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Posts posted by Etherian

  1. Oktoberfest


    Here in this house we do our part in shielding ourselves from Corporate *profits* Holidays. The origin of most national holidays have great merit & should be remembered. However, what they have become is something different.


    For years now we have decided to pick the lesser of evils. We celebrate Halloween via Oktoberfest.


    Fellowship, Drink, Eat & be Merry.


    I remain, :drinks:

  2. Got invited along with 19 other community members to California to visit the studio, party with the dev team, get to see the inner workings of a game studio and let in on a lot of secrets. R5 is a really awesome group, treated us like part of the family.


    This statement reminds me of a famous quote. For the life of me cannot remember who from...


    "It's not what you know, but who you know."


    Party with the DEV team from a major, successful title...


    Pure Awesome Sauce!


    I remain, :thumbsup:

  3. Still playing SP LAN.


    Ironic, since the servers shut down, I play the game more often then ever. Almost nightly.


    Must be my defiant nature. As if my defiance could somehow bring back days gone past.


    A strange psychological development!


    As far as Sacred 3 is concerned. Hopes & Dreams mixed with Doubt & Despair.


    We shall see...


    I remain, :paladin:

  4. Woody, this is a gem of a post. And I only get to see it now? :) I could spend hours going over all the lovely variations of my favorite weapon in gaming. The multitude of permutations and possibilties all dancing in the light...it's Christmas!


    Number there for me as well please...HOWEVER... It doesn't have secondary's...that's kind of a downer...but the huge native deathblow is a big plus...and those socket...they call to me.


    The only thing is that I've once seen a pipe that had native damage SO good it was actually beating out anything I could socket and also had godly deathblow. Was a strange wep, I'd never seen anything like it...freak drop.


    Ya gotta love Sacred 2


    Nice thread Woody, thank you






    Just gettin' into collecting the Cannon's myself. Shame you do not have a picture of this "freak drop". This blowpipe would be in the all-time hall of fame.


    The Legendary Silent Death is the Cannon that set a flame under my stool. Ever since this epic find, I simply cannot get enough of the pipes.


    I remain, :oooo:

  5. I'm still new to the Sacred series myself, but I'm loving Sacred 2.

    Thing of it is, without even knowing it existed I've been trying to find a game like it for a few years now.

    I had a list of things that I wanted to see in the next RPG I bought that included:


    Heavy emphasis on character development/customization with several available skills per character/class.

    Lots of possible/potential builds for each class with branching/evolving skill trees.

    Single player open world environment with the potential to completely ignore the main story if desired.

    Lots of side quests.

    Mountains of loot.

    RPG based combat mechanics (combat like d&d and/or wow, unlike an elder scrolls game where it's more akin to an FPS with fireballs instead of bullets).


    There were more things on the list, but ^those^ were the all important "must haves" for me.

    When my looking around for stuff that may fit the bill turned up Too Human and Sacred 2 I picked up both games.

    Tried out Too Human for about 5 minutes.

    In contrast, I've only removed the Sacred 2 DVD from my 360 once or twice since I tossed it in the night I bought it.


    Personally, from what I've read so far, I'm more interested in picking up the Sacred 1 bundle and the Sacred 2 bundle when I get myself a new PC than buying S3.

    Just doesn't seem like anything that'd hold my attention for longer than an hour or two. :/


    Besides, I want to play through the Sacred 2 expansion.

    Not having it on 360 will give me the perfect excuse to repirchase this game on my new PC (when I finally break down and get it).


    *high fives*


    another addict!


    I remain, :thumbsup:

  6. My intuition told me to stay away.


    Very happy I listened this time around. From what I have read from this thread and many other threads regarding D3, nothing lost.


    However, Shadout hit the nail. D2 did not begin where it ended. The game took on new life with every passing patch. The years went by hardly noticed. After a full blown evolution, D2 is where she is today.


    Where I disagree with Shadout is the 10 year max timeframe. I am one of those gamers who did infact play D2 for 10 years. As the game evolves, so to does the gamer.


    Very difficult to say one cannot play a single game for 10 years. As the game changes, via patches, so does the gaming enviroment. Therefore making the same game, replayable.


    I remain, ;)

  7. Just cannot get enough. The Crate team is really thinking outside the box. As much as one can within the given peramiters. Taking the genre to a whole new level.


    One can almost feel how this game could revolutionize how games are developed. DEVS and FANS coming together to create a potential masterpiece.


    Crate, aka: Game Changers


    I remain, :thumbsup:

  8. Haven't seen any numbered updates for a bit but did come across a vid for the Occultist (game is still pre-alpha but it looks pretty good so far)




    This is looking Wicked. Looks like the DEVS are really doing a great job.


    I could see myself really getting into this game! Is the world going to be replayable? Like the Sacred franchise?


    I remain, :paladin:

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