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Ric's Ranged Shadow Warrior for Enhanced Edition Mod

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On 1/11/2025 at 11:33 AM, ric7202 said:


Edit: Dang... that down of the site scared the crapola out of me... I was just submitting this text above and BOOM I was getting this "Account Suspended" sign. It was like my whole meaning of life just disappeared. The colors of the world turned black and white, all joy turned into sorrow and there was just this big hole of uncertainty and hopelessness that grew bigger and threatened to swallow the whole universe. 



Sorry about the Ric! Trust me that for a while we were in that spooky, two-grained monocolor world for awhile as well... floating, pondering, floating sweating... it was a weekend of work :sweating:

... These sites just seemed to have gotten so huuuuge...but its nice to give them a whole weekend of love :heart: , and were so happy that it means much to all everyone here as well.

And...your build goes on!




  • Appreciation 1
On 1/11/2025 at 5:55 PM, Flix said:

Lightsabers have always been Willpower-based. The SW gets a Willpower boost from Grim Resilience. If you want a similar Willpower boost for a Lightsaber Dryad, use Goldenglade Touch with the Persevere mod.

Thx @Flix that is really good news, I had missed that little gold nugget. I'll try that and see how it works. 

On 1/13/2025 at 1:22 AM, gogoblender said:

Sorry about the Ric! Trust me that for a while we were in that spooky, two-grained monocolor world for awhile as well... floating, pondering, floating sweating... it was a weekend of work :sweating:

... These sites just seemed to have gotten so huuuuge...but its nice to give them a whole weekend of love :heart: , and were so happy that it means much to all everyone here as well.

And...your build goes on!




All you who runs this site deserves all the best life can give, you are truly the best people :D And the same to all you who spend so much time, energy and effort to post here and help people in need or in search for answers. A million kudos to all you!!! 

And yes, the build moves and evolves and shapes up to become a living thing in it self. Sometimes I stray a bit to test out new things (for me at least) but in the end I can't help but coming back to it. There's so much fun and power in it. Last thing I tried out was the lightsabre Dryad and sure, it works fine enough, now that Flix was so kind as to point me to the proper setup for it. But once again I felt that irresistable urge to switch over to ranged fighting, and so I'll let her rest for a bit and continue with my ranged SW. 

  • Appreciation 1
Posted (edited)

Heya Ric, you've been awfully quiet lately, I thought you were hard at work and Nio bosses were trembling at your sight already! But I see you started a new conqueror, Mr. Treasurehunter this time?! What's he up to? The usual boomstick business with a  focus on finding stuff? (Or should I know him already? Is he the hybrid dude with the lightsabers too?) :)

About that choice of yours, I quote SLD again: (Wow I forgot how to quote properly from another thread! :blush2: I knew that once...) Well, whatever. Here it is quoted less properly:

"Combat Discipline? Provides a relatively low damage bonus and reduces reg times in combos by 10%/20%(/with mastery). As so many other skills it does "something" so if you really need nothing else you can take it but otherwise it's pretty weak and I wouldn't recommend it. Also, dumping 74 hard points for mastery just to get the 20% reg reduction instead of 10% is probably quite a dumb idea as well."

"Combat Reflexes? The defense against critical hits is irrelevant as critical hits are only a factor of 1.2 (or 1.5 in certain mods). The evade chances only help with attacks and on top of that can never really result in good evade chances against enemies where it might be useful, so this skill basically works best against normal mobs, where you should not need it. I would not recommend it."

And the deathchill should only interest you if you're hybrid, right? (So now thinking about this, this could be the hybrid guy after all. You wouldn't think about taking this with a ranged only guy, would you? Oh You really should list their names and skills once!:Just_Cuz_21:)

Soooo...choose what you want! :D

And then about this magic find thing: I only know that survival bonus and map revealed both increase it. So that 74% you have listed there contains these too I think, apart from what you get from gear. You should even see that beautiful number go up by 0.1% if you explore 0.4% of the Map! I only found out about the map revealed part recently, and searching for it, I found this great old thread that fascinated me. I think it will be more fun than crunching numbers, if you haven't seen it already!

Now this is some serious dedication that inspired me, and I started exploring the map like I had never done before, but even like this, I'm only at some 80% map revealed on level 133. It's hard work! (Of course visibility range items are the key to success, but I don't copy items, so I only use what I find.) When going for map exploration, I switch to the dual weapon slot that's socketed with visibility range, and that's it. Nothing more, roaming around with superspawn and challenge mode just exploring things, not caring about enemies can be DANGEROUS!

And it really helps with the drops now, (mastered EP of course), it's raining all kinds of special items, just not the right ones. I still haven't even found one of the missing pieces of that Kanka set since then, it's unbelievable! But at least it keeps me occupied... My time WILL come! I WILL find the set sooner or later! :agreed:



Edited by Sethi22
  • Haha 1
4 minutes ago, Sethi22 said:

My time WILL come! I WILL find the set sooner or later! :agreed:



Go Sethi-Indiana of  Ancaria!


