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  2. Oh, while I remember, thank you for mentioning Enshrouded. There's no way my computer could handle that, but I'm all over it once it comes to consoles.
  3. Today
  4. "Your bad"? No! You're great! You just told us that creatures have a maximum "actual speed" of 300 which also explains why % increases beyond a certain point have no effect on the actual speed, only the animation. And you figured it out all on your own aaaand shared it with us. As far as I can tell noone knew this before. Thank you! I had encountered this problem and shared it here but had nowhere near your detailed explanation. Now we have good reason to believe that all the mods that raise the move speed cap to 450% are affected by this "maximum of 300" problem. That would include @Flix's Enhanced Edition and Diablo 2 Fallen mods as well as @dimitrius154's Addendum. You found something big, thank you for your efforts in figuring this out.
  5. That's exactly what I was going for. I can't just build a house, I have to picture the occupants first. My secret's taking an hour nap; I find my brain to be at it's most creative when it's in the twilight between awake and asleep, the "dozing off" phase. So, I built this one because I saw a Navy CB named John (I don't have a last name for him), some folks know them better as Seabees; our Construction Battalion. There are a lot of different types of Seabees, but I didn't see much of his rating. All I know is he signed up, he served, he came home after one tour, spent maybe a month in the civilian world, went to bed one night, and woke up...where ever this is. John thought he was in heaven at first; after all, we generally wake up wherever we go to sleep at, so when one doesn't, it's safe to assume something big happened. However, is one supposed to be hungry in heaven? Does a fox eat a bunny, like what happened right next to him, in heaven? Not long after that, a black bear ripped John to shreds, but he found himself standing right where he first entered the world. So, there's stuff to contemplate, because while it's not the heaven he believed in, perhaps he was wrong, or perhaps he misunderstood. But where ever he is, he can be killed and is hungry, so that means food and shelter; all of that other stuff can come later. John isn't going to be happy with just a mud hut, but he's not going to have a full-blown luxury home until he figures out more stuff, so he's working on a home with just a little flair for now. So, he builds, hunts, and goes for a swim to cool off. But there will be long-term stuff to consider. For instance, what if this isn't the afterlife, what if some science dinks pushed boundaries too far, and he's now in an alternate reality? That's a big deal because if it's not some type of afterlife, he should probably worry about sustainability. He REALLY don't want to farm and garden and all of that, because smells accompany those, but he can't hunt and forage stuff into extinction. And then, he's gotta consider other folks. If he arrived here, others could as well. John firmly believes that those who can make a difference have a moral obligation to do so; he builds, so he has a moral obligation to build for those who can't/don't want to. But perhaps it might be arrogant just to build a whole city for folks without allowing any feedback from anybody; perhaps he should build like a giant hotel for folks so everyone could figure stuff out together. And there's a bunch of other stuff, but for now he's building his home and hunting. I don't know if Vintage Story is special, any more than I know if Sacred 1 and 2 are special; they're special to me for the simple fact that I never grew tired of them. I remember Arachnophobia. I hate spiders.
  6. I love the mix of peaceful, artistic builder, and ruthless hunter preparing their next meal ;) That's a cool little detail though, and vastly expands your crafting materials for even more creativity. If we want to talk about scary movies, only one has ever scared me. I love it and hate it in equal amounts. Arachnophobia. I do suffer arachnophobia, but mostly spider films don't scare me (or games, the only spiders in-game that ever freaked me out were the flat hairy ones in Sacred! I refused to go to certain areas for ages due to those things but eventually managed to get over it). Things like Eight-Legged Freaks are too over the top and silly so even the CGI spiders don't bother me. But I can genuinely see Arachnophobia happening. A particularly deadly species makes its way over here, interbreeds with a native species and they start killing off the town? Absolutely. Whenever I watch that film I am incredibly nervous about turning off lamps and getting in the shower! Love me a good horror movie though (and a bad one). Watching plenty on Netflix while they're up, I'll have to check if they have Sinister on there.
