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Ric's Ranged Shadow Warrior for Enhanced Edition Mod

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2 hours ago, ric7202 said:

And that's about it. Feel free to have opinions or tips. I've yet to get to Platinum or Niobium so I can't testify about it's survivability there, but on the lower difficulties it's a blast. Perfect if one gets tired of melee-builds or the standard Dryad ranger. The only thing I really miss is a proper Area of Effect-spell besides the scything sweep CA.  

Scything sweep is not a spell. It also has no area of effect when used whith a ranged weapon. Demonic Blow however could be modded for area, though it would still not be a spell.

2 hours ago, ric7202 said:

So, here is the Ranged SW built upon the EE and the 2-handed boomstick that no-one ever gives a second thought about it seems.

It's an Energy Staff, just like the Seraphim's BFG. Frenzied rampage and pelting strikes are great with those from the cm-patch onward. The change from EE allowing to mod for even more projectiles is just a welcome overkill :)

2 hours ago, ric7202 said:

9. Spell Resistance.   Much needed in the higher levels. 

What is your thought here? Against what is that needed? On this one I'm curious :)

2 hours ago, ric7202 said:

You could possibly get more shots if you take another Double Attack instead of Vampire, but life leech is nomnomnom with this build, the more the merrier.

I'd rather get another hit with the %leech than a couple thousand of the flat mod.

2 hours ago, ric7202 said:

Willpower for more elemental resists

Since when does Willpower give "elemental resists", whatever that may be?

2 hours ago, ric7202 said:

There is a couple of thing to consider with the 2-handed ranged weapon. The execution time using Frenzied Rampage is about 2-5 seconds or so, depending on the number of enemies around, and it´s uninterruptable.

What the hell? 2-5 seconds. Also the number of enemies shouldn't affect this at all unless you're basically in melee range and oneshotting the initial enemy.
2 seconds when your cast speed is slow, ok. But 5? Thats insane.

2 hours ago, ric7202 said:

enemies in melee range gets a kick or melee hit with the weapon so it works in close combat as well.

It always fires a fixed amount of shots at the targeted enemy, automatically switching targets if you're close enough to kill the original target before all shots are out. Baseline should be 4 or 5 shots I think, in EE moddable for more.

2 hours ago, ric7202 said:

Perfect if one gets tired of melee-builds or the standard Dryad ranger.

So they get a male version of the BFG Sera to get tired of :)

Don't take my criticism to seriously. It's nice you wrote a guide, as you have seen already, not many people do this.
You are therefore already one of the few productive people here :resp:

If you want to return the favor of "constructive hatred" :) , I recently wrote some loose guides myself that are also potentially EE viable.
The parts of my guides are linked together in this summary post:

Let us share in the joy that is Sacred 2 :cow:

2 hours ago, SLD said:

Scything sweep is not a spell. It also has no area of effect when used whith a ranged weapon. Demonic Blow however could be modded for area, though it would still not be a spell.
Yeah I know it's not a spell, but it has somewhat Area of Effect when used with a melee weapon, and you can mod it to throw enemies at other enemies. But since I don't do melee in this build it's not used. 

It's an Energy Staff, just like the Seraphim's BFG. Frenzied rampage and pelting strikes are great with those from the cm-patch onward. The change from EE allowing to mod for even more projectiles is just a welcome overkill :)

I'd say that Frenzied is better than Pelting here, more hits and faster than the Sera, but I haven't made any real comparison tests so I might be wrong. 

What is your thought here? Against what is that needed? On this one I'm curious :)

Just something I read on another guide, that in Ice and Blood spellcasters are much more dangerous so you'll need Spell resistance. Haven't gotten to Niob yet so haven't tested.

I'd rather get another hit with the %leech than a couple thousand of the flat mod.

Haven't tested it on higher lvls, so that might be true. Also not sure just how much it gets boosted by Tactics. 

Since when does Willpower give "elemental resists", whatever that may be?
It increases resistance against magic spells and secondary effects (burn, poison, freeze & weaken) That was what I meant by elemental. Perhaps poor word choosing. 

What the hell? 2-5 seconds. Also the number of enemies shouldn't affect this at all unless you're basically in melee range and oneshotting the initial enemy.
2 seconds when your cast speed is slow, ok. But 5? Thats insane.

Ok, so I didn't use a stopwatch to test it, but the number of enemies certainly matters. Shooting ten enemies or two makes a difference. It also matters where they are, shooting just right in front of you goes faster than if you have to spin around and shoot 360 degrees around you. 

It always fires a fixed amount of shots at the targeted enemy, automatically switching targets if you're close enough to kill the original target before all shots are out. Baseline should be 4 or 5 shots I think, in EE moddable for more.

I just tested that, and it depends. If you are far away it shoots all projectiles at the first enemy, then switches to others if there are any. But if you are close (but not melee range) it might just shoot 1 or 2 projectiles and then stop. So execution time is not fixed, nor is the number of shots fired. It depends on number of enemies, where they are and how far away.  And it changes if you are on the hellhound. Then the firing speed is so fast that it fires most projectiles against the first target, then maybe it hits a second one with more projectiles, but you'll have to be really close to a crowd to hit more than that in one salvo. Still, you move around so much faster with the hound that it might be worth it. I have no idea if the riding skill makes any difference as I have never actually used it. 

