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  1. Today
  2. Lol, I mean no changing of files needed. Yes, it's a bit of a cheat to be honest, but it's real fun! I had dragons in my army and giants, countless orcs and ice elves swarming around me so I could barely move myself (well on horse you get stuck in the middle of your army. On foot, they give way and you can actually move,) It was really awesome! And they obliterated (almost) anything that got in their way. Never made it to higher levels with her, I think she is 40 or something like that. It was the dragon near the dwarven dam, in Gnarlstat where they met their end. There's so little space there, and they are so dumb! Oh it was really frustrating. That dragon wiped out three of my armies completely, (and Awaken dead was well above my charater level). Getting back out, collecting a new army of archers isn't that easy, and after the third bunch got massacred, I just gave up But she lives! Sooner or later I'll have another go! (Of course if you can't kill them in any other way, you can always turn into vamp form and back and the're gone. So you can start a new army...(Although I had this weird bug, where I simply couldn't make them disappear any more, they really became "permanent". I had a solution for it back then, but now I just don't remember what it was. But that only happens when your army is REALLY big...)
  3. yes no "cheating" at all somehow... I wonder, how exactly would you accomplish such a feat?
  4. I only ever rode horses for the speed. And max speed horses don't have a riding requirement so I never bothered with that skill
  5. And I just wanted to say that even though chattius and I are both from Germany doesn't mean we've met. Germany is big there's lots of space and there are probably a lot of and all kinds of other things between us. Of course we all want you to hang... err I mean we'd all want to meet you and learn what conviviality means
  6. can the dot instances crit on their own? please check blazing tempest. That one is odd as the aspect lore somehow manages to double dip or at least be applied multiplicative to the dot portion. Thats why in an unmodded game the "hit" damage starts out scaling more flat value per CA-LVL but later in the game the DOT gets more flat value per level. There is so far no exact explanation for this as spell scaling should be linear and both hit and dot are affected by the same mods. The flip can only be seen when taking the lore skill otherwise the hit always does more damage than 1 second of the dot. It gives me such joy to see, that you think of that at all
  7. i remember you bringing up the snapping turtles a few years back... me thinks Ill just take a seat by that wonderful sounding porch and listen to wind through the trees and o'er the water during my vacay with, of course, the necessary apres-swig of rum gogo
  8. Why not play Awaken dead build then? That's a summoner even Diablo 2 necromancer pales in comparison to. You can have the whole screen full of minions. And no cheating needed. You hace a corpse, (killed by your wolf so you don't have to dirty your hands) you raise it with awaken dead, quicksave, and reload. The game forgets you were in vampire form when you raised it and you're transformed back, but the raised zombie becomes a permanent minion that spreads its woeful state to the ones it kills. In no time you can have an army of dozens. Later hundreds... It's just the lag... When your army is really getting big, the game starts to lag. So you have to maintain army size by killing some of them somehow...
  9. Finally something I can answer myself, as I just finished a char in Niobium with riding. 25 points was enough even in Niobium, nothing more needed. And yes it is worth it! My beautiful heavy war horse gave me like 65% HP bonus in the end. If you have many + skill stuff, maybe you're ok even with 1 point in riding, but 25 points for 65% HP bonus is worth it too. No big deal...
  10. Yesterday
  11. sassafras => Aerosmith (that word's mentioned in the first 50 seconds of this song (below).
  12. Well, Rommel, I don't think you'd like to bathe in my pond. There are a few alligator snapping turtles hanging around in there. You don't really want to dive in there do you? The front porch is always relaxing on a cool Texas night. It's much closer to the amenities too. (like the necessary room and the refrigerator, for starters)
  13. Land of Dixie -> sassafras dunno...but i just love saying that word gogo
  14. Good lord...and I thought I was heavy on the pouring... Dang, Steve, I'll make a detour on my flight to Bethesda tomorrow and hip hop into that back pond of yours with a bottle in hand! oh yah... cards included! gogo
  15. Rommel, Please slide a rum over my way... make it neat (no coke and no ice). I best holster my barker before I wet my lips. Y'all hankering to play a friendly round of cards? I got a fistful of silver ladies in my pocket that wanna talk business.
  16. nope I just wanted to say i wanted to hang with you guys next year in cool Germany DarkMatters' middle name is conviviality... we make sure it makes its way into every nook and crevice! its friday guys... rum and cokes... all around! gogo
  17. How is spell DOT (damage over time) determined? I did a few tests using Frost Flare It appears that the entry et_dotdamage_ice determines the total damage, while the parameter DurationDot (from balance.txt) determines the total duration. The value of DurationDot in the base game is 500. In practice, damage is dealt a total of 5 times. The first 4 instances do about 20.62% of the total damage (there could be some minor variation), while the last instance does less. But the sum of all 5 instances always equals the total damage. It appears that a damage instance is dealt at the end of each second*. For example: the first instance is dealt one second* after the initial (normal) hit. * I assume that it is a second. I haven't actually measured the exact time. What is shown in the combat art tooltip? Given a total damage of 4892, the tooltip shows 978.4 / s, which is exactly 5 times less. I'm not sure of the exact rounding method yet. Changing the value of DurationDot to 600 increased the number of damage instances to 6, but now each damage instance does less damage. Given the same total damage of 4892, the tooltip shows 815.3 / s, which is exactly 6 times less. Note: There is precision loss in the tooltip value. For example: 1653.2 / s is shown as 1653.1 / s. How is the total damage determined? Almost the same as regular spell damage. It turns out that the entry et_damage_ice_rel does not interact with the DOT damage. And neither does the entry et_damage_any_rel. The intelligence bonus (not displayed), Aspect Lore, Ancient Magic, Combat Discipline, +X% Ice damage (equipment) are applied as expected. Note: When the initial hit is a critical hit, the DOT damage is not affected. Needs more testing. After all of this, I think I might add DOT damage to the calculator.
  18. You'll have to ask chattius for the whereabouts of his firehall. I mean I guess he's posted enough information over the years that I might be able to track it down, but I would consider it quite some grade A stalker behaviour so I don't even want to try. Edit: I just realised what might have mislead you. The "Done" was referring to "defining massive".
  19. I'm reading now reading some of your first posts here from almost 20 years ago, your family, your early years of the twins... Oh man, we have all been here at this forum a loooooooooooong time Sacred and its community getting more golden as the years go by @SLD If you got good directions to the firehall I'll try and make it down there as well sometime next year
  20. Just pop in something like that: https://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred:Sneaking_Ring_of_the_Dead
  21. So I guess it's gonna take a bit more time before they can test D2F for bugs Well google says the ball would be called a shuttlecock so you could say you're passing one of those back and forth to describe the "game". But as long as the english natives don't enlighten us, that's the best I can come up with. As always your picture says more than a thousand words and seeing your opponent makes it immediately clear, that you would stand no chance against her in competitive badminton done
  22. killin the jk's today sir... the only way to weeeeeeeeeeeeekend! Steve -> Texas Land O' Lands gogo
  23. This one answers the question asked by JhinKhada. Looking at the value that is usually there I guess this would make you autopickup everything even offscreen and it would not change the visible pickup circle at all. Am I wrong?
  24. Six Million Dollar Man => Steve (I think he was from Austin).
  25. Mah man!, Thanks Steve! DANG check out the car… Looks like the weekends already here!!💪💪🥳🚀🚀
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