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Guide: Modding Combat Arts For Different Characters


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First of all I have to say that this guide is based mostly on information I ve found in this forum. only a small part is based on my own experiments on modding.

For this reason I d like to thank all those who have posted and shared their findings about CA modding and also those who posted the problems they encountered because this made me want to try and solve those problems.


The first thing u need to do is find what are the skill names that are used in the .txt files u will mod. to do this go to the link below that I copied from another topic:



Important: make a copy of the files u want to edit. if u do something wrong the game might crash and u ll have to restore the original files



note: You have to create a new character for some of the changes to take effect



step 1:

-open the creatures.txt file found in: (instalation directory)/scripts/server/

-search for SC_ and find the characters u want (note: some character names are not same as they appear in-game)

-scroll a few lines down utill u find the spells. this should look like this:


spells = {

entry0 = { "in_in_verstuemmelung" },

entry1 = { "in_in_hinrichtung" },

entry2 = { "in_in_pranger" },

entry3 = { "in_in_eifer" },

entry4 = { "in_in_kasteiung" },

entry5 = { "in_po_faecherblitz" },

entry6 = { "in_po_machtstoss" },

entry7 = { "in_po_machtsog" },

entry8 = { "in_po_doppelgaenger" },

entry9 = { "in_po_vergeltung" },

entry10 = { "in_uw_seelenraub" },

entry11 = { "in_uw_versklavung" },

entry12 = { "in_uw_schaendung" },

entry13 = { "in_uw_entsetzen" },

entry14 = { "in_uw_seelenfaenger" },

entry15 = { "in_po_doppelgaenger_buff" },




-delete the CAs u dont want to have on your modded char and copy paste the ones u want from the other characters





Step 2

-open the spells.txt file found in: (instalation directory)/scripts/shared/

-search for the skills u have added to your modded character using the names u found in the link above

-u now have to change some of the values for each CA. here is an exaple of what u ll find in the spells.txt. (the CA is ancestrall fireball)


mgr.defineSpell( "he_in_feuerball", {

eiStateName = "cSpellCastProjectile",

fxTypeCast = "FX_HE_FEUERBALL_C",

fxTypeSpell = "FX_HE_FEUERBALL",

fxTypeCastSpecial = "FX_HE_CAST_K",

duration = 1.000000,

animType = "ANIM_TYPE_SM01", <---- u might not have to change this. I ll explain more in step 5

animTypeApproach = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID",

animTypeRide = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID",

animTypeSpecial = "ANIM_TYPE_RIDESM01-SPECIAL",

causesSpellDamage = 1,

tokens = {

entry0 = {"et_maxangle_cone", 30, 0, 0, 8 },

entry1 = {"et_damage_any_rel", 0, 20, 0, 5 },

entry2 = {"et_spelldamage_fire", 700, 350, 0, 133 },

entry3 = {"et_spelldamage_physical", 350, 175, 0, 133 },

entry4 = {"et_missile_adapt", 300, 10, 0, 9 },

entry5 = {"et_chance_burning", 297, 3, 1, 133 },

entry6 = {"et_chance_areasplash", 595, 5, 2, 5 },

entry7 = {"et_missile_adapt", 300, 10, 3, 9 },

entry8 = {"et_spelldamage_fire", 400, 200, 4, 133 },

entry9 = {"et_missile_adapt", 300, 10, 5, 9 },

entry10 = {"et_target_seeker", 1000, 0, 6, 133 },


fightDistance = 525.000000,

aspect = "EA_HE_INFERNO", <--- replace this with the name of the aspect in which u want to place the skill (eg. "EA_SE_CELESTIALMAGIC",)

cooldown = 0.000000,

soundProfile = 0,

cost_level = 150,

cost_base = 300,

focus_skill_name = "skill_HE_inferno_focus", <-- (see below for info *)

lore_skill_name = "skill_HE_inferno_lore", <-- add the skill name that u want to afect the damage of this skill

spellClass = "cSpellHeFeuerball",

spellcontroltype = "eCAtype_a_missile_attack",

sorting_rank = 1, <----change this value if u want to place the skill in a specific position in the aspect




-things u should know:

-the animation on the new CA will be the animation of the original CA that was in this position before modding the character. more details at step 5

-even if u dont change the aspect the CA it can still be added to the char but it is safer to change it and follow all the steps of this guide

- ( * ) this skill doesnt affect the regeneration time of the CA, it only affects the poitns available for modding the Combat Arts. the regeneration of the CA can only be reduced by concentration or by the focus skill of the aspect it belongs to. I m trying to find a way to make a focus skill affect all the CAs but no luck so far.