So they get a male version of the BFG Sera to get tired of :)

Hahaha yeah one could say that. I tried the BFG Sera and while it DID one-shoot most mobs using the left mousebutton firing mode it soon became extremely tiresome. The pelting strike just gave a few shots with the BFG, not at all like the SW's Frenzied and the energy staff weapon. So if I have to compare the Seras Pelting with the SW's Frenzied, the SW wins big time, at least in terms of fun and number of enemies killed per timeunit. The EE-Sera have other options though that outweighs that, like the Sonic spell which is awsome. 

Don't take my criticism to seriously. It's nice you wrote a guide, as you have seen already, not many people do this.
You are therefore already one of the few productive people here :resp:


Thanks, it's nice to see that this old game still engages and that there is a living community like this. 

If you want to return the favor of "constructive hatred" :) , I recently wrote some loose guides myself that are also potentially EE viable.
The parts of my guides are linked together in this summary post:

Let us share in the joy that is Sacred 2 :cow:


14 hours ago, ric7202 said:

17 hours ago, SLD said:

No I absolutely did not say all of that.

14 hours ago, ric7202 said:

Yeah I know it's not a spell, but it has somewhat Area of Effect when used with a melee weapon, and you can mod it to throw enemies at other enemies. But since I don't do melee in this build it's not used. 

That's why I offered demonic blow, that does have area when used with a ranged weapon. 

14 hours ago, ric7202 said:

I'd say that Frenzied is better than Pelting here, more hits and faster than the Sera, but I haven't made any real comparison tests so I might be wrong. 

From CM Patch onwards both start with at least 4 hits maybe frenzied has 5. With EE both have mods that supposedly increase the number of shots, not sure by how much/ if it grows with CA level. They basically do the same thing and as far as I know take about the same time to execute. The "details" that differ don't really matter as one is on a SW and the other on the Sera so you don't need to chose. The Sera just already comes with a bfg weapon and the two classes obviously differ in the available buffs and gear options. In general the builds function the same.


14 hours ago, ric7202 said:

Haven't tested it on higher lvls, so that might be true. Also not sure just how much it gets boosted by Tactics. 

The flat mod gets boosted by tactics lore's "%damage bonus". So a factor of 4 or 5 may be reachable in the end. The wiki says the asymptotical maximum would be a factor of 7. The Frenzied Rampage's Vampire mod supposedly gives 2+1per level leech. Assuming the value didn't change with EE, we'd get 202 from an unreachable level 200 CA multiplied by an unreachable factor of 7 by tactics lore, so 1414 is the upper limit.

14 hours ago, ric7202 said:

It increases resistance against magic spells and secondary effects (burn, poison, freeze & weaken) That was what I meant by elemental. Perhaps poor word choosing. 

There is still no evidence for any of that. So far all it does is increase the "spell resistance" value which is than compared to the attacking caster's spell "intensity" in an unknown way to determine wether a spell does full damage or a reduced value. As far as I know the reduced value is supposedly always a reduction to 66%. So far there is no special interaction with burn poison freeze or weaken known to me.
Maybe we should ask @Maneus about willpower and these elemental side effects, then we'll soon know for sure. While we're at it we can ask about the damage reduction through failed intensity check. I'm sure he'll follow our call, he goes everywhere the nose points him to :connie_xmas-moose:

14 hours ago, ric7202 said:

Ok, so I didn't use a stopwatch to test it, but the number of enemies certainly matters. Shooting ten enemies or two makes a difference. It also matters where they are, shooting just right in front of you goes faster than if you have to spin around and shoot 360 degrees around you. 

It always fires a fixed amount of shots at the targeted enemy, automatically switching targets if you're close enough to kill the original target before all shots are out. Baseline should be 4 or 5 shots I think, in EE moddable for more.

I just tested that, and it depends. If you are far away it shoots all projectiles at the first enemy, then switches to others if there are any. But if you are close (but not melee range) it might just shoot 1 or 2 projectiles and then stop. So execution time is not fixed, nor is the number of shots fired. It depends on number of enemies, where they are and how far away.  And it changes if you are on the hellhound. Then the firing speed is so fast that it fires most projectiles against the first target, then maybe it hits a second one with more projectiles, but you'll have to be really close to a crowd to hit more than that in one salvo. Still, you move around so much faster with the hound that it might be worth it. I have no idea if the riding skill makes any difference as I have never actually used it. 

I still don't understand it. Maybe it is changed with EE.
Are you claiming it can change targets without the first one dieing?
Because otherwise I don't see the 360 degree stuff or the difference between ten or two enemies happen at all. All shots should basically be out before the first one connects.

14 hours ago, ric7202 said:

Hahaha yeah one could say that. I tried the BFG Sera and while it DID one-shoot most mobs using the left mousebutton firing mode it soon became extremely tiresome. The pelting strike just gave a few shots with the BFG, not at all like the SW's Frenzied and the energy staff weapon.

