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Posts posted by wolfie2kX

  1. Some of the best shows I've been to have been in theater like settings with seats.. Not that the seats were used all that much. The King's X show was pretty freakin incredible. The way they did "Over My Head" was just jaw dropping incredible. It's a shame they toned his voice down so much for the album.


    Then again, the Galactic Cowboys show at the Troubador was quite excellent.. It was at a venue without seats around the stage. Very cool being almost face to face with the bass player. Pity they broke up. They were a fun band.


    I know what you mean about acts that sound good until the singer opens his mouth.. There have, sadly, been too many of them... There was one band - I can't recall the name (probably for the best) that had a pretty tight sound, but the lead singer had a very un-heavy metal voice. It was too high and lispy.. BUT... They had great hair and I suppose the girls all thought he was "cute" or something - so the band was very popular.


    Ever listen to Dream Theater? Those guys are GREAT.. Kinda remind me of Blind Guardian as far as the music goes. They're also in the progressive metal catagory.


    Ah well.. This tour should be awesome... Looking forward to seeing them when they get here... As long as I don't have to dress like an Orc...

  2. For sure... If I can get in, I'll be sure to bring my camera, spare batteries and such..


    Any thoughts on the opening acts? Never heard of Holy Grail nor Seven Kingdoms.. Were they there and were they any good?


    The Los Angeles venue - The Music Box - seems to be fairly small - only 1300 seats for a show. I'm gonna have to get on the phone with the box office on Monday to see if they have tickets left. Then again, Blind Guardian aren't exactly all that well known here. I should be OK...


    Hmmm... Probably should remember to bring some spare duckets to visit the swag stand.. :)

  3. BIG news folks, our favorite Sacred 2 band - Blind Guardian - will be on a North American Tour starting in November 2010!


    OK...OK... So they're the ONLY band in Sacred 2... Either way, it should be a heck of a show.


    Here's a list of the tour dates and times, complete with the venues and prices for admission. Start saving your duckets kids, its less than a month away!




    :) They're even going to be here in my neck of the woods..!

  4. Where can I find the General guy for the Shadow Warrior's character quest? (Note, this is for the Light Campaign, if that matters)


    You can find the next quest marker by opening your log book and clicking on the blue marker at the bottom left of the quest book. Make sure you've clicked on the last quest on the list and the marker should appear on your map.


    Unfortunately, I don't recall offhand where the General is. It's been too long and I have been playing other characters since then.

  5. maybe your inquisitor can hire out his skills to the Denver airport. See story below.


    DENVER, Colo. — A new problem is taking off at Denver International Airport: car-eating rabbits, NBC affiliate KUSA reports.


    Dexter Meyer told KUSA he just bought a Turbo Diesel Volkswagen Jetta.


    He drove it to the Pikes Peak Parking Lot at Denver International Airport and headed out for a nine-day vacation, he told the station.


    Meyer told KUSA this story:


    "I turned on the ignition and all these lights started flashing, I pulled out the manual and it said I had a big problem so I took back to the dealership," Meyer said.


    "The service manager said, 'Your wiring has been eaten by a rodent probably.' I said, 'I live in Stapleton.' 'I'm not aware of any rodents running around Stapleton.' And then he said, 'You didn't have the car parked at DIA did you?' And I said, 'Actually, yes that's where I picked the car up.' And he said, 'We've had a significant number of problems with rabbits eating through the wiring in people's cars.'"


    Meyer filed a complaint with the DIA Risk Management Department about the damages.


    "They said they were aware of the problem but basically said we don't know how to solve it... They said we have a fence and I said, 'I understand that, but it's clearly not working,'" he said.


    After spending $238, Meyer's car is like new but he now just wants airport parking lot customers to know what happened to him and be aware of the problem.


    "I'm just concerned people know and that the airport is at least notifying people," Meyer said.


    DIA officials told KUSA they see about a dozen of these claims every year.


    They declined to be on camera or release a statement to KUSA about Meyer's incident, saying that it's impossible to prove it happened at the airport.


