably. So with many chests reachable withoutt the need for combat you can technically already farm an infinite amount of gold at level 1. Obviously that would be enormously inefficient. There are however a few "strategies" to improve the yield. 

Option 1, Safe and legit: You can just start a mp free game on silver difficulty, there are some "magic hiding places" on the starting island and a lot of chests inside the town of Sloeford. Fountains also always drop a health potion so you can pick those up while you're at it. If you have at least the cm-patch installed you will also be able to directly teleport towards unlocked harbours and balloons. This allows adding the chest and crystals inside the Seraphim camp of the crystal region to the run. All in all this run does not make you super rich, but it allows you to easily farm up enough gold for whatever else you might need to get started.

Option 2, Risky but kinda legit: Items and gold amounts from chests are actually not dependent on your characters level but the level of the enemies in the area. So sneaking your lvl 1 char into an area where the enemies don't scale down to level 1 would allow you to snatch some higher level items that can be worth significantly more gold. With the CM-patch option of travelling directly to any open harbour without needing to reach a harbour first, you can technically at the start of the game teleport directly to the dryad region. The town there is "safe" and has multiple loot containers to open so if you manage to reach the portal there once you can farm items of around lvl 20. Sadly between the boat and the safe part of town is a spot where one or even multiple turtles can spawn. Lvl 20 turtles... You can get lucky with a no turtle run, or manage to run past a turtle before it reacts. As you are kinda in town and enemies are supposed to stop fighting and leave town when they get pulled in to close it is not as dangerous as it sounds but there is certainly a risk of dying here. However, as your character does only need to accomplish the run once and then go via the portal, it is kinda safe to do even for hardcore characters as you can just start a new character until you get it right. In the end this method helps with creating early game gold faster for other things you might want to do before going into combat.

Option 3, as risky as option 2 but nowhere near as legit :): Now we start exploiting. It's not just gear pieces that you can acquire at a higher level. Even things like health potions, that don't change with level, have kind of a level attached to them. A health potion from the dryad island will have a significantly higher gold value than one from a sloeford fountain. But they still stack. So how does the game keep track of the stack value if every potion has its own value? It doesn't, at least not as long as you only have the cm-patch installed. Other mods beyond that might fix this already. But without such mods the game just treats a full stack as multiples of the "first" item of the stack. So if you have no health potion in your inventory you can pick up an "expensive" health potion dropped from a chest in the dryad coast town(quite a common drop) and then go and get "cheap" potions from sloeford that will automatically stack on top and turn into expensive ones. You can also just buy potions from merchants for ~4 gold a pop. Once you got a few potions stacked you can just split the stack(shift+left click is the correct combo, I think) separating one expensive potion and selling the rest as a stack for like a thousand gold each... not quite sure what the exact value it is that ypu would get there but I think its somewhere in that ballpark so basically you can go to a merchant and buy dozens of bottles of "1000 free gold coins" and when you reset the merchant, by teleporting away and back, you can do it again... This method should quickly solve any starting gold requirements you might have, but it does abuse a bug.

Option 4, for mods like D2F where you can enter any difficulty right from the start: You can get the equivalent benefits of a supercharged option 2 or 3 by using option 1 in a hgher difficulty. For example, loot from the crystal region camp will be around lvl 70+ on the highest difficulty in D2F. Selling that can yield tons of gold and directly dropped gold at that level is even more insane.

Starting Gear:
Now that our lvl 1 character has gold, we can put this to good use. Again we go to the highest difficulty setting our game allows us to and we teleport back and forth between sloeford and the starting island to reset the vendors on the starting island in a free play multiplayer game. Our target is to get gear pieces for every slot. First priority is a socket, then as high as possible physical armor on the better armor pieces like chest helmet and potentially a shield. Movement speed on boots and potentially on pants as well can also be quite nice to have. Bracers can give a nice amount of +%damage bonus. For many characters buying a bow or energy staff as the first weapon can be a wise choice as the range gives extra defense without measurably losing anything in offense. Rings can give you either flat damage or flat attack rating, Amulets should be used for hp-regen.

Once you have all your gear pieces with sockets you go to the blacksmith. Fill the sockets with the "Anneal" and "Whet" blacksmith arts. These are Really op in mods where you can access higher difficulties, quite strong in standard game versions and crap wherever dimitrius has his way, currently that would be the addendum. Usually I would go with at least 3 or 4 anneals. In the weapon you can also consider socketing a "+flat damage" ring and a damage converter, I would suggest converting to magic damage.