There must be something off with frenzied in EE then. With the CM-patch both pelting and frenzied fire more or less in the same way. I can't test this now so we'll remember that something is odd and all my statements were based on the assumption the skill wasn't functionally different. I used bfg pelting in EE so I knew that one worked normally, but if frenzied is different there than it explains all our differences about that skill I guess.

14 hours ago, ric7202 said:

So if I have to compare the Seras Pelting with the SW's Frenzied, the SW wins big time, at least in terms of fun and number of enemies killed per timeunit. The EE-Sera have other options though that outweighs that, like the Sonic spell which is awsome. 

Yeah frenzied must have been changed somehow. Sry for all the confusion.
But how does a spell ever manage to compare to an attack with leech%? At least against bosses the pelting strikes should outclass everything else a sera could use. Wether you would do that with a BFG a Khral's Sceptre or a throwing star is a different question, but killing a single target in EE will always be the fastest via "leech%" wtih "many hits per timeframe".
Spells could only shine because of their area potential but then they usually fail because even in challenge mode with superspawn there aren't enough enemies in this game.

14 hours ago, ric7202 said:

Thanks, it's nice to see that this old game still engages and that there is a living community like this.

Well, it's a large community and a few people in it are "alive" :)

22 hours ago, ric7202 said:

So, this is m

22 hours ago, ric7202 said:

So, this is my first attempt at a guide here. I thought of making this as I've just started a run through with the EE-mod, and have found no other guides based on it. 


 Now, the EE changes a lot in this game and I´m not going to address all of the changes in this guide, just the ones I build this guide upon. 

Background: I loved the Seraphims Pelting Strikes with magic staves in the pre-STEAM version as it had a particular bonus, it could hit distant enemies with instant hits (much like the Dryads blowpipe) about 5-6 times per pelting. In the steam version, that is gone, and now the staves just shoot a fireball at the distant enemies, and they are quite slow so they miss their targets a lot. Same thing with the Dryads 1-hit wonder magic staff Darting Assault trick where you could insta-hit dozens of targets with just one swing of the staff. You can still get multiple hits, but they are done by slow flying fireballs that miss a lot. Well, the same thing is true in EE as those combat arts are not changed, so those particular builds are just as useless in EE as in standard Steam-version. However, I found a slightly different, but almost equally fun and quite effective build in the Shadow Warrior. The usual ranged SW mostly relies in either the Skeletal Fortress or minions like Rallied Souls or Nether Allegiance summons, but I found both variants a bit slow. Then, by trying out what works well with the CA Frenzied Rampage (FR) I found the wonder of the 2-handed energy shooting weapon (the ranged kind, not polearm or spear or 2-handed staff). Unlike magic staffs it shoots fast, and the double hit mod on FR works well here. Plus it has a cool animation while executing FR. Dual wielding staffs is nowhere near as effective, and is also much slower. 

So, here is the Ranged SW built upon the EE and the 2-handed boomstick that no-one ever gives a second thought about it seems. Except that in EE, there are some very cool unique ones. 






I love your intro.

Specially love your title.

We were watching Toy Story last night, and that touch of alliterativeness comes to mind when quickly saying the first few words in the build title ... for some reason I get this feeling of some someone saying out loud *Rick Rangaaaaaaaaaaah!*  :guns:Did I mention that we loved toy  movie also ? For me, a great titles a sweet and powerful clarion call to arms.  it bandies about extraneous energy and focuses it out into its own deliciously unique show thats here to entertain  and energize our readers. into playing this game *your* way   that you have found to be worthwhilte.

You've put a good deal of humility into your writing and thats enough to make it warrant a read.  Thanks for that courage and putting words to paper.  As one of the last Goblin in Mustard Sauce



3 hours ago, gogoblender said:

I love your intro.

Specially love your title.

We were watching Toy Story last night, and that touch of alliterativeness comes to mind when quickly saying the first few words in the build title ... for some reason I get this feeling of some someone saying out loud *Rick Rangaaaaaaaaaaah!*  :guns:Did I mention that we loved toy  movie also ? For me, a great titles a sweet and powerful clarion call to arms.  it bandies about extraneous energy and focuses it out into its own deliciously unique show thats here to entertain  and energize our readers. into playing this game *your* way   that you have found to be worthwhilte.

You've put a good deal of humility into your writing and thats enough to make it warrant a read.  Thanks for that courage and putting words to paper.  As one of the last Goblin in Mustard Sauce



Thx a lot for those words :D And I loved the recipies in that link. I just wonder what the harpy eggs had done to deserve the beating? Were they really bad eggs?

  • Haha 1
5 hours ago, SLD said:

No I absolutely did not say all of that.

That's why I offered demonic blow, that does have area when used with a ranged weapon. 

From CM Patch onwards both start with at least 4 hits maybe frenzied has 5. With EE both have mods that supposedly increase the number of shots, not sure by how much/ if it grows with CA level. They basically do the same thing and as far as I know take about the same time to execute. The "details" that differ don't really matter as one is on a SW and the other on the Sera so you don't need to chose. The Sera just already comes with a bfg weapon and the two classes obviously differ in the available buffs and gear options. In general the builds function the same.


