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Posts posted by claudius

  1. I believe that unmodded game the double hit from a weapon mastery only applies to left click attacks and not combat arts.  For example if a shadow warrior has mastery of Sword then it will list the increased double hit they get from that.  It does not affect combat arts (last I knew) so it doesn't affect Frenzied Rampage.  The bronze and silver mod on frenzied rampage for double hit DOES work, just not from Sword mastery.  I can't remember how increase double hit on gear works?  

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  2. I've finally found all of the Altars of Lilith!  I started searching the map unassisted in Fractured Peak.  But there were some I couldn't find so I found an online map (polygon site) where you could zoom in and out and I found the missing ones.  Same for Scosglen I found as many as I could and then resorted to map.  At first I was riding my horse to the sites.  By the time of the last three areas: dry steppes, Kehjistan, and Swampland I only used the map but I didn't use the horse I actually hacked and slashed en route to each altar.  I'm now level 50 and hoping when this character rolls back to Eternal at the end of the season that these altars will transfer to my druid:)  Next up is to clear WT2 and advance to WT3.  Then I want to complete the malignant quest line in WT3.  I play usually in the evening of Eastern Standard time (GMT - 5).  Message me if you need someone to help get past some content.

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  3. A way to kill those enemies with immunity to your damage would be to have a throwing weapon with%LL on it.  A riding elf has access to Magic Coup that even if it's not having modification points there's still a big bonus to hit hidden in the combat art.  I assume that's still true in the modded game:)

  4. I've found an elite? that is extra powerful on the map near the capital of the Fractured Peaks (starts with K is it Korvastad?).  Since that's a beginning area I've always lost to it with my druid and now my barbarian.  I'm pretty sure it's not just a regular elite as those run of the mill I don't have to chain drink potions to live.  When I get more powerful I should return to see how it goes.  I'm barely geared up at this point.  And I am happy I didn't lose my game progress when I crashed.

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  5. I think you might need to complete campaign to skip the campaign with another character?  And then if you haven't completed campaign I'm not sure what of the new season content you can do?  Like if you have the main quest to do can you do season quest?  Can you get the new aspects and malignant things and so forth?

    I completed campaign, logged in once with my eternal character after patch/season dropped in order to get the progress on altars of Lilith (read somewhere to do that).  Then I created a season character and selected at level 1 but able to do the new season quest and access to other new stuff.  I've gotten to level 8 and just did an aspect dungeon to unlock an aspect I can add to gear.

  6. There is shared stash and you can purchase more with gold (and not money thankfully).  I don't think there is personal stash.  I just made this 'mule' just to store this Werewolf Unique in case later on I decide to build a Werewolf alt.  I wouldn't stash legendary aspect gear unless I knew it was a key to a build I wanted to play.  And another reason I made the mule is to learn how the system of playing without a main campaign worked.  Probably at some point farming Nightmare and Torment I'll found so many Uniques that I'll be selling them or salvaging them.  I'm not sure how rare a drop they are.

  7. Now I see the story arc with Nyrelle and see what you all are talking about.  I've completed the game and beat the WT2 capstone dungeon and started farming a couple of levels in Nightmare which was a bit of a jump in difficulty but it was not so hard that it was discouraging.  I could complete various content but not without the occasional death.

    Now I have installed the new (today) update and I know that soon (2 days) a "season" is going to start.  Coincidentally my Druid who uses no shapeshifting found a (first) Unique of a chest armor for a Werewolf skilled character.  I made a new character to do a number of things.  I wanted to see how character creation goes after you have completed the campaign.  That question is easily answered in that there is a clickable box to skip campaign.  It's like the Hardcore clickable in that once it's selected and the character is created then it's irrevocably no campaign.  The second thing I wanted to do was to put this legendary item into this guys inventory and become my first mule.  I'm undecided if I should create a Werewolf style Druid or just use this guy as a mule?  He needs to gain 54 levels to equip the Unique item.

    I think I'm going to play with a character in 2 days with the new season but I don't know that I'll do another druid?  I will probably try something completely different.

  8. Hi are you using Vaclaf's build dwarf in the left arm?  I think that build should be using Lost Fusion combat arts to deal damage right?

    Did you say on deadly spears that you didn't take jab?  That eliminates a lot of hits.  Eating more combat arts with the jab mod increases the multi hits.  You need both the jab mod and lots of combat art levels (either from gear or eating runes).  But most enemy you should use Lost Fusion CA's.  I think against boss you use Jolting Touch along with Deathly spears.  The jolting touch is modded for this purpose and most bosses have a large diameter so the Deathly Spears can shotgun them with a lot of hits.