Bonus skill/attribute points:
Since the CM-Patch invented quests that reward skill and attribute points you can get some extra power for your fresh character from those as well.
The main one here is the Ancaria Airlines quest:
You can reach it in Sloeford and finish it without any combat involved, rewarding one skill and attribute point. The points are only rewarded after leaving the current game session and starting a new one. Legitimately every lvl 1 char can do this quest once in bronze and once in silver difficulty, but as always, this side quest can technically be exploited by infinite repetition in free play mode.

Once properly geared with hp regen somewhere you could also improve your lvl 1 char with some Survival Bonus by getting a wolf near the Sloeford portal to chew on you. You should be capable to get tanky enough so that a wolf on bronze can chew on you forever, allowing for afk farming survival bonus.

So this should cover all the points from the outline I quoted above. Another chunk of guide knowledge delivered :)
Back to grazing I guess :cow:

Edited by SLD
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I was screaming "Airlines!" When you wrote there's no point starting in bronze, but I see you covered it later on. And look at you, thinking about exploting that quest in MP! :badbad:I never even thought about doing that more then once on each difficulty level!  You indeed have bad influence, sir! You've just spoiled a completely honest, hard working player.

  • Like! 1
10 hours ago, Sethi22 said:

You've just spoiled a completely honest, hard working player.

Now you know why I never did things like Save/load in Sacred Underworld. That kind of cheating is just too inefficient :devil:

  • Like! 1
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Your pupils are waiting, @SLD! You thought you could get away with this, didn't you? Not on my watch! Now you have to complete the guide. Yes, sir! :agreed:

Edited by Sethi22
  • Haha 1
On 9/16/2024 at 12:28 PM, Sethi22 said:

You thought you could get away with this, didn't you? Not on my watch! Now you have to complete the guide.


On 9/5/2024 at 11:48 AM, SLD said:

So, while I'm still waiting for Jacek to tell us his exact choice of Game Version,

As Jacek doesn't seem to return, the priority of writing these guides has shifted quite a lot.

On 9/16/2024 at 12:28 PM, Sethi22 said:

Your pupils are waiting, @SLD!

Currently I think you are the only one who's waiting and you're not playing Sacred 2 right now, becauseyou're busy chasing screenshots in Sacred Underworld. :)

On my end, I currently don't have the time to write those guides. But I know you won't let me forget about them :)


  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

Very well done, and thank you for your hard work! :resp: I'd like to ask about damage mitigation, as I'm really lacking in that department (too...) Is there maybe some list of the uniques that have damage mitigation for all types of damage? I remember the shield Glacial Defender having it for example, but it's kind of rare, I think, I don't remember finding too many items with this mod. And can it be shopped? It has been a while since I played Sacred 2, and my memory is blurry. So can this mod be found on yellow stuff too, or only on uniques? And how do you reach 100% with it? Just throwing in the uniques, or do you actually need toughness to reach it, and maybe some buff, like purifying chastisement with the modification, and the rest from items? Can every character reach it? I've never been even close to 100%, that's for sure. 

I've played far less Sacred2 than 1, so if you found me nooby in 1, I'm definitely even noobier in 2. Although I've been to Niobium a couple of times, and have a Nio shopper and smith, and have beaten the badguys in the end, as you might expect, I'm generally lacking technical knowledge. (And what little I had, I've mostly forgotten since.) So your work is not wasted at all, and I'm sure if Jacek will ever return, he and anyone else newish to the game reading this will find it very useful indeed! (I would still urge you to copy-paste it all to a separate guide section where it's easier to find, but it's up to you, of course!)

Edited by Sethi22
8 hours ago, Sethi22 said:

Very well done, and thank you for your hard work! :resp: I'd like to ask about damage mitigation, as I'm really lacking in that department (too...) Is there maybe some list of the uniques that have damage mitigation for all types of damage? I remember the shield Glacial Defender having it for example, but it's kind of rare, I think, I don't remember finding too many items with this mod. And can it be shopped? It has been a while since I played Sacred 2, and my memory is blurry. So can this mod be found on yellow stuff too, or only on uniques? And how do you reach 100% with it? Just throwing in the uniques, or do you actually need toughness to reach it, and maybe some buff, like purifying chastisement with the modification, and the rest from items? Can every character reach it? I've never been even close to 100%, that's for sure. 

I've played far less Sacred2 than 1, so if you found me nooby in 1, I'm definitely even noobier in 2. Although I've been to Niobium a couple of times, and have a Nio shopper and smith, and have beaten the badguys in the end, as you might expect, I'm generally lacking technical knowledge. (And what little I had, I've mostly forgotten since.) So your work is not wasted at all, and I'm sure if Jacek will ever return, he and anyone else newish to the game reading this will find it very useful indeed! (I would still urge you to copy-paste it all to a separate guide section where it's easier to find, but it's up to you, of course!)