  7. Ahh, you want to talk about movies that follow us into our dreams? I have just one, Sinister. The demon, Bughuul, never killed anyone; he gave the kids that glowing green stuff for them to administer to their families. Imagine having your morning coffee one minute, the next minute you're laying immobilized on the floor, the following moment you're watching, helpless, as your child runs over your head with a lawnmower. Or hangs you blindfolded over a swamp to wait for an alligator to bite your head off. Sinister 1 is the only movie that got to me a little bit as I was walking out of the theater.
  8. This one's gunna take me longer than the original, as I recently discovered that we can chisel blocks. So, I can give blocks lining, which makes them pop a little more. I don't have my fence up yet, so wildlife is wandering on my property. It's all good though; I know who's next for breakfast once I'm done preparing the panda hanging there.
  9. Hello dear forum-members, while playing around with the balance.txt I changed the max.speed to 2000 (I.e. 200% instead of 150%). After starting the game later on with my high-level Sera I noticed (just as expected) that all animations are executed a lot faster than before after casting 'Dashing Alacrity' and raising the attack, cast- and movespeed to 200%. So far - so good. But while the model now attacks very fast (working as expected) and seems to exercise a very speedy run, the actual movespeed (movement over ground) didn't seem so follow the faster animations - at least not to a degree I expected. So I began to test: Run a predefined distance multiple times and take the time with a stop-watch. I started without any equipment no buffs at 100% movespeed: My Sera needed quite exactly 16.40s for the distance. With equipment and 127.5% movespeed indicated on the characterscreen I tested again - and again my Sera needed quite exactly 16.40s for precisely the same distance. Sure, the animation speed was visibly faster but the movement itself was not. So I repeated the test with 150% movespeed, 175% movespeed and 200% movespeed. While the animations got increasingly faster - the time needed for traversing the same distance stayed exactly at 16.40s. For clarification: I am using just the lasted CM patch 1.60 (starting screen says Version 2.65.2 - build 1837) Did anyone of you notice this behavior? And even more interesting: Is there a way to fix this. This doesn't seem to be intended. Thanks a lot, Khorath EDIT: This problem seems to be Seraphim related. I just tested the same run with a Dryad and the +% movespeed on equipment is definitely working. The Dryad got an effecitve speed increase of about 1.2s with 30% movespeed. She took 17.50s without equipment and is down to 16.30s with equipment. While this isn't anywhere near a 30% speed increase (this is quite probably intended) it is a measurable increase. While using the Seraphim neither equipment nor buffs (Dashing Alacrity) had any measurable effect. EDIT 2: I found a possible solution to the problem above. Each creature has a runspeed defined in the creatureinfo.txt. (Sera vanilla runspeed = 190) For player characters this runspeed can be increased with +% movespeed, up to a cap of 300. At least I suppose there is a cap, because if you set runspeed=300 in the creatureinfo.txt for your character, +% movespeed no longer has any effect. If it is set higher than 300 no further speed increase is measurable. As I accidentially changed the base movespeed of my Sera to 300 in the creatureinfo.txt (I had forgotten, that I did this) I created the problem myself. So quite literally: My bad!
  10. We of the Monkeys -> me Stupid virus disease during my puperty affected my grrowing. Arms are longer than normal, legs are shorter than normal for my torso. So I got nicknames like Cheetah, Monkey and later when I was real tall King But king was justshort for king Kong. But this body form was great for swimming (fastest in school in butterfly) and being a goalie.
  11. And you are the one with all the gear from previous runs and a full set Actually my Gahankaing has improved significantly by now. Somewhere between lvl 21 and 25 I hit a breakpoint(that should not exist) and now I can just facetank him. I was continuously improving armor mitigation and regeneration, but such a harsh breakpoint should not exist. I don't really have an explanation for it. But I'm happily advancing in levels there. Guidon should not need mods to work in party. @xrystal The CM silver server works fine, I had no problems so far and the mods seem to have been applied correctly.
  12. Yesterday
  13. I ran Silver with my toon up to about lvl 50 without CM and it was a walk in the park. Then with CM I got almost instantly crushed and had to run like a little baby, constantly redlining, until I got away from the mob. I was NOT prepared enough. Individuals and small groups are no problem, but when they gang up on you, which they will do quite often, you'd better have a plan. Concerning groupfriendly buffs. I have a few but with this toon (The Black Knight) I have not modded my CA's for it, not even Guidon. So for playing in teams, I might wanna make a new one with the right mods.