    Another issue is your gear.  Some builds, Lost Fusion based included, need good gear to shine.  There might still be shoppers that you can download.  Then you can shop for niobium quality jewelry to put in the sockets of your level 67 gear.  Will shore up offense and defense.

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  9. Riding might be good with the skill that unlocks increased vision.  You can see more champions on the map that way.  So speed around on your ride and find the champions very fast for loot/treasure hunt.

    I can't remember which skill makes/unlocks more enhanced vision mods on gear?  Enhanced Perception?  Alchemy?

    If you can manage a build with Riding that can safely (important!) farm enemies that drop legendaries would be good also.  Dragons drop legendaries but they take a long walk to reach them.  Riding would make that farming more efficient.  Legendaries are super rare.  I had a Shadow Warrior that farmed them and I think he found 2 hammers he couldn't use, and some junky jewelry.  I'd estimate I farmed dragons for at least 20 hours and found legendaries super rare.  That SW had a lot of play in Ancaria was hardcore and reached level 177 before retiring from the game.

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  10. Interesting idbeholdME

    I thought about this awhile and I think maybe player versus player (PVP) the effect from intensity is not showing up.  But player versus monster (PVM) it may be quite valuable.

    I once tried PVP where a group chose a level to compete at and they could go any class.  If I recall correctly from a long time ago the classes that used combat arts struggled to deal damage.  I think melee classes also struggled unless they had life drain (name?) on their weapon to help them damage.  I think around 25:) was the level so flat life still outpaced %life:)

    I mention the PVP because it's also an example of PVM and PVP being a different case to look at.

    But I'm thinking PVM being different from PVP explains why tests I did with PVP characters did not uncover any effect from Spell Intensity.  I didn't have the means to (do controlled with data etc) test against monsters.

  11. Back when I played Sacred 2 I did a test with two computers and accounts and I had a Elf test Spell Intesnity (one variable) against a Shadow Warrior varying a stat (forgot the name of the stat).  The Elf could vary spell intensity by changing the amount of runes (from gear not eaten) on her Focalize modded Crystal Skin, and she could also change her gear.  The Shadow Warrior could change his defensive stat versus spells (forgot the name) by varying amount of runes on Grim Resilience buff and his gear.

    I can't remember specifically which spells, but I tested out different configurations of SI and the defensive stat (Willpower?).  I didn't just test one shot from each but I gathered data sets and data is familiar to me having been a chemistry graduate student.

    I couldn't find any beneficial effect from Spell Intensity.  I can't remember if I detected or did not detect a benefit from Grim Resilience.  Seeing as Shadow Warrior was my most played class (to level 177 and a couple other builds) I think I would have remembered if I found GR is not helping as much versus spells as I had previously thought. 

    I don't know if my attempt to find how big an effect of SI was done with something wrong, but it seemed to me that SI is not a good stat to build around.

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  12. I should clarify on enchantments I mean the three levels of enhancement you can pay the blacksmith to do.  I guess it's a bad word to refer to because Sorcerers have 'enchantment' as part of their class like druids have 'boons'.

    @Timotheus regarding stacking of 'enchantments' are you talking about gear items you could call them "modifiers"?  Like if I wear one ring that is damage resistance to fire and then a second that is damage resistance to fire does one cancel out?  That would be a departure from what I have gotten used to in games! 

  13. 1 hour ago, lujate said:

    Changing Tier takes you back to the main town, so that's not something I want to flip-flop.



    Strongholds are always 2 levels above me, but I haven't found them any more difficult than dungeons.  The big takeaway from unlocking the Druid class mechanic was just how far away it was.  It was quite the hike to get there.

    I don't know what an earth Druid is.  What's your core skill?

    FWIW, I'm using Storm Strike builder and Shred (werewolf) core, plus Blood Howl, Poison Creeper, barrier, and wolves.

    Earth Druid isn't necessarily a known jargon for a type of build, but you can find via google people referring to earth skills.  In the abilities tooltips it is tagged as either earth or storm (or werewolf or were bear) and both earth and storm are tagged as nature.  Some of the gear and other talents/nodes refers to 'earth skill'.  So my build is using: a basic skill tagged earth - earth spike.  I could use another basic skill to build up spirit but I'm going "all earth" just because it feels like the right choice to me.  So I also use Earthen Bulwark (tagged earth) instead of cyclone armor or another defensive skill.  My ultimate is petrify also tagged earth.  And my wrath skill is boulder (earth), and this one I like because I feel a little like I'm "bowling".  The key piece of the build though is landslide which I am supporting with talents that allow it to deal damage and get spirit recharged moreso.  