The flat mod gets boosted by tactics lore's "%damage bonus". So a factor of 4 or 5 may be reachable in the end. The wiki says the asymptotical maximum would be a factor of 7. The Frenzied Rampage's Vampire mod supposedly gives 2+1per level leech. Assuming the value didn't change with EE, we'd get 202 from an unreachable level 200 CA multiplied by an unreachable factor of 7 by tactics lore, so 1414 is the upper limit.

There is still no evidence for any of that. So far all it does is increase the "spell resistance" value which is than compared to the attacking caster's spell "intensity" in an unknown way to determine wether a spell does full damage or a reduced value. As far as I know the reduced value is supposedly always a reduction to 66%. So far there is no special interaction with burn poison freeze or weaken known to me.
Maybe we should ask @Maneus about willpower and these elemental side effects, then we'll soon know for sure. While we're at it we can ask about the damage reduction through failed intensity check. I'm sure he'll follow our call, he goes everywhere the nose points him to :connie_xmas-moose:

I still don't understand it. Maybe it is changed with EE.
Are you claiming it can change targets without the first one dieing?
Because otherwise I don't see the 360 degree stuff or the difference between ten or two enemies happen at all. All shots should basically be out before the first one connects.

There must be something off with frenzied in EE then. With the CM-patch both pelting and frenzied fire more or less in the same way. I can't test this now so we'll remember that something is odd and all my statements were based on the assumption the skill wasn't functionally different. I used bfg pelting in EE so I knew that one worked normally, but if frenzied is different there than it explains all our differences about that skill I guess.

Yeah frenzied must have been changed somehow. Sry for all the confusion.
But how does a spell ever manage to compare to an attack with leech%? At least against bosses the pelting strikes should outclass everything else a sera could use. Wether you would do that with a BFG a Khral's Sceptre or a throwing star is a different question, but killing a single target in EE will always be the fastest via "leech%" wtih "many hits per timeframe".
Spells could only shine because of their area potential but then they usually fail because even in challenge mode with superspawn there aren't enough enemies in this game.

Well, it's a large community and a few people in it are "alive" :)

I know that tooltips sometimes isn't always telling the full truth, that about what Willpower does was just taken from the tooltip. I don't know the inner mechanics of it. Thx @Maneus for explaining. As for what Frenzied does; no, it doesn't change target before the first is dead. It works like Pelting in that aspect. However, if the target is close enough and it dies from the first hit, the CA will stop shooting if there are no other targets in range, before all the normal projectiles have been fired. I don't remember if Pelting Strikes does that. Anyway, that´s what makes the difference in execution times. If there are only like 1 or 2 targets, the execution time for the CA is low, like almost instant if they are close enough. And if there are 10 targets, the execution will run its full course, and that takes a few seconds. It also makes a difference if the SW has to turn around a lot to shoot at the targets. If all the targets are straight ahead of him, the execution time is shorter than if he has to spin around. Not much, but noticeble.  The BFG and Pelting Strike is so fast that it never gets to hit that many targets, often it shoots several projectiles at the first target, and then maybe 1 or 2 more targets, kind of like when the SW is riding the Hellhound. It's like if the ordinary CA attack is a machine gun, then the CA attack while on the mount is a supersonic machinegun. You put out projectiles faster, but you actually hit fewer targets. 

You are right in that life-leech is superior to spells in many ways. I mostly use them for taking out densely packed mobs, or just for the fun of watching the enemies fly around like ragdolls. Sonic has the advantage that it has very long range, you can target a mob further away than any ranged gun can reach, and strike a whole crowd with one blow. It's really just like the Dragon mages Energy Blaze, but with longer range (I think). Or the Inquisitors Clustering Maelstrom. Great fun, and can be quite effectful too, but alas, no life-leech. It was a long time ago I played the High Elf, but I recall that the meteor shower was a nice bosskiller when modded properly, and that without any leech. 

I think that what keeps this game entertaining year after year is the diversity in builds and characters, and that there is not just one way to play it. Spells may not be the most efficient killers, but they add to the fun and keeps the game interesting. 

Good info about the flat rate vampire numbers. As life-leech is easy to achieve even without the full set bonus on Denderans, more projectiles seems to be better than the Vampire mod. 

  • Like! 1
2 hours ago, ric7202 said:

As for what Frenzied does; no, it doesn't change target before the first is dead. It works like Pelting in that aspect. However, if the target is close enough and it dies from the first hit, the CA will stop shooting if there are no other targets in range, before all the normal projectiles have been fired. I don't remember if Pelting Strikes does that. Anyway, that´s what makes the difference in execution times. If there are only like 1 or 2 targets, the execution time for the CA is low, like almost instant if they are close enough. And if there are 10 targets, the execution will run its full course, and that takes a few seconds. It also makes a difference if the SW has to turn around a lot to shoot at the targets. If all the targets are straight ahead of him, the execution time is shorter than if he has to spin around. Not much, but noticeble.  The BFG and Pelting Strike is so fast that it never gets to hit that many targets, often it shoots several projectiles at the first target, and then maybe 1 or 2 more targets

Now I'm back to believing it wasn't changed and wondering how you manage to get the execution speed so slow that it can target more than 2 or 3 targets. Also the fact that you got a shadow warrior with an energy staff to a point where he can oneshot all his enemies seems just as absurd. I mean it's possible as EE has unlimited attribute points so you could farm airlines for an eternity, but other than that way I don't see that happen at all.
That pelting basically slams all shots into the same target is normal, but from my experience it should be the same with frenzied.