  14. I don't think it will matter that much in niob, but starting a new character under CM rules was probably not intended. So while my lightsber SW could manage to "hit and run" kill gahanka in a lengthy fight, he still has to hit and run him at level 20 and still gets to warning level when he takes like 2 or 3 hits of him. And SW has more than double the hp and a lot of armor compared to other characters. I also haven't gotten to more than 40% hitchance against that thing yet. So the fight still takes a while and is dangerous while every normal kobold champion is being oneshot with 100% hitchance. The balance is just far out of whack here and lightsaber SW is certainly one of the strongest builds in the game both in offense and defense. My point is, I came prepared chose a great character, got geared at lvl 1 with socketing and everything and it still was/is hard. Which is also why I'm making the smith as he then can socket high lvl smitihing arts for others starting after him. Just imagine someone dosen't prepare his char and chooses to fight a kobold with his fresh undressed lvl 1 dryad. They'll just be crushed. Now technically one could start in bronze and it would be double time easier there as bronze is easier and the amount of impact from CM is also based on difficulty. So maybe it would be more doable when starting there. On the other hand bronze also gimps your gear, it's not just slightly lower stats but also stuff like set items with less sockets and such bs. So I wouldn't want to play bronze. Whether CM stays hard till niob, I have no clue. All I know is that it starts out really hard. And that is when you stick with kobolds at level 20. Shouldn't I be killing orcs by now? How about the Gar'colossus or Octagolamus? Any idea on how to solve the mount quest? Yeah CM is not very "noob friendly" Then I will move my blacksmith levelling there. Thank you!
  15. The welcome message can be modified. Good idea, could put either a short explaination or a simple link there. I just have to get up my build environment for the lobby again to be able to actually do that. If I remember correctly, linebreak was not possible in the descriptions, but will have to check that again to be sure. Thanks for testing, glad to hear. Is CM that hard? I have to admit, the "normal" niob is already quite hard enough for me I added the silver and gold EE CM ones.
  16. The behaviour of the gun is different on foot or mounted. Mounted it behaves just like the seraphim BFG, short fast bursts that hits just a few enemies, I've never seen more than 3 go down per burst with that. It's quick but requires more aiming or choosing targets on your behalf. Not a bad choice, but different. On foot you get that lovely dance animation and he shoots at many more targets, provided they go down quickly. Which they do if you got the right equipment. And that's what makes this stand out from the other shooters a bit. Edit 1: Ohh I just remembered... the speed mod for Killing Spree does not work while on the mount. It has fixed speed. While Killing Spree is active and the speed kicks in, you'll run around like the veritable Seraphim on speed. Yes, it's Superspawn and Challenge mode. At that particulate place I don't know if it's a big difference. Maybe 1 smaller Demon instead of three, and perhaps a few less ordinary mobs. Yeah, I often do that, run past a few baddies who follow me and when I have like 10 or more I melt them down. But because this CA actually stops the animation when there are no more mobs in sight, it goes just as fast to just hit them directly when you see them. Of course, the CA regen time always applies, but with regen-per-hit and Focus and Concentration you'll soon get the regen times low enough. Frenzied starts out with a quite long regen, so don't expect to spam it in the early levels. Rounding up a bunch of mobs is therefore a good idea even at the start. One thing with this version of Sacred 2 is that it's much harder to get stuff with regen-per-hit. Before you could easily buy rings and so if you had a shopper, but now.. no such luck. I had to use those Set-rings for the Dryad (Ring of Heartscales). At low lvl they only give 0.1 sec per hit, but when you hit 5-10 enemies per burst, it works well enough.