    I'm just starting out now so I may change things depending how it goes later.  I finally hit level 31 and around that time unlocked my boons from the druid stronghold quest line.  I had just enough gas in the tank to clear that stronghold (zero potions left I believe and on the edge hoping potions drop from adds as the battles raged onward).


    One thing I wish the game had for respeccing builds is an option to only remove a few points to respecc.  Right now you can pay gold to respecc the entire build and it starts cheap but then increases.  But I would like to tinker with just a few points and then play and compare.  

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  14. I was struggling main quest and even some side quest or "aspect reward dungeons" on bosses.  I am an earth druid and I read forums with a keyboard search "earth druid builds" or something and I found a few tweaks I can make.  I'm not wanting to follow a build guide, because I find tinkering for challenge part of the fun, but I don't mind ideas.  The tweaks I made (won't describe entire build) was to take wolves with 1 point in them as distraction instead of ravens for additional DPS (to landslide) and some other tweaks like trying to focus more on landslide rather than a point here and a point there.  Another idea was to focus on "fortify" which appears in druid several places including earth druid skills.  Then I look for gear that has "fortify" to it as well or gear that has effects when 'fortify' is present.

    Also being underpowered (even in WT 1) lead me to learn to enchant my gear.  The second enchant is too expensive for now but the first enchant on an item is relatively cheap such that my whole gear always has level 1 enchant.

    Also found the mystery guy that appears in dungeons.  He reminded me of Toxeus from Titan Quest: "oh what a cool looking champion....oops I'm dead!"

    Also something just about druids is a big feature of their class abilities is behind completing a stronghold area (Tur Dulra) and then after that they can start building up "boons" to their class build (pick and choose boons).  Other classes have their own special features but I think druid is unusual in that it's behind a discover/conquest

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  15. Having great fun blindly exploring this game everything so new and beautiful looking and sounding game.

    I have my headset working for hearing audio in game all to my headphones but still exploring the microphone.  I tried initiating the microphone and I had an icon over the thumbnail of my portrait (in a screen in D4) that I was giving audio by voice, but no one answered me to confirm it was working.  I'm also going to explore if there's a setting (in D4) to have my voice to microphone to go into text chat.  That would be great.

    Otherwise without microphone it's a great world to explore, but takes time to send a message.  Besides I have some leveling up to do before I can play with people anyhow.  Also I don't really know much about the game mechanics or what gear I'm looking for as an earth druid.  I seem to need to choose between staff (2 hand) or stats stick and totem.  And lots more to learn about making my character.  I don't even really know what the ability scores do yet and things like that!

  16. I fought a difficult creature that was I guess a side quest (at the center of an oval on the map) and I teamed up with another player only we weren't partied up.  At the end of a long battle where I finally realized a resummoner was keeping the monsters respawning a treasure chest spawned.  I feel a little guilty I looted the chest, but I don't know how loot is done.  Did the other player get their own chest to loot?  Or did I perhaps "ninja" the loot?  I got a staff and chest I am pleased with but in the future I'd like to know how loot is instanced.  I could have dropped one of either the staff or chest.  But then we were different classes anyhow.

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  17. I had an error message accepting a friend request.  Send me another if you can.  I can't figure out a few things yet: town portals?, sending friend requests, I am lacking a keyboard on ps4, and I have an untested headset but everything is so new playing the game that I am going to figure out the headset tomorrow.  But I will accept all friend requests from clan and if I don't it's because of an error.

  18. By second level I think you mean the Veteran level?  I am able to switch it back and forth when I am outside the game (when I hit "leave game").  I'm in the first little dungeon north of a little town.  I'll switch to Veteran and see how it goes.  So far I'm using ranged attack which I'm hoping I can do some kiting and get a feel for the game if the difficulty goes up in Veteran.

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  19. I downloaded last night and took a look at the videos and made a character to the point of the start of moving my character around and then I went to bed because it was a bit late for me.  I sent a request to join clan DarkMatters and my character name is Claudius and blizzard account name (is I think) Mighty Elf, some numbers, so keep a look out for me.  I think it will take awhile to level a bit.  I didn't set Veteran level to start out and I am not Hardcore to start out.

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  20. I haven't purchased yet but I'm also going to be starting from level 1 and level zero for knowledge of the game.  I will search for FDM too when I have enough time to play and have the game all set up.  If it's not obvious on PS4 how to find FDM players I'll ask here on the forum.  I've got a headset to unbox also and figure out.   I think my first character may be a Druid named Claudius?


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