  • Haha 1
15 hours ago, ric7202 said:


Hahaha yes... I really should put up a hero gallery soon. I was a bit unsatisfied with the earlier builds that took Bargain instead of EP, so I made Treasurehunter to remedy that. EP has gotten me very nice things, but no more Kankas yet I'm afraid. Ohh the cruel fate that only gives us 10 skills to choose. 


This is terrific idea.  It will add even more value to everytime you reincarnate... plus if you have stats and a "hits and miss's " section to it, itll create great info for others to see what kind of builds are working or not in EE

Great seeing you here playing again, Ric... forward Onwards!


  • Appreciation 1
7 hours ago, gogoblender said:

This is terrific idea.  It will add even more value to everytime you reincarnate... plus if you have stats and a "hits and miss's " section to it, itll create great info for others to see what kind of builds are working or not in EE

Great seeing you here playing again, Ric... forward Onwards!


Thx mate, I was never gone actually, just playing and moving along with this or that toon. Most of the time playing now involves nothing new, just grinding or doing the same quests over again, so not much to write about. Sometimes I take a break from the SW builds just to fool around with the other classes for a while and trying new ideas or builds that may or may not work well in EE. Right now I'm trying out a few things with the Inquisitor. One of the really funny things in Diablo 2 is the necromancers corpse explosion (also with the Assassins traps), and I am hoping to get that to work with the Inquisitor as well. 

  • Like! 1
Posted (edited)

Just now when I was playing the Sera I noticed that she has the coolest unarmed animation and I really would like to do a build around that - the martial arts Sera. But to my knowledge there is no way to increase unarmed damage, so it will probably never happen. Unless... one of you wizards can come up with a way to change say for example the 1-handed claw/stiletto/knuckles animation to the unarmed, and make the weapon invisible. Or put damage on gloves or boots that scale with f.ex. tactics lore and strength attribute. Or... even better, do it for the lvl-10 lightsabre SW build, but use the sera unarmed animation and make the swords invisible. Hmm, now that I come to think of it... maybe the sera isn't the only one with a cool unarmed animation... I'll have to check that out. Yes, I know I'm weird in that sense, dreaming about an impossible build... well... that's just who I am, the type to find that one glitch in the map and fall through it into oblivion, just for the giggles of it :D :D 

Edit 1: So after some testing I found this:

1) The high elf: Useless in this aspect. She has no attacks that can be used in this way, only the left click attack, which of course can be done without weapon, and although she can punch and kick, it's very lame. 

2) The dryad: Her two attacks Raging Impact and Darting Assault CAN be used in unarmed attacks, but they have weird animations (although funny) that takes a long time to execute. Darting hits all enemies around her in melee range, which would be kind of cool, had it not been for the animation. It feels more like a spell than martial arts. Same with Raging, but it hits fewer enemies. 

3) The Inquisitor: He does a really cool roundhouse kick with Ruthless Mutilation that hits all enemies in front of him in melee range, but that´s about as fun as it gets. 

4) The Shadow Warrior: As expected, the animation for Frenzied Rampage consists of blows and kicks and although they are not as cool as the seras they work very well. Scything Sweep works as expected, it hits those in front of him, but without any cool animation. The combo Belligerent Vault + Frenzied Rampage works well, although the visual effect for BV is weird and kind of ruins the "ninja-effect". 

5) The Dragon Mage: Like the elf, he's spell inclined and doesn't have any real melee attacks except for the Dragon form, which is limited to left click attacks. 

5) The Temple Guardian: Battle Extension should be an excellent martial arts skill, but it isn't. One would have hoped it would work much like the Pelting Strikes, but either it's broken or it works by different rules. It just doesn't hit more than a couple of enemies, even if he's swarmed and they are very low lvl. Disappointing. 

Conclusion: It has to be either Sera or SW for this kind of build. I lean towards Sera. She has the coolest moves and the right CA to support it. The only other CA that has a cool martial arts move is the Inquisitors Ruthless Mutilation roundhouse kick. That would look exceptional on a Sera. 

Edited by ric7202
  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

Good thing we're at the ranged SW thread, all this comes in real handy when building one of those!:D

But please keep me posted about that Inquisitor build you're doing, if all these things belong here, then that one certainly does too! I had many tries with caster inquisitors in the original game, I always wanted to make it work somehow, but have failed on higher levels. (Big fan of Diablo 2 necro of course...) Recently Lindor said in one thread (no idea which one) that EE solved some of the problems caster inquisitors had, and that they are better here. Every little detail you find, that is different from the original game, I would love to hear about!

