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Posts posted by Soltair0108

  1. I just recently purchased a copy of Sacred 2 Gold from DL Gamer. The install went fine, patches, activation and all. Unfortunately when I went to set up an account on the EU servers I got an Activation Code Error (22): Invalid code.


    Here is the process I used:


    1.) Install Sacred 2:FA

    2.) Activate (note I did not set up an MP account at that time)

    3.) Install 2.40 Patch

    4.) Install I & B

    5.) Activate

    6.) Patch

    7.) Attempted to set up multi account



    I am at the momment attempting a complete re-install


    Sorry you're going through this trouble Solitaire. At the moment I don't have any advice. I'm kinda off to bed. ^^ But give it a try again and try doing your step #2 differently. I imagine you plan to do this since you mentioned it.


    Good luck! :4rofl:

    This was exactly it.

    The error was in fact that I did not set up my MP account after installing Fallen Angel. I had attempted to use the Fallen Angel activation code after installing Ice and Blood and was recieving the same error.


    Thank you everyone for the replies. I appreciate all the support I have recieved here.


    I would like to extend a special thank you to loco, though. You've been really patient with me with my questions about the purchase, installation, and a few nuances of the game. Thanks!


    Edited original post for solution in case anyone else runs into this same problem.

  2. I just recently purchased a copy of Sacred 2 Gold from DL Gamer. The install went fine, patches, activation and all. Unfortunately when I went to set up an account on the EU servers I got an Activation Code Error (22): Invalid code.


    Here is the process I used:


    1.) Install Sacred 2:FA

    2.) Activate (note I did not set up an MP account at that time)

    3.) Install 2.40 Patch

    4.) Install I & B

    5.) Activate

    6.) Patch

    7.) Attempted to set up multi account


    I am playing from the US, but my copy is the copy off of DL Gamer, which to my understanding is the complete UK package, minus massive ammounts of slots :drinks:

    Please note: this is my first install. I do not as of yet have an account, US or UK.



    Anyone with any details would be welcome. I was attempting to search for a solution through the forum, but only came across threads of those getting a US Fallen Angel copy to work with Ice & Blood or those attempting to transfer from US to UK.


    Full Error Message:



    Activation code is not valid[22]


    Your activation code is not valid. Please verify your entry. For details on how to order valid activation codes please refer to the manual.

    If you already paid for this activation code you may be the victim of fraud. In that case please contact our support hotline. For contact details, please also refer to the manual


    Support at DL Gamer referred me back to the forums here with a snappy "we do not issue invalid activation codes."


    I am at the momment attempting a complete re-instal


    *edit for solution:

    Sorry you're going through this trouble Solitaire. At the moment I don't have any advice. I'm kinda off to bed. ^^ But give it a try again and try doing your step #2 differently. I imagine you plan to do this since you mentioned it.


    Good luck! :help:

    This was in fact it. Problem resolved.

  3. I wanted to post this as feedback for you guys. Here's a problem that I was having. I had not activated my Fallen Angel copy yet and was attempting to patch. Yes, that was all there was to it.


    I am attempting to follow loco's directions for installation and I'm having trouble with the patch. Every time I attempt to run it I get an error stating that it can not delete a specific .dll file. If I simply double click on the patch and run it that way it usually ends on s2core.dll, if I choos run as admin it always ends in granny2.dll .


    I'm running windows vista 32bit home basic. Any help would be hot. This is seriously starting to get to me.


    Again, this was solved by simply activating my game copy first. I don't know if you want to update your installation notes for *cough* geniouses like me :P



    *edit: I am having trouble setting up an online EU account. It is saying that the activation code is in use. Do you know who I need to contact to get this resolved?

  4. I've just recently purchased Sacred Gold and am wondering about a problem I was having on the Xbox. My question involves both the PC and Xbox version, so in all honesty I didn't know where was best to post.


    My BFG seraphim, regardless of level always has trouble hitting bats (any area) and the will o wisps (only the ones in the final area before the Guardians). The following questions have been racking my brain, but I just joined here so I can finally ask. :P


    1.) Is this a bug/glitch? If so, has it been patched.


    2..) Is this a console specific problem?


    3.) Is there just something in stats that I am missing, such as a higher -enemy chance to evade or +atk. Please keep in mind I don't have problems hitting much else.


    4.) I know the will o wisps can deal some decent elemental damage, but does anyone else know the sheer embarassment of "Ack, eww A BAT!!"?


    I used Dobri's guide, so the build was sound and worked well in almost every other situation, even given that I raced through Platnum at level 70. But the BATS, man. I don't know if this is specific to the BFG buff or ranged combat, but I do believe I had some of the same problems with my Dryad, although I was not following a build or anything, just winging it based on what I knew of Sacred Underworld.


