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Posts posted by wolfie2kX

  1. Ok.. Time for another Wartune update...


    The game is a bit of a time sink. There are only so many things you can do in a given 24 hour period and most of them are timed events - World Boss X shows up at such and such time. It's not like say, Sacred or Sacred 2 where you an go up against any of the bosses in the game whenever you think you're ready. That really sucks when the time happens to be, say, 3am and you need to be sound asleep. Fortunately, these there are 3 world bosses - a Dragon a giant worm and the BIG bad Wolf... And I mean BIG bad Wolf. He's as big as a house.


    I've also come to find out that it's impossible to survive direct hits from these World Boss characters. The whole point of the exercise is to keep going back in and keeping at it - after a 30 second death nerf. Eventually, the world boss will be "killed" and the lucky stiff who hit him last gets a nice pot of Gold.


    I've also come to find that my build was all wrong. Fortunately, the guild master of the guild I hooked up with set me straight. Seems with the knight/warrior character, you can be one of two things - a striker or a tank. If you try do both, you're going to find your character sucks. Fortunately, you can reset your skills and start over. Of course, this costs one of many of the game's currencies... There are at the very least 8 or 9 different types of money.


    There are two big ones - Balens - which is real world money translated into funny money and vouchers - which are rewards for some quests, harvesting your personal money tree and stuff you can get from various other activities...


    Then there's the all to familiar Gold... This stuff actually grows on plants. Not quite trees, but plants. it's only useful for a few different things. Namely upgrading your buildings and buying Astrals. Beyond that, Eh.. Not much else. But this is actually a good thing.


    Astrals are sort of like the Relics you find in Sacred 2... The main difference, you have to play a game. to get them. They also do more than the few different things than Sacred 2's relics. These give you bonuses to about 10 different attributes. They also have 5 levels of quality - Green, Blue, Purple, Orange and Red. Green ones are considered a complete waste of time - but they are also the most common. It's best to sell these and the "white" misfortunes for what you can get out of them. You can also merge them into one another adding experience points to the target Astral that makes it better when it reaches the next level. Some of them are useful, while others are about as worthless as they get. The truly annoying aspect of Astrals - you only get 2 slots to begin with at level 25 with an extra slot opening up at level 30, 40 and every multiple of 10... You will find yourself swapping things out as the situation changes. For instance, you might be going up against the World Boss - and since we know we can't survive very long up against him, you pile on as many things that give you damage. He who deals the most damage, wins. For PVP, you want more health/hit points. for PVE, you also want more HP.


    In order to get high level astrals (orange and red), you will find yourself spending HUGE quantities of Gold. The cheapest astral click is 4000 Gold with each succeeding upgrade is an additional 1000 Gold. By the time you get to the top button, it's 10,000 per try.


    Think slot machines... Random chance... Annoying... EXPENSIVE! You can burn through 500,000 Gold in about 5 minutes playing with these things.


    When you get to level 40 or so, things get rather interesting. You get set up with a new Multiplayer Dungeon (MPD) called the Void. Oddly enough it looks pretty much like any other part of the world.. Except you find yourself up against some rather familiar critters if you've played Ice and Blood - specifically the Blood Forest. There aren't any zombies (yet) in evidence, but there are the little flying eyes (Seekers) and there's even a few critters that look like a cross between a Goblin and a Kobold from Sacred 2... And the big bad boss for this dungeon looks rather a lot like the Abishai of Dissension...


    The thing is, it's not really much of an enemy... Not like the Abishai... Relatively speaking, it's a far, far weaker opponent - even tho it's got some seriously kewl looking effects as it rains lasers from space.. Sort of a reverse Radiant Pillar - but there's like 8 of them. Amazingly, I survived the onslaught my first time through...


    At level 40, you also get a horse. Not quite sure what the whole point of the horse is yet. It does boost your stats, but whenever you go into battle you're going to find yourself on foot...


    As a whole, the game has it's entertaining aspects.. But, it's definitely Pay to Win. You can get by on free, but you're going to find yourself outclassed very quickly by those who are paying for stuff...


    The Battlegrounds have made themselves a lot clearer. How it works - you're broken up into 2 parties. One on the left, one to the right. You're goals are twofold.


    1.) Collect some blue crystal stuff.

    2.) Attack your opponents to prevent/delay them from harvesting the blue crystal stuff.