You may download this file:

There are also certain rare chest armors which have damage mitigation which may be obtained by shopping in addition to unique armors which occasionally drop. Other jewelry, namely Gruma's Talisman and Darwargen's Circlet also possess this modifier.

Glacial Defender is not in fact terribly rare; in addition to a generous amount of damage mitigation, it also adds base armor of all types and a nice boot to Combat Art Range. :hooyaah:

  • Thanks! 1

Thanks a lot for the list and the download too! I've never seen this wiki page, but I really should have found it, I think. Recently though, I got use to whining on the forum and asking everything from SLD, as he shows such tremendous patience answering my dumb questions, it's unbelievable! He is my wiki now... :) 

(Oh, Armantin too, and Torik for the Dragon mage! Of course! Memories... Yes, they're starting to come back now! I'm the other way around with the Sacreds, 2 is distant memory, 1 is fresh. But I have several chars going in 2 as well, so time to dig them up again! :viking:)

  • Like! 1

(See, SLD, this is why you should move your guide to some separate place. Because where I go, all these strange offtopic things happen. Now we're talking elvish in the middle of your guide. And what will Jacek find, when he comes back? What will he make of all this? :)) Now to try the wizardry! I hope I won't screw everything up!

Posted (edited)

Wizards, scientists... You guys are really in your own league! Well answered again, and thank you again! And I even understood it all, which is a big thing, so you made a great effort in writing it as noob-friendly as possible.

((For example what you guys are talking about with Maneus in the "How is Sacred2 weapon damage calculated" topic is way above my head, I'm just "oooos" and "aaaas", and "whatdaaaa" there. :dntknw: But this I can understand, so well done!))

Edited by Sethi22
  • Appreciation 1
On 9/20/2024 at 5:36 AM, SLD said:

Ok, some recap where all the other guide stuff I already wrote is located...

This is here:

This, amended with a "---character creation" part on top, is here:

From my earlier outline, I should continue with:

Later socket options:
From "only smithing arts and maybe runes", you transition to "one ring/amulet + Snithing arts/runes", so the "valuable" jewellery piece can still be recovered, to "basically only jewellery" in endgame.
Stats that can be useful to socket are:
+all skills
+% damage mitigation (there are some unique amulets with this mod)
-% dot damage, this is its own multiplier and can easily be stacked to 100% with a bunch of sockets, if you can't reach 100% mitigation yet. Afterwards it's kinda superflous.
-% opponent's chance to evade, and
+% chance opponents cannot evade, these are for attack based builds to make sure they always hit; mixing both seems to give best results.
+%opponent's level for deathblow, and
+% chance to disregard armour might be nice for attack based builds
+% cast speed, only really useful on EE,D2F,Addendum etc where the action speed cap has been increased to 450 a value you can basically only reach with lots of socketing.
+% experience and +% chance to find valuables for when you need nothing else...

for casters -% regen -%aspect regen and +% chance for half regen might help,
also + specific/all combat arts etc. to utilize the lower increase of regen from bonus combat art levels. 

In early/midgame runes with "life gain on hit" can be used to help with life recovery on certain builds that otherwise would lack it and the seraphim runes with +% physical damage mitigation can be used to reach full physical immunity early, which can, in the easier parts of the game, nullify almost everything.

Also in everything pre addendum, socketed set jewellery doesn't count as "worn" for the set bonus. So don't make that mistake :)

Something on item mods:

For the hitchance stuff,
spells always hit, attacks can use "attack value"(ok) and the "-% opponent's chance to evade" and "+%opponents cannot evade" mods(better). Havibg a mixture of all the option seems to yield the best results. I wouldn't actively pursue "attack value" as it usually does the least. Attack based combat arts usually come with a built in bonus for attack rating that can't be seen anywhere in game, so your actual hit chance with a combat art will most likely be higher than the one shown on the "last ten enemies"-section of the skill tab. 100%(or more) hit chance is a reasonable goal and every attack based character should aim to reach that asap. "-% opponent's chance to evade" on rings boots, gloves and bracers can appear in stores somewhere around level 5 I think at least by level 8 it should be quite possible to buy. It is a kind of trash level mod so it does not need bargaining at all. Buying a lot of gear/rings and socketing this stuff is the main way for attack based characters to reach good hit chance at early levels.

