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Posts posted by Etherian

  1. I am only level 25 now and leveling is a pain now, I use about 50 hp potions a level when leveling in swamp or trying to farm a griffin. Can you suggest me how to make my leveling a bit easier ?


    Please try to remember. If this is your first char. the grind from 1-30 is always the hardest part of a build for me. After level 30'ish builds usually just begin to start blooming. Which in turn makes killing a bit easier.


    If this is your first character. Try doing as many quests as possible for the added experience. While doing these quests youll also get the added experience from killing along the way. Dont be shy with your mentor potions either. Ive found these to be a gift at low levels.


    If you dont like questing much, which I hope you do, as questing is half the game. Try a free play server completeing the Kobold Cheiftain quest over and over. Kobolds render decent experience. at low lvls with mentors going full. The Cheiftain himself is not all that hard really, even for a weaker build. Can also garnish you some much needed equipment upgrades from drops as well.


    Another great semi-boss to farm is the Wild Boar. The Boar also drops decent equipment and gives alot of experience with mentor's up and running.


    Hope this helps!


    I remain, Etherian

  2. dang Woody. Hunter + Lifeleech level 57 is the real killer! What a tank...hardly touched.


    Sorry Spunky had to take a beating while running tests.


    Spunky, if its for science. No beating can hurt to bad my friend. Be proud! Your name is now part of a tested & proven experiment.


    I remain, drooling :blink:

  3. Do the Germans know about this on the official SIF (in German)?

    To what purpose? I don't visit the SIF so I couldn't say what they know over there. But anyone is welcome to come visit us here at our home.


    Well said Chris...^^^ very matter of fact.


    From reading this informative information. I recall a very similiar scenario while playing diablo. An almost identical ~not exact but very close~ approach to becoming insainly overpowered even at very low levels.


    Is it fair to offer up: booster suits are the future? I cant imagine why not. These suits will become a virtual credit card. "Never leave home without it."




    I remain, Etherian


    P.S.- one quick question on my way out. If boosting buffs to such high lvls and already attaining faster then light kill speeds. Would it really be necessary to boost Combat Arts as well? :thumbsup:

  4. I just cant seem to get over this thread. I just finished reading pages 1-9 every post. The amount of support here at the DM still is just blowing me away. I mean really this is amazing!


    Here's to the HC Graveyard... :thumbsup:


    Honor our fallen... :guns:


    I remain, Etherian

  5. Hello to my extended family! :D


    Before I make my application official. Please allow me to properly introduce myself. My name is Jason Musante. My family and I live in Culver, Oregon also refered to as, "Central Oregon" within the high desert. We live on a 147 acre farm in and around farm country. Alas, this farm is not ours. By trade I used to build multi-million dollar custom homes most of us can only dream of...myself included. Once the economy took a turn for the worst, to maintain my families well being, I redurrected my career and now work for a local distribution company. Which currently is maintaining just over 12,000 accounts. Read further for more interesting information... :)


    Some time ago, I wrote an Introduction pertaining to my newfound adventure wishing to dwell in Ancaria. If you feel the need please refer here: http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=14682


    It did not take long to realize when I randomly stumbled upon DM, this community has very speacial attributes. These virtues are quite rare within the webverse. Honor, Patience, Dedication, Selflessness, Humor, Inteligence, Comrodary this list continues to grow as my time here also continues to grow. At first I have to admit, all of the above seemed to good to be true. While playing Diablo & Diablo 2 for years. I had not found all of these attributes placed under one roof. True, these virtues are present, but certainly not together. For this reason, I know I have found a permanent home under the DM [D.a.r.k] roof. ~poor analogy, best I can come up with at this time~ I firmly believe, one is only as good as whom one surrounds himself. By this I mean, all of whom I have dealt with here at the DM & online in game are people I will enjoy getting to know and game together for years to come.




    Q: Favorite Pizza Topping?


    A: Italian Salami, no other topping even comes a close second. I prefer Dry.


    Q: Favorite Drink?


    A: pale ale spirit named Mirror Pond. Crafted right here locally in Central Oregon by Deschutes Brewery. Earth2O h2o is a close second!


