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Little Sara

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Posts posted by Little Sara

  1. Then I'll have to try to be certain, about Sword Weapons. Though given my skill placement, I arrive at exactly 916 skill points spent, and Sword Weapons is at lv 1 only. I'm not sure what other skill would truly benefit.


    The first level of a skill is "free", so you won't spend a skill point on it, you'll "just" use up a skill slot.


    True I forgot there was 1 "free" skill point per skill. But even that doesn't change the build much.


    Oops, I arrive 50 points under 926...but there is no other skill I could think of. I could only boost one of those I previewed as being at 100, or at 50. I'll be able to get Mastery in Warding Energy Lore, which could always help...

  2. Nice build, though I was puzzled by the absence of Sword Weapons. I'm not certain it *only* affects the "Modifier Sword Weapons" equipment as much as it makes Dual Wield replace Sword Weapons (as opposed to replacing nothing). By this I mean, Dual Wield skill modifiers (including those double-hits) would not "kick-in" because Sword Weapons is missing. Maybe I'm wrong though.

    Well, I decided that Sword Weapon unlocks are too much of a luxury for me :viking: Maybe I'll regret it, maybe not. Time will tell :(


    As for replacing, so far all I can see is that they are the same skill for the bonus purposes. Sword Weapons only gives bonuses when you hold one sword per weapon slot, Dual Wield gives them only when you hold two weapons.



    Why don't you write a guide yourself? :4rofl: Sounds really cool, and quite different from the usual regen management.


    Thanks for all the comments :resp:


    Then I'll have to try to be certain, about Sword Weapons. Though given my skill placement, I arrive at exactly 916 skill points spent, and Sword Weapons is at lv 1 only. I'm not sure what other skill would truly benefit.


    Very nice build write up trust. The format is easy to follow and informative. The flexibilty in play style is also a nice touch in the build. Leaving room for customization makes for a wonderful guide. :P


    I have to admit that I never tried a dual wielder in Sacred Underworld but your guide has me curious to try one. In fact I haven't even seen a dual wielder in Sacred 2 yet but gogo tells me they look awesome in battle. Your use of Flaring Nova as a mob neutralizer sounds like it makes easy pickings for Pelting Strike. Something I'm wondering about Flaring Nova/Laggard mod. Does it slow down movement speed, attack speed or both? Both I wish! :blush:


    @ Little Sara

    Your preference to focus on regular attacks is really intriguing. It reminds me of my Underworld days as a struggling Melee BM, lol. It actually worked very well up until Niob. Since my BM didn't have any powerful attack rate increasing Combat Arts I eventually was no longer able to hit enemies in Niob. Things are very different in Sacred 2 however and I think your build style will do quite well. I'm eager to learn of your progression. Welcome to FDM. :P


    Thank you for the welcome. And I just posted the build. I'm less flexible, but then again I'm a min-maxer "type"of player, and so far it's served me well. My only big flaw is that I never plan builds in function of pvp, and they only do good in pvp if they're THAT good overall. So my builds are always in function of pve, which is my main area of interest in games, wether MMO or semi online like Sacred.

  3. Antitrust said I should write my build, so I will. It's different from his, in that mine is entirely melee and normal attacks dependant. It uses buffs and foregoes active-usage combat arts entirely.


    Skills used in my build are similar, the order differs a bit. I don't take Focus or Lore skills for obvious reasons. Even making the effective level of one or both buffs slightly better would not be worth the skills points spent.


    Skills taken and general order:

    Sword Weapons - 1

    Tactics Lore - 75+

    Dual Wield - 75+

    Armor Lore - User choice

    Concentration - 1

    Constitution - 75+

    Warding Energy Lore - User Choice

    Enhanced Perception - User Choice, though I recommend 75+

    Toughness - 75+

    Combat Reflexes - 75+


    Sword Weapons is taken first, it fulfills 1 point of the requirement to unlock Dual Wield, and allows "Modifier Sword Weapons" bonuses to be active.


    Then Tactics Lore fulfills the rest up until Dual Wield is unlocked, with 4 points in Tactics Lore.


    After finally unlocking THE main skill of the class, take Dual Wield and keep it at character's level. I recommend keeping up with Tactics Lore as well, since this build relies on sheer damage.


    Armor Lore should be taken next, not for the regeneration penalty, but for the +% to armor total, which helps significantly for a melee character always in the fray, so to speak.


    Concentration is taken next, and kept at 1. The Mastery bonus is unneeded, since BeeEffGee diverts from the purpose of a melee build (and goes into ranged weapons territory), the regeneration bonus is similarly not needed. Taken at 1 still unlocks a second buff slot. At this point you can start using both Battle Stance and Warding Energy together. Before this point is reached, I suggest going with Battle Stance only. Enemies should not prove too challenging at the start either way.


    Constitution is taken next for the HP, up until it is Mastered, then it offers its real bonus: Regeneration during combat. No need to get it very high up until Mastery can even be envisioned (around lv 60+).


    Warding Energy Lore is next. It can also help with Divine Protection, probably the only skill used, because its very long cooldown is not a hindrance when it is needed sparingly (against groups of champions, or mostly bosses). It primarily helps with Warding Energy's buff though, where it gives nice bonuses to damage reduction. Both the buff and Divine Protection can be used in conjunction, though the latter will last a short time.


    Enhanced Perception I take as 8th skill, at level 35, primarily because levels start becoming slow at this point, and the player would do well to get more decent equipment for the upcoming battles. Before it reaches Mastery, it still can help by being the modifier for certain things like Experience per kill, and Chance to find valuables (on equipment). Similar to Constitution, it should be Mastered as soon as possible, but it can be kept as 1 until then, boosted only by the orbs/relics.


