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Posts posted by oogliefrank

  1. Title says it all. I'd rather spend my points in things that will increase my combat options/versatility as well as combat power. I unlike so many want the game to be easy. I want to mow stuff down etc...


    Do I really need to spend 2 of my skills and numerous skill points on these. The only person I know that plays Sacred 2 has said that he regrets having spent points on Enhanced Perception and that he does not notice a difference. Now he is only level 80 something so I don't know if there is a point at which it becomes more important or not.


    Please advise.

  2. I don't understand why there is even a discussion about this.


    Blazing Tempest for me has been at least 5x better than any other Area of Effect. I keep it at about 4.5-5 sec regen and fire away. Normally nothing but elites even makes it to me as everything else falls dead from the burn by the time it reaches me.


    Now admittedly this is only through Silver so can't speak to higher.


    It just seems to me respectfully that nothing else even compares.

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