    Q: Where did you hear about darkmatters.org from?


    A: Google, is it not the future?


    Q: Most favorite book ever?


    A: not 1 but 3. LOTR trilogy.


    Q: Favorite movie of all time?


    A: Blade Runner~Director's Cut


    Q: Current Favorite Game?


    A: Sacred 2 Ice & Blood, no really!


    Q: All time best video game ever played?


    A: Diablo 2 LoD expansion. Only because I have intimate knowledge of this game and its dynamics.


    Q: Favorite sport or hobby?


    A: Wood Crafting. Now if only I had $100k to purchase my wood shop!


    Q: What do you want for your birthday?


    A: This is a great question, my wife keeps asking this also. My birthday is tomorrow and still have no idea?


    Q: Do you know anyone from our forum?


    A: at first Loco was kind enough to take me under his wing. Furian has also been a great friend. I have meet up in game with gogo and in lobby on several occasions. Just last night I was in game with Dragon Brother. Ashley is also another great example of a kind person. Surround yourself with greatness, you also become great!


    Q: Who can you get and name from this forum that can personally vouch for you as a trusted member?


    A: gogo gave the thought of applying. But all of the aformentioned, I believe would vouch also...? If not, I would still vouch for them, they are pure greatness!


    Q: If applying for Fellowship Status do you agree to abide by all the posted Rules of the Fellowship?


    A: Always. "Raises my right hand, with left hand on LOTR trilogy."


    I welcome you all, please consider welcoming another member.


    I remain, Etherian :)

  6. Wow thats so cool can u give me the exact spot so I can go and see if for myself.


    gogo's pants are right below the primary kobold camp. Refer to the Kobold Chieftain quest within Sloeford. Another clue to finding this particular grave. There is a cave near by...once in the cave, if you venture far enough into it...you will basically be under where you would battle the Cheiftain.


    P.S.- within Ancaria you will find many graves with the same names associated to a specific person. Personally I have discovered 3x gogo gravesites. And a whopping 4x Schot 6 footers.


    The question I have to ask myself is: "The stories attached to the name. ie: gogo's pants, schots whiskey." These must be Legendary! But, alas, no mention of the story. Although I know some here know these stories.


    O' please do share...perhaps over a cup of joe? :)


    I remain, Etherian

  7. FDM Welcomes you Rndm!


    Times are great here at the DM. Friendly crowd! Very helpful! Bounding with ancient knowledge, lost in time. I think of it as the "Library of Alexandria" before it burned down ages ago. The DM has retained this knowlege. One needs only have the time to sift through it all... :)


    Have a "fan"tastic time here!


    I remain, Etherian

  8. Few weeks ago, lost a level 45 DW seraphim to a harpy champion within the Cursed Forest.


    Just yesterday, lost a level 65 soldats technobabe build to a few fen fires surrounded by blood dryads on Dryad Island. This 1 hurt far more then the DW. Love this build and had tasty gear on her as well. The tinwora's will be the hardest to replace. I read they are a common drop. But alas, I have never found 1 as of yet. This 1 I had gotten from Loco at level 30'ish.


    I find the level 1-30 grind the hardest to accomplish. Although I have never been over 65 as of now. I truely love playing chars who are just on the brink of blooming. That techno build was really a pleasure to play after level 60. Was romping everything in sight with ease. Till the fen fires got the best of her...as usual when death calls, it seems to happen so fast. Not like the stories you hear. People tend to say life seems to move in slow motion. Recapturing all past events of value as time stands still. I beg to differ! Both these knocks came so fast, hardly had time to react. Space Bar clicking, "G" spell summoned, "F8" alittle to late.


    So much to accomplish in so little time it seems. :crazy:


    I remain, Etherian

  9. The count keeps rising. More and more Sacred 2 gamers are finding our EPIC community. The moderators & general members gotta be loving this fact. The knowledge keeps expounding. <--- pour use of a word O_o...


    Long live FDM, this fansite deserves immortality!


    Welcome to DM.


    I remain, Etherian

  10. Hi Etherian!

    Yep I see you on Closed nearly every night,but your server is always locked!