2 hours ago, ric7202 said:

you can target a mob further away than any ranged gun can reach

The energy weapons' projectiles have unlimited range. Though they might need some aiming help to shoot that far, which means you can't use combat arts for that.

2 hours ago, ric7202 said:

and strike a whole crowd with one blow. It's really just like the Dragon mages Energy Blaze, but with longer range (I think)

Yes you can hit the whole crowd if you find a crowd in game which is rare already, but you'd have to cast that spell over and over as usually spells don't do enough damage to kill anything in one blow...
For all normal spells the range is btw not farther than ranged attacks go. That the EE specific one might be broken there would not surprise me though.

2 hours ago, ric7202 said:

I recall that the meteor shower was a nice bosskiller when modded properly, and that without any leech. 

Yes, there are some spells that do enough damage to kill bosses without leech, though you would still be missing the recovery from leech. Meteor Shower, Glacial Thorns, Edaphic Lances and Gust of Wind should all kill bosses fast enough that they can make it past the Forest Guardian's dps check (He has a full heal skill with a certain cooldown, so you have to kill him fast enough). But they are nowhere near as fast as killing bosses with leech%. Which gets worse with EE raising the attack/cast speed cap from 150 to 450. Attacks can use low level CAs or regen per hit to utilize that speed, spells just suck at that point.

2 hours ago, ric7202 said:

I think that what keeps this game entertaining year after year is the diversity in builds and characters, and that there is not just one way to play it. Spells may not be the most efficient killers, but they add to the fun and keeps the game interesting. 

Sadly I nowadys always try to build the strongest stuff and all those fun spells are basically lost to me. I did originally play almost everything though so it's not taht I never tried, it's just that after trying the same fun skill a few times the fun goes away and what remains is a skill that is worse than another so I slowly pidgenholed my gameplay to perfect repetitive boringness :)
It's not just CAs, entire character classe are just unplayable because I can't come up with anything anymore that would be "worth a try" ...
I haven't seen an Inquisitor in an eternity :)
But I have determined the best character is always called a "shadow warrior".
With CM-Patch, with EE, with the Addendum, just not with D2F - there he is called a "barbarian" :4rofl:

The combination of attack and buff combat arts and the available gear just outperform every other character.
Though every now and then I try something else I haven't found anything as OP yet :)

2 hours ago, ric7202 said:

As life-leech is easy to achieve even without the full set bonus on Denderans, more projectiles seems to be better than the Vampire mod. 

I would say getting %leech is quite hard for this build. It's basically Khral's Scepter, Denderan or Kanka set and the "Tooth and Nail" set. I don't think EE has any other source that fits the build. You can of course always use a throwing star for that. With EE the unique one that gives leech% should be a fixed quest reward somewhere so you can create it at will.

2 hours ago, ric7202 said:

flat rate vampire

unlimited blood supply? :4rofl:


I actually had found one as one of the ONLY useful unique items in my hundreds of runs against the Guardians... Khral's sceptre



...what a find!  Ranged with almost melee.. made for great themed gaming.... only thing was that the drop was so rare amongst us and eventually I ended up sharing it out to another player who wanted to create his own theme build ... his toon died of course, as all our favorite toons did... lost and out amongst and into the endless maw of...

H a r d c o r e S a c r e d 2...

oh grief



ps sooooo anyone have a video of this weapon in action... A real SW will cool armor firing that wep? I'm now trying to hunt it down on 

@ric7202  do  you have a video or inscreen image of your toon firing the ranged?

Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, gogoblender said:

I actually had found one as one of the ONLY useful unique items in my hundreds of runs against the Guardians... Khral's sceptre



...what a find!  Ranged with almost melee.. made for great themed gaming.... only thing was that the drop was so rare amongst us and eventually I ended up sharing it out to another player who wanted to create his own theme build ... his toon died of course, as all our favorite toons did... lost and out amongst and into the endless maw of...

H a r d c o r e S a c r e d 2...

oh grief



ps sooooo anyone have a video of this weapon in action... A real SW will cool armor firing that wep? I'm now trying to hunt it down on 

@ric7202  do  you have a video or inscreen image of your toon firing the ranged?

Ohh nice find... must get me one of those. No videos yet, I'm an old guy and not familiar with how to make videos, but I'll try and do one and put it up here.