    It may seem like chaos, but once you figure out that much, it's not such a mystery. As you level up, (as with anything else) you wind up being better able to hold your own against such opponents - until you're tossed into the next battleground with higher level opponents. Then you become cannon fodder for the higher leveled people.


    There are also differences between how things work Skill and Combat Art wise than you'd find in Sacred. In Wartune, you have a skill tree. It's a lot simpler than what I've seen in the Guild Wars 2 thread and others. Another big difference, you only get 1 skill point every 2 levels.


    Runes also have a very different meaning in Wartune - In Sacred, when you use a rune, you learn or level up a skill. In Wartune, runes function as very temporary buffs. Namely, they last two turns - which isn't much.


    The one complaint I have with this game - is the EPIC quantities of LAG... It gets really bad at times - so bad that things sometimes happen out of sequence. At other times, entire animation sequences are skipped. Unless you're used to it, you wind up asking WTH just happened. Even if you are used to it - you still sometimes wonder WTH happened. Sometimes, your avatar decides to attack with the weakest attack possible on it's own. It's annoying when you've got your Brutality Rune (which is a short term power boost) started and it's only good for 2 attacks... So your intended attack sometimes goes off without the power boost you were trying to setup.


    The only cure is to close the tab the game is running in and start over. Which isn't something you want to be doing when you're in the middle of a battle.

  2. Good question.. We did see Jaune go flying off the wannabe Gargantrhopod's tail.. But not how Ruby got launched. Maybe she done blown herself up again with Weiss' stash..?


    Guess we'll find out next week..

  3. Ouch! I have never sprained my ankle, but a truck ran over my leg once, and I have a problem with my right shoulder at the moment. It dislocated 4 times in a months time, went to a shoulder specialist on Monday, and I found out I have a diabetic frozen shoulder. According to the doc, it is caused by sudden trauma(the 4 dislocations) and is not very common in people under the age of 40years of age... I'm only 25! I have to wait for the muscles and ligaments to "relax" which can take any amount of time and the Doc said there isn't really something I can do to help it along, just don't do something that causes pain. I might have to have an operation later if it doesn't heal properly on its own...

    Good luck Schot!




    Ack.. So it actually is a condition AND it has a name...


    I've had this frozen shoulder thing twice - once on each side. Not quite sure what sort of trauma they've been through, but I've had range of motion issues on both sides, thankfully not at the same time.


    Actually, there IS something that can be done to help the healing along - Acupuncture. I forget the name of the actual point they used to prick on my leg, but oddly enough, it did make moving that arm a LOT easier. But as this article says, it lasts about 9 months and goes away.

  4. As long as we are talking about Tyr Lysia here, I would recommend that the beech where the Legendary Pirate quest starts get a places page called Legendary Buccaneer Pirate Cove. The employee Stefan Ruthenberg is also there. He is currently listed on the Copper Peaks page.

    I have mixed feelings about that fishing village on the beach next to that monolith having it's own place. I always thought it odd that it didn't have it's own name.

    The farm just south of Blessed Rock Manor where Janos Toth is might be a candidate for it's own place as well.


    Er.. "Legendary Buccaneer Pirate Cove" - isn't that a bit um.. redundant? Buccaneer = Pirate. Not so sure if there's anything really "legendary" about the cove either. The treasure is what's "legendary" - and TBH, it never really struck me as being all that legendary either. Let's just say I was expecting more and better drops from what's available in there.


    I'd go with Buccaneer Cove - simply to avoid confusion with the OTHER Pirate Cove on the northeast corner of Artamark.

  5. True... But I think even though there's a lot of options for how to roll a character, there are only a few ways to make them really shine - and work properly.


    My first attempt at a Temple Guardian.. Well.. Let's just say it turned out to be an EPIC fail.... Got all the way to Xanthiar and that was pretty much the end of the road for him. I couldn't put much of a dent in his hide - even before he killed me the first time and I lost all Survival Bonus. The skills I picked were mostly wrong, the points I put into them weren't where they should have been.


    Bottom line - it was a learning experience. In other words - there's a RIGHT and a WRONG way to do this.