    Didn't deathblow get the chop from spells? Or are using DB for Archangels' Wrath?I can't test as I have already removed all DB from my gear and will need to shop for it again.


    I use just the boots from the RevTech set to raise nova and plus runspeed,Infinite revenge wings like you (priceless)Sofia's for arms and legs and the rest is the revelations set.At the moment I'm building up a set of Revelation armor and a set of Indijian's (SP) for testing.A full set of Revelation has netted some fair results with bosses,but run speed is so slow,and need to socket a lot of enemy - chance to evade and the like.


    For weapons/shield I use the same as you.Tinwora's and Glacial Defender.I have a second weapon slot devoted to a % life leeche halberd which I have been using with the Revelation set on bosses.(sorry I forget how much % life leeche that is giving me,maybe close to 3% I think,I'll check up tonight.


    With my Combat Arts I have actually paired up Radiant Pillar and Flaring Nova in one Combo,and also banefull Smite and ArchAngels in another Combo.I am currently trying out a different mod on Pillar(delude?)and it works ok when there is up to three people on server but not so hot with more people.I have three of these builds so I can play with mods a bit.


    I think in the long run this build will still be very effective,just a little more work.Besides that it's still a very fun build,with lots of CA toys to play with.


    Anywho I might catch you on HC EU soon !




    Temper, great response. Much anticipated. I have been wondering in the back of my mind, what kind of angle your going to go with your build. Servers are usually always locked due to the fact I get alot of spam users in my games speaking in languages I am unfamiliar with...to unlock the server type in Matters. Would be great fun lvling and exploring with you anytime! I will somehow figure out a way to let everyone know here the pass to server. Just dont know how to accomplish this yet. I much prefer to play multi, but find the spam very annoying. Had a close call when I first started due to this fact.





    If you want platinum smithing arts easily check my shadow warrior build designed to rush through the campaign. It makes use of shadow veil so you can take on gold at level 40s.. You need to level up to 30s in silver free mode then switch to campaign once you have 100% invisibility. Then the rest is however long it takes you to rush through silver and gold.


    From there to get niob access you need to farm gold for new gear and level up to about 75. Then you can take out platinum and you'll be in niob. Make sure to use %LL weapon on boss. Whichever one you find but stars are best because you cannot turn visible on a left click with a star.


    We are talking maybe 12 hours playing to get platinum smithing and maybe another 15 to get niob? (guessing)


    Hi claudius, thx for the response also! Please provide a direct link to your build as I am very interested in getting a shopper/smith to niob as soon as possible. This build of yours may be the 1 to get me there!


    I remain, Etherian

  11. I cant say I have played long enough to actually have a favorite. But these seraphim's from above are rocking Ancaria atm. How could one go wrong with angels, slaughtering the darkside down below? Think about it...the game dynamics are set up for this perfectly. level, Explore, level, Explore...rinse & repeat. Sometimes while playing w/ seraphim I actually feel bad for the little kobolds. Its just pure slaughter fest. NVM talking about any dragons. They all fall to her might!


    Just my opinion of course, no offense to anyone. This is just how my mind tends to lean.


    I remain, Etherian

  12. KOTR of super model seraphim fame? I remember reading your builds avidly back in S1. Welcome back to the forums!


    KOTR, this is so exciting seeing a seraphim speacialist! I am not a speacialist, but definetly see their potential. Yes they are my favorite char to roam Ancaria with...feel free to drop me a line anytime with tidbits of info. on the amazing super modle. Or just drop a line. Would be totally stoked playing with someone who shares the same affinity as I do...




    I remain, Etherian


    I'll never forget those crazy damage builds in the old days. Overall concept of the regens was completely new. The big "jump" in socketing mentality came when the realization hit home that huge levels of regens could be socketed from a single piece...hence... all of a sudden months of everyone playing the game with Combat Arts that were at three or four...went to 25 -35 overnight.


    Then you started doing work with your direct damage builds via item mods and then elemental damage... and then the grandfather... SChot's WIDD build


    Game changers


    So exciting.






    EDIT: would also love to read up on Schot's WIDD build if it is still relevant after Ice & Blood.