Edit 1: I made a vid and uploaded it here: 


Edited by ric7202
  • Like! 1
On 10/6/2024 at 9:21 PM, SLD said:

Now I'm back to believing it wasn't changed and wondering how you manage to get the execution speed so slow that it can target more than 2 or 3 targets. Also the fact that you got a shadow warrior with an energy staff to a point where he can oneshot all his enemies seems just as absurd. I mean it's possible as EE has unlimited attribute points so you could farm airlines for an eternity, but other than that way I don't see that happen at all.
That pelting basically slams all shots into the same target is normal, but from my experience it should be the same with frenzied.

The energy weapons' projectiles have unlimited range. Though they might need some aiming help to shoot that far, which means you can't use combat arts for that.

Yes you can hit the whole crowd if you find a crowd in game which is rare already, but you'd have to cast that spell over and over as usually spells don't do enough damage to kill anything in one blow...
For all normal spells the range is btw not farther than ranged attacks go. That the EE specific one might be broken there would not surprise me though.

Yes, there are some spells that do enough damage to kill bosses without leech, though you would still be missing the recovery from leech. Meteor Shower, Glacial Thorns, Edaphic Lances and Gust of Wind should all kill bosses fast enough that they can make it past the Forest Guardian's dps check (He has a full heal skill with a certain cooldown, so you have to kill him fast enough). But they are nowhere near as fast as killing bosses with leech%. Which gets worse with EE raising the attack/cast speed cap from 150 to 450. Attacks can use low level CAs or regen per hit to utilize that speed, spells just suck at that point.

Sadly I nowadys always try to build the strongest stuff and all those fun spells are basically lost to me. I did originally play almost everything though so it's not taht I never tried, it's just that after trying the same fun skill a few times the fun goes away and what remains is a skill that is worse than another so I slowly pidgenholed my gameplay to perfect repetitive boringness :)
It's not just CAs, entire character classe are just unplayable because I can't come up with anything anymore that would be "worth a try" ...
I haven't seen an Inquisitor in an eternity :)
But I have determined the best character is always called a "shadow warrior".
With CM-Patch, with EE, with the Addendum, just not with D2F - there he is called a "barbarian" :4rofl:

The combination of attack and buff combat arts and the available gear just outperform every other character.
Though every now and then I try something else I haven't found anything as OP yet :)

I would say getting %leech is quite hard for this build. It's basically Khral's Scepter, Denderan or Kanka set and the "Tooth and Nail" set. I don't think EE has any other source that fits the build. You can of course always use a throwing star for that. With EE the unique one that gives leech% should be a fixed quest reward somewhere so you can create it at will.

unlimited blood supply? :4rofl:

So, did the video give any insight to the behaviour of Frenzied? 

  • Like! 1
On 10/8/2024 at 7:31 PM, ric7202 said:

So, did the video give any insight to the behaviour of Frenzied? 

I dragged and dropped your file up onto youtube hope thats okay so we can all see it form from here ?


HOlaaa..its been a while since I seen a SW using ranged and quite effectively?
I declare it exciting!

how does the damage scale ?  I dont think I've gotten a tank to niobium before, combo of SW tuffiness and ranged is exciting... would love to see how far this goes



2 hours ago, ric7202 said:

So, did the video give any insight to the behaviour of Frenzied? 

I couldn't get it to show any video material on my pc, probably a problem on my end.

2 hours ago, gogoblender said:

I dragged and dropped your file up onto youtube hope thats okay so we can all see it form from here ?

And the youtube version doesn't help me either, as youtube won't allow the viewing of that private videos without an account.

So I still don't know what it looks like.

2 hours ago, gogoblender said:

how does the damage scale ? 

Ít gets scaled the exact same way as every other attack in the game?
I'm not sure what to say here... it hits often and quickly so it's one of the highest single target dps options in the game. Stack %leech, cast speed and if you want more regular damage switch to a low level energy staff socketed with high damage rings.

15 minutes ago, SLD said:

I couldn't get it to show any video material on my pc, probably a problem on my end.



i reset it as public, is it visible now

when i asked how does it scale i meant, does it feel effective for a ranged build in higher levels?  Dryad and HE are awesome at ranged, they feel great in niobium but not so hot at low levels... 

im wondering if its the reverse feel for a tank that plays ranged

has anyone here ever played a ranged SW to Niobium?

I'm curious about kill speed for a ranged build like this 

Ranged Ranger Ric, I'd love t hear your feed back on this build at higher levels, taking hits from niob creatures PLUS dealing out stellar damage en masse is great stuff.




8 minutes ago, gogoblender said:

I reset it as public, is it visible now

yes I did take a look now. That is definitely messed up somehow. The animations look like he's swinging the weapon around?! That is not normal behaviour for shooting with an energy staff. There are also far more projectiles than there should be. That also explains the supposed "long animation".
I definitely have never seen anything like that. I wonder if that is the way it should look like in EE, but I guess that would be something to ask @Flix.

14 minutes ago, gogoblender said:

when I asked how does it scale I meant, does it feel effective for a ranged build in higher levels? 

how many bosses per second do you want to kill?

15 minutes ago, gogoblender said:

Dryad and HE are awesome at ranged, they feel great in niobium but not so hot at low levels... 

16 minutes ago, gogoblender said:

im wondering if its the reverse feel for a tank that plays ranged

What makes the Shadow warrior a "tank" ?