-the lore_skill_name will affect the damage of the combat arts regardless of the aspect they belong to. this means that if u have

lore_skill_name = "skill_tactics_lore",

in the above CA then the damage will increase with tactics lore even though this is a spell in the Arrant Pyromancer aspect

-the focus_skill_name and lore_skill_name can be any skill u want. for example u can have:


focus_skill_name = "skill_SE_celestialmagic_focus",

lore_skill_name = "skill_tactics_lore",


even if the CA is in the revered technology aspect for example.

u can also add the same skill in both these lines. for example:


focus_skill_name = "skill_tactics_lore",

lore_skill_name = "skill_tactics_lore",


but there is no point in doing that


copy paste the skill name from another combat art to avoid mistakes.

I havent tried it yet but perhaps u can add skills that have nothing to do with the focus or lore bonuses (eg. constitution). feel free to experiment and share your findings :)



-about the sorting_rank value: having sorting_rank = 4, doesnt mean it will be placed in the 4th slot of the apect. if there are skills with values 0,1,2,3 in the same aspect then this skill will be placed in the 5th slot. or if there are skills with values 1,5,7,8 in the same aspect the the skill will be placed in the 2nd slot. the sorting_rank values can be numbers from 0 to 9 (perhaps they can be higher than that. I havent tried it and I dont think there is any reason to do that :) )



Step 3

-now u have to modify the runes in a way that your character can use them

-open the blueprints.txt found in: (instalation directory)/scripts/server/

-search for the skill u want. you should do more than one searches untill u find what u need. here is an example (Ancestral Fireball):



newBlueprint = {

id = 815,

name = "rune_he_in_Feuerball",

palettebits = "1111111111111111",

dmgvariation = 0,

minconstraints = {1,9,0},

lvljump = 0,

usability = 0,

allotment_pmfpi = {1000,0,0,0,0},

uniquename = "rune",

specialuseonly = 0,

bonusgroup0 = {782,1000,1,5,0},

bonusgroup1 = {436,1000,1,5,0},

itemtypes = {6449,},

wearergroups = {'WEARGROUP_HIGHELVE',}, <---- change this to match the character in which u added the skill.


copy paste the value from another CA to avoid mistakes. most character names are not the same as the ones in-game



2.(search again)


newBonus = {

-- name = "sb_addca_he_in_feuerball",

rating = 28,

basedonskill = "SKILL_INVALID",

type = "BONUS_ADDCA",

spez = "EA_HE_INFERNO", <--- change the name of the aspect to add the aspect where u have placed the CA in the modded char

spez2 = "he_in_feuerball",

usagebits = 65424,

minconstraints = {1,5,0},

difficultyvaluerange0 = {0,10,110},

difficultyvaluerange1 = {1,10,135},

difficultyvaluerange2 = {2,10,160},

difficultyvaluerange3 = {3,10,185},

difficultyvaluerange4 = {4,10,210},




Step 4

-run the game and learn all the CAs to see if u have any problems with them.

it is off topic so I will not say anything here but u can have all the runes u want without spending hardly anytime and money.



-u have to make a new character to see the changes every time u make changes to the creatures.txt file.

-if u make changes on other .txt files they will be applied to all your previously created characters. (it is not yet confirmed but there is a chance that some problems may occur to characters created before making any changes to .txt files, eg the God Power will not be available)

-if u make changes to creatures.txt your previously created characters may not be playable or have various problems such as not interacting with the environment or being unable to use skills

-if the game crashes restore the original files from the copies u have made before editing anything and do the editing from the begining. it might be impossible to find what u did wrong.


Step 5

now the animations...

I havent found a way to use the original animations of the CAs but u can still make things run smoothly.

each CA will use the animation of the CA that was in its place before u modded the character. for example if u replace soul strike with ancestrall fireball your character will use the soul strike animation every time u use ancestrall fireball


what to do:

-run the game and take a look at the animation and decide what animation each skill u want to have. note that it is possible for more than one skill to use the same animation and also u can use the god power animation for your skills and vice-versa


-open the spells.txt file and find the original CAs of the character. note the animation type each skill uses. for the above example u could note SM01


animType = "ANIM_TYPE_SM03",


note that there are skills that have an animation type like this animType = "ANIM_TYPE_ATTACKA",

this doen not make any differnce. u just have to replace SM## with ATTACKA later if u want to make any changes


-in the spells.txt find the CAs of the modded character and change the animType value to the one u like based on the values u found in the above procedure. if u add a value that this character doesnt originaly use then nothing will change


note: some skills on different cahracters might have the same animType value. an example are the skills assailing somersault (seraphim) and insendiary shower (high elf) that both have animType = "ANIM_TYPE_SM03",

this means that if u replace any seraphim skill to add incendiary shower then the incendiary shower will use the assailing somersoult animation.



