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Posts posted by wolfie2kX

  1. While removing starter armor , I discovered placeholders for additional characters. Looking through old post, I see that I'm not the first to say something about it, and there's high chance that I won't be the last. I've also seen people discuss about why those placeholders will forever be blank, why we won't see any more additional characters. What I haven't seen is much discussion on what types of characters people would have liked to see if we could add additional characters to the game, so that's what this thread is about: characters you'd like to have seen, just for creativity's sake. I myself have a few.


    1) A character of pure T energy. I was SO excited the first time I beat the game on silver with my Inquisitor. I thought "Sweet, a character of pure T Energy! Is he going to be all blue and floaty, like Doctor Manhattan? Or maybe just have blue/black veins, kind of like the guy from Skyline? How are they going to make a character of infinite without being so OP that it ruins the game?" I don't think it's a spoiler to say that I was slightly bummed when I discovered I wasn't T-Energy Man in the next difficulty setting, is it?


    2) An icthyo sapien. I've seen a few movies lately with fish-men ,like Abe from Hellboy and the Haths from Doctor Who, and I think it would be pretty slick to play as one. My reasoning is twofold: I've never played as one and I love the bubble sounds of their breathing apparatus. On a side note, I've had many people try to correct me, the plural of apparatus isn't apparati, it's apparatus or apparatuses. Any way, I don't see a fish-man as a tank, but more of a support character, like the Temple Guardian.


    3) A non corporeal entity. Of course one might ask how you'd be able to see it, maybe as a wisp that kind of looks like the Shadow Warrior when he uses his Shadow Veil. I see this character as great fun, having the ability to jump into anyone it comes into contact with. In addition, I think it'd be fun to be able to morph into any of the other characters in the game. There are many times when I'm playing and I think "Man, I wish I had the Shadow Warrior's...." or "The High elf's .... would come in handy right about now". Well, there ya go, a character that could wear any armor/use any weapon they find, with access to every single C.A in the game.


    4) A character who's body is always flowing and in flux under the surface, like water or lava. My fiance just walked into my office and said "Really? Lava Lamp Man? Those poor people on that site are going to think you've lost it!" Well, ladies and gents, I've been on here a little over a year, I think it's slightly too late for me to start worrying about that now :)


    So, those are my ideas, I'm curious what others would have liked to see, regardless of whether or not we can actually have it.


    1.) Having your shadow oriented character start off as a refugee from the Blue Man Group wouldn't make sense. Each level is a replay of the same storyline from the beginning - only on a higher difficulty level.


    2.) Fish people? Just as long as they're not like Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars. :sick: You're right tho that these guys would be highly fragile. Break their breather and they're toast.


    And TGs actually do pretty well as tanks - as long as they've got their shields leveled and modded properly.


    3.) There are a few characters in comic books that are like this. They weren't really mainstream characters, but they were there. Not so sure I'd wanna go this route. What if the character you possessed had sucky skills? How would you kill suck a character anyhow? They would be immaterial - so you couldn't hack and slash them to death. If the body they borrowed was dying all they'd have to do is leave. Doesn't sound like it would fit into the general concept of the game.


    4.) Lava man? There'd be a lot of reasons why not.. but mainly you probably wouldn't last too long in say the crystal plane or Northland Island. Not to mention all your weapons, armor and stuff would tend to melt and buildings you entered would tend to become smoldering ash... And people would likely want to run away from you.... Something that hot would be quite uncomfortable to be around..

  2. I always understood the Demiurge to be the Great Machine, and the "Mother" to be some kind of sentience that developed from it/inside it that went insane a bit like Hal from 2001 did and tried to wipe out the Dragons and Elves.




    There's also that line in the Temple Guardian's bio that says, "The creator of the Great Machine also created Temple Guardians to protect the machine and the temple that was built around it." In Platonic and Gnostic thought the Demiurge was an abstract creator/fashioner of the universe. It would make a little more sense to think of the Great Machine as the mother and the Demiurge as the creator(s) of the Machine and Guardians. Of course the quest dialog for the TG class quest ends up explaining it a little differently.


    Altogether, I'm not sure it has a concrete connection to the Illuminati conspiracy/secret organization elements.


    This also kind of explains why Testa is regarded on the shadow end of the scale as opposed to the light side.


    That said... I don't see any direct connection between the Demiurge and the Illuminati.. The one thing that's sorely lacking from the game is the Demiurge itself. Yes.. it's a big, faceless machine. But even HAL 9000 had a sort of face - even if it was just that one solo red eye..