  13. Ah, Thx again for the welcome to this interesting site everyone.



    MUHAHAH... we are interesting






    These intro's & responses are just cracking me up tonight. As I am late on most all or them...been lost you see in Ancaria for a few days uhhh perhaps a few weeks...Ancaria doesnt seem to have a clock, and if it did, I'm not sure I would want to check...


    Welcome to the FDM. Cant wait to see what you dream up for Sacred 2.


    I remain, Etherian

  14. Hi all!


    Mmmk this build quite a bit more work now that I've got Ice and Blood.


    The change to + all skills and Deathblow with the new gameplay has changed my view a bit.


    Currently working on the best combination for jewelry.Looking like - dot is going to have to be a major mod(undecided yet).


    It also seems with the Revelations set you now need more pieces for life leeche.So armor pieces are something else on my mind at present.





    I have to agree with you Temper. I have this build at level 55 on HC Closed EU and am playing around with the Rev. set alot. I am starting to lean toward a full Rev. set on this char. Except I am still choosing my wings. Love the wings soldats and dobri suggest. Still choosing which to use. Regens are just under 1.0s on all Combat Arts. But I have to agree again. I'll need the right combo of +ca, +skill coupled with deathblow ~probably at 40%~ for this build to be as affective as the video soldats posted on this build earlier ~pre Ice & Blood~


    I remain, Etherian

  15. I absolutely love how this community supports itself without regard to one's self sustainability! The mechanics found here at the DarkMatters are truely unique.


    I would love to see more detailed information within this topic about optimal bargaining/smith builds as I am still very green and having a hard time "sifting" through all this priceless information!


    My hat is off to the Dark crew. Your grasp on the ingame mechanics/functionality is mindblowing. The time committed and attention to detail is, well...phenominal!


    To quote a few other replies. I am still very confused about a certain aspect of the game. I like to run with Seraphims. Within the shopping network, say you wanted to create a SW. But, all shoppers are created say as HE? Just an example! How does 1 shop for SW gear if the supporting cast are HE? I have done alittle testing on this and would venture to say 99% of the gear offered at the NPC are character related.


    On the same topic but different aspect. If you truely build a shopping/smith network. Would the level spread really need to be so tight? Example: level 15 sets socketed with niob bs arts. This set would actually last much longer in the game just based on the fact it has niob bs arts? This set really should be able to last until level 60? Rinse & Repeat? I agree with gogo. I would not want to committ more then 3 char slots for the network as I already have noticed I tend to need a certain variety to choose from depending on my mood at the time. ie: melee or caster playstyle based on mood atm.


    Ahh so many questions still...very interesting game...head begining to hurt...


    I remain, Etherian

  16. Even though I have never tried Borderlands nor do I have plans to try out it as what I've heard and seen about it doesn't peek my interest at all, I would say Borderlands doesn't stand a chance against the legacy you guys here at DM have built up from scratch both here and the Wiki.


    Perhaps it has good graphics, but for me graphics means nada.


    No games I have ever played have had the depths of character builds that the Sacred games have, nor do I think we'll ever see a game that will have it as it doesn't suit the "average" player.


    Just my thoughts on the subject, feel free to delete the post if it wasn't the answer you looked for.



    Spunky I like the response. We're going somewhere I wanted to discuss for a long time about the philosophy of games released on console. Here's the thing... we have a lot of console players now all a part of the legacy of Sacred 2, here on this forum and the wiki (btw thanks for the kinds words! :))


    Mostly all my friends at work who all have consoles don't even want to think of playing a game for more than one month. In a strange way, I kind of feel that console games are designed heinously with this in mind. That the games as well as their community have been created to consume games quickly so as to make sales jump.


    Games that are too good, have too much depth consume an purchaser's time for less money than buying new ones every few weeks.








    Very well said gogo! I have given much thought on this very topic!


    My own personal conclusion is...[in simple terms] within these corporate gaming companies lies an insatiable amount of greed. The overall sales is the only inate property which stands a chance to fulfull this massive blackhole.


    I treasure games such as Sacred 2. An ongoing nightmare I have from time to time is...once these treasures are no longer supported via corporate, where do we turn to fulfill our own greed?


    Lets continue thinking...


    I remain, Etherian

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