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Everything posted by scavi

  1. Maybe I discovered some helpful information: In the "options.txt" file, which is in my "~\AppData\Local\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2" folder, there is a section called "render". This section includes all render settings, including the key glow = 1 Unfortunately, setting this value to 0 has no effect; here is what I have tried: Add a line "render.glow = 0" to optionsCustom.txt Edit the value directly in options.txt and set this file to read-only. There is also a "video" section with some keys that could be relevant.
  2. Thank you for the nice welcome! I want to add one more thing I found in another forum (source: https://forum.pcgames.de/videospiele-allgemein/9310991-sacred-2-v2-43-0-loesung-um-bloom-deaktivieren.html). It's in German, so here is a translation: Honestly I am not sure if that actually changes something. However, I am very new to the game and maybe it helps in the areas you are talking about. To avoid the jaggies, I have just disabled anti-aliasing all together. Thank you for all the testing!
  3. In Sacred 2 Gold, you can disable bloom by setting render details to medium (or lower) in the graphic settings.
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