    Maybe, if Ascaron survived it's financial woes, maybe there might have been more content related to this. Guessing we'll never know..

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  3. I agree it to be a Dan Brown "Angels and Demons" tease. See the "all seeing eye" about 2/3 of the way down on this page: http://www.danbrown.com/angels-demons/


    DeElfici is probably a play on DeMedici, who, from 20 seconds of google searching, were involved w/ the Illuminati.



    I'm curious how else in Sacred 2 is the word "Demiurge" used.


    This item bears a striking resemblance to the description. http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Battery_of_the_Demiurge


    And this Temple Guardian quest talks about the Demiurge. http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Creators_and_Destroyers


    The Demiurge in Sacred 2 represents the 'dark side'... The TG armor set called the "Technical Modules" all have the word Demiurge in their names - the one you references is part of that set.


    In addition, the entire TG class quest chain has to do with the Demiurge. The Demiurge is referred to in the game as "mother"... The light Temple Guardian has to decide on being part of the status quo - aka the Demiurge - or rebel against "mother".


    Apparently, during the time of the "Great War" mentioned in the start of the game, there were forces who wanted to destroy the dragons - among them the Demiurge. Part of the light TG quest chain is to stop the dark side from carrying out this final plan on eradicating all of dragonkind.


    The Dark version of the class quest has you doing the opposite.


    I would imagine the quote the HE says (light side HE) speaks of some familiarity with the organization on Ancaria known as the Demiurge...

  4. Whilst doing the High Elf class quest - I think I may have discovered another egg...


    In this quest, the HE is sent to go fetch the treasure for Mayita DeElfici from a cave on the eastern end of the Jungle map.


    When she recovers the chest, she says:




    Now then.. Anyone familiar with the US $1 bill will note there is such an item depicted on the back of the bill. (bottom left)




    Here's a close up of the eye itself...




    So... There has been a LOT of speculation as to the origin of this pyramid with the all seeing eye thing. It's been suggested that it belongs to the Masonic order. Some say it belongs to the Illuminati... Some say it's got satanic influences...




    Note the bits about the pyramid eye thing in the photo above..


    Not gonna go too deep into the Illuminati and all the other gibberish here, but many have said that the Illuminati are, at best, the worst possible thing that could ever happen to mankind. Going back to what the HE says.. A Doomsday Organization...


    You be the judge...

    • Like! 1
  5. The Steam version is identical to the one originally distributed on DVD. The ONLY real difference between the two is the packaging. The original distribution was on DVD while the Steam version is designed to be electronically distributed by way of the Steam network. There are no differences once you've gotten the game installed.


    The reason being - the tools needed to make changes to the game are no longer available to the people who own the game - Deep Silver. They've long since claimed they couldn't fix the plethora of bugs found in 2.64 and the two minor patches 2.65.1 and 2.65.2, Deep Sliver may have bought the game franchise, the game itself and such, but they didn't buy the stuff needed to make any major changes in the game... Had they done so... Development may have continued and who knows where the game might be today.

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  6. Actually.. there's a gal who did a pretty bang up job for cosplay.. There's a video on YouTube on how she did it..



    OK.. OK.. So it doesn't fold up automatically, fire rounds, nor does it cut demons in half. BUT it would look pretty cool hanging on your wall.. :)

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  7. It's been years since I played this game and have a question.

    In the new Steam version, the Shaman is NOT immortal and he died on the way to draining the lake. I no longer have an orange circle and there's a big red X on the quest Wet Danger. Does this mean I have to start over or is there a way to resurrect the quest. Am playing a light Dryad.

    There are other deviations in the Steam version of Ice and Blood. You can't pass through the gates at Dragonmaw Pass and can't do the Mount quest in Freemode.

    Edit: thanks for helping me get back on Gogo


    This makes no sense. Wet Danger is a primary quest. You have to go kill the Octogamalus and in order to do that, the shaman is supposed to turn the water off so you can get in and do the job. I haven't ever lost him before. Have you tried going back to the chief to see if the shaman spawned there again?


    Does reloading the game have any effect?


    Dragonmaw Pass... Hmm. Odd. In my version of the game, yes, you can pass thru the gates in Free Play mode.




    These are both expected. You can only pass through the gates at Dragonmaw Pass if you are in the Shadow Campaign, and certain quests are not available in Free Mode (such as the Mount Quest, Class Quests, the Seraphim Island Arena and Dragon boss quests, the Blind Guardian quest and the Spirit of Atherton).