Mitigation and Dot Reduction:
Both add with themselves and multiply with each other.
Stacking 100% dot reduction will basically negate every damage over time effect on you.
Stacking 100% damaage mitigation will do the same and also negate the damage from every hit you take.
Sounds super OP? It is. Though there are a few things to remember:
Vulnerability(from enemy spells) is the same as -%mitigation so your 100% immunity might turn out far less impressive should a monster have this effect. Also, monsters with "ancient magic mastery" can also penetrate some of that mitigation. Both of these cases are usually super rare and/or require high level enemies. Usually a 100% mitigation character should do quite well.
Lifeleech effects from enemies attacks or spells don't do "damage" in the usual way. This special damage can't be mitigated so this can still hurt. It is however only encountered in some areas of the game.
The main downside of going 100% mitigation is, that it is really hard to get. There are not that many sources for this mod and reaching 100% can take quite a while depending on what mod/version of the game one is playing. Under normal circumstances you should not expect reaching 100% all channel mitigation before hitting level 100. But even in cases where you can't reach 100%, damage mitigation remains one of if not the most valuable defensive stat in the game. For those that don't or don't yet reach 100% mitgation the dot reduction stat might be a useful way to deal with many of the most damaging annoyances in the game and this stat is far easier to max out, but again is already worth it without reaching max.

From the most broken defensive stat in the game we move to the most broken offensive stat in the game, that at the same time is also the most broken recovery stat in the game. The %LL bonus, as everything that's cool, only works with attacks(except maybe in the addendum it can apply to spells with a chance...). It takes the % value of the opponents maxmum hitpoints(or current in the addendum) as basis for a massive chunk of extra damage on said opponent and healing for you. Especially on bosses this amount often outscales all other damage you can come up with and heal you by more than your maximum life every time you hit them. As an example, endgame bosses in niobium can have like 4 million hitpoints so a single %lifeleech would add 40k damage and self heal to every hit you do to them. While 40k may sound like an achievable number of damage with a good build, you are not limited to 1%LL and your character can still do normal damage on top. So it should be obvious that this mod is super op and of course it is agein quite limited in the available sources. In the base game you only get it on Two handed melee weapons, throwing stars, and very few unique/legendary one handed melee weapons and one legendary energy staff. On top of that there are some full set bonuses with it and that's basically it. The CM patch and some other mods drastically alter this availability mostly leading to higher maximum values being achievable in the end.
Against non boss enemies this mod is of course nowhere near as effective and having a good baseline of "normal" damage is always a good thing, but it still provides good recovery in these situations. LL% is a "must have" for all attack based builds, and if it can't be combined with good normal damage it could at least be stuck in a weapon swap. This odd mod also does its damage per hit, so one should always aim for as many hits per time to shorten the boss shredder process :)
To give an example of where this mod can go, with CM-Patch you can make a shadow warrior with kanka set(should be around 4%LL+), a jewellery set with ~2%LL and dual wielding something like Kal'Dur's legacy or rare fist weapons ~3%each leading to 12%LL+... If you get it to 12.5% or have enough normal damage one use of "frenzied rampage" would kill the boss even without rolling a single "double hit". You could also go with a Khral's sceptre(~4%LL) and shoot 4x10%LL with the same combat art. This would execute a lot faster though you'd have to use it a few times in a row... When you now "upgrade" your game to EE and use the full 450 attack/cast speed cap the question of "how many seconds does it take to kill a boss?" starts to shift more towards "how many bosses can I kill in a second"... :)

That was now all the stuff my original list contained besides the two builds. Especially the mods and socketing stuff may be lacking other important things so if you like socketing something else and wonder why it's not on the list it might just be an oversight. I did not go through a list of all the mods, this is just what I came up with right now. For the mod stuff it's even worse than the socketing half, as here I didn't think at all and just wrote about the stuff I came up with in the original outline. I'm sure there's more that should end up in this category.

This turned into quite a lot, so I guess it's time to recharge the power-cow :connie_xmas-moose:

Great ref material

Please copy paste it out so it can be referred to properly in other answers to other players and I'd even like to share it out on other sites as a mini-wiki "cull" ... theres some situational comparison situations which is some of the best ways to hook players into success with this game.

You just need a thesis question, statement or a snappy title to bring it all together

You'll really be surprised how much focus and possibilities for expansion a great title thats "yours" brings to a guide or reference article. It'll also let you put your work into its all quantum singularity universe here in the forum, something you can keep going back to with updates and which over the years will amass more connections ... like a Black HOle


You just cant use Secret Agent Ice Elf Build... cuz its taken :mafia: 

Good Morning Saturday Folk... someone hand me the dancing cow!