Edited by Sethi22
  • Like! 1
8 minutes ago, Sethi22 said:

Good thing we're at the ranged SW thread, all these things come in real handy when building one of those!:D

But please keep me posted about that Inquisitor build you're doing, if all these things belong here, then that one certainly does too! I had many tries with caster inquisitors in the original game, I always wanted to make it work somehow, but have failed on higher levels. (Big fan of Diablo 2 necro of course...) Recently Lindor said in one thread (no idea which one) that EE solved some of the problems caster inquisitors had, and that they are better here. Every little detail you find, that is different from the original game, I would love to hear about!

Haha yes I know I'm very consistent and focused :D 

My Inquisitor (Darth Sauron, btw) is actually ranged. I use a boomstick like the SW and have Ruthless Mutilation in combo with Eruptive Desecration and it's really fun. At least on low levels. The Eruptive is modded for more loot, more dmg and longer range. Usually I start with a Clustering Maelstrom and then follow up with the combo. So far, lvl 18, it is not so good with bosses, but very good against mobs. At first I tried a combo with Maelstrom and Eruptive, but that didn't work as it fired off the Eruptive before there were any corpses. But with a boomstick it works just fine. And you get 3 shots at a time with the Ruthless Mutilation so with low regens it goes really fast to mow them down. 

  • Like! 1

Well Ric, You really think outside of the box, I gotta hand you that! Ok, I'm in, I'd like to hear about him. Level 18 even! What a veteran! :resp:

  • 2 weeks later...

It's awfully quiet here... am I the only one playing anymore?

  • Appreciation 1
Posted (edited)

No Ric, I'm playing too, but terrible things happened to me! I lost much progress as my Windows completely failed and had to reinstall without being able to save anything I had in C:\. My poor Lightsaber dude lost like 30 levels since my last backup. Good thing I haven't found any Kankas in these 30 levels! Now I feel lucky!:wink:

I have no clue about your question sadly, You'll have to find someone better!


Edited by Sethi22
  • Appreciation 1
4 hours ago, Sethi22 said:

No Ric, I'm playing too, but terrible things happened to me! I lost much progress as my Windows completely failed and had to reinstall without being able to save anything I had in C:\. My poor Lightsaber dude lost like 30 levels since my last backup. Good thing I haven't found any Kankas in these 30 levels! Now I feel lucky!:wink:

I have no clue about your question sadly, You'll have to find someone better!


Ohh noo, poor you. Do you want a savegame from me? It won't help much with your lost lightsabre dude, but you can try out my other builds if you want. Get some gear at least. 

  • Appreciation 1
Posted (edited)

I'm fine Ric, thanks! Loosing 30 levels is ok in my book, had much worse... (I accidentally overwrote my exported level 150ish Nio daemon in Sacred 1 for example, only to realize I had no save to go back to. She was gone for good.) These things happen to me. I'll get those levels back in no time, don't worry!

Instead, tell me: How do you handle bosses with the almighty Darth Sauron? Do you use Inexorable to stun them and go in with the boomstick?

Edited by Sethi22
  • Appreciation 1
8 minutes ago, Sethi22 said:

I'm fine Ric, thanks! Loosing 30 levels is ok in my book, had much worse... (I accidentally overwrote my exported level 150ish Nio daemon in Sacred 1 for example, only to realize I had no save to go back to. She was gone for good.) These things happen to me. I'll get those levels back in no time, don't worry!

Instead, tell me: How do you handle bosses with the almighty Darth Sauron? Do you use Inexorable to stun them and go in with the boomstick?

I have seen recommendations for Inexorable as bosskiller, but I have no points in that tree yet. For now it's either boomstick or a melee weapon with Callous Execution. The Daemon buff also helps with the bosses. Maybe Purifying Chastisement will go into the equation later on, if it proves to be useful.

The thing about Inexorable is that you yourself is tied to the boss while it works, and you'd need quite high dmg on it to be useful, or it would take ages to take it down. I think... I have very little experience with it. 

  • Like! 1
Posted (edited)

I think Inexorable was fixed in CM Patch. So you can move while using it. I remember the old version where you had to stand in place, but I think that's fixed now! It just stuns and then you can move in using other combat arts. As far as I remember it worked on most bosses too.

But what do you mean you have no points in that tree yet? What about Eruptive Desecration? I thought you had Nefarious for that. Or have you dropped that project already and focused on the first aspect instead? So is this a 2 aspect build then now? Or 3?:dntknw: No more exploding corpses?

Edited by Sethi22
  • zomgod! 1
17 hours ago, Maneus said:

Purge adds Damage: Fire +X%.
Mystic adds Damage: Magic +X%.
Hallow adds Damage +X%.

These are not related to Damage of enraged players +X%. They are regular percentage bonuses that stack additively with all other percentage bonuses. Therefore they will be applied even when at full health, and they do affect spells.

I just tested this: Damage of enraged players +X% stacks additively with all other percentage bonuses. It is not a separate multiplier.

Nice :D So, if I have 35% from PC and 65% from Damage of enraged players I'd get 100% threshold on PC?

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