  6. Well guys here is my seraphim celestial magic build:


    Exalted warrior focus 13


    Celestial magic lore 14


    Celestial magic focus 18


    Concentration 8


    Sword weapons 9


    Dual wield 8


    Enhanced perception 17 (you find more valuable stuff)


    Note: my seraphim is currently level 30

    and she pwns enemies a lot,even bosses

    So tell me what's your seraphim build. :)


    Ok.. Not bad. Got a few thoughts tho..


    1,) I'm not entirely sure that's a Celestial Magic build.. It's a hybrid build because you've got EW Focus. That said...


    2.) Tactics lore - you've got Sword Weapons *AND* Dual Wield. You need something to power them up + it gives you extra points for EW aspect. Yes, you're probably mowing them down now with what you've got, BUT.. At some point you're going to need it.


    3.) My Seraphim builds usually include Bargaining. I don't roll many dedicated shoppers. Too much of a PITA if you ask me. Might as well just get the shopping thing on and deal with it yourself.

  7. Exactly... It doesn't do diddly squat to anything except for when you dump it on a merchant. OTOH, early on in the game when scraping enough gold together to buy something worth your while instead of that lame level 1 armor you got at the start of the game, it's a pretty good thing to find - simply because you DO get more $$ for what you're selling.

  8. http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Central_Bengaresh_Desert

    I have no idea where exactly in game to find any of the quests listed on this page -- Once I start looking at actual quests, I'll be able to fill that in better.


    Nice start.. BUT...


    There's a BUNCH of NPCs in the area that are missing..


    1.) The guy and the girl who luv each other and her father who sends hit squads after you for daring to unite them.

    2.) The priest who gives you clean water for the temple

    3.) The translator guy from the chain quest involving the gal from Turbak.

    4.) The mummy king dude, and his entourage and his crypt at the end of the same quest chain.

    5.) The Harpy Queen involved in the quest from East Turbak AKA The Harpy Queen

    6.) The guy near the merchant who sends you up to the cave to capture the ghost to fight in the bottle. This chain originates in Thaurm...

    7.) Moving further east, IIRC, you're missing the guy in the same tent complex - the object of the Decisions quest.


    And there's probably a few more I've forgotten... and probably a few more on the shadow path.


    I know.. You just got the page started.. Hopefully the list will help..


    @ Schot: You see, there ARE a lot of things going on in the region - and breaking it down into smaller bits makes it easier to digest. It's like a nice steak. You can't eat the whole thing all in one bite, you need to cut it into nice, bite size bits and savor each one.

  9. The only reason to break it up as it's HUGE... Things can get lost in the shuffle. By breaking it down to sub-regions, you can make sure it's covered fully and not utterly overwhelming to the people viewing the page.


    Cath - Eh.. Sure. As long as we're going crazy with this we might as well be committed. (pun intended) :D


    And we might as well have one page dedicated to the full area as well - with a list of the sub-regions and what goes on in them.

  10. East Central Bengaresh - Actually, there are a few points.. Off the top of my head, there's the sand people camp east of El Darragh - where you have to go kill the sand people boss, then there's the place where you have to escort the caravan, that leads to the camp where there's a quest waiting... The woman is missing her husband - you have to go into the trench and find him dead. This one originates in the El Darragh portal area.


    You can maybe argue about the archeology dig site - I kinda put it in the East region, but it's outside of the big trench...


    And let's not forget Sheik Yerbouti's camp.


    There's slim pickin's compared to some parts, but it's not entirely devoid of life.

  11. Right... But the OLD card was different hardware. While the hardware is from the same maker, and the driver itself may be the same, there maybe registry entries that are different.


    The Options.txt file should NOT be tweaked. There are a few settings in the file that can be modified safely - those are the ones having to do with the camera.


    Btw... Did you check the settings in game? The game may have reconfigured everything to run on higher settings than you had previous.


    Cath - Posting a map.. See if this breakdown makes sense..


    attachicon.gifBengaresh Map1.jpg




    1 - Northwest Bengaresh

    2 - Badawi

    3 - Bengaresh Threshold

    4 - Northeast Bengaresh

    5 - East Bengaresh

    6 - El Darragh

    7 - Khorum

    8 - Central Bengaresh

    9 - South Bengaresh

    10 - Garganthropod

    11 - Rajib

    12 - Zahrat Coast

    That works nicely, however Central Bengaresh is pretty big, perhaps break that down to East Central and West Central?


    Works for me. I kinda had the same sort of thought on the subject. Maybe use the road passing thru Khorum as the divider.

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