    A service manager at Larry Miller Dealership in Lakewood, where Meyer took his car, confirmed to KUSA the car was repaired for damage caused by rodents or rabbits. He also confirmed that the dealership has seen at least a handful of cars come in recently with the owners saying their car warning lights came on after being parked at Denver International.


    © 2010 msnbc.com Reprints



    Simple solution: Call in Ozzy Fudd, Wabbit Slayer!


    "In the dead of night, there's a shimmering wight,

    gleam of a blade, and the devil was paid.,

    when the axe comes down, a chilling sound,

    Steel hits the head, another wabbits dead!


    I'm a wabbit slayer, a guitar player

    with a nasty habit, KILL THE WABBIT!





    But seriously... Maybe some dogs geared for rabbit hunting could deter the lot of them? A pack of beagles or some such could do the job.

  6. I like the analysis, it's connecting to the game history. I've made a new page called Table of elements. Does anyone have a pic of these statues in a cave in English please?


    As well, now looking for the Blind guardian Fan shop... must have it! :lol: Does anyone know where it is, or can get us a pic?






    Yes to both.. I got a special photoshopped pic (PaintShop Pro'ed actually, but Photoshop is the one that became the verb...) with all 4 guardian's names on em - in English - at the same time.


    The Blind Guardian fan shop is right outside the venue where they play - which is due south of Sonnenwind. Simply exit Sonnenwind by way of the south exit, hang a left toward the beach and follow the beach down a short ways.



  7. Ah, ha!


    cider steve you... finally! :lol: I thought I had seen you skulking around near the bar this morning...


    Well, you're just going to ave to wait, the beer shipment isn't due in till 11.00 :)


    Milk and cookies okay till then?


    Welcome aboard!






    @ Cider_steve:


    Welcome to DM as well!


    @ Gogo:


    At least he's not wanting any of that lukewarm lumpy swill...

  8. Furian referred to the CM 070 patch, which was a tiny bit buggy with that particular quest. instead of 3 rounds of 1-3-6 it gave 3-9-18 I think. And there was a summoner boss demon in the mix. it was corrected in the 080 patch, but was a real eye opener if you were expecting to only see a few demons.




    I was merely pointing out that it was indeed a single player only quest.

  9. For all you chemistry fans out there. Pity they have made messed up the middle though, it's Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon then Radon.


    Guardsman of the Wardens



    First Guardian of T-Energy



    Second Guard of T-Energy



    Third Guardian of T-Energy



    Fourth Guard of T-Energy



    Guardsman of the Wardens



    Does that mean the Noble Gases are uneffected by T-Energy?


    This is an interesting Egg. Does anyone know where in the game it is?







    This is in a cave north of the little hamlet of blustone. When you cross the bridge keep to the north side of the hill and a trail takes you up to a camp where Kobolds are fighting elves. There is a little stream that you cross and head NE to a cave that has several statues surrounding a fountain of T-energy.


    OK.. I found it.. It's like above the 2nd U in Bluestonebury on the map.


    The central doodad with the 4 statues around it doesn't appear to be a fountain exactly.. Kinda looks sorta like a miniature version of the Great Machine's central ball. And unlike the one on the Seraphim Island that isn't working any longer, this one is still fully functional.


    Hold the phone.. That's gotta be it... This is a sort of representation of the great machine... Looks like the nameless guardians may not be quite so..nameless! There are 4 nameless guardians and 4 guardians surrounding the T-energy doodad in the cave.


    Some potential spoilers coming...


    If you recall, Mer-Kil the dragon tells you that the Hub for the great machine is located in the lost city in the jungle. He tells you that it used to be an ancient outpost of the High Elves before it got lost, forgotten and otherwise abandoned.


    This cave was likely built by High Elves sometime AFTER city was abandoned and the Temple Guardians moved the Great Machine to the wastelands during the Great War. The description of the machine, the fact there were 4 guardians and such could have been passed down verbally along with the gizmo in the center - possibly the device was brought along by an evacuee of the ancient city. For all we know, the ancents could have been making miniature versions of the Great Machine as souveniers or something.


    Word of mouth instruction can become easily altered and no longer anywhere close to the original. For instance, if you tell someone that Bobby has a blue ball - and to pass it on to the next person in the queue, by the time you get to the 100th person, you might hear something about how Bobby is a frustrated pervert who needs a blue pill.