  17. I have already created a blacksmith project to help out with that. I plan on sharing the guy in the download section should I ever get him far enough. That one should take care of all the socketing for our mp endeavours. All the ones that have a "effects others" mod. And the SW augmenting guidon I guess. There aren't many things that effect others. maybe you could just read through the combat arts in the wiki. The info is already there. There are only 105 CAs in the game and most of them aren't buffs so you don't have to look at those. It should still work, but it has never been worth it. Just like playing in groups. Yes, I am always that loner that ruins the fun
  18. Hi, welcome to the community. For a "real" beginner I don't think you can do anything right or wrong. I'm certain there is currently no guide out there that covers everything in the required detail, including stuff like where what kinds of monsters are and what they do etc. For the start playing around with stuff, looking at how things work and just trying to play through a bronze campaign is probably the best advice here. No matter what guide you would follow, some misunderstanding would always screw up your first characters. If you already want to read some more advanced stuff you could take a look at this thread, It is however mostly aimed at players who play with the community patch. I did post a BFG Seraphim guide there that would also work with the normal game and would certainly make for a good beginner build, but it was not really written for a completely new player to understand and might create more confusion and raise more questions in you than it answers. My suggestion remains, play the game and once you find out what questions to ask, ask them here. So far the only questions you asked where: -"give me beginner friendly builds" - I linked a thread for you that links to some more builds and contains some of its own. Read all those guides and you'll get some inspiration for that. -"are there any must-have skills or gear that I should prioritize early on" - I would say yes there are must have skills like armor lore, but prioritizing them early on is not necessarily a great choice. Also choosing skills and putting many points into them might also be an important difference. I don't really have a universal answer to this other than that armor lore is definitely a skill that will be chosen in every single build and certainly not as one of the last skills. In the linked thread there is a bfg sera guide I wrote on page 2 or 3. It has a short explanation on every skill the bfg sera can choose, but again it was not really written for a beginner perspective. -"should I focus more on offense or defense for a first playthrough" - this one quickly gets super complicated as you obviously need some of both. It would also entail explaining every single way to scale offense/defense in the game, because some ways might be good, but others are not. Maybe I'm too lazy to explain it all in more detail. Maybe I'm still burnt out from writing so much in that other thread. I hope I still kinda helped
  19. Atmospheric! ( @ric7202) heh...quoting ric there Anyone have more info on which buffs of which classes can be shared? We were so busy huffing and puffing and running away ... we never thought to investigate and categorize... maybe this can be spread sheeted for the wiki? Gak... more schtuff to do. aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee And... dang, I wonder if sharing buffs will still work? Tragic if it doesn't where's that Diablo 4... gogo ps @xrystal and @SLD thanks for all the heavy lifting here for getting to find servers that are friendly for the community. Working get our toons up and ready in the servers as soon as we can
  20. groooooooooooooooosome.... that movie followed me into my dreams
  21. Love it! If that damage can keep scaling and yer left non bbq were talking action! Just a few questions? Do you find it easier to kill on foot than on mount? why always on foot... Is it because the animations are lovelier? Dang...I get that Also is this video with super spawn? If you didnt have the super spawn how much less than what we previously saw would show? Are you able to *round* up or *grab* a bunch of nasties with you and then melt 'em all at once? muhahahah. mass melt... multi bbq! And as always, thanks for putting your time into sharing with us gogo
  22. Hi everyone, I am new to Sacred 2 and looking for advice on the best character builds for beginners. I have been playing around with a few characters but can’t seem to settle on one. I have heard the Shadow Warrior and Seraphim are solid picks for newbies but I am not sure how to build them properly. Should I focus more on offense or defense for a first playthrough: :) Also, are there any must-have skills or gear that I should prioritize early on: :) I am mainly interested in a build that’s fun but also manageable for someone who is still learning the game’s mechanics. I would appreciate any tips or links to guides that could help me get the most out of my first run. I have also read this https://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/21492-builds-for-people-new-to-sacred-2-tensorflow/ but couldn't get enough solution. Thanks in advance for any help !! I am really excited to get deeper into Sacred 2 but I want to make sure I start off on the right foot. Looking forward to hearing from you all !! Derek Theler
  23. -Can you push a lobby chat message or something, that would give an explanation? Currently there is a welcoming one liner though I'm not sure if the lobby sends that or if the client says that to itself -Are those "server descriptions" limited to one line or could you put more info there? Also, the Full Server Name can be read in the pre join stage, so once a server is selected and you press join, there's a confirmation step where the full server name is displayed. So maybe the current state isn't as bad as I thought anyway. I can verify that the bronze and silver one currently run ee with alternate spells. I can join and cast an alternate spell properly. For the higher ones we'd have to wait. After testing CM locally I think we should better keep the current cm free ones. CM might kill the attempt to bring the community together Maybe once you created that server setup just add a silver and gold cm version on top? That would last for a while anyway and we can see which option would be played. For the resource per server stuff, I would start playing on the cm silver one once it's ready so I can then test server stability and you can at least gather metrics for one client there. For higher player count we'll have to wait for actual people to show up though...