    Any input would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

  5. Just a quick question on BFG (sitting in the office so can't try it just yet but looks very interesting) I've been only playing a Dryad and few different Shadow Warrior builds...but this BFG Seraphim looks really interesting. I've read Dobri's well written guild on the build. But since I've never tried it can someone enlighten me.


    I'm confused on the actual BFG buff. Do you get a ranged weapon when in use? or U need to equip a ranged weapon and it becomes the BFG ranged weapon?

    O.k. in relation to this question I have one of my own. When I first built my BFG seraphim I made her a set of +skills/deathblow/rph gear to help the new char, I also created a sword and shield w plus all skills stats on it. My question is, when I turn on my BFG, and I check my skills screen, all the bonuses that were added from the sword and shield are lost until I turn off bfg. I am on ps3 just fyi, so is there a way to equip say a ranged weapon or something to get the bonuses that are on the weapons? Or should I not even bother to equip a weapon? Any info would be helpful thanx!

    you will only have the bonuses ad etc from the weapon that is active. however I use a sword and shield to set my buffs with. I get 3 to 4 Combat Art levels more out of my BFG when I use this method. and the Damage and attack/defense bonuses from BS are much better. but as soon as the BFG weapon is active all the extra stuff from the sword and shield disappear.


    Thanks loco. I've been playing this build for a while and I never thought about doing this. So simple, but it would make a good deal of difference. And Dobri, this is one of the best written guides I have seen in a while. This helped me learn a lot of the mechanics of Sacred 2. Cheers!

  6. YESSSS!


    Thank you very much! I've just created my new Munera account in EU... but I've noticed that there were no servers and a lot of people waiting. ^^ Thank you again!


    Hey guys, new to the forums here. This has been a concern of mine as well prior to purchase. I have the game on 360, but really would like to have the FULL game. Can you guys tell me what the benefits are of buying from DL Gamer (other than the contributions here which I am all for :lol: ) With the 360 I just cant find hardly any online matches. It's disappointing, because this is a great game, far improved over the first, imo. Anyways, just looking at benefits of purchasing the UK version over going to a store and buying the US version and also any information you guys/gals can give on availablility of online matches.






    Welcome to FDM and glad to hear your interest in PC. so here goes a few of the things I think anyone interested in PC should know


    1. After seeing HD graphics on Console, you will need a pretty good PC with nice graphics card or you will be a little disappointed in PC version. The graphics are better IMO than console, but I had to upgrade my PC to really get all the advantages. So check your PC Specs and make sure you are above the minimums.


    2. US version of PC does not support Ice and Blood. So that is why many of us opted for the UK version.


    3. If your looking to play with a lot of us here on FDM, many of us are on UK, Ice and Blood


    4. The PC version took a little while to get used to after 2 thumbin' it for a few years on XBOX. But it is a far more immersive version IMO. and the online community here makes playing and sharing soooooo much more enjoyable. I just gave a level 140 Kaldur's Legacy (much Coveted for its LL%) to a friend without batting a eye. We kinda live by a "pay it forward" kinda culture here. Makes life in Cyberspace very enjoyable!


    5. The price of the Gold edition ( Sacred2 plus Ice and Blood) here on FDM's DLGamer link is currently 25.50 Brit pounds which is $39.44 US. Thats way cheaper that the $59.99 XBOX version and no online $49.95 annual XBOX Live Gold fee.





    edit: as for the Servers being busy or empty. It comes and goes. I have been on when they were full. and empty. it depends on the day of the week and time of day as many of us here are spread across 16 time zones.( literally from GMT +10 in Australia to GMT -7 in California) but I almost always see at least 1 char name I recognize from FDM.


    Thanks so much for the input. One last thing I forgot to include, just because it gets pretty bad on xbox. How are load times on the PC? Specifically, on the xbox when you're in a large town it has to load up a section at a time, I would assume because of the density of interactive sprites.

  7. YESSSS!


    Thank you very much! I've just created my new Munera account in EU... but I've noticed that there were no servers and a lot of people waiting. ^^ Thank you again!


    Hey guys, new to the forums here. This has been a concern of mine as well prior to purchase. I have the game on 360, but really would like to have the FULL game. Can you guys tell me what the benefits are of buying from DL Gamer (other than the contributions here which I am all for :lol: ) With the 360 I just cant find hardly any online matches. It's disappointing, because this is a great game, far improved over the first, imo. Anyways, just looking at benefits of purchasing the UK version over going to a store and buying the US version and also any information you guys/gals can give on availablility of online matches.




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