    Toughness provides added oomph to Seraphim's already very potent armor total, multiplied by Armor Lore's modifier, so it's important to get Armor Lore higher as well to benefit more from this. Previous to this (lv 50), a Seraphim should have pretty decent armor.


    Combat Reflexes adds that nice final touch of boosting evasion and reducing chance of critical. It's not fully necessary, and can be paliated until then by forging runes with "+% evasion" into slotted equipment. Afterwards, slots can be used for other things, like Damage Mitigation.






    For the unique mount, given this Seraphim doesn't benefit from Combat Art regeneration, I warmly suggest the "basic" one, that adds defense and evasion instead of reduced cooldown. The movement speed is also welcome. Chances are, if you're careful enough, you might never need to buy a mount again. A Seraphim can be *that* strong. I wouldn't tempt fate and play hardcore mode my first time around just to prove my point however.


    I would avoid horses prior to getting that unique mount. Because simply, Battle Stance is that important, and buffs do not stay when mounted on a horse. At an effective level of 18.1 of Battle Stance, it gives +170% or so attack and nearly +120% defense (and a hefty +150% regeneration time).


    So this build relies entirely on hitting fast and killing quickly, taking very little damage. Equipment that reflects damage seems to work independantly of evasion (or maybe I'm seeing things), so even with capped evasion, you would be able to fight hordes of monster and see them become corpses before you even hit them. This build is well-equipped to fight many enemies at once, but ill-equipped against ranged fighters. Be advised of this flaw, especially in pvp (as in pve, ranged fighters typically don't run away for long). The buff BeeEffGee can be upped to be efficient, but without Ranged Weapons, the accuracy will be low.


    What else is important with this build, is putting runes in the ever-so-important Battle Stance and Warding Energy buffs. Can also spare some for Divine Protection. For completion's sake, you can put all the other Combat Arts at 1. The rest I suggest using for forging into slots, or trading for Battle Stance and Warding Energy.


    Once Dual Wield and Constitution skills reach 75, this build becomes extremely efficient (double hits and regeneration in combat). Once Enhanced Perception reaches 75, even better for the items.


    Mod your two main buffs as you see fit. Augmenting the attack of Battle Stance is pretty important for accuracy, the rest is pretty much open to preference. You will get mods for Exalted Warrior by putting points in Dual Wield amongst others, so they will be acquired naturally.


    In my personal build, Dual Wield reaches 174 at level 200. Diminishing returns make any investment above ~150 pretty wasteful, but this being the main skill of the build, and double-hits being pretty important, it is the highest. Most skills are left to preference as for their level. Armor Lore mastery isn't all that important, but a high skill level always helps.

  4. Thanks :blush:


    I use Radiant Pillar merely as a support fire-and-forget skill, usually in combo with Baneful Smite at higher levels. So I read all the runes up to the efficient level, which means the regen is rather high. In my case, it is mostly useful to deal that extra bit of damage while I whack the mobs. At lower levels it actually makes my killing much faster as it quickly finishes off the mobs damaged by the Nova.


    I forgot to mention the stats allocation, lol. Well I simply put about 2-3 points into Vitality for every 1 point in strength. That gives me a decent health bar. Constitution bonus increases as you progress (which is mainly why I left it to the final skills), and I like to think of it as the "last chance" skill (you can easily live without it in this build, but there will be a lot of close calls, so it helps by adding that extra bit that makes a close call not that close).


    The right equipment is rather important, but very easy to get. I usually find some nice equipment that has life on it. Generally I prefer to buy the cheapo stuff that is sold by merchants, as I can reliably find what I need whenever I need to upgrade. If I then find better stuff while adventuring, all the better :(



    Nice build, though I was puzzled by the absence of Sword Weapons. I'm not certain it *only* affects the "Modifier Sword Weapons" equipment as much as it makes Dual Wield replace Sword Weapons (as opposed to replacing nothing). By this I mean, Dual Wield skill modifiers (including those double-hits) would not "kick-in" because Sword Weapons is missing. Maybe I'm wrong though.


    As for my own build, spending an insanely high amount of runes in Battle Stance *and* Warding Energy, kills my Regeneration efficiency, irremediably that even Exalted Warrior Focus, a unique mount, or other "reduce regeneration time" things couldn't make up for. I tend to rely on just attacking insanely fast with super-high attack, defense and evasion, just using normal attacks. In my experience Pelting Strikes is overrated (it is not much faster than normal hits, and once Dual Wield gives you double-hits...).


    Warding Energy, while more or less useless against bosses (who basically wipe all its energy fast, if they hit you reasonably), it is godly against normal enemies who barely dent your HP. They probably wouldn't at all with Constitution above 75.


    While not having any aspect's Focus skill makes runes for Battle Stance and Warding Energy give bread crumbs per rune, I do not have to worry about the regeneration time penalty (since I don't use anything). Oh and I have Concentration (lv 1), to use both buffs at once. I don't switch.


    As for buying stuff at merchants. I don't even sell at merchants. If I encounter a vendor on my way, I'll sell all my junk for the better Gold, otherwise, I throw it away. My experience has been that loot that is usable (for my character) is pretty plentiful and vendors rarely sell orange or green items. I only keep items with pretty nice bonuses on them, I think vendors would fall short of supplying me with decent things.


    Though I guess we put emphasis on different things in our build. I haven't tried a build like yours. Just that seeing the damage amounts of combat arts for Seraphim is...rather depressing, if you consider that my normal melee damage is almost as good (and sometimes better).


    I hope I didn't seem needlessly confrontational, as it wasn't my intention. Just wanted to say what I thought of the build. It's no doubt a good guideline to make a solid build.

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