    That's not quite correct. My first comeback char was a light seraphim and she went through the gates in freeplay and did the mount quest.

    And I've spent last past week trying to understand how she did it.


    Free Play mode is - as the name suggests - free play. You're free to move around the world of Ancaria at will. You can jump around the map in no particular order without the limitations of the campaign.

    • Like! 1
  8. Ok.. I got something completely different...


    If you're making soup or a stew or something and the recipe calls for herbs or spices to be put into a cheesecloth and tied up, there's an easier method.


    Use a Tea Infuser. A tea infuser is usually a small metal ball (or could be another shape) that splits in half by way of some threads. It also has a chain with a hook at the end of it that you can hook to the side of the tea pot (or in this case, to the side of the pot) so you can fish it out later easily..


    There is only one limitation - mainly the size of the infuser itself. Depending on what the recipe calls for, you might need a 2nd infuser.


    On the other hand, you don't have to fish out spices and such out of your soup later on. Stuff like whole peppercorns, Star anise and cloves are a royal perfect candidates for this sort of thing.


    Just unscrew the infuser, toss the spices and give it a wash and it's ready to be reused again and again. Cheesecloth, not so much.

  9. You speak about the same Windows which some years back had an office which crashed if you typed a german Umlaut into a database? Since the german word for street has a sharp-s (ß) you wonder how this bug could have survived testing. Not only that the non english country versions had frequent crashes because of special characters, the foreign country versions were at 1500$ while the english ones were at 1000$. So they charged 500$ more for just a change of the handbook and translated menus?

    I bet you can find something really stupid at every computer solution.

    The computer which had the best productivity rate for me was the Commodore Amiga, it could run TeX, Metafont, and other free math software at a time decades back when the PC's failed. Did my diploma and most of my doctor work on the beast. The reason was quite simple, you could easily recompile programs from UNIX you had at university to the Amiga.

    I am still quicker using TeX to type formulas than in any other text-system I know.


    I never said Windows was perfect... All I said was Apple was NOT friendly to migrating your data. And that Microsoft better understood the needs of business users better than Apple. Of course, that's not difficult to do. Apple only thinks computers should be fancy graphics processing platforms. They likely think you'd be better off getting a rolodex for keeping track of your contact information.

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  10. I thought the newest 1.40 hotfix is what caused the problem in the first place. They changed a few thing with 1.40hf but kept the old 1.40 installer/uninstaller, which is throws an error because it gets caught on something that changed.


    It did..


    The 1.40 version had a bug which the 1.40 HF version fixed. The installer was fixed so it worked properly, but the uninstaller was not - which is why it broke. The uninstaller is looking for the OLD version of the file, not the new one.


    The version posted on the very first post on THIS thread should have the latest version of the CM Patch - the hotfix to the hotfix, if you will. Get that one and it should fix the problem.

  11. But... But... But... Flying cars and jet packs aren't practical as I takes FAR more energy to keep something aloft than securely on the ground.


    I've worked with every version of Windows from 3.0 to the latest version and I never found Windows 8 to be any more of a challenge than any other version. TBH, Windows XP was like Swiss cheese when it came to security - the Alpine Lace variety. At the very least, Windows versions since then have taken that aspect a LOT more seriously.


    I think the Chinese will have something to say about "overpriced" Android devices. I've seen some seriously cheap tablets and phones out there...


    NASA is a government agency. As such, is there ANYTHING that ANY government does that actually cheaper than what the private sector does? I'm thinking not much, if anything. Why? Because governments tend to have more money to play with when it comes to these sort of things. They have little incentive to keep their budgets within the realm of reason. And lots of companies have done their best to charge exorbitant amounts of money for things - merely because they can. $500 hammers. $800 toilet seats. Normal corporations can't spend that kind of money. They have to be more fiscally responsible. So, by throwing the doors open to companies to build orbital delivery systems, it does go a long way toward making things cheaper.


    This Cellulon Magic Cube... I've seen something similar to this about 10 years back. And truth be told, the previous incarnation did flop. Why? Because it didn't work very well. This one may be better than the old one. Hopefully, it is.

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  12. Well.. My high school level German is seriously rusty... BUT... I'd guess maybe the title of the video might have something to do with it...


    Erste Infos zu Sacred 3 translates to First information on Sacred 3.


    And looking the video up on YouTube - it's well over a year old, posted in Sept 2012... So Gogo.. cool your jets.. lol.. Nothing new here really.

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