    Given the level of chaos during/following the Great War, it's easy to see how information and technology could have been lost. The word "guardian" may have ceased meaning anything other than a humanoid in armor standing guard by the time the cave was built. Why should it? The Temple Guardians weren't around any more. No one knew or saw anything remotely like the Nameless Guardians in ages. A humanoid would have made the most sense.


    Anyway, that's my theory and I'm stickin' to it.

  10. I was under the assumption, Arena above the Clouds, was an SP only chain quest to test a characters survivablitiy?


    Correct me if I'm wrong here please.


    I remain, :bounce:


    It IS a single player only quest. Took one of my characters up to Seraphim Island for a visit in multiplayer. No sign of the Seraphim who issued the quest in Single Player mode.


    As for a test of your survivability.. Eh.. I suppose you could look at it that way - more like the Seraphim's idea of testing your mettle. But I suppose you get to sample the data as well. Not that those guys are all that difficult to handle if you've built your character's skills right.

  11. I am wondering if C.A.'s and Buffs can be used in this instance

    I was daydreaming of a full necro like character

    Buffs protector from Dragon Mage , Skellies from Nether Allegience and Moribund Animus


    C.A.'s Rallied Souls. Instill Belief. Inexorble Subjugation and Doppleganger


    It would be true nercromancer


    Prolly cant be done, but I just wanted to know


    In a word - No..


    Sacred 2 has 7 fixed character classes (if you include the Ice and Blood expansion's addition of the Dragon Mage). There's no way to add a new character nor replace an existing one. In order to create a new character, you'd have to do some major surgery to the game code itself. You'd have to create all the graphics for the character, the unique mount, a class quest chain (the blue markers), armor sets, and so forth. Tons of mods to the code to get it working right. Given Ascaron is no more, Deep Silver's now looking at working on Sacred 3, the odds of anything like this happening in Sacred 2 are somewhere between slim and none - and Slim left town.

  12. Egg in the sense that this quest also comes with a lot of history, not just the trigger






    I can see where you're coming from - but then again, you'd kinda expect to find some ancestral trace of the DeMordrecks in Ancaria. Family names and family lines don't just spring up out of nowhere very often - unless you're in Witness Protection.. :bounce:


    And if you're going to include the DeMordrey clan's exploits, you may as well include Loromir - the friendly dragon from Sacred 1. He makes a brief appearance as part of the Seraphim's Class Quest, pointing our girl to her next destination in the quest chain. Then again, you'd kinda be expecting him to be around in some form or other given dragons are supposed to be immortal (relatively, anyhow)...


    To me, an easter egg has to be something out of the way and off the wall - something unexpected - not so much elements that tie the two games together. Stuff like the car museum, the Alien, and so forth.

  13. Just read through this write up you just did on the Wiki, Wolfie... wow


    Just reading about the baron's early ancestry like this... gave me chills. An exciting, potent connection to this game's roots... and this is made even more so exciting that this quest is not given by a person... but something you have to accidentally brush up again.


    A Quest... as well as an Egg?









    Eh.. I don't know if I'd go so far as calling it an easter egg... The battle is pretty much right there, in the open and you can see it happening before you get too close to trigger the initial quest. It's a bit more obvious than say - the Ephraim's Nightmare quest which also starts when you arrive at his farm.


    Seems to me that it's pretty much business as usual for the DeMoreDreck clan...

  14. Dude that really sucks! Does the CM-Mod help on your Sp? I have never really played an Inquisitor yet, but this just may be an epic mission to start one. :viking: Since I'm on the full 2.65.2 Ice and Blood I can at least try to replicate your issues.

    I'm currently working 7 days a week so only get to play for a bit after work before I start nodding off. I'll try to replicate as best I can. We might be able to come up with something!


    Er.. Correct me if I'm wrong - but the CM Mod patch thing is only available for Ice and Blood. Guess I should have mentioned I only have the US version of Sacred 2...


    Great on trying to replicate the problem - but you'd think it would have been noted and logged and what not somewhere along the line.