Known Problem:

I have only found one problem while modding the CAs... if u add dragon form or dragon berserker on a character your skills will be changed every time u use these CAs. the effects of some of these skills will still affect your character though. if u log out to the main menu and reload your character your skills will be back to normal. if u log out while u are in dragon form or dragon berserker form you're character might look like the dragon mage if u reload your cahracter but this will probably change back to normal if u restart the game or reaload your character again. but probably your skills will not go back to normal.

I m not sure about it but perhaps u r skills will be permanently changed after some time even if u never log out in dragon/berserker form. currently I dont know how to fix this, but I have found a character editor in this forum to change things back to normal. here is the link




I hope u find this usefull. if u have any problems I d be glad to help u :)

Edited by Enferian
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have made everything exactly as described here, but my char still can not learn anything from runes - they appear as belonging to other character, even if I changed that in blueprints.txt.

Also rune exchange still offers old character runes.

Need assistance!

Edited by Zarkiel
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have made everything exactly as described here, but my char still can not learn anything from runes - they appear as belonging to other character, even if I changed that in blueprints.txt.

Also rune exchange still offers old character runes.

Need assistance!


sorry fot the late reply :(

I m afraid I cant help you at this moment because I had to uninstall sacred so I cant try anything now to see how things work and its been sometime since I last modded my CA and cant remember all the details


I dont know how it is possible to get only old character runes from rune exchange since from what I remember u can always select the character and rune u want


as for not being able to read the runes I have no idea what is wrong. try to make a new character and edit one CA to see if it works. this way will find out if there is something you did wrong or if it is my fault.


I m sorry I cannot help you :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good guide, but theres a few things that you very unclear about.


1.) in step 1, do you replace the entire combat art or do you keep part of the original? eg.

say Dryad: "dr_hu_sprint" and u want to replace it with "sk_ap_geistform" from shadow warrior, should it be "dr_hu_geistform" or "sk_ap_geistform" under the dryad CA list?


2.)In the spells.txt do you replace everything to correspond with the change? or do you just replace the 1's where you say change this to...


3.) while changing the blue prints and messing around, the colour of the other class rune changed to white instead of yellow (SW) but I still couldn't use it.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

This is a veeeeeeeeeery late reply, but it might be usefull if there is someone who still plays Sacred :tongue:


In step 1, u copy paste the entire name as it is. Using the example of Havoc-X u should replace "dr_hu_sprint" with "sk_ap_geistform"


In Spells txt replace only the lines where I say "change this...". The lines that u should change refer to animation type, the aspect where the skill belongs, the aspect skills it uses for midifications and bonuses and the possition in the CA window respectively.

There is no reason to change anything else if u want to use the original CA. The lines u shoudl change refer to a relation between the CA and the character (skills, aspects etc), while all the other lines refer to the CA itself (modifications, duration...).


Finally about the inability to read the runes, I have no idea what is going on. I ve never had such a problem.

One way to get rid of this problem would be skip step 1 and in step 2 do the opposite of what I say. DONT change the lines that I say that should be changed and replace all the other lines from the CA u want to add.

Lets say as an example that you have a High Elf and you want to replace Fireball with Radiant Pilar from Seraphim. If u do what I said before the CA that you will see in the CA window will be named Fireball but it will work exactly like Radiant Pillar.


I havent tried that, but I think it might work. I ll look into it if someone is interested.


Please send a pm if u want anything as I get an e-mail notification for pms and will defenately see them, while I might not see new posts in the forum

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  • 3 years later...
  • 4 years later...

[Regarding Focus and Regeneration-Time]

Hi ho, I found this guide existing linked here from the wiki,

so I am assuming it's the most up-to-date one for this matter. (I'm aware it's some time ago...)


Hence I read through it and I can help here:


On 12/11/2010 at 2:18 PM, Enferian said:

- ( * ) this skill doesnt affect the regeneration time of the CA, it only affects the poitns available for modding the Combat Arts. the regeneration of the CA can only be reduced by concentration or by the focus skill of the aspect it belongs to. I m trying to find a way to make a focus skill affect all the CAs but no luck so far.


To make a CA be affected by RegTime Reduction of a Lore... you change its aspect:

On 12/11/2010 at 2:18 PM, Enferian said:

aspect = "EA_HE_INFERNO", <--- replace this with the name of the aspect in which u want to place the skill (eg. "EA_SE_CELESTIALMAGIC",)

A CA-cooldown will be affected by the current Aspect it is sorted into, contrary to the "Lore". (among global modifiers, like Concentration or gear)


- -


Hopefully this is helpful to someone today / in the future, even though I know there are "total conversion" mods out there, that already sorted this out (apparently).

Just as some "late" comments helped me out, too. Thanks

Edited by Guest
cd unequal regtime
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PS: I have a question regarding this topic:


How do I change the name of given CA? (WHen I implement it somewhere else (and probably changing it)) I ought to adapt its name (AKA RPG).

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