19 minutes ago, gogoblender said:

has anyone here ever played a ranged SW to Niobium?

not exactly, but what is the difference to a melee one, other than that it hits faster?

20 minutes ago, gogoblender said:

I'm curious about kill speed for a ranged build like this 

Well with his version of the CA, I'm not sure. But in general there is nothing holding you back. It is usally worse at killing lots of small targets than a melee version, but in return faster at killing a boss.
The notion that a boss could be killed in less than a second was not an exaggeration.

10 minutes ago, SLD said:

yes I did take a look now. That is definitely messed up somehow. The animations look like he's swinging the weapon around?! That is not normal behaviour for shooting with an energy staff. There are also far more projectiles than there should be. That also explains the supposed "long animation".
I definitely have never seen anything like that. I wonder if that is the way it should look like in EE, but I guess that would be something to ask @Flix.

how many bosses per second do you want to kill?

What makes the Shadow warrior a "tank" ?

not exactly, but what is the difference to a melee one, other than that it hits faster?

Well with his version of the CA, I'm not sure. But in general there is nothing holding you back. It is usally worse at killing lots of small targets than a melee version, but in return faster at killing a boss.
The notion that a boss could be killed in less than a second was not an exaggeration.

This version of the CA is VERY exciting. I dont think i've seen a ranged toon in Sacred 2 this much to watch before and its so  fast

Dryads had that incredible zero time so all of a sudden the sloggyness of Sacred 2 could be forgiven :P  ... i never found this game anywhere near as quick and exciting as underworld.

If I'd seen a CA like this in action I definitely would have played it to niobium.   In fact, i found even the HE ice elf i took to niob in HC  to be sluggish compared to its underworld version that fired like cannon blasts.

Really hoping to see this build scale up to Niobium..

Ric u got eyes on you




15 minutes ago, Flix said:

He's using the same animation as he would with pole arms or a 2h magic staff (the animations for these two weapons are one and the same).

I don't recall changing anything here from CM Patch to EE

Just to clarify, normally he has an energy staff firing animation, meaning he points the stick at enemies and shots come out. No swinging at all. That is also like this in CM patch.

17 minutes ago, Flix said:

unless it was to scale back some of the extra hits because we overcompensated and had way too many at one point.

in the cm patch its either 4 or 5 not sure. EE should change the double hit mods to give extra projectiles. So if any changes at all, EE should have more projectiles than CM-patch.

25 minutes ago, Flix said:

Looks like this was an intentional overload. It is using the 2h Staff animation. I don't have my drives with the vanilla scripts on hand but I believe originally it was an overload to ATTACKX, the standard double hit animation.

Have lots of scripts but no clue what to look for.
I don't understand why you might have changed the original proper fire animation for such a weapon to this insane crap. Also don't understand the massive behaviour change for the skill on top of that. In the CM patch it just worked like pelting strikes. And while the CM patch change from 2 to 4 shots was already imba as hell... The video's second group is at least eleven shots?!

  • Like! 1
3 minutes ago, SLD said:

The video's second group is at least eleven shots?!

VERY exciting




Glad you put the vid up on youtube, I know not much of how to do such things. Based on your reactions I understand that you had not seen this kind of speed and behaviour on a SW ranged, so that makes me happy to have discovered something "new" for this old game :D Maybe I'm not the first to do this, but I have not seen any guides mention it at all before so until someone else challenges it, I claim the honor :D :D And of course proper credits go to @Flix for creating the mod that made it possible in the first place, thank you so very much. 

I have yet to take it to higher levels, right now I'm playing through Bronze just to get some achievements I didn't have before (Like uncover 80% of the map and doing more than 50% of the sidequests). For that I use armors and weapons with a lot of +visibility range in every slot so killing performance is not as high as it could be, not that it matters with this build, he just shreds through mobs his own level and for bosses I switch to Denderans set and shreds through them too. Dual krals, dragons, garganthropods, octolagamus and so on... no problem at all. 

I think this is what a dual wield magic staff build should have been like from the start. A spinning, spitting lawnmower of swift death to anyone in sight. When I'm done with the achievments here I'm gonna make a new toon and use the dual shot mod twice on the Frenzied just to compare it with the Vampire mod, and then take it up as fast as I can to Plat and Niob. 

4 hours ago, ric7202 said:

Glad you put the vid up on youtube, I know not much of how to do such things. Based on your reactions I understand that you had not seen this kind of speed and behaviour on a SW ranged, so that makes me happy to have discovered something "new" for this old game :D Maybe I'm not the first to do this, but I have not seen any guides mention it at all before so until someone else challenges it, I claim the honor :D :D And of course proper credits go to @Flix for creating the mod that made it possible in the first place, thank you so very much. 

I have yet to take it to higher levels, right now I'm playing through Bronze just to get some achievements I didn't have before (Like uncover 80% of the map and doing more than 50% of the sidequests). For that I use armors and weapons with a lot of +visibility range in every slot so killing performance is not as high as it could be, not that it matters with this build, he just shreds through mobs his own level and for bosses I switch to Denderans set and shreds through them too. Dual krals, dragons, garganthropods, octolagamus and so on... no problem at all. 