  15. Pretty sure the arena above clouds quest only exists in light campaign, but it has been a while since I did the Shadow campaign.


    Nope.. Just went thru there with my Inquisitor who is, just about as evil as evil gets and he indeed got to do the 3 quests...


    Either way, you get to visit the arena. Though, it would seem the Shadow Warrior gets to do it twice.

  16. What I did was download the dungeon maps and checked off (just used paint shop to but a big 'x' on each one) each dungeon as I entered it. There are several dungeons only accessible via quests.


    It's best to do in camp as it's the only way to visit the seraphim arena I believe with a SW. And it's easier to keep track of all the quests in 'freeplay' won't retain list once you sign off.


    I got up to about 140% but that was before Ice and Blood came out. If I try again it'll probably be in SP, that way I can access DM starting unless another way is found.


    Really? The Seraphim Arena is available (at least in SP mode) to one and all - by doing the Arena in the Clouds quest. It's that 3 parter where you talk to a seraphim in the northwest corner of the main island who wants to test your mettle against some demons. Demons, More Demons and Even More Demons are the 3 parts of the quest.

  17. I just finished this also. took a bunch of pictures. wolfie want me to post them somewhere and you can go thru them to see what ones are needed to flesh out the chain quest on the wiki?


    I just probably sacrificed my Inquisitor


    Whats the story here? I'm getting very curious.


    OK.. I've got the quest fleshed out on the wiki... all 7 parts. I've got the log books done. If you want, the pics for the start locations can be useful. Do you have access to the wiki account on Photobucket? If so, the pics can go into the folder I set up for this quest - it's in


    Sacredwiki/Sacred2/Quests/Chapter02/Unholy Crusade


    If not, PM me a link or post them somewhere and I'll post 'em in the right spot.


    Now then... As to the story... I posted it once before on here and got next to no real solution out of it. Basically, it goes like this - if I go into the north east end of Artamark and do the quests there, and I save my game and exit - doesn't matter how (F9 then Esc/Save & Exit or whatever) I can't load the game again sometimes. The game loads fine. I get the usual menus, but if I try to pick up the game in Single Player where I left off, it sits for about 3 minutes and then the entire game exits - no warning, no error message, no clue in Windows Event Viewer either. It just shuts down back to Windows.


    Now, MOST of the time, I can start a multiplayer LAN game with the character and I can dump out his chest, get him nekkid and put his stuff in the shared chest and heck, I can even play/replay a quest. I have all the gold, experience points, etc... Just no quest log (obviously because it's a new game) and it's kinda pointless to redo everything. The only bonus - I can retrieve the goodies like set pieces, uniques, legendaries (not that there's that many of them), etc...


    Sometimes, I can revive some save games after several tries. Most of the time, however, it's kaput in single player mode.


    On the other hand, if I play straight through from Griffinborough through Black Oaks, Orcish Byway with a side trip to Uthrak's Moxie to get the unique mount quest and the mount, and then head into the Orc territory, the game remains stable. My Inquisitor made it all the way to the swamp area.. But.. I figured I best do this quest to make sure I got all the details right and to post it since all of my other characters who have done it are now kinda dead to the world. We'll see if it works or not.. If it don't.. Welp.. Time to scratch yet another character and start over..


    NFI what the problem really is - if it's a specific quest, or whatever. Kinda hard to do that without any actual feedback from the game as to why it's blowing chunks on those save games.


    I'm debating on any number of solutions - getting the Gold release and installing it instead of the US version, reinstalling the game and patches and such, etc...


    Edit: One extra bit of info I left out - I'm running Windows 7 Pro here, with Sacred 2 running in XP compatibility mode.

  18. Holy Moly, all that just from memory? Wolfie you rule. Step 12 is where I was getting stuck at. I'll start the quest over from the beginning again so I can get pics of the dialog not just the logbook entries.


    Yup.. From memory... Kinda helps to have done the quest 6 - 7 times... Bloody games keep getting whacked so I can't load them so I gotta start over. Thus far, in 8 tries, I've managed to finish the game only ONCE. Sucks.. Doesn't it? Ah well...


    Anyhow... Here's an overhead shot of Kufferath Castle. Note the ? mark in the house east of the player chest.