  24. That PFP server was pretty much for myself I should probably add more difficulties for it. But yeah, the list has grown over time and it was always a back- and forth between keeping it short but supporting the mods wanted. And last week while trying to get running everything again I copied my serverlist from one file format to another and added even more errors to it. With the old server, I had less control about the ressource usage of single game servers which made some processes use more ressources than actually needed. On the current one, I can assign precise limits for cpu and memory which allow me to put up more game servers within the same amount of ressources as I can be sure that memleaking processes will now just restart if they hit a memory limit. For the higher player numbers servers however we'll probably have to test how much ressources they actually need under load to not restrict them too much. Especially considering superspawn probably causes more load the different configurations of game servers should probably also be treated different in terms of ressource assignment. Also: It's okay, I don't mind input, it's helpful. And technically, with everything new and fresh, now is a very good time for changing things. I also still miss some major mods... About the server names, I am still a bit torn about how much abbreviation would be good: It's not that rare players actually stumble upon the game servers without any outside knowledge. So they would have no reference of the abbreviations in the titles, try to join at random and consquently fail. That being said, not seeing the full title displayed also is no help to them, hmm... Sure. You'll have to verify tho whether they are working or not as I currently don't have a matching clientside EE setup to do so myself. I'll add the file for CM later today to my images and post again once adjusted (currently, the servers should now run in various difficulties for EE Alternate Spells but still without CM).
  25. It's SlimeTime Let's see what the Swamp has in store for us. Ohh a Creature at Skull Rock? Sure... why not?
  26. Last week
  27. Which doesn't matter much as the altenate spells servers are only available on niobium difficulty right now... Also, while the description shows all required mods it doesn't show the active mods that aren't required, those do still "matter" however as superspawn games feel quite a bit different and should we ever have challenge mode servers, one might want to know that before joining one as well... There would be enough space, people would just have to learn a bunch of abbreviations, that you could list over in your thread, that everyone wanting to play on your realm has to visit anyway. Example from your list: "- S2EE 3.2a + Su..." shows there would be enough space for the theoretical maximum of "- HCEE3.2aASSSCM", So it could list everything where we to learn the abbreviations. And those 2 character ones are still not hard to memorize/ figure out: SS Superspawn AS Alternate Spells CM Challenge mode (or CH if you don't want it to be confusable with the Community Patch) HC hardcore and EE Enhanced Edition are already used anyway. Also visible on your screenshot and more ingame, the servers you have currently running are quite an inconsistent roster. From free games with only 5 instead of 8 slots to no bronze pfp campaign games and the aforementioned alternate spells only in niobium, it's all over the place. I guess that has historical reasons, as you probably just added what people asked for, but I think that could use some review. But before you misunderstand my intent here, this is just information and not a request. I couldn't care less about pfp, there are no more than 5 players around anyway and the current server naming convention is sufficient even though not perfect. I don't want you to feel pushed to change stuff now. I do have a request however, as ric has liked my post and gogo has been around as well without objecting to this: So I guess noone has any objections. Would you please create those servers? I don't think we'd need a bronze one but silver through niobium with EE 3.2a, alternate spells, challenge mode, superspawn would be nice to have. And make them softcore to not exclude ric's current characters. I'd really like to try out your realm and see if I can get someone to join in
  28. Ohh I will... the journey to Niob is long and much can happen along the way. I'm also excited because this character is the first I really feel like pushing all the way.
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