I think this is what a dual wield magic staff build should have been like from the start. A spinning, spitting lawnmower of swift death to anyone in sight. When I'm done with the achievments here I'm gonna make a new toon and use the dual shot mod twice on the Frenzied just to compare it with the Vampire mod, and then take it up as fast as I can to Plat and Niob. 

 aieeee :oooo: .... youve gotten me sucked back into this game... oh lord, after yeeeeeeeeeeeeeers... nooooooooooooo ...and soooooo... here we go :superman:


  • If you have your own youtube account on youtube (anyone can make one, its free  and exciting) 
  • That was actually the first time I EVER myself so easily made the jump from a file to  *dazzling experience*  in YouTube drag and drop ..who would thunk it  its easy to do, once you do it youll love documenting your work and progress of your build this way.
  • Qhhh, now i see where the trade out is  ...you're trading out some damage and protection I would guess to create a dazzling spectacle of of your kills?  its this theme vision in our head that is elevating your SW  from reg ole boring  to death-dancer! its pushing your creativity,  seeing our minds-eye-movie come alive is a joy to writers... cool that you mentioned at  "x lower level" youre mainly socketing +visibility range... great tip and great way to be effective :thumbsup:  ..and good info for struggling SW's  at low levels 
  • For now the build is working, gratz! :bounce: I'd d love to see this damage or *satisfaction* scale .., if it does, dang...then this is something that everyone would have copied online if it was available
  • Maybe you can take a vid at level 50 of what youve socketed the stats your running with accompanying kills versus mobs (important for leveling effectively) and finally vs bosses.. id like to see the behaviour of this CA when targetted at a single entity .. pls show even if its not whats expected...this ranged build is spectacular ... for now :D
  • Great share, thanks for the better-than-usual-morning-cup-of-coffee :coffeecup:






1 hour ago, gogoblender said:

 aieeee :oooo: .... youve gotten me sucked back into this game... oh lord, after yeeeeeeeeeeeeeers... nooooooooooooo ...and soooooo... here we go :superman:


  • If you have your own youtube account on youtube (anyone can make one, its free  and exciting) 
  • That was actually the first time I EVER myself so easily made the jump from a file to  *dazzling experience*  in YouTube drag and drop ..who would thunk it  its easy to do, once you do it youll love documenting your work and progress of your build this way.
  • Qhhh, now I see where the trade out is  ...you're trading out some damage and protection I would guess to create a dazzling spectacle of of your kills?  its this theme vision in our head that is elevating your SW  from reg ole boring  to death-dancer! its pushing your creativity,  seeing our minds-eye-movie come alive is a joy to writers... cool that you mentioned at  "x lower level" youre mainly socketing +visibility range... great tip and great way to be effective :thumbsup:  ..and good info for struggling SW's  at low levels 
  • For now the build is working, gratz! :bounce: I'd d love to see this damage or *satisfaction* scale .., if it does, dang...then this is something that everyone would have copied online if it was available
  • Maybe you can take a vid at level 50 of what youve socketed the stats your running with accompanying kills versus mobs (important for leveling effectively) and finally vs bosses.. id like to see the behaviour of this CA when targetted at a single entity .. pls show even if its not whats expected...this ranged build is spectacular ... for now :D
  • Great share, thanks for the better-than-usual-morning-cup-of-coffee :coffeecup:






OMG such high praise from such an experienced player :D Thx a lot :D 

Yeah, that +visibility range makes a huge difference on removing that fog of war or whatsitcalled. 

On this toon I have taken Blacksmith and Enhanced Perception, which could be substituted for more speed or dmg or protection. But I haven't regretted EP as it has given me loads of rare, unique and even some legendary items, and the new stuff in EE makes treasurehunting real fun again. 

The Frenzied attack against a single target is terriffic. All projectiles leeches and if you have some knockback, they'll never even get to poke you with their sticks. And even if they do, you'll leech back the life very quickly. And if you're on the special mount, he spits out those projectiles incredibly fast. Perfect to take down bosses. 


  • zomgod! 1
21 minutes ago, ric7202 said:


The Frenzied attack against a single target is terriffic. All projectiles leeches and if you have some knockback, they'll never even get to poke you with their sticks. And even if they do, you'll leech back the life very quickly. And if you're on the special mount, he spits out those projectiles incredibly fast. Perfect to take down bosses. 


whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.... :eek:  do you have a :devil: , another file or upload  of  this working against a boss?  (if you have another upload , id with pleasure bring it again into youtube) You know Ive spent all morning trying to envision a character on manga, tv in movies that your build reminds me of... its kind of like... a wild AI attack... have you ever seen castevania, the netflix series:



the way the vampire moves along (the son) he has a floating sword along with him ..it can dart forward and to attacks... the way your SW's CA works kind of reminds me of that...but its launching multiple at once... way more impressive than castlevania thats the thrill of all of this... course the great balance must be coming... whats thrilling in bronze and silver can quickly melt down if the build doesnt scale well re Kill Speed, taking hits, and enjoyment






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