    That would be your next person to visit on this quest.


    Also - I just probably sacrificed my Inquisitor - I went and did that quest and have most of the stuff needed for doing up the quest. Got the home page for the chain quest done. We'll see if I can save him and get him going again later on..


    Btw.. Anyone catch the name of the head officer in the raiding party...? Officer Willybald... :) I'm sure that guy got a LOT of teasing in his day with a name like that..

  19. I'm fully updated Ice and Blood 2.65.2 running Lazytomcats graphics mod. After I slay the demon at the castle I need to find the a baron. There isn't a quest mark and it's been so long since I explored the area. More likely a year and a half ago before coming to PC. I'll find him! Got me a new mission.


    Gogo knows I like Missions.


    Ah.. I see.. Ok.. So then it's not a glitch with the old version...


    The way the Unholy Crusade goes is like this:


    1.) You're on the way to Artamark's Gate. You walk into the battle.

    2.) You kick the unholy guy's behinds

    3.) You talk to a fallen soldier who tells you to report this to his commander

    4.) You go south on the road and talk to the commander,

    5.) You kill 20 Unholy baddies per the commander's request.

    6.) You, the commander and a squad of his men go to a stone circle,

    6.5) You kill off the 11 or so baddies in the area plus any others.

    7.) You find a dropped letter that's encrypted in some sort of mage writing.

    8.) The commander sends you to Trallheim Manor south of Castle Kufferath.

    9.) You talk to the demonologist who can't decipher it and sends you to Kufferath to see another expert

    10. You go there, talk to the guy, he just about gets it out "Baron DeM..." before he gets killed by a demon that was a boobytrap for anyone reading the note

    11.) You talk to the leader of the guard who tells you to talk to the Baron of the castle - he's in a building just east of where the mage got killed.

    12.) you talk to the Baron who tells you "Baron Dem..." probably means DeMordrey... (getting that feeling of deja vu yet?)

    13.) Then says the unholy wankers are tunneling under Kufferath and needs you to stop them.

    13.) You go to the tunnel entrance, go in and stop them.

    14.) You exit and go north to meet up with a bunch of solidiers who join you on a raid on Baron DeMoreDreck's digs in Skook's Corner

    15.) Your party makes it to Skook's Corner and you find DeMordrey in his throne room.

    16.) You talk to and then whack him and his guards.

    17.) You talk to DeMordrey JR. who gives you the key to the dungeon.

    18.) You go to the dungeon, whack the baddies.

    19.) You go into the sub dungeon, whack everyone including some demons, ghosts and such.

    20.) You talk to the commander of the unit and....

    21.) Quest complete.


    Whew.. Taking a deep breath here. That's the light version of the quest.. not sure if the dark side version is the same. I'm skipping the Artamark's Gate area with my Inquisitor to prove a theory. But that's a subject for another thread... Anywho.. I may have left out a few details along the way - Wrote that much up from memory having done the quest 5 - 6 times already.


    Looks like I know what my next task is... Ah well...


    Hope this helps...

  20. This is what I had in mind when I saw it en.wikipedia.org Stone Plan

    And its all part of this


    I haven't been able to complete the chain quest yet, thinking it may be broken. And there is no quest marker to start it. You just happen to be on the road towards Artamarks Gate when you run into a battle and get pulled into the action


    Um.. Exactly what version of Sacred 2 do you have installed? That log book looks off - way off from what mine looks like. Hit the ~ key and it should be the top line in the console that opens. It should be equal to the latest version. Sacred 2 Fallen Angel should be 2.43 and I believe I & B is 2.65 or so. There was an issue like this - unsolvable quest - on another thread where someone had a really old version (2.02 or 2.20 or some such) installed.


    If I recall correctly, that quest starts off with the battle, then you're supposed to talk to one of the soldiers who fell and he directs you to go down the road toward Griffinborough/Skook's Corner and there's a small camp of human soldiers with a few tasks for you.


    B in the pic below is about where the battle takes place and you talk with the soldier. X is where the next part of the quest takes place:




    I'll let you discover the rest of the quest on your own - given that's half the fun.. :)

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