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Posts posted by Nalgfar

  1. Hi,

    Well got to say had some trouble with my pc so the more tan 4 reinstalls of the game and yes I do know that the game reactivates it self by desinstalling as long as you got an internet conecion.

    I only got one of the usb drives for internet with limited time 2 hours a day so I always used the revoke tool from the securom page because belive me with only 2 hours a day you won't wait till the game finishe it's desinstalling for the reactivacion, my case, just using the tool saved me a lot of time maybe it's just me but the desinstall takes a lot of time.

    And well I just had my key reactivated by securom a couple of days ago and I'm a bit less piffed off


    edited by gogoblender - no discussion of pirating allowed, please be careful of tone

  2. Well I don't know if I should cry or laugh

    just reinstaled my pc just as I did like always using the revoke tool for sacred 2 and then by reinstalling the games expansion it say's the key has been used to often and I am not able to activate it.

    What the hell !

    I mean I used the revoke tool this shouldn't happen !

    Ok ok just send an mail to securom asking them to solve my problem ......

    sending another mail asking for the same ......

    and again .... and again etc......

    It seems they not even care.

    Such an complete FECAL MATTER! I've never seen ever befor paying my good money for which I'm working hard for a game which then not even can be played because one of the cleverst had the big idea of frak the customers some more by adding this absolutly unecesary piece of trash.

    That's it im done with this one and will never ever buy again games which have the securom as copi proteccion.

  3. Well it seems to be better making an install for every pc than using the external.

    At the end will be the same pasting around saved files and on the top having slow performance.

    Thanks for your awnsers maybe the bring out some day an kind of external just for games would be really good having all games installed and ready for any pc could turn the pc in a kind console anyway im not familar with consoles but they also read the games directly from the dvd and there aren't any slow performances (at least as I can tell played just twice with my brothers psp 2).

    So long bye.

  4. Hi,

    Got a quick question about using sacred 2 with an external hard drive.

    Is it possible to play it from an external or would the game slow down and is there a way to change directory of the save games so it saves directly into the external drive insted of the one I got windows on.

    Ah and what about the activacion thing so if I use it on another pc just got to reactivate it am I right?

    Maybe there's a way to copi the activacion on the external aswell?

    At leaste the config will create it self wouldn't it ?

    Well at the end it wasn't that quick question xd.

    Thanks for your time.

  5. Ok got to think about the second focus anyway what about the alchemy skill is it worth taking ?

    Seems to give some nice extra buff if needed in a boss fight.

    And another stupid newbie question is it really required to take any of the weapon skills wouldn't it be the same just pushing lots of points into Tactics Lore so there'll be no need to just use one kind of weapon or I'm wrong.


  6. Hello,

    I'm new here and also to the game just leveld my SW to level 40 and now I'm thinking of making an reroll because the build I used had his focus on all 3 aspects and in the end I feelt like "master of all but nothing" so I would like to hear our ideas about the build I got in mind for my reroll.


    1.Tactics Lore

    2.Death Warrior Focus

    3.Armor Lore


    5.Sword Weapons

    6.Combat Discipline

    7.Concentration (don't know I've it is really required for I'm not going to use another buff than Grim Resilience)





    Well it's a bit basic I know but what should I say I like the classic rpg build more (by the way it comes closer to the sacred 1 gladiator )

    one aspect to concentrate on and some crafters skills (well don't know I've there is some to craft in alchemy at all but it sounds good)

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