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Posted (edited)

Power cow rules them all! Nicely written again, and I don't even want to say thank you any more, because it's getting boring. So instead I'll give you one of these for your hard work this time: :JC_gimmefive:

You really love your mitigation thing I see, and you have some balls going in without constitution (and warding energy lore?) and that's the pro's way, I guess. But for scared noobsters like me, at least one of these is required. (Well I'm so unfamiliar with all the mechanics and numbers and calculations, that for me, actually both seem to be invaluable, but we've already touched on this earlier...) Maybe if I manage to get even close to 100% mitigation once in my career, I'll be more at ease with ignoring them, but right now, I wouldn't even dare to think about doing a char without constitution.

(Well I do, I have one, my completely invisible utility shadow warrior didn't take any of the defensive skills, as being invisible and killing everything without ever being seen is  a bit OP as it is, you don't need anything else...:))

But for chars that are actually visible, (and especially new chars, who don't have a helping hand from shoppers,) going in without constitution is a bit hairy, isn't it? So let's pretend you don't have tons of items stored from previous sessions, and you don't have shoppers ready and waiting, how would you get your mitigation thing going? Hoping for some set drops? Or shopping like crazy? I'm not trying to make fun out of this, I'd really like to know. So then I guess you would definitely keep your toughness at char level and reach mastery at level 75 (or earlier, you nasty SLD!:badbad:See, I didn't know this overleveling thing either...)  That's 12% mitigation then, if I get the wiki right. (And by level 75 you probably already met a few bosses on your way, and survived.) We can't use shields of course, so what about the rest? The remaining 88%?

It's true that BFG is so strong, you'll rarely get hit at all, because everyone will bite the dust before coming close, so I see your point: best defense is a strong offense! (But then let's pretend something even more ridiculous: let's pretend, you're as bad a player as I am, and that you don't always hit your target, because you can't even aim properly sometimes, and also that you're distracted by certain circumstances (like watching sports in another window for example, while orc caving hardcore, as I always used to do...) So what I'm trying to say is: let's pretend you'll get hit quite often! What's the plan then?

So to summarise: Are you sure, that going this mitigation way with a completely new char without any help is a good idea? I don't know if it's just me with my hardcore mania, who finds this approach really weird, or if it really is weird, but to put it simple: would you advise going this mitigation way even in hardcore? Without constitution? (And possibly even without warding energy lore?)  And hope for the best until then?

Well, I have several other questions as well, and even though I'll probably become the laughing stock of the community (I'm getting used to it, don't worry, I can take it! :cool:), I must confess, that I haven't even tried any of these mods you talk about, I only recently realized there's a thing called Enhanced edition, and Addendum I only found out about today, reading your post and searching afterwards. (I told you I was even noobier in Sacred2, than 1!) So most of my questions would be about these mods, but that's another story, and I remember there was a topic about this (I think Xeyp started it in the summer? What mods you advise for a new player or something like that...) I was (even) deep(er) into Sacred 1 then and I didn't read it, but I hope I'll find it...

Other than that, I'd like to ask about Divine protection: I of course had warding energy buff as well (being the ultra defensive, "what if something bad happens" type of player), and used it only as extra against bosses, but you say it can reach 100% uptime, (I've never been close to that.) So how do you reach that, and roughly what char level is it even possible? Do you plan your char like that? "Ok, I'll reach 100% uptime at level... and then..." Or it just happens, as you progress with your mysterious calculating ways? Obviously you pump Rev tech focus and stamina, I know. But even with the focus kept at level and all your points going into stamina (I did mine half dexterity, half willpower), it would take quite some time and careful socketing to get that, no?

And warding energy lore and willpower help it too, right? So how on earth can you use this efficiently without the lore and adding points to willpower? (And you don't list Warding energy lore as required skill, it's somewhere between "don't take it", and "take it if you must, noob!" if I got it right? :wink:), so you would definitely rely on divine protection more than I did with all my other defensive layers.

And another one about it too: if using it together with the buff, it deactivates it when running out, as you said. Do any of the mods you wrote about here (and maybe earlier as well) change this loathsome behaviour? 

(Oh I'm done. I haven't written this much in ages. At least you see that I really care, and your work is not wasted! And at least now I feel your pain writing these long messages! Even though my reply is much shorter, this really is hard work! Even asking dumb things is hard work, especially in english, using the dictionary and everything... So well done again, and be prepared for even more stupid questions in the future, I'm just full of writing this at the moment.)

Cheers! :lujate:


Edited by Sethi22
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